Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 48


Eve’s Kittens

“Watch it Chloe, I can’t see where I’m–”

“Ow, Kayla, your elbow is in my–”

“Hold on,” Abigail said.  “I got this.”

In the dark, Abby stepped around Eve’s dirty laundry.  She found the lighter on the witch’s bedside table, and lit the candles.

“Sorry about the mess,” the doll-sized witch called, from where she perched on Abigail’s shoulder.  “I meant to clean up today, change the sheets….”

“Don’t worry about it,” Abigail told her.  “Considering how much time all of us spent playing in the dirt today, it would’ve been a waste of effort.”

Kayla nodded.  “I’m not gonna lie, I was sorely tempted to get in the hot tub with Lilith – if only to scrub off a little.”

“We can use the kitchenette in Eve’s shop,” Chloe suggested.  “We used to call that a Sorority Shower.”

“I can do a little better for you than that,” Eve said.  “Abby, would you please put me down, and let me back into the shop?”

When Abigail opened the door for her, there was nothing but disconcerting, inky blackness inside the frame.  Without her intention to go through, the door seemed unsure how to respond.  As Eve approached it however, a tiny image of the shop beyond appeared in the lowest corner.

“Wait,” Abigail called.

Eve waited.

“Are you going to be okay?  Without me?”

The witch was smaller than the palm of her hand, and looked terribly vulnerable down there, all by herself.  It was impossible to read her expression from so far above, but Abigail had a feeling that even up close, she wouldn’t have understood the look in her lover’s eye.

“I’ll be okay,” Eve said.

Abigail continued to look at her.

“Anyway, Dylan’s still out there.  I won’t be alone.”


The witch spared Abigail a final look, then blinked through the door.

For many seconds, Abby stared at the place she had been.

“So,” Kayla drawled.  “I can’t help but notice that it smells like sex in here.”

Chloe slapped her on the shoulder.

“I’m congratulating her!” Kayla said defensively.  “And look, it won’t be the first time I’ve slept on sex-used sheets.  I was even thinking of making a, you know, contribution.”

“Abby and Eve get the bed,” Chloe told her, in a tone that brooked no argument.  “We’ll sleep on the floor.”

“There’s isn’t space for that!  The bed takes up, like, the whole room!”

“All five of us can’t fit on a queen mattress anyway.”

“Hey guys,” Abigail interrupted.  “Is it just me or does the bed look… bigger?”

The mattress was growing.  Not simply becoming wider and more spacious, but rising higher.  The surface was at the level of Abigail's shoulder.  Then over her head.

“Um,” Chloe said.

The whole room was growing around them, expanding in all directions with incredible speed.  Abigail grabbed her friends, helping them keep their orientation as the room bubbled outward in space.  She’d been through this before: they weren’t shrinking.  It just really, really looked that way.

They were only as tall as Eve’s laundry pile.  Then it was ten feet tall, then twenty.  The bedframe was a sheer cliff, towering into the cavernous room, at least four times Abigail’s height.  Little imperfections in the cheap particleboard came into focus as the room continued to grow.

When it finally stopped, none of the three former giantesses appeared to be more than eight inches tall.

Abigail gave a wry smile.  “I guess Eve is feeling better.”

“As a matter of fact,” a low, feminine voice rumbled.  “I am.”

The massive door opened, and in stepped the giant witch.

Earlier that day, Abigail had witnessed Lilith grow from an average-sized woman, to several thousand feet tall in the blink of an eye.  If she had bothered to think about it, Abby would have guessed that Eve could do the same.  She was intellectually aware that the witch had effortlessly matched her height when Abby had grown to twenty-five, fifty, even a hundred feet.  But while Eve had towered over her on occasion, the woman’s height advantage had never gone past putting Abby nose-level with her navel.

This?  Was something else entirely.

Eve had apparently stripped naked back in the shop, wanting to make an entrance at her new size.  Abigail found herself looking up at her naked slit, so high above she would’ve needed a fire engine ladder to reach.  Her head didn’t even make it halfway up her lover’s shin.  A little speck that she recognized as Dylan sat pretty on the witch’s collarbone, which seemed like fifty feet above at least.  His hands held tight to a single cord of Eve’s hair.  It looked as thick as nautical rope in his grasp.

Giant Eve stepped lightly, carrying a steaming cooking pot the size of a small swimming pool.  She bent sinuously, setting it on the floor in front of the girls, and slowly turned her glowing green eyes to Abby.

“Like I said,” the witch growled.  “We can do better than sink baths tonight.”

Abigail opened her mouth.  Closed it again.  Counted to three, and managed to find her words.  “Hey, so.  Purely out of academic curiosity.  How tall are you right now?”

Eve smirked.  “I happen to know your interest isn’t academic, or pure.  I am, give or take an inch, exactly a thousand feet tall.  I thought you’d appreciate a nice round number.”

Abby fanned herself.

“Kayla, honey?” Chloe whispered.  “You doing okay with this?  How big she is?”

“You know lately?  I’ve started to see the appeal of taller women.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, sweetie.”  Eve winked at her from high above.  “Alright, you three.  Strip.”

They stripped.

As soon as Abigail was naked, Eve delicately lifted her with a hand that was perhaps three-quarters the length of her entire body.  The giantess held her just above the surface of the water.  “Test this.  Tell me if it’s too hot.”

Abigail obediently dipped her hand into the pot.  “It’s perfect.  Though if I were thinking about rules to follow when dealing with a witch, ‘Don’t climb into her cooking pot,’ would be damn near the top.”

“I’m sick of rules.  Let’s not worry about them tonight.  Agreed?”

Abigail couldn’t answer.  Eve was using her gigantic fingers to massage her naked body, squeezing her breasts, her tummy, her thighs.  She moaned unabashedly, spurred on by the knowledge that Chloe, Kayla, and Dylan were watching her be played with like a helpless little squeezy toy, and that Eve was doing all this to her with a single hand.

The witch let it go on for half a minute, then slowly lowered Abigail into the bath.  A moment later Eve’s giant hands returned – Kayla in one, Chloe in the other.

“Can you all touch bottom?”

The girls experimented, and nodded.

“Good.  Have a nice swim.  I’m going to make myself a cup of tea.”

Eve touched the door frame, and whispered a word to it.  When she left, the room didn’t readjust to her absence, and remained huge.

Chloe swam over, grinning from ear to ear.  “Hey, Abby?  Can I just say?  Your magical girlfriend is pretty cool.”

“Yeah,” Kayla agreed.  “There are decent benefits to being on Eve’s team after all.  I mean, this isn’t exactly a hot tub, but….”

“What’s missing?” Abigail interrupted.  “The jets?  Because I can help with that.”

She splashed her.

This commenced a short, giggling fight, there in the cooking pot.  Battle lines were quickly drawn, with both Chloe and Kayla teaming up against Abigail.  Abby had no chance.  She had a small size advantage over Chloe – twenty feet or so, which at their scale put her a little over a head taller.  But not only was Kayla just as tall as Abby now, both her friends were powerfully muscled.  Those giant arms were amazing at shoving water around.  In short order, Abigail found herself pressed against the side of the pot, while what felt like gallons of water sprayed her in the face.

“Okay!” Abby laughed.  “Truce!  You’re soaking Eve’s carpet!”

She had water in her ears, and couldn’t quite hear what Kayla said in response.  It was something like, ‘Bet you soaked her carpet.’  Chloe looked scandalized, then laughed.

“I’ll be honest,” Abigail said, rubbing her eyes.  “I had a lot of ideas about what it would be like to be a hundred-twenty feet tall.  This… was not one of them.”

Kayla rolled her eyes.  “With the room so big, it practically feels like we’re just Eve’s pets.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s on purpose.  I think for Eve, treating us like her cats would be the greatest sort of compliment.  Though to be accurate, I’d say we’re more kitten-sized compared to her.”

Chloe gasped.  “Oh gosh – why do I suddenly find the idea of being someone’s kitten so appealing?”

Kayla hugged her.  “You can be my kitten any day.”

Eve returned.  The giant woman sat cross-legged on the floor, looming high above them as the girls continued their swim.  She said little, seemingly content to just sip her tea and smile down at them.  At one point she asked Dylan to remove his clothes, then dipped her giant hand in the water to make a private little pool for him.  It would’ve been nice for the little guy to join them, but Abby and her friends were several dozen times his size.  There was just no way to make that safe.  And anyway, it was good to see him get Eve all to himself for a bit.

Eve saved a surprise for the very end of the swim.  One by one, she lifted the three of them out of the water, and used the remains of her drink to rinse them off.

“Green tea is supposed to be good for the skin,” the witch explained, as she poured the hot liquid down on Chloe like a waterfall, and the smaller woman laughed hysterically.

“Okay – now you’re just toying with us,” Abigail said, as she eagerly awaited her turn.

“Careful you don’t soak your carpet,” Kayla called up to the witch.

After they’d dried, Eve settled the three of them at the end of her bed.  The massive woman made herself comfortable, bringing her heels together, using her legs to create an enclosure for the three tiny giantesses.

“There now,” the witch sighed.  “Everyone safe and warm down there?”

“Yes, Eve, thank you, Eve.”  Abigail turned, and whispered low to her friends.  “This really lends credence to my ‘kitten’ theory.”

Chloe smiled happily, and nodded.

The three of them lay together, sharing body heat.  It was incredibly peaceful, and after the long day she’d had, Abigail found herself drifting toward sleep.  Kayla and Chloe were so close, their presence so comforting.  And Eve was there, her massive size contributing to the overwhelming sense of safety she felt.

Slowly, Abigail became aware of an odd sensation.  She found that, even with her eyes closed, she could feel the witch’s gaze upon her, sense the glow of Eve’s smile.  It warmed her, to hold the attention of someone so big, who she loved so much.  Abigail played with that sensation.  When she lifted her hand, she sensed Eve’s attention following it.  She waved it back and forth, curling her fingers, basking in her lover’s attention.

Knowing Eve was watching her every move, she reached out, and experimentally stroked her hand down Chloe’s arm.

Her friend whimpered, and rolled toward her, leaning into her touch.

Behind her back, Kayla stirred.  She moved closer, and rested her palm on Abigail’s shoulder.  Gently, but insistently, the woman pulled her into an embrace.

Abigail allowed herself to be moved, taking advantage of the shift to touch Kayla on the inner thigh.  Smirking to herself, she let her fingertips begin to travel.

“It’s nice to know I’ve still got it,” Eve rumbled.

“What do you mean?”  It was just possible to make out Dylan’s voice, tiny and far away, from where he sat on Eve’s shoulder.

The giant woman chuckled.  “Oh nothing.  I made a bet with myself about which of those three would make the first move.  I guess it’s no surprise it was Abby.  Cuddle up a little closer, Dylan Sweetie.  You’re about to witness something magical.”

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