Monday, August 19, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 53

Content Warning: this chapter contains a brief non-consensual sex act, that is handled in a healthy manner.

Carnal Carnival

Abigail picked the first batch of tiny patrons for Castle Chloe.  Her hand hovered briefly above each of them, like a super-sized claw game, with all of them begging to be the prize.  As she selected them she reached out to Eve with her mind, making sure everyone she picked was Desire Witch-approved.  Then one by one, she sensuously draped them across Chloe’s naked breasts.  One of them, she grazed along her nipple, before releasing him.  Another she let slide down into her cavernous cleavage.  In short order Chloe’s chest had reached maximum occupancy, with twenty little ones bouncing and laughing there on her tits.  Abigail felt certain all of them were strangers when this started.  But you simply didn’t have an experience like this without forming some sort of connection with the people around you.

“I didn’t expect to get so much out of this,” Chloe said, a shiver in her voice.

“Well.  You have me here,” Abigail said.  “I imagine that adds something to the experience.  Like.  At any moment, I might do something like this.”

She carefully lifted a tiny woman off Chloe’s sternum.  Abigail used the little lady deliberately, drawing her across Chloe’s bare skin, wetting the woman’s white t-shirt in Chloe’s sweat.  She set the woman down safely in the rocky outcrops of the giant woman’s abs, and gave her a tiny pat on the head.

“I really wish you were one of them right now,” Chloe breathed.



The look on Chloe’s face was exquisite embarrassment.  Yet she managed to maintain eye contact as she spoke.  “Imagine if… if we let Eve shrink you down.  I’d let you… go anywhere you wanted.  On my body.  Peaks, and um.  Valleys.  You’d feel so good on me, Abigail.  I want that so much right now.”

Thousands of rapt strangers were hanging on her every word.

“And what if you were the tiny one, Klo?”

The little ones on her chest cooed in appreciation as the giantess broke out in goosebumps.  “T-that would be good too.”

Abigail carefully dropped her hands to the dirt, and lowered herself over Chloe as if doing a push-up.  She brought herself down, until she was creating a roof for Chloe’s customers with her breasts.

She let her lips pause oh so near her smaller friend’s mouth.

“I know exactly where I’d want you,” Abigail stage whispered.  “If you were tiny, like them.  I’d let you take your time getting there.  And once you did, Chloe?  I’d let you live there, if you wanted.  For the rest of your life.”

Chloe moaned.  As she did, a shudder of pleasure went through the crowd.  When Abigail finally took the kiss she was owed, the people around them made the most delightful noises – a chorus of gasps, and groans, and cheers.

When Abigail pulled away, Chloe was salivating.  Her friend panted up at her, fingers clutching at the earth.

“Okay,” Abigail called, wiping her brow.  “Time for the next group.  Everyone off.”

There was a sound of general annoyance from the people still riding Chloe.

One particular bold lady actually shouted up at her.  It was the one still soaked with Klo-sweat, now laying on her back with her body entangled between two tiny men.

“Come on, Abigail.  There’s no way that was five minutes!”

“True.  But you got a very unique experience.  Are you dissatisfied?”

The woman grinned, and pulled the two men closer.

“Anyway, we’ve got to keep the line moving.  There’s a lot of people waiting their turn, and we can only service twenty at a time.”  Abigail did some quick math.  “Chloe, would you be jealous if I got in on the action?”

“I thought you already were,” Chloe purred.

Abigail studied the crowd.  As popular an attraction as her friend had become, there were still quite a few that were clearly focused on Abigail herself.  And there was a large subset that seemed especially interested in her giant platform shoes.  They were pure fetish fuel, after all.  And she wasn’t above taking advantage of it.

Abigail rapidly delivered another group of two-inch visitors to Castle Chloe, taking them five at a time in each hand.  Then she removed the straps from one of her massive boots, unzipped the side, and pulled out her bare foot.

“Two new lines, over here,” she declared, the ground shaking as she sat down.  She spread her legs wide, separating her feet.  “Pick your poison, the platform or my foot, the lady or the tiger.  See how you measure up.  Ten-dollar donation for a picture beside one, twenty for a hug.  Fifty and up, you get one, I repeat, one lick.”

Chloe laughed hard enough that she was required to catch several tinies before they slipped to the ground.  “Abby, you’re a monster.”

“I’m just getting started.”  She hiked up her dress almost to her panties, wiggling her toes alluringly.  

She got comfortable, and tried to find Eve in the crowd.  The fifty-foot witch had stopped dancing, and was already grinning back at her.  Sleeve-tugging was no longer necessary between them, and Eve apparently knew it.  She had opted for a more direct approach.  Abby could sense the approval at her plan, the excitement, the lust Eve was experiencing.  Her beloved was focused upon her, intentionally radiating the feelings in her direction.     

Abigail smiled coyly, and tried to send back a request – that Eve should come a little closer, and share in the fun.

The witch shook her head twice, and pointed at her sister on stage.  Then she blew Abigail a kiss, tossed her hair playfully over her shoulder, and went back to dancing.

“Well now, what have we here?” Kayla said.  Abby flinched at the interruption – the giant woman was suddenly towering over her, hands on her hips.  “Which one of you hooligans broke the safety fence?”

“Abigail,” Chloe said quickly – along with a few hundred pint-sized narcs in the crowd.

“Yeah.  It was me.  So what, did you come over here to lay down the law?”  Abigail suppressed a giggle as a handful of people started rubbing against her foot.  “I sure hope you’re not planning to give me a spanking, out here, for everyone to see.  That would be just awful.”

Kayla smirked.  “You said spanking was off the table.  Do we need to renegotiate?”

Abigail blinked.

“We’ll talk about it later,” Kayla said, kissing her forehead.  “But no, I’m not here to punish you.  I’m here because this looks fun as hell.  I want in.”

Kayla ordered several hundred extremely compliant people out of her way – then knelt beside Chloe.

“So what’s your attraction?” Abigail asked.


“Yeah,” Chloe said.  “I’m doing a boobie-bounce and ab experience.  Abby’s got feet.”

“And apparently my mysterious cave of wonders,” Abigail said in a spooky voice, winking at the small group sneaking toward the place where her thighs come together.  She pulled her dress a little higher.  “Come explore… if you dare!”

Kayla thought.  “Hm.  I suppose I could let ‘em crawl all over my quads, or up my biceps.  But my first priority is getting revenge on Chloe.”


Chloe’s reply cut off as Kayla began to tickle her.  She screamed, but was forced to hold still for the sake of the tiny people crawling all over her body.

“This is for tickling me in front of Abby the other day,” Kayla growled, her hands playing over her girlfriend’s bare tummy, down her inner thighs.  “How do you like it, huh?”

Chloe squirmed, trying to escape, as her little patrons clung to her desperately.  In the end she could only give in.  She threw back her head, and let loose with peels of helpless laughter.

Kayla and Abigail laughed, too.

The familiar sound carried high, to a place where even the throbbing bass of the speakers began to fade.

Mackenzie watched her former friends.  She no longer felt sad, or lonely.  Just numb.  They looked so small to her now – pathetically so.  How tall was she?  Twice as tall as Abigail at least, and growing bigger all the time.  And it wasn’t just Mackenzie’s size that had increased.  Lilith had explained how to perform the ritual tonight, how absorbing the devotion of a critical mass of worshipers would propel her to True Divinity.  With each person who offered themselves, she could feel herself approaching perfection.  It was, as mistress had explained, her destiny.

Lilith was watching her more intently now.  There was pride and approval in the woman’s eyes, and if she allowed herself to hope, maybe even affection.  That look was a prize beyond measure, and Mackenzie wanted more than life itself to continue to be worthy of it.

Yet that tiny red coal continued to burn inside her.  A dull, unnamable heat, that nothing about tonight was able to quench.

The seven lines before her had thinned, as some of her potential worshipers were drawn in by the spectacle Abby had created.  No matter.  The world was full of those to offer her tribute, and besides, she could compensate by taking more from each that remained.

But before she could put this plan into action with the next group, someone caught her eye.  A familiar shape, in the line two from the left.

For the first time in an hour, she looked at one of her worshipers – really looked.

“Oh,” she said with surprise.  “It’s you.”

The little man responded, but he was far too small for her to hear.  To the eternal annoyance of her retinue, she held up her hand, calling a halt to the procession.  Mackenzie bent, far, far down, and scooped him into her palm.

“It’s Sam, right?” the goddess-to-be asked.  She pointed to her mistress.  “I thought you’d be with her.”

The blonde man – Lilith’s favored toy – looked upon her with ecstasy.  “I wish nothing more than to serve you, oh Mackenzie the Perfect.  Please, accept my offering.  Allow me to help you become greater, in even the smallest of ways.”

Mackenzie giggled.  She started to cover her mouth to shield him from her Glamour, but realized that wouldn’t work on him.

She thought for a moment.

“My wish,” she said.  “Is for you to speak only the truth of your heart to me.  Can you do that, Sam?”

He was so small, she could hardly see his change in expression.  But she thought he relaxed a little.

“I really wanted to be with Lilith,” he admitted.  “To accompany her as a friend, or a lover, or even let her carry me in her pocket.  When I asked, she told me I should offer myself to you instead.”

“Oh.”  Mackenzie lifted the little speck higher.  “And how does that make you feel?”

He was a long time in replying.

“I love her,” he said simply.  “But I guess she doesn’t feel the same.  If I can do something that makes her happy, then that’s what I’ll do.”

She caught the emotion behind her jaw.  It happened by instinct, before she understood what she was feeling.  She only knew she couldn’t let it show on her face.

“Would it be okay,” she said carefully.  “If I called you my friend?  I know it’s not the same as her….”

He perked up at once.  “Of course!  I’d like that.”

She offered him her pinky finger.

He tried to shake, but couldn’t even move it.

They both laughed.

It felt good to have a friend.

Her other friends were still there, of course.  Laughing and carrying on, and forever outside her reach.  It looked like a good party.

Abigail, enticing a few dozen people who’d been brave enough to approach her panties.  Wagging her finger at them, even she ran her finger along her silky black thong.

Kayla, massaging her way up and down Chloe’s thigh, her words too low to hear, but the tone obvious even from far above.

And Chloe – taking big deep breaths, trying not to let her passion spill over and endanger the tiny folk in her care.

Chloe could feel it getting more difficult every second.  She could hardly hold still, and Kayla wasn’t relenting.  Her fingertips were teasing against her inner thigh, going higher with every pass.  Her girlfriend wouldn’t actually do it.  Touch her there, in front of an audience.  Would she?

God, would that really be so bad?

The crowd was rooting for it.  She could hear their cries of encouragement each time Kayla’s hand crept up, and their groans of disappointment when she worked down again.  Even the tinies on her chest had stopped what they were doing to watch.

Except that one, who was crawling up her breast, scaling her like a mountain.

Chloe felt a slippery pin-prick of wetness.  An awkward, unwelcome sensation, that brought a scowl to her face.

She looked down, her eyes focusing, and saw her A&P professor straddling her tit like a mechanical bull.  And licking her, he was licking her!

In a flash, she had him.  She pinched him by the scruff of his jacket, and lifted him up to her eyes.  He yelped in surprise, then began to struggle.

“What exactly the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

The older man looked confused.  “Um.  Playing with your nipple.  Is there an issue?”

“Using your tongue wasn’t part of the deal.”

He huffed indignantly.  “Well!  That should’ve been made clear.  Abigail’s letting people lick her if the price is right–”

“I’m not Abigail.”

“...and the rules didn’t expressly forbid it.  Besides!  I made a sizeable donation.  Five-hundred dollars to the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Are you saying that isn’t worth the tiniest little lick?”

Kayla was there.  Wordlessly, Chloe passed the man into her grasp.  Her girlfriend carried him off toward security, as he howled something about tenure.  The crowd boo’d him lustily as he went.

“Alright!  Castle Chloe is taking a break.  Everyone off.”  Abigail scooted in beside her, and put an arm around her friend.  “That was gross.  I’m so sorry that happened, Klo.”

Chloe sighed.  “It was always a risk, letting a bunch of strangers touch me.  And it’s partly my fault for not being clear about what was allowed….”

“Bullshit.  You didn’t explicitly tell people it was okay.  You called yourself a bouncy castle – who licks a bouncy castle?”

Chloe laughed gently.

Kayla was returning.  “Okay.  That guy’s currently being thrown out on his ass.  What do you need, sweetie?  Want Abby and me to sit with you for a while?”

Chloe thought about it.  Though in honesty, there was very little thinking in what she did.  Mostly, she listened to her heart.

“I want to keep going.”

Abigail and Kayla shared a look.

“If you’re sure….” Kayla began.

“I’m sure.  That guy didn’t have a right to what he did.  But I’m not going to let him ruin my night.  I was having fun, and this still feels good.  Let’s keep going.”

Kayla nodded, then glared at the throng of tiny folk gathered at her feet.  “Alright, you heard the lady.  We’re opening back up, and we’re all clear on the ground rules.  Right?  Keep your clothes on, keep your fluids to yourself.”

There were nods, thumbs up, cheers.

Chloe smiled, starting to lay back down, but paused when she caught sight of Eve.  The woman was human-sized, and dancing elegantly toward them.  In this part of the crowd, she was the only one who moved to the music.  She did it floridly, like a leaf drifting on the wind, her every step an expression of emotion.

The witch slipped between two young men, who were lightly flirting.  Neither seemed to notice as she put her hand on each of their shoulders.  Both appeared to gain a few inches of height, and the one on the left put on a fair amount of muscle.  A man and woman were casually talking a few steps past them.  A gentle tap for each, and the two swapped genders.  The conversation didn’t miss a beat, but both looked much happier.  A short girl gained a foot in height, sprouted cat ears and a long fluffy tail.  The man she spoke with dwindled, became decidedly mouse-like.  He grinned nervously up as his companion licked her lips.

Eve stopped before the three giant women.  She spun on her toe, hands intertwining over her head as she finished in a pirouette, then bowed low enough to touch the ground.

When she looked up, she was grinning from ear to ear.

“You guys.  I am having the most wonderful night.”

For a moment, Abigail found herself tongue-tied.  Eve’s display of power left her with a sudden, overwhelming desire to get the woman alone, and find out what other magic they could work together.

“That was… impressive,” Abigail said at last.  “I didn’t know you could do any of that.”

“Me neither.  I feel great.  And don’t worry about those changes.  They’ll wear off by dawn – I think.  Anyway.  I came over to check on Chloe.  But it feels like you’re doing okay, sweetie?”

Chloe winked, laying back down in the grass.  Lines were already forming again.

Eve helped Kayla pick out the next batch of Castle Chloe customers, then turned to look up at Abigail.

“You’re having fun,” the witch said, matter-of-factly.

“I am,” Abigail said.  “But I missed you.  You’ve been so far away tonight.”

“Just physically,” Eve replied.  “And I’m here now.”

Abigail’s heart pounded reassuringly in her chest, as she reached for the witch.  Eve put her hands over her head, growing from human-sized, until she was just big enough to perfectly fit into Abigail's hand.  She allowed herself to be lifted into the sky.

“I am so deeply, desperately in love with you,” Abigail whispered, as she held the witch before her lips.  “I’ve got it bad, Eve.  I feel like I’m sick with it.”

Eve nodded in agreement.  “I love you, too.”  She closed her eyes as Abigail kissed her.

The witch was far too small to return the kiss properly.  No more than thirty feet, Abigail guessed.  Yet she could still work her magic.  The kiss made Abigail’s hair stand on end, made her mouth water.  For two brief seconds, every one of her senses was laser-focused on the tiny woman in her hand.  She couldn’t hear the party.  She didn’t know where she was.  She even forgot her own name.

There was only her.  And Eve.

It was a perfect moment.  Abigail never forgot it, despite what came next.

Suddenly, Eve began to laugh.

“Something funny?”

“It’s… it’s Elijah!” she cackled.  “He’s in trouble.  There.”

Eve pointed off toward the dance floor.  Even in that dense part of the crowd, the man was easy to pick out.  He was holding a plastic container full of sloshing pink liquid high over his head as he sprinted through the audience.  Even easier to see were the two-dozen people chasing him.  The smallest, twenty feet tall.  And at the head of the mob, the purple-haired girl from the bar the other day.  She was absolutely enormous – so big she might even be able to reach Abigail’s hip.  If she jumped.

“Man, what is with Victoria chasing all the boys I like.”

“They’re too deep in the crowd,” Eve said, still laughing.  “We can’t reach them in time.  I’ve got an idea.  You trust me?”

“Fucking duh, Eve.”

When the witch spoke, her voice was magically amplified, and rippling with power.  “Everyone get clear of Abigail.  One hundred paces at least.  Chloe, Kayla, help the stragglers.  You’ve got ten seconds.”

“Are you about to do what I hope you’re about to do?”

Eve smirked, showing her teeth.  “Hope you’re ready for the big time, Abby.  Kiss me again.”

She did.

Below in the crowd, the big people were closing in on Elijah.  He ran as fast as he could – bumping into strangers, knocking people to the ground, shouting apologies as he went.  Piña colada splashed out of the container above him.  Some of it was getting on the people he passed.  Most of them didn't even like Mackenzie.  Oh geez, he was doing such a bad job!  Dylan was gonna be so mad.

“Come back here with that!” Dylan’s pretty lady friend yelled.  “Don’t make me hurt you, little guy!”

“The boss said I was supposed to cut you off!” Elijah yelled over his shoulder.  He swerved blindly around a dense area of the crowd.  Suddenly there was a short lady in his path, looking up at him with big, worried eyes.

Elijah skidded to a stop.  The liquid sloshed over his head, and a whole bunch of it poured all over her, soaking her from head to toe.

“Oh geez I’m so sorry I hope that doesn't stain bye I gotta go!”

He took a hard left as the woman behind him tore out of her clothes.  When he looked back, she’d joined the group of people chasing him.

The big people were yelling instructions to each other.  Hunting him in packs, like those wild African dogs he’d seen on that wildlife special.  They were smart.  Circling him in, until he finally had no escape.

“Just put the piña colada on the ground,” Dylan’s friend said.  “And nobody gets hurt.”

Elijah held it high above his head, backing away.  “A bartender takes a sacred oath.  To uphold the rite of last call.  To always be a shoulder to cry upon.  To protect the world from devastation!”

“Elijah!” Dylan screamed, from where the big lady held him in her fist.  “You’re not a real bartender!  You’re just pretending!”

“Oh yeah.”  He backed directly into a very large thigh.  “Uh.  Let me see some ID.”

Suddenly a gigantic fist smashed down just beside him – so huge, it even made the purple-haired lady look small beside it.  All the big people jumped back in fear.  The fist opened, and out of it stepped that woman with black hair Elijah had seen earlier.  The nice lady, with the green glowing eyes.

The woman dusted herself off, and swelled bigger, until none of the people who’d been chasing Elijah even came up to her waist.  The suddenly-giant woman looked over her shoulder, winking down at him.  “Hi, Elijah.  Nice dance moves.”

“Thanks.  Um, how’d you know my name?”

The really big lady turned to the crowd.  “Okay, friends.  I think you’ve all had enough.  If I may make a suggestion, you should go drink some water immediately.  But piña coladas are officially off the menu.”

The crowd of giants groaned.

“Hey, Victoria,” Abigail called, from high, high overhead.

The woman flinched, and looked up with a guilty smile.  “Oh!  Abby!  It’s.  Really good to see you!”

Abigail stretched, feeling out the new size Eve had given her.  Her lover had more than tripled her size in less than a second.  She had to be eight hundred feet tall.  Victoria looked impressed, to put it mildly.  The purple-haired bartender had to be nearly a hundred feet, yet she was small enough that Abby could've easily picked her up with one hand.

Abigail yawned theatrically, then fixed Victoria with an evil look.  “So.  Word is you've been hanging out with Dylan tonight.”

“Oh.  Oh yeah!  He’s right here!  He’s all yours, sorry, I shouldn’t have presumed.”

Victoria opened her hand, and held the dazed little man up to her.  His body swayed back and forth in her palm, like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Abigail narrowed her eyes, and stared down at the woman angrily.  Really made her sweat it out – before she smiled.  “Why don’t you hold onto him for now?  But Victoria, listen to me carefully: Dylan is special to me.  From now on, you take better care of him.  Understand?”

The woman nodded, holding Dylan to her chest.  She nuzzled him with her cheek, demonstrating what a good job she’d do in the future.

Abby shifted, and very, very carefully, lifted Elijah into her palm.  “This one is special, too.  If I hear about you hassling him again, I’m going to be upset.”

Victoria nodded.  But Abigail was no longer paying her attention.

“Hi, Elijah,” Abigail purred, as she lifted her little man into the atmosphere.

“Abigail!  Oh my gosh, you have no idea how glad I am to see you.”

“I think I know exactly how glad.”  She leaned in very close, making her eyes focus on him.  He appeared less than half an inch tall, as he stood there in her hand.  But her feelings for him were suddenly so big, she could hardly contain them.

“Elijah.  We never did have a chance to talk about a relationship.  I really, really want to do that.  How’s right now work for you?”

He grinned.  Then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.  “It might not be something we can do that quick, though.  See, it’s kind of complicated.”

Abigail laughed.  “Yeah.  All my relationships are complicated lately.  Why don’t you try me?”

Elijah took a deep breath.  “Okay.  See.  I’m a hyper-romantic polyamorous asexual pan-type.  People usually look at me funny when I say that.  So lately I just say I don't like to do anything with my body except snuggle.  I like burger dates and walks to the dog park, and my greatest hope is someday I’ll find someone who loves animals as much as I do.  But I don’t like sexy stuff at all.  Like, even kissing grosses me out.  Um.  Does any of that… sound like it works for you?”

Abigail shook her head, and sighed.

Consciously, she let go of something she’d held onto for too long.  A desire, or a fantasy, for something that had never been possible.  It hurt – letting go.  As she looked down at Elijah, she felt that hurt very keenly.  In her heart, and in her head.  She allowed herself to experience it fully.

“Elijah,” she said.  “You adorable little cinnamon muffin.  I would love to share a relationship like that with you.”

She hugged him.  Careful not to harm him.  Careful not to let her lips touch him, or wet him with saliva or sweat, as she pressed him to her cheek.

Elijah hugged her back.  He really did give the best hugs, at any size.

For fuck’s sake, Lilith thought – didn’t they already have enough schmaltz tonight?  You get a happy ending, and you get a happy ending!  Lilith had been singing her heart out all night.  Her voice was getting sore.  Her feet hurt.  These lights were too goddamn hot.  And what had it earned her so far?

Abigail and her friends were actually enjoying themselves!  They were having fun, damn them.  And Eve was countering everything she did.  No, not countering.  Redirecting.  It was classic judo, and she respected the hell out of her sister for managing it, but it was also fucking annoying.  No matter how hard she hit, Eve just side-stepped, and used it for her own purposes.

On top of that, Mackenzie had stopped the ritual!  She was just sitting there, staring off into space.  Thinking, when she should be acting.  Lilith would’ve gone over there and smacked some sense into her, but she couldn’t do that from up on stage.  Not without under-cutting Mackenzie’s authority, or embarrassing her, and Lilith was not about to do that.

Eve.  Eve was the key to all of this.  Get her out of the way, and Lilith’s magic could make short work of all her problems.

Okay, deep breath.  What did you do when your opponent could turn your own power against you?

Why.  You attacked their foundation.  Of course.

Lilith grinned, with every last one of her teeth, and turned to her band.

“Alright boys.  Time for a genre change.”

Author's Note: I suspect most of you will be able to determine what genre Lilith means.  But can you guess the specific song?  You have all the clues~

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