Thursday, August 15, 2024

Second Date with a Size Shifter


This is a wish fulfillment story I wrote for a friend of mine, who was feeling really down.  'Yvette' isn't her real name of course - it's a bit of an in-joke.  We talked about what would make her happiest in the whole world.  This story is based on her answer.

CW: F/m, giantess growth, mini-gts to hundreds of feet, big emotions, fear related to being physically close to a much larger person, very NSFW, mouthplay

Second Date with a Size Shifter

by pseudoclever

I was still buzzing, twenty minutes after Yvette said good night.

It was the best first date I’d had in a long time.  I'd been going out to meet potential new partners two or three times a week, and I’d been at it for months.  There were fun nights here and there, a couple folk I was really into who didn't pan out.  Mostly there was disappointment.

It's part of the territory when you’re trying to meet the love of your life.  You keep your chin up, and approach each date with hope that maybe this time, they’ll be the one.

Yvette?  She gave me hope.  Her profile made me laugh out loud, twice.  We were looking for the same things in our romantic lives.  She liked gardening and bourbon and long walks in the forest.  Plus she was really cute.  Yvette’s profile pic had these arresting green eyes, and her smile was out of this world – though even then I thought there was something sad about it.

I sent her a like.  To my surprise, she liked me back.  We sparred playfully over text for a few hours about self-care and stargazing.  Then I asked her out.

She said yes.

We agreed to meet at a cute little cocktail bar in my neighborhood.  Those eyes pierced me from across the room the moment I stepped through the door.  I had an opening line ready, but before I could get it out we were swept up, continuing a conversation we'd been having over text.

It felt so easy.  We were both laughing, saying, “Exactly,” to each other a lot.  Eye contact with her felt scary.  I didn't want to look away.

At one point I rested my hand in the middle of the table.  Dangerously invading the neutral zone between us.  A minute later, Yvette put her hand beside mine, close enough to tickle the little hairs on the back of my palm.  I made a point in the conversation, and casually brushed my finger against hers.  She smiled, and just as casually took my hand.

We went on like that.  Escalating.  My leg against hers.  Her head against my shoulder.  My arm around her back.  We were speaking low, talking about serious topics, both of us blushing bright.

“I never do this,” she told me at one point.  “Public displays of affection are usually a squick for me.”

“Sorry.  Do you want to stop?”

“I really, really don't.”

We stayed out late that night.  She offered to drive me home.  There was no place to park, and so she stopped her car in the street, blocking traffic.  Cars piled up behind us as we kissed.  She was soft, and tasted like the rosemary that had been crumbled into her bourbon cocktail.  I couldn't believe how well we fit together.

Someone finally honked.  We separated immediately, embarrassed.  Her hair was a mess.  We were both breathing hard.

“I never got your number,” I said, as I climbed out of her car.

“I'll be in touch.  Have a good night.”

I watched her drive away.  I went inside, and made myself another drink.  I lay in bed.  My cat sat on my chest.  Her purring was comforting, but I wished I was snuggling someone else.

I was thinking of turning out the lights when I heard a noise at my second story window.  It sounded a bit like someone throwing rocks.  But the sound was a little too regular, a little too heavy.

My cat complained as I went to the window.  When I opened the drapes, she jumped up in terror, and ran from the room.

Yvette giggled.  The sound was deep.  It shook me to my core.

“Aw, I scared kitty.  What's her name?”

“Um.  Alice.”

“Of Wonderland fame?  I'm charmed.  I'll try to make a better impression next time.”

What I saw was impossible.  At first I thought someone was holding a massive widescreen TV displaying Yvette’s face outside my window.  But I could smell the rosemary on her breath.  And beneath it, turned up to eleven, the scent of her body I'd come to know as she cuddled into my arms.

Every sense told me this was the same Yvette that had kissed me wild not twenty minutes before.  Maybe that’s why I wasn’t afraid.

The giantess rested both hands on the side of my house, and leaned in closer.  “Sorry for dropping by unannounced.  I saw your light was on.”

“Oh!  No reason to apologize.  I was just thinking about you, actually.”

We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment, neither sure what to say.  At last Yvette sighed, her breath ruffling my hair.  “So.  Victor.  I'm guessing you have some questions.”

I laughed.  “We could start with, ‘what,’ and ‘how,’ and move on to ‘what the fuck?’ But I'm guessing you get that a lot?”

“No, actually.”  She bit her lip.  It's a hell of a thing, seeing a girl that big look embarrassed.  “No one’s done this to me in years.  Made me lose control, I mean.  I got half a block down the street before my size went crazy.”

“Are you okay?”

The giantess brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes.  “What happened to, ‘what’ and ‘how?’”

I hesitated.  Then threw open the window screen.  I tried to make it look casual as I put my hand on the windowsill – reaching ever so slightly into the giant girl’s personal space.

Yvette smiled.  She brushed her smallest finger against my palm, utterly encompassing it.  It was incredibly heavy, and the texture of her fingerprints felt rough against my skin.

I squeezed.

“So,” I said.  “You can grow, apparently.  You're twenty feet tall at least if you can reach my window.”

“Closer to sixty.  Actually.  I'm on my knees.  And um.  Just to get possible deal breakers out of the way?  I can go a lot bigger.”

“Then I'm using my pre-designated, ‘how.’ What I want to know is, how big?”

Her giant eyes blinked.  “That's not the, ‘how’ I was expecting.”

“I'm full of surprises, baby.”

Yvette laughed hard enough to rattle my window in its frame.  Down the street, a car alarm went off.  “I guess you are.  Um.  Honest answer? I don't know.  It's never safe to try.  I could wade out into the ocean, but then there are the poor fish to consider, not to mention fragile coral reef systems, and if I got big enough to punch through the mantle of the Earth with my weight….”

I leaned down, and kissed her fingertip.

Her pupils went wide.

“I would invite you inside,” I whispered.  “But….”

Yvette smirked.  “So come outside then.”

I did.

She was staggeringly, mind-bendingly enormous, as she stood in my street.  Her feet stretched across a whole lane of traffic, and my head didn't even crest the bulb of her ankle.  She drummed her toes excitedly as I approached.  Her little black dress had apparently torn to shreds, her nudity on display for anyone to see.  She was verdant, and inviting, hidden in shadow and silhouette of the streetlights.

But best of all, high above, were her eyes.

She telegraphed her intentions as she leaned down, so I wasn't surprised by her question.

“Can I pick you up?”


I was the perfect size for her palm.  She lifted me gently, and cuddled me against her throat.  I could feel the blood running hot, sense the thrum of her great heart.

“Is this technically a second date?” I asked.

She wrapped her fingers around me tighter.  “Let’s say… yes.  Because I have a policy of never sleeping with anyone on the first date.”

“Me, too.” I pointed toward the horizon, to a dark spot among the surrounding orange glow.  “There's a nature preserve over there.”

“I do love walks in the forest.”

The world shook as we moved.  Far below, cars honked.  People screamed.

I held her.

“You only get to ask me two more questions,” she rumbled.  “For tonight, at least.  Feel like using your ‘what?’”

“Let me think.  What… made you grow? You said you can usually hold it in?”

“Big feelings.”

“Big feelings?” I playfully cuffed her giant cheek.  “That's all I get?”

“Yup.  You're down to one last question.  Better be careful.”

She suddenly winced at the sound of metal on metal down below.  Yvette bent, taking me with her.  A look of concern wracked her face.

It looked like a minor traffic accident.  Two cars had collided at an intersection.  As I watched, both drivers climbed out, looking dazed.

“Everyone okay down there?” Yvette squeaked.

The drivers looked up at her, expressions of mingled awe and terror on their faces.

“I think they're fine,” I whispered.

“Yeah.  Um, s-sorry for being distracting, but I had the right of way at that intersection, you two should watch the road, and anyway, have a nice night!”

She stood back to her full height, and ran.  I felt a sudden rush of vertigo, and realized that she was growing again.  Swelling into the sky as I clung to her neck.  It was hard to tell, but I guess she had about tripled in size by the time we reached the park.

She had to be almost two hundred feet tall.

Yvette sat down, taking several deep breaths.  The night air felt cool, and the darkness of the park enveloped us like a blanket.

I clung to her carefully.  Even with her sitting, I could tell I was really far above the ground.  I moved like a mountain climber around to her ear, to be sure she could hear me.  “You just grew a lot, huh? Do you want to talk about what you're feeling?”

I had to shift my grip.  The geography of her face changed when she smiled.  “Error.  Invalid question format.  Must use What the Fuck.  Abort, retry, fail?”


Yvette reached out.  It could've been terrifying, as she pinched me between fingers the size of sedans.  Somehow it wasn't.  Soon I found myself cupped in her massive palm, looking up at her face.  She was illuminated by ghostly city lights too far away to do her justice.

“Do you remember my height?” she whispered.  “Like.  My regular height.  From my dating profile?”

“Yeah.  Five-eight.  I wanted to be sure I'd recognize you.”

“Mm.  I managed to hold that size during our date… for about thirty seconds.  I was way taller than you by the time we paid our tab.  Did you catch how much I was slouching when I walked you to my car?”

“No.  I was thinking about other things.  You're pretty tricky.” I walked forward to the edge of her palm.  As close to her face as I could get.

Her rosemary breath warmed me as she smiled.  “The point is, I would go back to that size if I could.  This… thing I can do.  Growing.  It's pretty cool I'll admit.  But I wish I could be small enough to fit in your room tonight.  Or any place private, and safe.”

Lights flashed upon her face.  The red and blue of police cruisers.  There were no sirens, though.  No emergencies.  And thankfully they were far away, not coming any closer.

“Hey,” I said.


“I know you said public displays of affection were a squick.  But I would very much like to kiss you right now.  Would that be alright?”

She nodded so hard I almost lost my footing.  “Yeah.”

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