Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Epilogue

Lessons in Letting Go

“I call this meeting of the Bestie’s Brunch to order.”  Mackenzie tapped her wine glass in a reverent manner.  “As our first order of business, I propose an open discussion.  What the hell happened last night?”

“I was a bartender!” Elijah said cheerily.  “At least I pretended to be.  Then some people chased me, and I think me and Abby are dating?”

Abigail nudged him with her shoulder.  “We totally are.  But I don’t think that’s what Mackenzie meant.  What do you remember about meeting some, you know.  Very tall people?”

“Kayla’s tall.  But we’d already met.”

“Got it, Elijah’s a blank slate.”

“So was Victoria,” Dylan put in.  “I mean, she remembered the six of us… doing stuff.  On that big hill?  She says hi by the way.  Or no, it was.  ‘Hiiiii,’ and I was supposed to wink at you.  But as far as how big we were when it happened?  She didn’t remember a thing.”

Kayla grinned at him.  “Wait wait, you already talked to Tori this morning?  You must’ve got her number.”

“Actually, she made me pancakes.”

There was a general uproar at this.  Mackenzie had to call for order.  Chloe put forward a motion for Elijah to give Dylan a noogie, since she couldn’t reach from across the table.  The motion carried.

“Then is it safe to say that the five of us are the only ones who remember?” Chloe said.  “About being… giants?”

Mackenzie looked at her blankly.  “Giants.  What exactly are you talking about, Chloe dear?  Like from story books?”

The members of the A-Team shared a long, worried look.

But Mackenzie’s poker face was already cracking.  She laughed.  “I’m just teasing.  The upper atmosphere was really cold last night.  I’m glad someone was there to bring me back to earth.”

Abigail winked, and mimed a spanking motion with a flick of her wrist.  “Any time.”

Mackenzie smiled dreamily, and tried to take a sip of her wine.  It took her three attempts to find the glass with her mouth.

“Then that’s it?” Dylan said.  “We had this crazy adventure, and now everything’s completely back to the way it was before?”

“I guess so,” Chloe replied.  “We walked by Eve’s shop on the way here.  It was abandoned.  Looked like it had been for years.”

“Yeah,” Abigail said.  “I’m going to check her apartment after this, but I’m not getting my hopes up.”

“Do you think she’s okay?” Chloe asked in a small voice.  “I mean, Lilith was going to… do you think she–”

“No,” Abigail interrupted.  “Lilith didn’t go through with her plans.  At least, not the way she was threatening.”

“Okay?”  Kayla leaned back in her seat.  “And you know that because…?”

Abby shrugged.  “No idea.  I just know this feels like a happy ending, and that means Eve is happy, too.  Though exactly what she needed for that?  Is anyone’s guess.”

Abigail knew exactly what Eve needed to be happy.  The thought had arrived before she’d even finished speaking.  In her mind she saw the witch, standing on stage the night before.  Her impossibly complex expression, when Abigail asked her to take the magic back.  Suddenly, Abigail understood what her beloved had been feeling.

“Hey, I don’t suppose you heard from Lilith this morning?”  She was proud she’d managed to make the question sound casual.

Mackenzie shook her head.  “I’m sure we’ll see them again.”

No one said anything to this. 

Abigail sipped her mimosa.  It was funny.  Even after everything that happened last night, she still had a sense memory of the last time Eve had kissed her.  She swore she could still feel the magic.  But Eve had told her a little touch of magic was all anyone had ever received from her before.

That touch was over.  Eve had let go.

She understood now.  This was what always had to happen, once the magic faded away.  This really was the best of all possible endings between them.  If it was what Eve needed, then Abigail could let go, too.  It would be the hardest thing she’d ever done.  She knew she was strong enough.

Wordlessly, Chloe took her hand, and squeezed.  Abby squeezed back.

“But yes,” Mackenzie was saying.  “Everything’s back to normal.  The plazas are gone, civic corruption is once again a major problem….”

“I still don’t have a sea turtle,” Elijah said sadly.

“I mean not everything is normal,” Abigail said.  “Like.  There’s the little matter of… my height?”

Her friends stared at her blankly.

“Okay, it’s not funny the second time.  Tell me you know what I’m talking about, you guys.”

Chloe put her hand on her shoulder.  “You used to be four-foot-seven.  Right?”

“Yes!  Thank you, Klo!”

“There’s no way,” Mackenzie argued.  “I will swear on a stack of bibles that she’s always been five-one.”

“No, Chloe’s right.”  Abigail scowled.  “At least, I remember always being four-seven.  Who knows what’s even real anymore.  The nice thing was, all the clothes in my closet still fit.  I thought I’d have to wear that green dress from now on, which wouldn’t have been the worst?  But at least that saves me a shopping trip, since we don’t have Eve’s spray anymore.”

“I believe you,” Kayla said.  “I don’t remember it that way, but after everything we’ve seen, Abby growing six inches overnight would rank toward the low end on the weird-shit scale.”

Dylan nodded.  “The important thing is, you’re still the shortest person at the table.”

“Yeah, and next time I get you alone you’re going to find out how little that matters.  You’re still shorter than me on your knees.”

“Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.”

“And there’s one other thing that’s different,” Abigail said.  “Don’t all look at once.  That cute guy at the bar, with the arm sleeve tattoo and the anime hair?  He’s been checking me out since we got here.  I guess the extra height is good for something.”

Mackenzie chuckled.  “Abby dear, that’s not new.  You have at least one potential suitor every time we come to this restaurant.  Usually more.”

“What?  No way in hell anyone has been checking me out when I’m dressed in librarian-mode like this.  I call reality-manipulation.”

Chloe smirked.  “If it is, I remember it that way too.”

“And um, I always thought it was a cute look,” Dylan said quietly.

“Okay, awesome.  But why did no one tell me?”

Mackenzie shrugged.  “Bestie Bylaw number five: don't contradict a Bestie when they're complaining, especially about their relationships.”

“You should go over there,” Dylan prompted.  “Talk to that guy!”

“I’ll come along if you want,” Elijah said.  “For moral support, and hey, maybe he likes ferrets.”

Kayla shook her head.  “Nah, if he’s into Abby, he probably likes short girls.  I’ll back you up, give you some high-level height contrast.”

“Okay,” Abby said.  “Straw vote, by show of hands.  Is there anyone at this table who is not trying to be my wingman right now?”

No hands were raised.

Abigail smiled.  She lifted her glass, and drained the rest of her mimosa in a single gulp.  “Maybe some other time.  I’ve got a really good book I want to get back to this afternoon.  Besides – this table is full.”

Bestie’s Brunch went off like clockwork, all that long summer.  Sometimes their table was full, and others it was not.  Kayla often had to work, and Dylan went home when the semester ended in May.  But just as often as one of their members was absent, others would join the table.

The most surprising of these, as far as Abigail was concerned, was Lilith.

The witch arrived unannounced one Sunday in June, looking predictably stunning.  She sat down as though she’d always been a member in good standing, and made no mention of the events that had transpired between them.  She did go out of her way to compliment Abigail’s dress.  She was incredibly enthusiastic in her praise, suggesting accessories that might take it to the next level – even offering to let Abby borrow them sometime.  If she wanted.

On a deep level, Abigail understood this was all the apology she would ever get from Lilith.  She decided to accept it.

Lilith joined them more often than not that summer.  By the middle of July, Abigail was convinced she was flirting with her.  It was nothing overt, and never so direct as to make her uncomfortable.  Still, Abigail was sure that if she reciprocated, some sort of romantic relationship might develop between the two of them.

She was tempted.  Lilith was incredibly attractive, and the two of them had an almost electric chemistry that crackled between them at the brunch table.  In the end, Abigail decided to pass.  Because Lilith and Mackenzie were clearly head-over-heels for each other, and Kayla was coming on fast.  She didn’t want to complicate things for her friends.

The good times around the brunch table lasted, for a very long time.  In hindsight, it was inevitable that some of their members would begin to leave the table permanently.

The first of these was Kayla.

It was a hot night in mid-August.  The air conditioning had been on the fritz for days.  Abigail slept fitfully on top of her covers, and came awake around two in the morning to a screaming fight from the next room.  The front door slammed.  And through the wall, she heard Chloe start to cry.

She never did find out what the fight had been about, as she comforted her friend that night.  Even years later, Chloe would only say it had been a stupid argument, and that when you really loved someone, you knew exactly what to say to hurt them.

Afterward, Abigail and Kayla decided it would be best to stop seeing each other.  They parted as friends.  That was the last time Abigail ever saw her.

She thought of her often.

Dylan was next to leave the table.  He didn’t have the means to visit Abigail while he was home for the summer, and so she made the long trek to his parents’ home in upstate Michigan.  His family was a delight.  And there was a taboo sort of fun, messing around with him in the basement after everyone else was in bed.  It was scintillating, like sneaking out for sex back in high school.  It was less fun getting caught.  Abigail could admit it had been her fault – she was pretty loud that night.

The next morning, she couldn’t look any of them in the eye.  She ended up going home early.  When Dylan returned for the fall, the two of them tried to pick up their relationship where they’d left off.  There was something different about it, though – like the magic had died.

They drifted apart, until Dylan finally asked to make their breakup official.  He was still seeing Victoria, and things were getting serious.  He seemed happy.  She was happy for him.

Abigail took it harder than expected, coming right on the heels of losing Kayla.  During this time, she was incredibly grateful for Elijah and Chloe.  Their dates were often simple – watching nature documentaries, or any Disney movie where the animals could sing.  They’d all snuggle together on the couch, even when this became logistically complicated.

On days when she was especially big, it was hard for all of them to fit around Abigail.

She had comprehensive charts by then.  Documenting the fluctuations of her height, the way it was different each morning when she woke up.  Chloe had assisted with data collection, and thrown herself deep into the project to help take her mind off the breakup.  To say the study was rigorous was an understatement.  The ninety-fifth percentile of Abigail’s height varied between seven-foot-one, and four-even.  The extreme ends could be inconvenient, but they were fun, too.

As far as they could tell, the daily changes in her size were completely random.  It didn’t track with her diet, or her mood.  She’d ruled out the weather, phases of the moon, astrological occurrences, the desires of other people, and several dozen other factors.   But apart from the need to duck under doors, or get assistance reaching the top shelf, it made very little difference in her life.  Almost no one seemed capable of noticing these changes.  And even the ones who could, didn’t treat her any different.

Of all her lovers, some of them noticed, some of the time.  Only Chloe noticed, all of the time.

Besties Brunch finally came to an end in October, when Mackenzie got her first big-girl job.  She was so busy that it was hard to find time to see her anymore, and then she moved away.

It was another difficult parting, but the friends promised to get together whenever they could.  It was a promise they kept.  Mackenzie knew a nice cabin far out in the wilderness, where they could be as loud as they wanted.  Once every year or two they’d spend a long weekend together, inviting new friends and old.  Heavy flirting was a major feature of these parties, and often quite a bit more than that – especially if Lilith was in attendance.

When she had a moment alone with her, Abigail always made a point to ask the witch how Kayla was doing.

Mackenzie’s personality changed a lot in these years.  She was far smarter than anyone had given her credit for, and each time Abigail saw her, the woman seemed more dedicated to her non-profit work.  The job didn’t pay well – but despite this, Mackenzie always insisted on picking up the tab for their weekends together.  At first Abigail was annoyed by this, until Chloe pointed out that this was just their friend’s way of saying she loved them.

Years passed.  And like her height shifted with the days, many things in Abigail’s life changed.  Lovers came, and lovers went.  So did friends, jobs, hobbies and passions.  Even her name changed.  Though she was always happy to be just Abigail, to those who knew her best.

It was easier to count the things in Abigail’s life that stayed the same.  Her love for Chloe and Elijah.  Her somewhat regrettable love for mid-2000’s, overwrought emo music.  Her less regrettable love for what she saw in the mirror.  No matter how it changed over the years.  And no matter whether she had to bend low to see herself, or stand on her tiptoes as high as she could.

But as for constants.  Always.  Always.  There was Eve.

Most of the time, Abigail didn’t know in advance when she’d see her.  Eve might text a few days, or as much as a week ahead of a visit – but this was rare.  The witch lived a busy life, and besides that, she was poor at planning.

More often, Abigail would simply wake up at a height well outside her ninety-fifth percentile – big enough that she filled the room, much to the annoyance of anyone who happened to be in bed beside her, or so tiny that she had trouble making her way in the world.  But big or small, these were always good days.  It meant before the sun went down, she would be seeing Eve.

Once, Abigail had been at a boring work conference.  It was cocktail hour, and she was considering ordering her fourth drink in an effort to maintain the smallest shard of good will for these people.  She felt a tap on her shoulder.  Eve was there, looking cute in a pair of glasses, and wearing a tag with a name that was not her own.  The witch pretended they’d never met, and Abby went along with the game.  It made their increasingly outrageous flirting all the better, in front of a room full of people she didn’t respect.

That had been a wild night.  Abigail tipped the cleaning staff gratuitously the next morning.  Two women of their size could really tear up a hotel room.  And they were probably just going to have to throw out those sheets.

But as delightful as this was, Abigail had an all-time favorite way to encounter her beloved.

There were times in Abigail’s life when everything was broken, and nothing worked.  When she was scared that she might finally be losing herself.  On days like this, the turmoil in her heart and mind would translate to her feet.  She’d find herself wandering blindly through the city, uncertain if anything would ever be okay again.

She’d look up.

There would be a mysterious little boutique, that she was certain hadn’t been there before.

Abigail would go inside.

Whatever came next would have to wait.  Artemis the Cat would run over to greet one of her favorite people.  And you just didn’t deny Artemis.

But the delay was always appreciated – as it had been in that first long week they spent apart, so many years before.  It gave them time to stare into each other’s eyes, to feel what the other was feeling.  And it gave them time to let go.  To give up everything their relationship had been before, whatever echoes of outdated magic either of them carried, and become ready for something fresh and new.

The days were long past when their relationship was based on something as shallow as Eve granting wishes, and Abigail saving the world.  They had both let go of the need to be needed – and that had allowed their bond to truly grow.

Eve would wait behind the counter.  Not unchanged by the passing years, and their time apart.  But always, immutably, herself.

They would share a smile.  And she’d know she was ready.  To help her find the magic again.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 56

Final Score

The party was expanding.

People were migrating away from the dance floor, where momentous events had just taken place.  Some were heading to the chill-out tents, which had space for people to lie together in many different configurations.  But these simply couldn’t accommodate the number of people who had suddenly become very, very interested in each other.  The crowd was splashing over security barriers, spilling onto the street.  People, in search of private places – or at least semi-private, or at least with enough room for two or three bodies to fit together.

Plenty of them were still just talking.  Leaning in close to hear each other, giving all the subtle signs of mutual interest, waiting for the other to initiate something they both clearly wanted.  Others had progressed beyond that.  All around there were whimpers and moans of pleasure, the sights and smells of bodies in motion, in all the myriad configurations that it was possible to explore in the physical form.

Most were couples, and most were human-sized.  There were many exceptions.  Nearby, two women had lifted a smaller man into the low branches of a tree.  One of the women was quite a bit taller than the other, but both could easily reach their little quarry.  They grinned at him, taking their time, taking their turns.  Licking him, nuzzling him.  Occasionally one would take the most eager part of him into her mouth, let him squirm and thrust against her, before pulling away again to listen to him whimper and beg for more.  Both women were clearly drunk on power – in addition to plain old drunk.

Beneath them, on an entirely different scale, two other couples were using the same tree.  They were pressing each other against the bark, groaning at the feet of the giants, using the energy of the encounter above as fuel for their own purposes.

People fucked against fences.  Rolled together in the grass.  Quietly stroked each other while sharing a soul-deep gaze, or formed massive piles of dozens or more.  A tiny woman straddled her boyfriend’s massive cock, easily larger than her entire body, doing her level best to get him off.  Above him, a man who was larger still massaged his shoulders.  He whispered something in the man’s ear, and much to the tiny woman’s delight, got an immediate and dramatic reaction.

Words, it seemed, could be powerful.

High above, at the center of the party, Abigail and her friends were still just using their words.  Or, mostly their words.  There was quite a bit of petting, though it was fairly chaste.  Mackenzie had her hand on Abigail’s inner thigh, her dress lifted high enough that the larger woman could stroke against bare skin.  Kayla, in turn, was pressed against Mackenzie, running her fingernails up and down the woman’s arm.  Whatever words they were saying to each other seemed to be effective.  Plans were being formed, decisions made, as the potential between the four of them continued to increase.

Chloe, it seemed, was the only one who didn’t have much to say.  It might’ve had something to do with the fact that the large-chested woman was the only one in a state of undress.  She’d lost her shirt in her Chloe Castle era, and the odds of it coming back were slim.  The other three women were taking advantage with fingers and palms, and occasionally, when there was a point to be made, tongues.  Chloe, thankfully, was big enough to share.

Eventually they seemed to reach an agreement.  Kayla and Abigail nodded.  Chloe, still short on words, settled for a dreamy grin.

Mackenzie bent low, to the many, many little folk who had decided to bask in the shadow of their greatness.  She made a request, and immediately received a large number of volunteers.  As Mackenzie gathered them up, Abigail and Kayla helped Chloe lay back on the hill.  Stripping her incredibly tight jeans was definitely a two-woman job – which left Mackenzie free to deposit the tiny people wherever she wished.  She started with Chloe’s chest, but quickly took advantage of the bare skin Kayla and Abby helped reveal.

Lilith made a proud sound from the back of her throat, and took a long drag on her cigarette.  “I taught her that, you know.  Using her little worshipers like that.”



Lilith kicked her feet, smiling from beneath her sunglasses.  Here, at the edge of the park, was a small municipal pool, still unfilled on this late April night.  Lilith sat on the edge, feet dangling in the deep end.  The night was cooling off, and the witch had her fur shawl pulled tight around her shoulders.

Eve sat beside her.  If she was bothered by the cold, it didn’t show.  Her lacy black dress was a little worse for the wear, though even at its best it wouldn’t have provided much warmth.

There was distance between the women.  Yet they were close enough to touch, if both reached out.

“Ho!” Lilith cheered.  “Now things are getting interesting.  Watch this!  Kayla’s about to put on a clinic.”

Abigail had taken Chloe’s place on the hill, kneeling in the grass.  Her dress was flipped up to reveal her ass, and someone had yanked her panties down to her ankles.  Kayla got in position, pulled back her hand, and very precisely slapped Abigail across the backside.

Abby was looking over her shoulder in irritation, obviously back-talking.  But just as obviously, yet another kink had been unlocked.

“So, is she a switch, or what?”

Eve shrugged.  “I’m not sure.”

“Come on.”  Lilith flicked her cigarette toward the pool drain.  “You know her better than anyone.  You’re just being coy.”

The girls were taking turns now, lining up to spank Abigail.  The party lights illuminated red outlines – the marks left by three different sized hands upon her olive-toned skin.  Kayla was giving them advice, swinging her arm in slow motion, demonstrating proper body mechanics.  Victoria had joined, and was taking advantage of these little breaks in the action.  The much smaller woman had snuck up behind to stand on tiptoe, and was sinking her whole hand between Abby’s thighs.  Even at this distance, Abigail’s appreciation was loud enough to rattle the windows of the pool house.

Victoria had returned Dylan to Abigail’s care, in order to free up her hands.  Abby held the tiny man cupped in her palms, and was very enthusiastically using a tongue twice the size of his body to lick every last inch of him.  She paused occasionally to whisper something, or look deep into his eyes.  Kayla gave her a little tap, letting Abby know another impact was coming.  She obediently relaxed, pulling away from Dylan – enough that when her body reacted to the next strike, there was no danger of hurting him if she flinched.

“It’s like that,” Eve explained.  “You can want different things, from different people.  Be a different person, depending on who you’re around.  Or even be two things at once.”

“Heh.  You mean she’s like you.”

“And like Mackenzie – and other people I could mention.  For example?  The most powerful, self-determined woman I know apparently wants to be spanked sometimes.  Like, on the butt.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“She feels she has to change her name when this happens, which is tragic when you think about it….”

Lilith huffed.  “You made your point.  Drop it, okay?”

The two were silent, for a very long time.

The night was full of the sounds of pleasure.  It was an odd sort of ambiance.  Exciting, in its way.  But soothing too, like white noise, or waves washing on soft sand.

“So,” Eve said shyly.  “I didn’t know you knew that song.”

“Of course I do.  Black Parade?  I’ve been listening to you sing it ever since the sisterhood took me in.  That song is basically your entire deal, isn’t it?  Like.  You're out here trying to save this whole goddamn world, one emo kid at a time.”

“Hm.  I never thought of it that way.  I guess I am.”

Up on the hill, things had changed.  Chloe and Kayla had broken off to spend a little quality time together.  Kayla with her tongue deep in Chloe’s mouth as she stroked her girlfriend’s slit with light, circular motions.  Dylan was once again in Victoria’s possession, and the woman seemed intent on making up for lost time.

And now it was Mackenzie bent over the hill – with Abigail, leaning down to growl in the woman’s ear, a look of almost primal lust on her face.  One hand was clamped firmly over Mackenzie’s throat.  The other, alternating between raining hard slaps against the woman’s ass, and thrusting firmly into her sex.  Mackenzie had to curl partially into a ball and arch her back to allow her smaller friend to do both at once.  She seemed happy to accommodate.  Her mouth was open, a constant low moan escaping, a thin trickle of drool on her chin.  As the spotlights swung, they caught the glistening wetness on her thighs.

“Oh this’ll be good,” Lilith said.  “Watch this.”

Mackenzie’s body tensed, her voice suddenly falling silent.  Then she let out a long echoing scream.  Hundreds of gallons of cum squirted out in a dramatic torrent, soaking the hill, and the hundreds of revelers brave enough to position themselves so close.  Delayed by distance, the sound of their cheers arrived.

“Impressive,” Eve said.  “Did you teach her that, too?”

“Nah, girl’s a natural.  You can, you know.  Go over and join them.  If you want.”

“So can you.”

Another long silence.  This one a bit more friendly.

“Speaking of impressive,” Lilith said.  “What you did with that song.  I had you dead to rights, and you still managed to twist my magic.  You gave Abigail the hint for how to beat Mackenzie.”

“Thanks, but you're wrong.  That wasn’t for Abigail, she knew that stuff already.  It was for you.”

“Me?  Why the hell?”

Eve smiled, and said nothing.

Lilith stared at her.  Eventually she broke, and lit another cigarette.

“Okay, look, I think I understand.  All those people you’ve helped.  The ones you’d fall for, give them every last bit of your heart, and then they’d leave you.  Break you, over and over, and you’d always run to cry on my shoulder.  You ruined some of my best dresses, you know.  They can’t take salt water in the quantity you put out.”


“Yeah well, I’m sorry too.”

Eve’s eyebrows went up.  “Yeah?”

“Shut up and listen.  I was jealous of all those people for getting your heart.  Okay?  Because I wanted it, too.”

Eve reached for her.  “Oh, Lilith….”

“I know, I already had it, and like I said: shut up.  I didn’t understand why you kept falling for these charity cases, when they were just going to hurt you in the end.  But now I think I get it.  It’s like what that song of yours is saying – you were trying to take the sad parts of their lives, and make them happy instead.  And doing that makes you happy, too.”

Eve sighed, and shook her head.  “It doesn’t only make me happy, though.  There are times when it makes me so sad I can barely find the strength to get out of bed, let alone carry on.  Especially when it’s time to say goodbye to someone who used to need me.  But being sad is part of how I know I was connected with that person.  And besides, you’re always there for me when it hurts the most, and that is the truest way I have of knowing you love me.  So sadness can be nice, too.  But I made a bad mistake, Lilith.  I was only sharing the sad parts of my life with you.  That was wrong of me.  From now on, I want to show you the happy parts, too.”

Lilith exhaled a mouthful of smoke.  “There’s a happy part.  Right up on that hill.  Go share it.”

The four girls were lying together.  Disheveled, in various states of undress.  Every one of them, as happy as they could ever be.  Taking a moment to recover, and share in the joy of being together.  Before whatever came next.

“Abigail doesn’t need me,” Eve said.  Her voice was thick, and barely audible above the crowd.  “She never did, not for a moment.  She’s the strongest person I’ve ever met.  I have to find a way to be strong, too… because it’s time… time to let go.”

Lilith lifted her sunglasses.  “Eve.  You can’t be serious.”

The witch turned to her sister.  Wiped a tear.  And offered her hand.

“I remember the other things you sang to me, Lilith.  My princess is always in another castle.  And you’re still here.”

Lilith hesitated.  Then reached out, and took Eve’s hand.

They stayed that way, as the party played out around them.  Once, they were disturbed when a forty-foot man slammed a woman half his size against the side of the pool house, bent her over, and began to furiously fuck her from behind.  Lilith hissed at them, and the two immediately decided to find another piece of property to wreck.

“Well,” Eve said at last.  “I think I’ve seen enough.  Want to call the car?”

“No need.  She’s already waiting.”

Hand in hand, the two made their way to the street.  There was a black SUV sitting on the curb, engine idling – too nondescript to be anything but a rental.  Lilith opened the door, and helped Eve into the backseat.

“Dearest sister,” Eve recited, to the woman behind the wheel.  “We greet you after our absence.  I formally thank you for the opportunity you have provided us.”

Lilith genuflected.  “I join my sister in greeting.  Alana, we are truly grateful for your shelter and countenance.”

“Hello girls.  Did you have fun?”

“Yeah,” Lilith said.  “It was a blast.”

“Thanks for putting so much work into Abby’s dress,” Eve said.  “She looked incredible tonight.”

Lilith scoffed.  “I thought there was something weird about that gown.  What the fuck, Eve?  You asked Rules for help?  That’s got to be against the, you know, rules.”

From the front seat, the stern-looking tailor glanced over her shoulder.  “You could’ve asked for help, too.”

Lilith shut up.

The car pulled onto the street.  They were the only vehicle on the road this evening – though occasionally, Alana did have to maneuver around people who had decided to copulate right on the concrete.

“So,” Lilith drawled.  “About the game.  Do we have, ah, final scores?”

“We will determine them now.”

Eve and Lilith shared a nervous glance.

“I definitely had more followers at the end of the night,” Lilith said quickly.

“Yeah, but I caused at least a thousand people to fall in love….”

“And both interpretations,” Rules interrupted.  “Are wrong.  That is not what I meant by Hearts and Minds.  Once again, you could’ve just asked me.  Though I will say Abigail’s interpretation made for a fun evening.  Eve gets a bonus point for that.”

The sisters sat in tense silence.

“Lilith,” Alana said at last.  “Give me your understanding of Eve.  Her heart, and her mind.”

“Oh!  Ohhhh.”  Lilith thought for a moment, staring down at her hands.  “Eve… well.  She’s ridiculously powerful.  And she’s a total mess.  She makes decisions on the spur of the moment, and I don’t think they’re always good ones.  They end up getting her hurt.  But those decisions are always true to her heart, and that’s important.  And… sometimes when it looks like she’s suffering, that’s actually just her reminding herself that she’s alive.”

“So entered.  Eve.  Your understanding of Lilith.”

Eve took a breath.

“I learned that Lilith… is kind of a twat.”

Lilith honked with laughter, slapping her thigh.  Even Alana chuckled.

“But she experiences love as deeply as I do, even if she’s afraid to show it.  She was willing to burn down this world to save me from myself.  Her heart was in the right place, even if her mind wasn’t.  And I learned I need to be more considerate of that heart, because it isn’t always easy for her to tell me what she needs.  The only way I can know what she’s feeling, is if I ask.”

“Hmph.  Good answers, both of you.  I’d say this game is a draw.”

“Oh come on, Rules!” Lilith howled.

“But I know that would be unacceptable.  And so.  I formally declare.  Lilith.  As the winner.”

Eve grabbed Lilith by the shoulder, looking pleadingly into her eyes.  “Abigail.  Please, leave her out of this.  I promise I’ll do whatever you want, just….”

Lilith disengaged herself from her sister, looking embarrassed.  “I’m not going to hurt Abigail.  I’m fond of the squirt, to be honest.  She’s got guts.  There’s a lot of me in her.  I’m surprised she’s your type.”

“Formality,” Alana reminded.

“Ugh, fine.  I formally relinquish my claims to take retribution against Abigail, along with all those bound to Eve, and the citizens of this world.  Happy?”

“So entered.  Now, more importantly: you have won rights over Eve.  Define them.”

Lilith stared out the window at the passing skyline, drumming her finger on the armrest.

“First.  I’m not taking her powers.  And I’m formally limiting the period of her servitude.  One week.  But during that week, she’s going to follow my orders, and listen to everything I have to say.  And I want it somewhere private, where there’s no one around to overhear.  Wilderness, but like, comfortable.  A nice cabin.”

“I know a place,” Alana said.  “Is there more?”

“Yeah!  During that week?  Eve is allowed to tell me no!  And I… formally promise to respect that.”

Eve gave her sister a gentle smile.  She removed her seatbelt, already shrinking herself down.  She crawled across the backseat, lifted herself into Lilith’s lap, and snuggled down, cat-like.

“And,” Lilith added, her voice squeaking.  “Eve has to tell me what she wants.  Her happiness is important, too.”

“I know,” Eve said softly.

Lilith pet her, as the city faded in the rearview mirror.

“I also have a request,” Alana said.  “Either of you may refuse it.  I’d like to give Abigail a gift.  A small token of my appreciation, for her role in bringing the two of you together.”

Lilith whistled low.  “Damn Rules.  That’s a high honor.”

“If you’re refusing….”

“No, not at all!  For putting up with me?  She totally deserves it.”

Eve smiled.  And snuggled down a little closer.

“Hey Lilith?  Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, sis.  Anything.”

“So.  That guy, who spilled beer on me.  Is he still in your panties, or…?”