Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Second Date with a Size Shifter - Conclusion

CW: F/m, giantess growth, mini-gts to hundreds of feet, big emotions, fear related to being physically close to a much larger person, very NSFW, mouthplay

The earth moved beneath me.  She brought me close.  Her lips were many times wider than my arms could reach, and at least as thick as my body.  There was danger here, but I didn't consider it for a second.  I hugged her upper lip, nuzzled my chin against her cupid’s bow, and kissed her passionately.

Yvette sighed with contentment.  Tentatively, her massive tongue pressed against me.  Forcing my lower body away from her, inch by inch.

I held on, letting her lift me off my feet, then finally climbed kneeling atop her tongue.  She was wet, and bumpy, and surprisingly strong.  I let her support me as I kissed her upper lip.  She slid me back and forth, and I ran my hands over everything I could reach.

“It's not fair,” she said at last.  The words spilled me back into her palm, which she held ready to catch me.  I felt dazed, disoriented.

“What's not….” I caught myself before asking the question.  “Go on.”

Yvette hesitated.  Then broke out in a mischievous smile.  “Your khakis.  I don't like the way they taste.  Besides that, I've been naked for our entire second date.  You're still fully dressed.”

“I would ask if you wanted me to fix that, but I can’t think of a way to work in ‘what the hell.’ It's up to you, Yvette.”

We looked at each other for a long time.  I can't be certain, but I think she was trying to work up the courage.  When Yvette finally spoke, there was a slight quiver in her voice.  Excitement, maybe.  Or fear.

“Yeah.  Take ‘em off.”

Again, I remembered her feelings on PDA.  “Okay.  But only if you're sure you want that.  I don't mind waiting for our third date.  Or fourth, or fifth.”

Yvette looked grateful.  “But I really do want to.  It's like… I don't know, Victor.  When I'm with you, I don't care about the rest of the world.  It might as well not exist.  I've felt that way all evening.  But I’m worried I might scare you away.”

“You don't scare me.” I was already unbuttoning my shirt.  “And for the record.  I feel the same way.  About the rest of the world.  And about scaring you.”

She nodded.  And watched me in silence as I undressed.  I thought for a moment about what to do with my clothes, then realized Yvette probably didn't have a way to get hers back tonight.  I smiled, and let them flutter away in the breeze.

“Lay down in my palm,” she purred.

I did.  Her hand was ten feet wide at least.  Her massive fingers curled up protectively around me.

I felt the gust of her sigh.  Then she leaned down, and kissed me.  Her lips stretched from my forehead to the tips of my toes.  I did my best to kiss her back, but she was so overwhelming, and the pleasant weight of her lips was forcing me down.  So I went slack, and simply experienced her.

She explored me, with mouth and tongue.  Her saliva heated me – her breath cooled me.  Every so often she would flick her tongue, and easily flip me over.  This freaked me out a little the first time it happened – I was a long way up, after all.  But her hand was so big, and I was nowhere close to the edge.  I knew she wouldn't let anything bad happen.  She went on this way, switching from time to time.  Nuzzling, kissing my back, lightly pursing her lips against my ass.  Then flipping me over, and giving the same attention to my front.

Eventually she settled in.  Her gigantic tongue pushed my legs apart, then shaped into a point as it teased against the curl of my cock.  She traced up and down the length of my shaft with the tiniest movements possible, as I cried out and moaned.

She sucked me.  Carefully, precisely.  It felt amazing, and I simply let the sensation wash over me, feeling myself caught completely between her massive, soft lips.  Yet as good as it felt, I knew I'd never be able to cum from this.  The line was so thin between gentle enough to be safe, and hard enough to hurt.  Yvette was holding back, bless her.  But it occurred to me I had no reason to be gentle with her.

After perhaps ten minutes of letting her please me, I reached out and touched her on the nose.

Yvette pulled back at once, and peered down at me.  Her look of concern utterly filled my vision.  “Everything okay?”

“Yes.  Amazing, in fact.” I wiped a handful of wetness from my thigh, and playfully spread it on her cheek.  “Would it be okay if I, you know.  Returned the favor?”

I could actually feel the heat of her blush.  “You're sure? I mean I'm really….  Like.  I’m a lot at this size.  You might not be able to–”

“I'm sure.”

It took a long time for her to lower me to the ground.  I stood in the wet grass, cold now that I was separated from her body heat.  Yvette made herself comfortable, and I watched in awe.  I suppose I had seen larger things move in my life – cruise ships, or cargo planes.  But never from this close, and never with this sense of connection, the feeling that something so big was watching me back.  She scooted away, the ground splitting beneath her weight.  Then propped herself up on her hands, pivoted her hips forward, and separated her knees.

“I'll hold as still as I can.” She spoke in a whisper, yet her voice echoed through the forest.  “Please be careful, Victor.”

I didn't bother to answer – she wouldn't have been able to hear me anyway.  Her inner thigh was soft and pliant, giving me plenty of places to grab hold and climb up.  The base of her slit was five feet off the ground, but I needed to go higher.  Twenty feet up, I could see the beach ball-sized mound of her clitoris.  It bobbed invitingly, throbbing in time to her heart.  The smell of her was omnipresent.  It drove me on.

Yvette was fully wet at this point, and at her scale that presented a huge problem.  Her legs and labia were slick with her excitement, and that made for difficult climbing.  A couple of times I almost fell, and each time I could feel her tense up with the impulse to reach out and save me.  But always I was able to hold on, and she'd relax again.  It took patience, but soon I was high enough to reach her pubic hair.  That made things much easier.  It was stiff, as thick as clothesline, and even a single strand hardly bent at all when I put my weight on it.  From there, making it to my destination was easy.

“Doing okay?”

I felt the words transmitted through her body.  In answer, I gave her a little kiss.  Then I made the final transition.  A little jump, holding on for dear life, and then I was kneeling on either side of her clitoral hood, allowing my feet to sink into her folds.

Gently at first, I started to lick.  Her clitoris was soft and enormous.  There was something about kissing her here that felt a little like sinking my face into the center of a gigantic plum, once someone had removed the pit.  Gradually I increased the intensity of my movements, and was rewarded with gasps and sighs from high above, as Yvette fought to stay perfectly still.

For a little bit, I thought she was growing again.  Her clit swelled against my face, and her labia grew thicker and more pronounced.  But it was only her natural physiological response, blown up to an impossible scale.  Periodically she would throb hard beneath me, her vulva suddenly bucking like a bronco.  I was forced to grab a hold of her with both hands or risk being thrown – which seriously limited my options for pleasing her.

I thought for a moment, trying to find a safe way to accomplish my goals.  Eventually I had an idea.  I took a firm hold on her pubic hair, squeezed her giant clitoris between my chin and chest.  Then I used all the strength in my shoulders and biceps to rock up and down against her.  I relaxed into my efforts, letting the signs of her body guide me.  At her size, her responses were impossible to miss.  It gave me a perfect road map for getting her off.

I wasn't going to be able to maintain this effort much longer.  But then I felt a sudden change in her posture as she thrust forward.  A surprisingly high-pitched cry filled the city night.  Yvette throbbed harder than ever for the space of five seconds, until gradually she went still.

I clung to her, resting my aching back.  The two of us panted, our breath perfectly in time.

“Wow,” she said at last, the word a long rolling bass note.


She was silent for a bit.  Then suddenly I felt her shift dramatically as her titanic hand came up behind me.  With incredible gentleness, she held me to her.

“I feel a lot better after that.  Hang on.  I won't let you fall.”

It took me a beat to realize what was happening.  Her labia seemed to contract, her thighs drew in closer.  It was disconcerting, like the walls were closing in around me.  I grabbed her hair for support, then had to tighten my grip, and tighten it again.

Yvette was shrinking.

It went on for perhaps ten seconds, and by then she was small enough that I could tickle the base of her slit with my toes, while still remaining face-to-face with her clit.  She had lost roughly half her size – leaving her a mere hundred feet or so.

Her body remained tense for a moment, until she abruptly relaxed.  I heard her sigh with frustration.  When she spoke, her voice was softer, and not quite as deep.  “That was amazing, Victor.  But um.  This is as small as I can get for now.  I know you must be tired, but could you… keep… going? Please?”

I laughed gently.  “Sure.”

It was another interesting physical puzzle, but with a little effort I managed to get the lower half of my body inside her.  She yelped happily, and I felt her inner muscles squeeze against my body.  She wasn't tight, but the tension of her sex was enough to support some of my body weight, at least.  Enough that I could hold myself up with one arm.

One hand gripped her pubic hair, the other massaged her clit.  I swung my hips back and forth, and got a rhythm going that moved me from side to side, my knee dragging against her g-spot.  It was a bit like being on a swing at a playground – only a lot more pleasurable.

Yvette didn't try to be quiet this time.  She moaned and sighed along with my efforts, occasionally letting out a quick, sharp gasp.  After thirty seconds I felt her start to flutter around me, and she suddenly got a lot more wet.  She cried out – almost a perfect repeat of the sound she’d made on her last orgasm – and once more started to shrink.

Soon it was getting a bit snug inside her.  I guessed she was back in the fifty or sixty foot range.  Holding still was no longer an option for her, but thankfully, she was tight enough that I felt firmly held in place.  It was like an amusement park ride.  She thrust her hips, arching her pussy toward the sky, rocking me in all directions.  Still, I felt safe.  My penis slipped back and forth against her folds, and several times I had to slow down or risk losing it – no way was I going to cum inside her on our second date.

I had her figured out pretty well at this point, and I was working her rapidly toward orgasm number three.  But the instant before she got there, she suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders, and pulled me out.  A hand not quite the size of my body repositioned me, pressed me against her sex.  By now I could stand on the ground, and fuck my cock directly against the top of her clit.  From high above she watched me.  Those haunting green eyes, boring into mine as we shared this moment of ecstasy.

She held me close.  Whispered my name.  Then began to rapidly get smaller against me.

In the aftermath she lay in the dirt, smiling serenely at the stars.  I came over to join her.  She made a space in the crook of her arm, and I snuggled down against her.

“I need a few minutes,” I told her softly.  “But it looks like one more orgasm and you'll be back to normal?”

The double-sized woman laughed.  “No, that was plenty.  I'm secure enough that I could shrink back down if I wanted.  I feel so good, Victor.  Like I could be any size at all right now.  Shrink down to fit into your hand, or grow us to the moon.  But I haven't managed to get you off tonight, and in my book, that's unacceptable.  I stopped at twelve feet because I had an idea for something I could do at this size.  Do you want to hear it?”

I rolled over, putting both my hands on her chest, and kissed the giantess very seriously on the mouth.  “Why don't you just show me?”

Yvette grinned wolfishly up at me.  She wrapped her fingers fully around my hips, and lifted me as if I weighed nothing.  She turned me until I was hovering chest-down in the air, like a cut-rate Super Man, then lowered me over her face.  She used her cheeks to spread my legs, directing me.  Soon I was kneeling over her, facing toward her feet, my groin an inch above her face.

Her lips tickled my groin as she spoke.  The subsonic throb of it bringing my dick to maximum alert.

“Lie forward.”

I did.  Her breasts supported my upper body, and my chin rested against the top of her ribs.  Without ceremony, she took the entire length of my cock into her mouth, along with my balls.  She moaned deeply, and began to suck.

I clung to her, and screamed.

Yvette’s low chuckle vibrated through my body, as she practically devoured my dick.  I've had some good blowjobs in my time, but what she was doing was simply beyond compare.  She was all-consuming, unstoppable.  Her tongue swirled around me, far bigger and thicker than my cock, wrestling me back and forth at her whim.  I struggled and twitched involuntarily, but the weight of her massive hands held me in place, cradled me to her.  Her gigantic palm came down, spanning the entire length of my butt, then began to rhythmically press down on me – forcing me to face-fuck her as deep as I could.

She began to increase her intensity, working me toward my release.  This was going to be the end for me, she was too much.  And then, fantastically, I felt her start to tighten her lips around me.  I coughed, drool exploding from my mouth onto her tummy, and blinked in confusion.

She was shrinking again.  But slowly, purposefully.  I could feel her mouth curl into a smile as she sucked me.  Her overlarge teeth nibbled carefully beneath the crown of my penis.  I whimpered, and she sighed happily, and shrank in a larger burst.

I found I could just barely reach her sex, if I stretched to my maximum.  I sank my fingers into her, gratified by her warmth, her silky wetness.  It was confirmation that doing this to me was a huge turn-on for her, too.  That was what did it.

“I'm gonna cum!”


She went faster.  Shrinking herself down more rapidly.  In the end, we were the same size.  I clamped my face between her legs, and howled my release into her.

Yvette took all of me.  Every last drop, as I continued to twitch and pulse for a happy eternity, and the sounds of the city reasserted themselves around us.

After a few seconds, she gave me an urgent tap on the thigh.  I quickly climbed off her.  Yvette sat up, coughed once, and made a deep, undignified noise from the back of her throat.  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and smiled shyly at me.

“Sorry.  That was a lot.  When I'm… little.”

Yvette was an absolute mess.  The ground beneath us had been scraped down to soil, and all around were the imprints of her body at various sizes.  Giantess sweat had stirred the dirt into mud, and she was caked with it all over.  I was no better.  Covered in an exotic variety of bodily fluids, two-hundred-foot-Yvette-cum still drying in my hair.

We stared, each of us seeing the other as they truly were – appreciating the mess and imperfections just as much as the beauty beneath.  I offered her my hand.  She took it.

We went off to find a more comfortable place to sit.

She was my height at first.  By the time we settled beneath a tree, she had shrunk back down to her natural five-eight.  We were near the river now.  Frogs sang, and fireflies blinked.  In the far distance, a car honked.  Someone swore.

“Do you know your last question?” she asked, after a time.  “Remember, the category is, ‘what the fuck.’”

“Sure.  That's an easy one.  Want to say it with me?”

She nodded.  “What the fuck….”

“...are we….”

“...going to do…”

“...to get home?”

We shared a grin, and snuggled down together on that warm summer night.

It was several minutes before either of us felt like speaking.

“For the record,” Yvette said.  “I have several ideas.  For getting home.  Different ways it could go.”

“Yeah.  Me, too.  I bet some of our ideas are the same.  Are you in a hurry to get there?”


She rolled toward me, wrapping her arm around my waist.  Pulling herself a little closer.  Despite everything, she still smelled like rosemary.

“I like where we are,” Yvette told me.  “Whatever comes next, it will come.  We could waste our whole lives waiting for the next thing to happen.  Let's not do that, Victor.  Deal?”


I had a million ideas of what tomorrow might bring.  I set them aside, and thought only of where we were.

It was a good night.

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