Monday, September 30, 2024

Big Sis, Better Witch - Pt. 1

TL;DR: This is a story about a sister and brother being pretty mean to each other in creative ways, and having a lot of sex.  There’s a ton of size change.  Major themes include unapologetic incest, blackmail, degradation, lactation / breastfeeding, and girls with penises.  If you’re not down for all that, change the channel.  Don’t @ me

This story is the product of one person writing all the taboo kinks that spoke to them in a particular moment, and putting them into one story.  As such, it's possible I'll be the only person who enjoys this story.  There's probably something in here for everyone to not like.  All the same, I hope you come on this journey with me.

Content Warnings: Brother-sister incestdubious sexual consent, lactation, female cock growth, male cock shrinkingcuckolding, blackmail, threat of revenge porn, humiliation, non-consensual size change,  BDSM themes including: tickling, spanking, choking, hair pulling, and verbal degradation, arousal control, female growth, female shrinking, male shrinking, male growth, breast growth, male cock growth, muscle growth, muscle loss, mommy-dom themes, light fear play, sizes from 6 inches to 20ft, femdom, Underage alcohol consumption, Consensual pain during sex, Mommy Dom / Little play, crying, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat

Dead Dove, Do Not Eat?  If you don't know, Google it.  Basically, see those content tags up there?  All of them are in this story.  If you open this story, that's what you'll see.

Big Sis, Better Witch
by pseudoclever

My little sister’s growth spurt was getting out of hand.

It had started after her eighteenth birthday.  As recently as Christmas, Madison was laughably scrawny.  Our height charts in the kitchen tell the story.  She’d reached four-foot-four around her eleventh birthday, and then just… stopped.  As the two of us got older, I kept insisting that mom measure us every few months to see if maybe she hadn’t grown this time.  Even when we all knew damn well she hadn’t.

It was humiliating for her, I’m sure.  But it was fun for me to keep seeing my marks get higher and higher, while hers stayed the same.

That had been the story of her life.  Watching her older brother outgrow her.  Watching all her classmates hit puberty, start to develop, to out-class her in every way.  Well… almost every way.  Madison had an absolutely ridiculous pair of hooters.  They were G-cups the last time I snuck a look at her bra.  I’m not proud of it, but it was just sitting there in the dirty laundry.  I was curious, okay?

As long as I’m being honest here, I’ll go ahead and admit that I’ve never been particularly nice to her.  I teased her a lot – about her height, the size of her chest, whatever was handy.  If mom wasn’t around, things tended to get physical.  Nothing too bad – mostly just holding her down and tickling her until she gave up.  If you ever met her though, you’d agree she deserves it.  Because tiny or not, she’s always been a total brat.

Part of her bad behavior is just plain old sibling rivalry.  I’m a year older than her, and I totally lucked out in the genetic lottery.  Popular, good in school, good at sports.  I even managed to land a full-ride scholarship for college next fall.  Meanwhile, she was just this weird antisocial dwarf without a lot of friends.  She’s not good at hiding her jealousy, and what she lacks in stature, she more than makes up for in her ability to piss me off.

The worst thing though, is how mom always takes her side.  Telling me to be the bigger person, and count my blessings.  While the little shit is making faces at me from behind her back.  Even thinking about it right now is making me angry.

Anyway.  I was talking about her growth spurt.

It was just after spring break that I started noticing.  How Madison’s baggy hand-me-down shirts started to almost fit.  How she could reach things on the lower kitchen shelf without needing a step stool, or begging me for help.  From there, the changes got more obvious.  I swear I could see her getting bigger day by day.

Nobody in the house said anything about it.

Looking back, that was kind of weird.

I remember the first time it ever came up in conversation.  It was April, and I think she was around five feet tall.  We were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table eating breakfast.  Mom was hurrying to get to work.  She told us goodbye, and for the love of God please be good.  The door slammed behind her.

The very moment it did, Madison looked up from her cereal.

“I can see you staring at my chest,” she snarled.  “Stop it.”

I glared back.  “Don’t flatter yourself.  I wasn’t staring.  I was thinking about my date tonight actually.  If your dumb tits happened to be in my way, that’s your own fault.”

“I have eyes, Will.  You’re like three feet away.  I can see you looking down my shirt.  I’m your little sister, for God’s sake.  Exercise some self-control.”

“Okay, yeah.  We’re three feet apart.  And you’re wearing that low-cut top, without a bra.  And you’re so short, you’re resting your boobs on the table and like, pillowing them at me.  It’s entrapment.  How am I supposed to avoid looking at your fucking G-cups when you stick them right in my face?”

Madison pursed her lips, smirking at me.  “Hm.  They used to be G-cups.  But my boobs have grown a lot bigger since this growth spurt started.  How did you know what size they used to be, Will?”

I sneered at her, and didn’t say anything.

“You know how this is ending?” she asked.  “I think I’ll start a rumor about it at school.  How you were going through my underwear drawer, looking at my bras.  Everyone’s gonna think you’re a total pervo creep.”

Madison knew what came next.  She was already pushing back her chair, getting ready to run.  But we’ve played this game too many times, and I was ready for her tricks.

She tried to make it to her bedroom, to lock the door behind her.  She didn’t even make it to the stairs before I grabbed her around the waist.  Madison was already laughing, even before her punishment arrived.

I started tickling her.

“Stop!  Fucking… I’m going to tell mom!”

“That only means you’ll get it worse next time.”

She fought with me as I dragged her to the couch.  Kicking, and scratching, and laughing.  She had grown a lot, and she felt stronger in my arms too.  Like you could almost say she had biceps.  But I’m six-foot-two, and no slouch at the gym.  Even if she was kinda strong for her size, there really was no contest.

“Let me go you asshole!” she giggled.

I held her pinned beneath my armpit, face-down on the couch.  Running my fingers over all her most sensitive parts.  Her tummy, the back of her knees, the inside of her thighs.  I was really conscious of the weight of her breasts against my leg.  She was right – they had gotten bigger.

“Promise you won’t tell mom,” I snarled.

She held her breath.  But finally a giant sigh exploded from her lungs, and she started to cackle.

I pressed my advantage.  “You won’t tell anyone.  Say it.”

“I won’t!  I won’t!”

“Say you’re sorry!”

“I’m… ahhh!  Sorry!”

Usually I let her up as soon as she apologizes.  It’s only fair.  I’m not sure why, but this time I let it go on.  She screeched and struggled and swore at me.  And then she starting making this really weird noise – this soft, pathetic mewling from the back of her throat.

I sorta felt bad for her at that point.  Like she pissed me off, but I definitely hadn’t intended to take things this far.

I decided to give her a break.  I even wanted to let her feel like she won – because I really do try to be a nice guy.  I loosened my grip, and gave her a chance to escape.  

She didn’t take it, though.  Just buried her face in the couch, pressed herself into my hands, and let me keep tickling her.

I finally gave in and released her.  I was expecting her to stand up right away and run off.  But she didn’t.  She just lay across my lap, breathing hard, and shaking.

Her face was red and puffy when she finally stood up.  She wiped her eyes, and looked down at me with this pathetic expression.  I thought about apologizing.  I didn’t.

“You were, though,” she said, in a tiny voice.  “Staring at my tits.”

“Are you trying for round two here Madison?”

She shook her head, hard enough to make her bangs smack her in the face.

“Go wash up.  You’re a mess.”

Madison nodded.   She took two steps.  And then turned back to look at me.

“If my growth spurt keeps up, you won’t be able to do that to me anymore.  I’ll be too big for you.”

She said the words without emphasis.  Not a threat, or a prediction.  Just words.

“Even if we were the same size, I’d still be strong enough to turn you over my knee and make you cry for mercy.  And no way is any growth spurt on Earth getting you up to six-two.  You’ll always be less than me, Madison.”

She opened her mouth to say something.  But then she shut it, gave me a bratty-little-sister smile, and ran off to get ready for school.

I didn’t see Madison at all after we got home that night.  Which was weird.  Usually when my girlfriend is coming over, Madison finds a way to be underfoot.

Tiffany and I were in my bedroom.  We were watching a movie on my laptop.  Ostensibly.  Actually, we were making out.  We’d been together for about a month, and so far, making out was all we’d done.  I really wanted to take things further tonight, and I had the feeling she did too.  In my humble opinion, Tiffany was the hottest girl in school.  Long blonde hair, perfect softball sized breasts.  And she had this really adorable way of half-moaning, half-laughing whenever I stuck my tongue in her ear.

It was only thirty minutes until her curfew, and things were starting to get hot and heavy.  She was breathing hard on my neck, and I had my hand under her shirt.  My fingers were massaging up her back.

“You can do whatever you want with me,” she whispered.

My hands shook with eagerness.  I started to unhook her bra.

“But shut the door first.”

I froze.

“What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked.

“Nothing.  Give me a second.”

I stood up, tucking my erection into my jeans so it wasn’t too obvious.  I was completely sure I’d already shut that door, and I had a sneaking suspicion I knew who opened it.  In three quick steps I was out in the hall.  I half expected to find Madison – on her knees, caught in the act of watching us.  But she was nowhere to be found.

I tip-toed down the hall to her bedroom.  I peeked around the door… and saw her playing some computer game, listening to her headphones.  Her back was turned, and she was acting like she didn’t know I was there.  She almost had me fooled, she really did.  Except I could see the little pink blush on her neck – a dead-giveaway that she’s trying to get away with something – and she was also sweating a little.

Plus her headphones weren’t plugged in.

Tiffany was still sitting on my bed.  “Let me guess.  Madison was spying on us.”

“Beauty and brains.  You really are the whole package.”  I kissed her.

She returned it, but it was more a casual kiss, nowhere near as intense as before.  Apparently the mood was gone.  “It’s the third time she’s tried to watch us make out.”

I cracked my knuckles.  “Don’t worry.  I’ll set her straight.”

“Make sure you tell me how that goes.  In detail.  But honestly, I feel kind of sorry for her.”

“Seriously?  You’re not creeped out?”

“Hmm?  A little.  I guess.  But she’s no threat.  She's one of the least popular girls in school.  She always sits off to the side at lunch, and she never talks to anyone.  I know a couple people who are curious about her – what with all the growing she’s been doing, and her, you know….”

“Huge boobs?”

“Those, yeah.  But something about her puts people off.  Or maybe like, she’s trying to keep them away.”

I’d seen Madison’s little sulking act first hand.  We’d shared second and fourth periods last spring, and I don’t think I ever saw her talk to anyone but the teachers.  I could probably have tried to get her to open up, introduce her to a few people.  It seemed like too much of a hassle.

“So I get it,” Tiffany was saying.  “Why she’d be curious.”

I scoffed.  “About her brother’s sex life?”

“About her hot brother’s sex life,” she corrected.  “Assuming he actually has one.”

I grinned, and gently pushed her back down on the bed.  “Well that’s up to you, isn’t it?”

When I reached for her chest, she rolled toward me.  Pressing her breast into my palm, arching her back.  She moaned, almost theatrically loud.

I looked over my shoulder, making sure the door was still closed.  “What, do you actually want my sister to overhear?”

Tiffany pursed her lips, and seemed to consider the question for a long time.  “I don’t know.  The idea is kind of… sexy.  Don’t you think?”

“Okay, but if you get any louder my mom will hear us from downstairs.”

“Now that’s definitely sexy.”

I laughed.  Sure now that she was kidding.  Tiffany has a great sense of humor.

I almost succeeded in undressing her, because this time she was helping me.  But then we heard my mom’s footsteps on the stairs, and had to get back to just watching the movie, fast.  Mom knocked, and told me it was time for the two of us to say goodnight.

At the front door, I kissed Tiffany again.

“Hey,” she said, softly.  “Just so your sister really has something to be jealous about.”

She lifted her shirt, flipped up the cups of her bra.  And flashed me.

I made it back upstairs, still feeling dazed.  Madison was lying on her bed, typing on her phone.  Resolutely ignoring me.  I thought about confronting her, telling her I knew she’d been spying.  But I knew she’d deny it, and we’d just get in a stupid fight.  I’d end up tickling her, and mom would have to break it up.

So I got in my own bed, and thought about happier things.  The sheets still smelled like Tiffany.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Outrun the Bear

 Another entry in the September Kinky Scribble challenge by Elle Largesse (@mighttinygiant on Twitter)!

This one is a steamy (heh) locker room scene.  About the competitive drive, and savoring every little victory.  And a reminder, that the smallest thing can change the world.

CW: Shrinking woman, growing woman, mini-gts, public humiliation, betrayal, rivalry, crying, consensual sexy wrestling

Outrun the Bear
by pseudoclever
Total Writing and Editing Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
1115 words

The girls’ locker room was filled with steam.  Clouds of it billowed from the shower area, little wisps blowing to condense in droplets on the tile walls.  The West Charlotte Spiders had pulled off yet another victory, a win in the first game of the playoffs, to cap their undefeated season.  Despite this, the room was silent, with none of the excited chatter you’d expect after a blow-out win.

Partly it was because their numbers had dwindled.  The league technically allowed a roster of twelve, but only nine remained.   There was a somber feeling in the room, as everyone tried to ignore what was happening in the corner.

Sydney and Ella were being dressed down.

“Your performance has been sorely lacking in these last few games.  Mental mistakes, unforced errors.  Not to mention your off-the-court conduct.  I’ve been looking the other way at your little daliances, but it’s clear your relationship is becoming a distraction.”

Ava paused, smirking down at them, allowing her words to sink in.  Even sitting, she was almost as tall as Ella.  The girl was still among the tallest in the league at five-foot-three.  Even so, she shook like a leaf.  

Sydney, on the other hand, stared back at her resolutely.  Their former star player had fallen so far: from the lofty heights of six-foot-four last season, to a lowly four-eight.  It was only the lowering standards around the league that allowed her to stay competitive at that height.  Every single team had seen their girls steadily dwindle smaller.  No one was immune.

No one.  Except Ava.  The certain league-MVP, in no small part due to her unaccountable growth spurt.  She made no secret of her height – six-eleven, as of the start of their most recent game.  She hadn’t bothered to change out of her uniform yet, and despite having it refitted just last week, she filled it to practically bursting.  She’d removed her shoes to stretch out her poor, aching toes.

“I’ll allow both of you to stay on the team,” Ava purred.  “Consider it an act of sympathy, for your formerly adequate service.  If.  The two of you promise to end your relationship.  Right now.”

Ella stiffened, and shot a guilty look at her shorter girlfriend.  Around the locker room, the other girls were gathering.  Watching, while pretending not to watch.  All eyes were on little Sydney.

Sydney, however, stared unflinching back at her giantess team captain.

The silence played out.  And it became increasingly clear that no answer would come.

God, Ava thought.  Sydney was such a little firecracker.  It almost made her miss the days when the girl had towered over her.  When Sydney had been able to drag Ava into the locker room shower after a game.  Shove her against the cold tile, strip her sweat-dapple uniform from her back while still holding her pinned with just one hand.  If only Sydney hadn’t ended things between them, events might have turned out very differently.  For them.  For the entire world.

Ah well.  A mark of a good team captain was the ability to stay focused on the future.

“One of you is getting cut,” Ava declared.  “Both from the team.  And, down to size.”

The giantess reached into her gym bag and withdrew a neon-pink dollar store squirt gun.  On its side was a little sticker, with a logo all of them knew.  It was fast becoming the most well-known symbol on Earth, and it just happened to signify the bio-medical company that her father owned.

None of the other girls were being subtle now.  They had all gathered to watch.

Ava smirked, and set the squirt gun on the floor.  Precisely between Sydney and Ella.  The tragic little lovers.

“Do you know what they say about how to outrun a bear in the forest?”  Ava stood to her massive height, and stepped back among her teammates.  Not one of them was tall enough to reach the bottoms of her breasts.  “You don’t have to be faster than the bear.  You just have to be faster than your slowest friend.  Or in this case, your smallest.”

Sydney narrowed her eyes in anger.  Even now, her gaze remained resolutely locked on Ava.  Her former lover.  Her betrayer.

It was only Ella that finally made her look away.  The taller munchkin, easily side-tackling Sydney to the floor.  The girl rolled nimbly, her agility poetry in motion as she prepared to spring back to her feet.  But she looked up just in time to see Ella – hand shaking, clutching the pink plastic gun, the barrel an inch from her face.

“I’m so sorry,” Ella squeaked.

She pulled the trigger.

The most delicious thing, as far as Ava was concerned, was not the moment Sydney started to shrink.  Nor was it the tears of regret pouring down Ella’s face, as she pulled the trigger again and again, apologizing each time, her voice growing loud and shrill as she shrank her lover into insignificance.

It was the look of submission on Sydney’s face.  A look she had longed to see for years, for as long as their rivalry had lasted.  The girl sank beneath four feet, then three.  There was fear in it, and that was nice.  But far more satisfying was the look of defeat – the knowledge that she had at last, once and for all, lost to Ava.

The other girls dispersed in silence.  The giantess continued to watch.  In time, even Ella made her way to the showers, after delicately returning the squirt gun into Ava’s outstretched palm.  

The steam continued to swirl about them in fascinating patterns.

No one was there to notice when a new steam began to rise, from the mewling little two-foot Sydney.  The blue-gray color was more the shade of smoke, but barely noticeable as different than the shower fog.  

Ava stood above her former rival.  Legs spread wide.  Breathing it in.

Most of the essence that rose was impossible to capture.  It was caught by the ventilation system, where it would rise into the atmosphere.  All that size and potential, forever lost.  That was okay, Ava thought.  A little taste of victory was enough.

She bit her lip, holding back a moan.  Her outfit grew taut around her swelling breasts, her growing thighs pressed against the snug nylon of her gym shorts.  It was over too soon.  But it might, possibly, have been enough for her to reach that vaunted plateau she’d been chasing: seven feet tall.

It was just another milestone in her illustrious career.  With some difficulty, she stripped out of her uniform, and went to join the other girls in the shower.  

She was already thinking about tomorrow’s game.

Friday, September 6, 2024

A Song of Devotion

 Image Credit: Rise Bosch

Welcome to my first entry in this year's #SeptKinkyScribble Challenge, hosted by the incomparable and search-banned Elle Largesse.

The conceit?  Write a story.  Write it quick.  Do minimal edits.  Publish it.  Do not, under any circumstances, over-think it.

This 1056-word story took approximately two hours to write and edit.

Minor Eve's Boutique Spoiler Warning.  This takes place in the EB universe, and contains characters you'd recognize, but it only gives away things you'd learn in the first third of the book.  This story is canon, but I'm not saying when it happens in the timeline relative to the events of EB.

This story is romantic, but 100% safe for work.  Sorry, fellow perverts.  I'll do better next time.

The plot of this story is almost entirely based on an Indigo Girls song.  Don't take legal action, there's no commercial applications.  And like... I'm sure Amy and Emily are just sooo litigious. 

Content Tags: Safe for work, Shrunken woman, Mini-giantess, muscle growth, romance, depression, Indigo Girls fan faction

A Song of Devotion
by pseudoclever

It was a late November morning on the farm.  The sky was the cloudless blue of unshed tears.  There was so little color this time of year.  The bright orange and red of fall had faded to winter gray.  All around them the trees stood useless, swaying somber in the breeze.

Alana stood on the porch, shivering in the wind.  It was unseasonably cold for this time of year, and her outfit didn’t offer much protection.  Doll clothes weren’t meant for outdoor work.

The eight-inch girl sighed, and surveyed the fallow land.  “There’s only one thing left to do before winter comes.  But it’s a dirty task, and I’m in no position to help.”

“I’m up for it.  Just tell me what to do.”

Eve stood at the bottom stair.  The girl bounced on her toes, limbering up for the day ahead.  There were few things Eve enjoyed more than having orders to follow.  Her body spoke of the joy of it: she’d been over eight feet tall for the last month, utterly towering over Alana.  The two made quite the pair, especially when you considered physiques.  Eve was broad-shouldered and powerfully muscled these days, the build of a well-fed lumberjack.  Alana couldn’t have asked for a better farmhand.

“Alright,” Alana said.  “But feel free to change your mind when you hear what I’m asking.  You know the pine trees, out on the west end?  Three of them died this year.  They’re liable to fall right on the fence if we get a storm.  We need to take them down before that happens”

“Can do.”  The muscular giantess hoisted an axe, grinning from ear to ear.

“This isn’t going to be fun,” Alana told her.  “They’re covered in old sap.  A hundred feet tall at least, and you can’t grow too big.  The Henderson Farm is out that way, and they’ll make trouble if they see you.”

Eve nodded, already walking off.

“Wait.  Why don’t you do this tomorrow?  I can knit you something.  A sweater maybe.  Even at this size, I can find enough magic to do that.  The weather’s turned too cold for what you’re wearing.”

The witch turned, adjusting her bedsheet toga.  “Have we really never talked about this?  I don’t feel cold.  As in, I don’t have the capacity to sense it.  Never have.”

“I bet you aren’t immune to it.  That’s all the more reason to be cautious.”

Eve leaned against her axe.  “True.  But that just means I need to work up a sweat.  Stay warm, the way humans have for thousands of years.”

The eight-inch woman narrowed her eyes.

“I know my own body,” Eve said gently.  “I’m not in danger.  I promise.”

Alana chewed her lip, then sighed.  “Okay.  Sorry.  I… shouldn’t second-guess you like that.  I trust you.”

“Oh!” The axe clattered to the ground.  Eve’s hands covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes.  “You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that.”

The giantess stomped forward, knelt at the base of the stairs, lifted Alana with both hands.  They looked at each other shyly for a moment, and then Eve kissed her.  Her lips utterly engulfed the tiny woman, half the length of Alana’s body at least.  They were cool to the touch, and faintly chapped.

“We can have some fun,” Eve whispered.  “Later tonight, after the work’s done.  There are so many things I can do with you, Alana.  With your trust.  You just have to say the word.”

Alana looked away shyly, and nodded.  “Yes.  Please.”

A long silence played out between them.  The wind howled.

“There’s more you want to say,” Eve said softly.  “I can feel it, like a thorn stuck in your paw.  Do you want to let it out?  If not, we can leave it for now.”

The eight-inch girl sighed dramatically.  “You and your empathy powers.”

“Do you really think I need them to know something’s bothering you?”

“I suppose not.  It’s just… what even is the point of this, anymore?  Letting one day turn into the next.  Mending fences that don’t need to exist.  Those trees… Eve, I changed my mind.  Don’t cut them down, okay?  They’ll fall this winter, and the Hendersons will complain.  But if they take out the fence… maybe that’s okay.  Actually.  As soon as I’m not stuck at this size, let’s take the whole fence down together.”

“Fences aren’t the problem.  They’re necessary.  The Hendersons exist – that’s all the proof we need.  Besides that… Alana, you built that fence, stone by stone, with your own two hands.  You built it for me, for us.  That fence is your love.  I’m honored to help maintain it, even when you can’t.”

The tiny woman smiled, and rest her hand on Eve’s lip.  “I just wish I could help.  I feel so useless when I’m this small.”

“Believe me, I know what it’s like to be size-stuck.  I’ve been eight-foot-six since we got here, and it’s getting old.  But as for being useless… I sometimes forget, you aren’t a witch the way I am.  Don’t you know what winter is for?”

“It’s when things are at their worst.  It’s a period you just have to survive, so you can see spring come.”

Eve mussed the girl’s hair.  “Wrong.  Winter is a period of renewal and reflection.  Of plowing under what’s old, and giving it time to rest.  Even if it looks like nothing is changing, that inaction is the whole point.  In other words, winter is a time for doing nothing.”

“Then… come do nothing with me today.” Alana smiled at her hopefully.

“Soon.  Let me protect your fences first.”

Alana’s face fell.

“But you can help,” Eve went on.  “Even at this size.  For one thing, I could use a little company.  You have a lovely singing voice.  Why don’t you sing me a work song?”

The tiny woman felt herself being lifted.  Eve sat her upon her shoulder, and curled off a lock of long black hair to use as a hand-hold.  Together, they trudged off toward the pines.

“That isn’t the song I want to sing you,” Alana said softly.  “It’s something more down-tempo, not appropriate for chopping down trees.”

“No problem, my love.  I’ll listen to whatever you want to sing.” 

“Thanks, Eve.  For trusting me, too.”