Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Burying the Hatchet - Conclusion


The witch softened under her advances, practically melting as Abigail pressed into her.  She felt Lilith smile wickedly through the kiss – and suddenly she bit down against Abigail’s bottom lip.

Abby flinched.  It had taken her by surprise, and Lilith's teeth were sharp.

“Oops.  My mistake, I didn't think you were that fragile.”  The witch grinned innocently up from Abigail’s lap.

Abby grinned in return.  “I'm going to get you for that.”


In a flash, Abigail lifted the tiny woman, and slammed her naked back against a nearby tree.  Holding her with her feet dangling high above the ground.

Lilith's eyes widened.


She sank her teeth into the woman’s shoulder – gently at first.  Lilith moaned as she slowly increased the pressure, grabbing Abigail for support, wrapping her thighs around her waist.  Abby indulged her, leaning in until she felt a wet spot of warmth plush against her stomach.

The witch groaned.  “That feels really good.  You can… bite harder.  A lot harder, actually.  If you want.”

Abby laughed in her face.  And began to lick her instead.  Her face, her neck, the tops of her breasts.  Lilith squealed and struggled, but Abigail held her fast.  There was something feral, almost lupine about it – as though she were grooming the woman, and making a point as she did.  Lilith's skin was salty with sweat, and beneath that was the bitter tang of cigarettes, and deeper still, the honey-sweetness of her body wash.

Gradually, she gave in to what Lilith wanted.  Mixing in little nips and bites, as she explored her body.  The witch moaned especially loud when these bites fell on her tits, or the soft parts of her thighs.  By now her hair was a mess, her expression wild.

“Please,” the smaller woman gasped.  Then began to say it over and over, as Abigail lapped down her tummy.  “Please.  Please.  Please!

She considered taunting Lilith about this.  But it would've been a waste of words to ask, ‘please what,’ when they both knew the answer.  And the word itself was already the second-highest currency Lilith could offer.  Abigail accepted it.

She lifted the witch higher, used her thumbs to force her legs apart, and dove face-first into her cunt.

It turned out Lilith shared another trait with Eve, besides the glowing of her eyes: the girl was unreasonably wet.  Abigail wondered for a moment if it was something common among all the members of their order – before Lilith snapped her back to reality.  She grabbed a fistful of Abigail’s hair, let out a death metal scream, and had her first orgasm of the night.  It hadn't even been ten seconds.

Abby didn't bother to count after that.  Lilith was voracious, insatiable, and it took hardly any effort to push her over the edge.  Partly it was that the witch had a hair trigger.  But even in this moment, the two of them were good conversationalists.  Lilith's moans had the power of language, communicating precisely where Abigail should direct her attentions.  And Abigail told Lilith how to move, when to lie back or lean forward, with the faintest tilting of her head.  A few times, she had to make it clear that she needed Lilith to stop squeezing so hard with her thighs – the witch was tiny, but powerful.

They went until Abigail’s jaw began to cramp.  By then the alcohol was starting to catch up with her.  She wished she had brought some water.  But in its absence, she needed to get off her feet for a while.

She pulled Lilith away from the tree, dropped her to the ground on her back.  The woman looked up as Abigail towered over her.

“My turn,” Abby growled.  “You’re gonna get me off now, understand?”

Lilith nodded emphatically, and beckoned her closer.

Abigail knelt, dropped low, prepared to sit on the witch's face.  What a treat that she didn't have to be gentle.  She was going to grind this girl into the dust….


Abby waited.  “Everything okay?”

The witch gazed back, a transcendent smile splitting her face from ear to ear.  “Yeah, I'm good.  I wanted to know… can I use magic for this?”

She laughed. “You're asking my permission?”

Lilith blew a lock of hair out of her eyes. “Can you understand why I’d want your enthusiastic consent for something like that?  Especially right now?”

“Yeah, I can.  Sorry for teasing you.”  Abigail thought for a moment.  “I think… for right now… no using magic to get me off.”

The witch looked disappointed.

“Not for our first time, I mean.  I want to see what you can do with your natural skills.  Next time, you can magic me into a fuck-coma for all I care.”

“Who says there's going to be a next time?”

Abigail laughed again.  Lilith laughed with her.

“But I specifically mean no sex magic,” Abby went on.  “There's no reason you have to be beneath me.  Metaphorically, anyway.  Like you said: you don't have to pretend you're less than you are to make me comfortable.”

The witch smiled, and began to grow.  Abigail was obligated to spread her thighs to accommodate her.  In only a few seconds, Lilith had matched her height of nine feet.

The mini-giantess gave her a playful kiss on the labia.  Then went to work.

Right away, Abigail knew she was in trouble.  Lilith was just too good.  Oftentimes, noises Abby made in bed were a bit theatrical, intended to encourage her partner.  Not here.  Every moan, every yip and howl, was absolutely torn from her.  She was powerless to stop them.  Lilith knew it, too.  She could only see the woman’s glowing eyes, but even that was enough to be sure Lilith was smirking.

“Hey, Abigail?” the woman asked sweetly, a few minutes in – blessedly giving her a break.


“I've been thinking.  This height I'm at now.  It doesn't actually represent our normal difference.  I should be bigger, if I’m compensating for your present size.  I’m naturally five-nine.  And you're what, four-seven?”

“Actually these days, my average is more like–”

Her words cut off in a scream as Lilith went back to eating her out, growing bigger with every lick.   She quickly reached the height difference she'd described – head and shoulders taller than Abby – and didn't slow for a moment.  She was large enough that Abigail was at her mercy, a mere plaything, even if she was technically on top.  And then the woman’s growth accelerated.  She felt herself lifted bodily by Lilith’s chest, her knees no longer able to reach the forest floor.  Lilith's tongue flicked, her fingers thrust, all of them getting bigger by the second.  Abigail’s voice cracked.  Her throat was getting hoarse.

And still, Lilith grew.

She was three times Abigail’s size now, almost filling the clearing.  She held Abigail to her lips with tender hands that wrapped fully around her body, massaging her like a stress toy.  The witch was holding in her growth now.  Saving it up, then gaining height in large pulses each time Abigail came.  As though claiming a victory.

And then, Lilith began to edge her.

Abigail was near her physical limit by that point.  She held on as best she could, weathering the assault.  Lilith was simply toying with her, not going to let her cum that final time until she was damn well ready.  From the look of savage glee in her eyes, the witch might very well go on like this until sun up.  Abigail knew she could end it by simply raising her hand and calling a surrender.  She glared petulantly down at the smirking witch, sweat dripping from her bangs.

“Not bad,” the giantess purred.  “I'm honestly impressed you made it this far without breaking.  You're tougher than you look, babygirl.  So I’ll grant you my mercy.  I'm going to count backward from one hundred….”

“Please,” Abigail interrupted.


“I….”  Abigail held up her hand, palm out.  “I don't want to count backward.  You're really fucking good, Lilith.  Okay?  You won.  So.  Finish me.  Please.”

Lilith inhaled sharply.  Then clamped down, and did something with her tongue that made Abigail's vision go black.

As she came, she felt the witch swell beneath her.  So big now that her cheeks forced Abigail’s thighs all the way apart as she grew.  Yet it seemed oddly muted.  A relatively small growth spurt, for accepting the surrender of an old enemy.

Abigail wondered at it.  She would've expected Lilith to really lord the victory over her in this moment.  Why was she holding back?

The sensation that followed came on suddenly.  Abigail recognized it at once, though feeling it from this source was an utter shock – like lightning out of a clear blue sky.  Her own body began to swell, expanding rapidly in all directions, fast enough to more than keep pace with Lilith.  Abigail moaned out in ecstasy, her fingers digging into the dirt.  Her body doubled in size, then doubled again.  In the space of five seconds, her growth had all but erased Lilith's height advantage.

In the aftermath, the two women stared at each other.  Both of them were blushing furiously.

“Can you usually do that?” Abigail whispered.  “Make someone else grow?  Eve said she can’t, except under, um, very specific circumstances.  But there's no way you feel that for me.  Right?  Because–”

“Abby, shut up.”  The blue-haired giantess scrunched her face in thought, clearly wrestling with an uncomfortable idea.  Lilith had a beautifully expressive face, and Abigail had a front row seat to watch her transition through at least a dozen emotions in as many seconds.

Finally, her expression resolved into a timid smile.  She leaned forward, and experimentally licked Abigail again.

Abby moaned – and grew bigger.

They sat together after that.  There were things to be decided.  Midnight bargains to be struck.  At first, Lilith was still bigger.  Her clever fingers helped Abigail to close the gap.  Then the two of them took turns outgrowing each other, as they explored the bounds of their new relationship.

They startled a flock of crows as they crested the trees together.  Abigail confessed she'd always liked them, not least because of their pluralization – murder.  Lilith agreed.  Another thing they had in common.

Words eventually failed them.  They found a position where they could sit, and mutually exchange pleasure.  Breathing hot, muffling moans with soul kisses.  The world around them became increasingly insignificant.

When they finally stopped – by mutual decree – they were so big that they towered over every tree in the forest.  High enough to see the garish city light glow, hundreds of miles away on the horizon.  Abigail did a little math, and put the lower bound of their height at three hundred feet.  She could've figured it out more precisely, but she had better things to think about.

The wind was intense, and a little cold up here.  Lilith hugged her.  She hugged back.  Lilith’s long blue hair ruffled, stirring about them in a pretty little whirlwind.

High above, that same wind parted the clouds.  And at last, the strawberry moon shone down.  Tempting, and friendly, and two days from full.

Lilith met her eye.  Then, deliberately, fixed the moon with an angry smile.  She threw back her head, and howled in her high-timbred voice.

Abby’s first instinct was to shush her.  There were at least three towns close enough to hear that.  Big body, big voice, and who knew the consequences.

But the immediate consequences were just the coyotes.  Howling along in agreement.

“We howl at the moon,” Lilith said – suddenly shy again.  “You in?”

Abigail had read somewhere that howling at the moon was a misnomer.  Coyotes, or wolves for that matter, didn't do that.  Probably those coyotes were howling to mark out territory, or express their ennui.  More likely, it was because they were aware there were two giant somethings in the forest tonight, and everyone better take care.

But there were lots of other reasons canines howled.  Including, to celebrate a successful hunt.

She favored Lilith with a smile.  Took a deep breath, and howled at the top of her lungs.

They went on like that.  Trading howls, pausing in between to giggle, or share a kiss.  And celebrated their new pack.

Big Sis, Better Witch, Pt. 2

Note: To remain compliant with site content policies, future chapters will be posted on Giantess City, Giantess World, and Archive of Our Own.  Additional chapters will not be posted to this blog.

Big Sis, Better Witch - Archive of Our Own

Chapter 2

Madison was polite to me for a days.  I actually thought she’d learned her lesson – but of course it didn’t last.  Within a week she was back to her bratty self: saying snarky things under her breath so mom couldn’t hear, calling me out if I even looked in the direction of her chest.  It was almost like she was trying to pick a fight.  I exercised some heroic-level restraint, and only held her down and tickled the life out of her twice a month or so.  It was kind of fun to tease her for that mewling noise she made whenever I did it.

The weather warmed up, and by May my sister was wearing exclusively low-cut shirts.  Like, stuff that was pushing against our school’s dress code limits, and she hardly ever wore a bra.  I caught myself staring a few times, because I’m a guy, and there’s only so much self-control I can exert over that stuff.

That crazy-fast growth spurt she was having just kept going.  She casually mentioned to me that she was five-two the morning school let out – not like I’d asked.  The first week of July she reported over breakfast that she was up to five-four: “As tall as an average girl my age.” 

And it wasn’t just her height.  Her already oversized chest was growing, too.  She didn’t update me on this, but the way she was showing it off made it impossible to miss.  Beyond that, she actually looked kinda fit.  Like one of the girls on the rowing team.  I don’t know how she was putting on muscle, because she damn sure wasn’t going to the gym.  Madison is notoriously lazy.  With school out, she hardly left her room.

I didn’t see Tiffany a lot during those months.  She was always busy with something – touring colleges, counseling at a summer camp.  On top of that, mom got wise to what we were doing in my bedroom.  (Madison probably tipped her off, though I can’t prove it.)  She ordered us to start keeping my bedroom door open whenever we were alone.  Tiffany still seemed game to fool around, but it would’ve been too weird.  And going over to her place wasn’t an option either – her dad’s a total drill sergeant, and I don’t think he likes me very much.

I did get to feel her up in a movie theater once.  We got thrown out when an usher caught me with my hand down her pants.  That was a pretty good date.

It was around the middle of July when Madison’s growth spurt finally came to an end.  She was five-six by then, and it was a freaking miracle she’d grown more than a foot in just six months.  Especially at an age when most people are finished growing.  She got sullen about it though.  Which suited me – if she was off somewhere pouting, she wasn’t around to brat at me, or flash her tits in my face.

It was August when mom announced she had a business trip coming up.  She laid down about thirty rules: who could come over (no one); what we were allowed to eat (leftovers); and the consequences if we threw a party (dire.)  Madison and I shared a look as mom lectured us.  We may not agree on much, but with a single glance we’d made a pact that those rules were out the window as soon as mom was past the driveway.

But then mom surprised us.  She opened her purse, and handed me a credit card and the car keys.

“No fair!” Madison howled at once.  “Why are you giving those to Will?”

“I’m a year older, stupid.  Obviously I’m in charge.”

“No, pumpkin,” mom corrected.  I’m in charge.  You’re only allowed to use these tokens of authority at my discretion.  Specifically, you need to go shopping for college.  You’re also going to buy your sister a new wardrobe while you’re at it.  Madison, you’re too big for hand-me-downs anymore.”

I huffed.  “I don’t want to watch her try on clothes.  Why can’t you take her?”

“I’m too busy getting ready for this trip.”

“Then she could go alone!”

“The man speaks reason,” Madison said.

Mom smiled coldly.  “Think of this like two-factor authentication.  She tells you what she wants, you swipe the card.  Mutually assured destruction, if one of you wants to get up to mischief.  Likewise, she’s going to make sure your purchases are sane and sensible.  And to be clear, I will be looking at my billing statement.  I’ll know if you cheat.”

Behind mom’s back, Madison pointed to her enormous tits, then to her eyes.  She drew her finger across her throat.  Translation: stare at these while I’m changing and you’re dead.

As soon as I had the chance, I silently flipped Madison the bird.  When mom turned her back again, Madison returned the gesture, smiling.

It was the last night before mom went out of town, and I had gone downstairs to get a drink.  I was heading back to my bedroom when I heard a weird noise coming from Madison’s room.  I paused, trying to figure out what it was.  It was that little mewling noise she made whenever I tickled her.  Only it was coming out like she was in pain or something.  And it was a lot more low-pitched than usual.

Her door was open a crack, and so I peeked inside.  I couldn’t see anything except shadows moving on the wall, cast by her Winnie the Pooh nightlight.

“Sis?  You okay in there?”

Instantly, the sound stopped.  For a moment everything went completely silent.

Suddenly I heard rushing footsteps – heavy ones.  The door slammed shut in my face.  But before it did, I saw the person who had closed it.  Just a silhouette.  But the person was big, and broad-shouldered.  My height, or, maybe an inch or so taller.

I waited outside her room.  A few seconds later, that mewling noise started again.

Back downstairs, mom was sitting on the couch watching TV.  “Hey, since when does Madison get to have her door closed when she’s got company?  That’s a serious double-standard, mom.”

She looked up from her show.  “What are you on about?”

“Madison.  She’s got her boyfriend over.  Her door’s closed.”

“Madison doesn’t have a boyfriend, Will.  I can’t even remember the last time she had a friend come visit.”

“Well she’s got someone up there,” I insisted.  “I looked in her room, and….”

Mom laughed.  “Don’t spy on your sister.”

“I’m telling you there’s someone in her room.  Like, someone big.  You don’t even want to go check on her?”

“Hey Will?  Just let it go.  Trust me, okay?”

I stared at her, trying to come up with something to say to change her mind.

“You’re in a mood tonight,” she remarked, giving me a sidelong smile.  “Don’t tell me you’re going to miss me when I’m gone?”

“Ah.  I guess that’s it.”  To be honest, something about this whole situation was starting to weird me out.  I wanted to be done with this conversation.

Mom got up.  She gave me a little kiss on the forehead, and winked.  “I’ll be back in a week.  Don’t pick on your sister too much while I’m gone, okay?  You might regret it.”

I sat up watching TV for a long time, trying to get the whole incident out of my head.  It was a couple hours before I finally went to bed.

At breakfast the next morning, Madison was definitely taller.  It was hard to tell how much – she was wearing a baggy shirt, and she has terrible posture.  She didn’t say anything about it, but she kept giving me these smirks.  She knew she’d grown, and she knew that I knew.

I came up beside her as mom pulled out of the driveway.  I tried not to make it obvious that I was checking out her height, as we stood shoulder to shoulder.  If I had to guess, I’d say she was about an inch taller.  That was one hell of a growth spurt to have in one night.

Mom waved at us as she headed off down the street.  The moment she was out of sight, we turned to each other.

“You’re taking me shopping today,” Madison growled.  “Right?”

“Can’t do it.  I’m busy.”

“Busy doing what?”

“I don’t know, stuff.  Tiffany’s coming over tonight.”  I said it confidently, but I was really curious to see whether our truce was going to hold, or if she was going to threaten to tell mom that I was violating the no-guests rule.

Madison glared up at me in that calculating way of hers for a few seconds.  “So… we’ll go to the mall tomorrow?”


“Promise me.”

I had started to turn away.  I paused, sighing, and extended my pinky finger to her.

She wrapped her own little finger around it.  We shook.

“You’re going to try to fuck Tiffany tonight.”  She said it matter-of-factly, as our fingers remained intertwined.

“None of your business.  What do you care?”

“I don’t.  Only, it seems like you’d rather have the house to yourself.  Right?”

“Okay Madison.  What is this going to cost me?”

“Just give me twenty bucks, and I’ll go see a movie.”  She paused for a long time, clearly trying to make what came next sound like an afterthought.  “I also want the car keys for the night.”

“Money yes, keys no.  Mom’s probably checking the odometer.  If there are too many miles on it.…”

“How else am I getting to the theater?” she whined.

“I don’t know, take a bus.”

“The buses don’t run that late!”

“Okay fine, forty bucks.  You can call a cab.”

She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.  Then tightened her finger around mine.  “Deal.”

I pulled the money out of my wallet, and shoved it into her hands.  She scampered off without a word of thanks.  I didn’t see her for the rest of the day.  Which was just as well.  It was hard not acting weird around her after what I’d seen.

I’d had a good long time to check her out while we’d talked.  Besides just gaining an inch of height, she was more athletic, too.  The shirt she was wearing was one of my old ones, but up close it was actually tight in places – especially around the chest.  Her breasts had gained at least a full cup size in one night!  I’d been able to get all that from just my peripheral vision: I hadn’t once looked directly at her boobs during that whole conversation.  I deserved a fucking medal.

This had to be the end of it, though.  No way could she keep growing like that… right?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Burying the Hatchet

This story is a direct sequel to Eve's Boutique If you haven't read that entire ~150k-word novel, fear not. This story works as a standalone piece about a 9ft woman and a size-shifter having a... conversation in the woods. Here's everything you need to know:

- Eve and Lilith are witches, and have the ability to change their size at will.

- Lilith did some very awful things to Abigail, because she was jealous of Abigail's relationship with Eve. Lilith has never apologized for any of the bad things she's done.

- Abigail's height changes at random at the start of each day. Eve can also change Abigail's height, but this is a very special case, and is only possible because they have an extremely strong connection.

- Lilith is super-human durable. We've seen her punch through a marble wall, take a beating from a 40ft woman, and be smacked through a building, without noticeable ill effects.

CW: consensual non-sexual violence, verbal threat of bodily harm, light BDSM, light sexual pain and biting, NSFW, alcohol consumption, mini-giantess to larger giantess sizes, growth

Note: This story contains a brief scene of physical violence. The events are well-telegraphed in the story, giving readers a chance to opt-out of that section.

Burying the Hatchet
by pseudoclever

Chapter 1

Eve dozed, a serene smile on her lips.  Abigail had been watching her sleep for twenty minutes – waiting for her own eyelids to grow heavy, so she could drift off beside her beloved.  The moment had yet to come.  Abigail had been looking forward to their annual cabin getaway for months, and now that she was finally beside Eve again, she didn't want to lose a moment to silly old sleep.  It felt like a cheesy pop song, but there it was.

There was a bit of FOMO in her wakefulness, too.  She could hear voices through the wall, from the next bedroom.  Three women talking quietly, their voices punctuated by occasional laughs, and moans.  Abigail had a feeling things were going to shake out this way.  She and Jess had been dating for nine months, and for at least eight of them Chloe had quietly been interested in Jess as well.  Mackenzie was enough of a queen bee to finally bring them together – for the small finder’s fee of joining in.

Abby knew she’d be welcome if she just went over to their bedroom and knocked.  But at nine feet tall, she'd be taking up a little too much space.  In both the literal, and figurative sense.

She leaned down, and kissed Eve on the temple.  The four-foot witch sighed happily in her sleep.  Carefully, Abigail extracted herself from the arms of her beloved.  She pulled on a robe and crawled through the door back into the cabin's living room.  It wasn't even midnight.  Plenty of time for another drink.

Lilith was there, watching her.  The eye glow that both sisters shared was subtle – Eve’s an emerald green, Lilith's the deep red of burning embers.  You could easily miss it in the daylight, but in the pitch black of a country night, it was impossible to miss.

“Fancy meeting you here, babygirl.  I thought you'd be down for the count.  I mean, with the way you were screaming….”

“Sorry,” Abigail said.  “It's a cube-square thing.  Big body, big voice.”

“Well then I take back the compliment.  You want another drink?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”  Abigail stood, mindful of the low ceiling beam that bisected the cabin, and made her way toward the kitchen.  “You want one?”

“I got it.” In the darkness, the witch hurried past her, brushing skin against skin, and made it to the kitchen first.  “Manhattans okay?”

“I mean yeah, but that's expensive bourbon you brought with you.”

Lilith was already pouring.  “Don't worry about it.”

“At least size me down first.  You'll have to mix it really, really strong if I'm this big.”

The witch turned, briefly illuminated in the light of the refrigerator.  She was apparently normal-sized for the moment – tall for a woman, but far smaller than Abigail’s present height.  Lilith had stripped out of the cocktail dress she'd worn for most of the evening, leaving her in nothing but a bra, panties, and stiletto heels.  “Abigail, do you have any idea how profitable my type of witching is? I'm not like Eve – I get paid for my powers.  Besides that, if I wanted booze I'd just take it, and whoever used to own it would thank me for the privilege.  Don’t insult me.  Or think you have to be less than you are just so I can handle you.”

“Hmph.  When you put it that way.  Make mine a double.”

A brief search revealed there weren't glasses big enough for that.  Abigail suggested they check the garage for a bucket.  Lilith just made her two drinks.

They sat down together – Lilith on the couch, Abby on the floor beside her.

Abigail sipped her drink.  “So.  How’s Kayla?”

Lilith told her.  It wasn't a long story – the witch tended to stick to the facts when she wasn't pontificating.  Even so, Abigail had almost finished her first drink by the time the story ended.  She felt warmed by what she'd heard, along with a complex mix of other feelings.  The alcohol helped to bring it into focus.

They sat together like that for a long time afterward, neither of them saying anything.  It wasn't an uncomfortable silence.  But apart from their first meeting, the two had almost never been alone together.  Abigail suspected that even Lilith didn't know quite how to handle it.

“It's a nice night,” Abby said at last.

In the next room, Mackenzie’s voice rose into a sudden crescendo, a howl of passion that resolved into a low giggle.

“Yup,” Lilith agreed.

“Do you wanna–"

“Let's go for a walk,” the witch interrupted.  “The moon’s almost full.  It'll be nice.”

Abby finished drink number two in a gulp.  “Okay.  But let's go south.  Elijah was headed north when he went out to commune with nature, and I'd rather not startle him when he's in feral mode.  And make me another Manhattan for the road.”

The moon was hidden behind a thin layer of clouds.  Mist was just beginning to rise from the forest floor, painting the whole world in pastel grays.  It was so quiet that Abigail’s ears rang with it.  As far as she knew, they might be the only people for miles in any direction.

Abby was about to suggest they cast around and try to find a path, but when she turned, Lilith was undressing.   The witch removed her shoes in a little hop-kick, then stripped out of everything else.  She gave Abigail a seductive smirk.  Then laughed, skipping out of sight into the forest.

Abigail swore.  She knew a challenge when she saw one, and no way was she going to let Lilith win by default.  She drained half her drink, removed her robe.  Finished the other half, and sprinted naked after the witch into the dark.

Night sounds were all around her.  Strange birds, and creepy frogs, and things Abigail couldn't hope to identify.  Far ahead, she could hear Lilith's laughter.  Bidding her on.  Branches scrapped, and thorns stung.  Abigail has always been afraid of being alone in the forest at night.  She wasn't afraid now.  At her height, she was either the scariest thing in the forest, or chasing the scariest thing.  Either way, it felt good.

She came upon Lilith in a clearing.  Panting, waiting for Abigail to catch up.

“Seems like you're in your element,” Abby said, ducking under a branch.

Lilith nodded, still staring at the clouded sky.  Her body was in silhouette, but there was enough light to suggest her figure.  Naked, and almost impossibly lush.  Abigail felt her breath catch as the woman turned in her direction.

“Hey.  Abby.”


Lilith came closer.  Her hips swayed in a figure eight as she moved.  She stopped with her hands on her waist, an inch from Abigail.  So much shorter that her head hardly cleared Abby’s navel.

“I want to ask you a favor.  Are you in the mood to grant me favors?”

Abigail frowned.  “Maybe.  But I'm understandably cautious making deals with you.  So I want to hear your terms first.  Every last one.”

“It isn't complicated.”  Lilith paused shyly.  “I just… want you to hit me.”

Abigail waited her out.  Crickets chirped.  Far in the distance, a pack of coyotes had a snarling argument, then faded to silence.

“Once,” Lilith said at last.  The witch touched her cheek.  “Closed-fist.  As hard as you can.”


Lilith spat in the dirt.  When she spoke, there was anger in her voice.  “You know why.”

“I want to say, ‘Because you'll get off on it.’  And you will, of course.  But I'm not stupid.  So yeah, I know why.  The real reason.”

“And you'll accept those terms?”

Abigail bent far, far down, until she could breathe in the little witch’s face.  “If I accepted those terms, we'd need to go back to the cabin.  I saw an old hatchet lying in the corner.  It looked rusty and mean.  We both know I'm nowhere near big enough to hurt you.  Not for real.  If this is about opening old wounds, and you paying a price for what you did to me?  I would need something much more serious than just my fist.”

Lilith laughed softly.  “I really do like you, Abigail.  Your threats are always such poetry.”

“Believe it or not?  I like you, too.”

The witch let out a sigh, and laid a gentle hand on Abigail's fist.  She'd been clenching it tightly for the last thirty seconds.  She hadn't realized.

“I’ll accept your axe, if that's what you want.  What if instead I let you hit me as many times as you want, until you're satisfied?   And you're wrong about one thing: it’s going to hurt me.  I may be a durable little twat, but I still feel everything that happens to me, with all the appropriate intensity.  Which is great when someone is beating my ass in the bedroom but… what I’m asking… I'm not planning to enjoy it.”

“If we do this, I’m not going to hold back.  What it's too much?  What will you do?”

Lilith raised her hand, and held it palm-out.  “I'll surrender.”

“Then I accept your terms.”

“Thank you.  Can I make a suggestion?”

“I don't promise to take it.”

“Of course not.  Just.  At your size, I'd go with an uppercut.  Try to catch me on the chin, or the nose.  That'll do the most damage.” 

Abigail nodded.  “Eyes open, or closed?”

“Open.” Lilith braced herself.  “Always open.”

Abigail hit her.

The strike was enough to send Lilith flying across the clearing.  She lay for a moment, sprawled across the forest floor.  Then she coughed, dusted herself off, and got back to her feet.

“Good.  This time, lead with your shoulder, and pivot with your hip.  That's where the power comes from.  A girl should know how to access her power.”

They went on like that.  An increasingly shaken Lilith, giving her pointers and advice, as Abby punched her again and again into the dirt.  Toward the end, the witch was slurring her speech, hardly able to stay balanced to receive the next strike.  Yet still, she came back for more.  Abigail had a feeling Lilith wanted to get to an even seven.  But after the sixth punch, when Lilith took a very long time getting up, Abby decided she’d had enough.

She sat on the forest floor and pulled Lilith into her lap.  Both women were out of breath, sweat pouring from their bodies.

“Do you feel better?” she asked the witch.

“Fuck you,” Lilith husked.  Then turned away.  “This wasn't for me, you dumb bitch.  It was for you.”

“I know.  I appreciate it.”  Abigail picked a few wisps of grass that clung to Lilith's skin, and wiped a smudge of dirt off her thigh.  “Are you okay?  You don't look any worse for the wear.”

“It's a conscious choice.” The woman still wasn't looking at her.  “It’s a witch thing, I mean.  Controlling that stuff is even easier than changing my size.  I can show all the bruises you gave me, if you want.”

They lay like that.  Around them, the forest had become very still.

“Your right hand,” Lilith said, after a time.

“Don't worry about it.  I'm a little sore, but–”

“No.  It… smells like her.”


“Who else?”

Abigail smiled.  She tenderly brushed her knuckle along the bridge of Lilith's nose.  It hardly surprised her when the witch turned her face and kissed it.

“You know, Lilith.  You're not that complicated.  For all your pomp and bluster, I see right through you.  I know why you wanted to clear the air between us.  Or I mean, I know the other reason.”


“And.  You're a big girl.  Use your fucking words.”

The witch thought about this for a long time.  “I asked her this morning.  Eve.  If it would be okay, if you and I… you know.”

“What'd she say?”

“She gave me her blessing.  Not just that.  A blessing.  Like.  She blessed it.”

Slowly, Abigail leaned down, lifting the woman as she did, until their foreheads touched.  “I asked her too, and got the same blessing.  Like.  Fully a year ago.”

She kissed Lilith on the mouth.