Sunday, September 22, 2024

Outrun the Bear

 Another entry in the September Kinky Scribble challenge by Elle Largesse (@mighttinygiant on Twitter)!

This one is a steamy (heh) locker room scene.  About the competitive drive, and savoring every little victory.  And a reminder, that the smallest thing can change the world.

CW: Shrinking woman, growing woman, mini-gts, public humiliation, betrayal, rivalry, crying, consensual sexy wrestling

Outrun the Bear
by pseudoclever
Total Writing and Editing Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
1115 words

The girls’ locker room was filled with steam.  Clouds of it billowed from the shower area, little wisps blowing to condense in droplets on the tile walls.  The West Charlotte Spiders had pulled off yet another victory, a win in the first game of the playoffs, to cap their undefeated season.  Despite this, the room was silent, with none of the excited chatter you’d expect after a blow-out win.

Partly it was because their numbers had dwindled.  The league technically allowed a roster of twelve, but only nine remained.   There was a somber feeling in the room, as everyone tried to ignore what was happening in the corner.

Sydney and Ella were being dressed down.

“Your performance has been sorely lacking in these last few games.  Mental mistakes, unforced errors.  Not to mention your off-the-court conduct.  I’ve been looking the other way at your little daliances, but it’s clear your relationship is becoming a distraction.”

Ava paused, smirking down at them, allowing her words to sink in.  Even sitting, she was almost as tall as Ella.  The girl was still among the tallest in the league at five-foot-three.  Even so, she shook like a leaf.  

Sydney, on the other hand, stared back at her resolutely.  Their former star player had fallen so far: from the lofty heights of six-foot-four last season, to a lowly four-eight.  It was only the lowering standards around the league that allowed her to stay competitive at that height.  Every single team had seen their girls steadily dwindle smaller.  No one was immune.

No one.  Except Ava.  The certain league-MVP, in no small part due to her unaccountable growth spurt.  She made no secret of her height – six-eleven, as of the start of their most recent game.  She hadn’t bothered to change out of her uniform yet, and despite having it refitted just last week, she filled it to practically bursting.  She’d removed her shoes to stretch out her poor, aching toes.

“I’ll allow both of you to stay on the team,” Ava purred.  “Consider it an act of sympathy, for your formerly adequate service.  If.  The two of you promise to end your relationship.  Right now.”

Ella stiffened, and shot a guilty look at her shorter girlfriend.  Around the locker room, the other girls were gathering.  Watching, while pretending not to watch.  All eyes were on little Sydney.

Sydney, however, stared unflinching back at her giantess team captain.

The silence played out.  And it became increasingly clear that no answer would come.

God, Ava thought.  Sydney was such a little firecracker.  It almost made her miss the days when the girl had towered over her.  When Sydney had been able to drag Ava into the locker room shower after a game.  Shove her against the cold tile, strip her sweat-dapple uniform from her back while still holding her pinned with just one hand.  If only Sydney hadn’t ended things between them, events might have turned out very differently.  For them.  For the entire world.

Ah well.  A mark of a good team captain was the ability to stay focused on the future.

“One of you is getting cut,” Ava declared.  “Both from the team.  And, down to size.”

The giantess reached into her gym bag and withdrew a neon-pink dollar store squirt gun.  On its side was a little sticker, with a logo all of them knew.  It was fast becoming the most well-known symbol on Earth, and it just happened to signify the bio-medical company that her father owned.

None of the other girls were being subtle now.  They had all gathered to watch.

Ava smirked, and set the squirt gun on the floor.  Precisely between Sydney and Ella.  The tragic little lovers.

“Do you know what they say about how to outrun a bear in the forest?”  Ava stood to her massive height, and stepped back among her teammates.  Not one of them was tall enough to reach the bottoms of her breasts.  “You don’t have to be faster than the bear.  You just have to be faster than your slowest friend.  Or in this case, your smallest.”

Sydney narrowed her eyes in anger.  Even now, her gaze remained resolutely locked on Ava.  Her former lover.  Her betrayer.

It was only Ella that finally made her look away.  The taller munchkin, easily side-tackling Sydney to the floor.  The girl rolled nimbly, her agility poetry in motion as she prepared to spring back to her feet.  But she looked up just in time to see Ella – hand shaking, clutching the pink plastic gun, the barrel an inch from her face.

“I’m so sorry,” Ella squeaked.

She pulled the trigger.

The most delicious thing, as far as Ava was concerned, was not the moment Sydney started to shrink.  Nor was it the tears of regret pouring down Ella’s face, as she pulled the trigger again and again, apologizing each time, her voice growing loud and shrill as she shrank her lover into insignificance.

It was the look of submission on Sydney’s face.  A look she had longed to see for years, for as long as their rivalry had lasted.  The girl sank beneath four feet, then three.  There was fear in it, and that was nice.  But far more satisfying was the look of defeat – the knowledge that she had at last, once and for all, lost to Ava.

The other girls dispersed in silence.  The giantess continued to watch.  In time, even Ella made her way to the showers, after delicately returning the squirt gun into Ava’s outstretched palm.  

The steam continued to swirl about them in fascinating patterns.

No one was there to notice when a new steam began to rise, from the mewling little two-foot Sydney.  The blue-gray color was more the shade of smoke, but barely noticeable as different than the shower fog.  

Ava stood above her former rival.  Legs spread wide.  Breathing it in.

Most of the essence that rose was impossible to capture.  It was caught by the ventilation system, where it would rise into the atmosphere.  All that size and potential, forever lost.  That was okay, Ava thought.  A little taste of victory was enough.

She bit her lip, holding back a moan.  Her outfit grew taut around her swelling breasts, her growing thighs pressed against the snug nylon of her gym shorts.  It was over too soon.  But it might, possibly, have been enough for her to reach that vaunted plateau she’d been chasing: seven feet tall.

It was just another milestone in her illustrious career.  With some difficulty, she stripped out of her uniform, and went to join the other girls in the shower.  

She was already thinking about tomorrow’s game.

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