Monday, August 5, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 47

Unnecessary Author's Note: Eve and Lilith aren't the only ones that have to follow The Rules in this story.  This novel is told in Third Person Limited point of view, without flashbacks.  Meaning, we only get to know what one character is thinking at a time, and we only get one chance at each scene.  (There's exactly one type of scene that ISN'T in 3rd person limited, and pin a rose on your nose if you've figured out the rules that govern THAT.)

Anyway.  I had to choose only one character's mind to show you in this scene.  I think it was the right decision to make it Mackenzie's... but I badly wish I could tell you what Lilith is thinking here.  We'll have to leave it a mystery for now.

Dressing Down

Lilith was mad.

She was trying to hide it, as she lounged in the hot tub.  But Mackenzie knew the signs.  Partly it was her height.  Lilith must’ve been three hundred feet tall, probably more.  She looked more solidly built too – her physique that of a mixed material arts fighter.  Hard, grisly muscle, designed for things other than looking pretty.  More meant for breaking things.

It was disconcerting: once again, finding herself in a house that was much too large for her.  It felt like all the terrible things she’d done today had been for nothing.  Less than nothing, like she was even smaller than before.

Lilith made eye contact.

Mackenzie straightened, ready to attend to her mistress.  But before Lilith spoke she glanced away again, unable to look at her for long, and Mackenzie knew that was another very bad sign.

“I’m not mad.”

“I know,” Mackenzie said.

Lilith dipped her hands in the water, cupped them, splashed herself in the face.  Clearly trying to make herself relax.  Clearly failing.

“I’m disappointed.”

“Sorry,” Mackenzie said, reflexively.

“My orders were hard, but they were very simple.  Make an example of Abigail.  Take her out of the game.  Bring the other two back to me.  How much of that did you accomplish?”

Mackenzie said nothing.  She knew a rhetorical question when she heard one.  She wanted to stare at the floor, but didn’t dare look away.  Luckily, she knew a trick for moments like this.  If you held yourself just right, you could catch your upset feelings with the muscle just behind your jaw.  It was a place people couldn’t see, not even if they were looking for it.  So you didn’t have to let your emotions show on your face.

Lilith sighed.  “Look, ‘Zee.  I know these are friends of yours.  But people like us need to do hard things sometimes.  It’s what’s required, when you’re as great as we are.  You understand that, don’t you?”

“I do.”

Her mistress finally turned to look at her.  “I promised I’d put Abigail back to normal when this was over.  Didn’t I?  I just wanted you to, you know, scare her a little.”

It was a lie.  Mackenzie had known it was a lie earlier, in a deep down way.  Now she was fully conscious of it.  That was much worse.

Happy thoughts, she reminded herself.

“It also would have been a very convenient way for you to get bigger,” Lilith went on.  “Abigail was the biggest thing around.  You shouldn’t miss opportunities to grow.”

“But I did grow!” Mackenzie blurted – knowing at once it was a mistake.

The room around them began to get bigger.  Lilith swelled, taking the whole space with her, making Mackenzie feel like less, and less.  She wondered if her mistress was even aware she was doing it.

Lilith was silent for a long time, pensively looking into the distance as she grew.  Her expression was that of someone chewing on week-old grapes, and too stubborn to spit out the seeds.

“You did grow,” Lilith allowed, at last.  Her own growth came to a stop.  “That was an advanced move, taking tribute from a whole crowd at once.  Honestly, I’m impressed.”

Mackenzie lifted her chin.

“You said you were able to weaken Eve’s charm?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“And you smashed up her shop real good, made her cry?”

Mackenzie bit back the sudden rush of emotion, stopped it before she made the mistake of understanding it.  She nodded smartly.

“Well.  That’s something.  Hey, what are you just standing around like that for?  This isn’t an interrogation, ‘Zee.  Come join me.”

Mackenzie ran forward, almost overcome with happiness.  It was a struggle, lifting herself up the side of the giant tub.  Her body wasn’t built for pull-ups.  She managed finally, tumbled gracelessly over the edge, and splashed into the foam beside her mistress.

Lilith took hold of her wrist, and helped her float closer.  She settled Mackenzie down in her lap, and gently began to massage her back.  Her giant thumbs were powerful, but incredibly gentle.

Mackenzie moaned aloud.  Lilith’s touch felt so good.  It always did.

“I just want what’s best for you.  You know that, right?”

Mackenzie whimpered, and nodded.

“There’s my good little goddess.  You’re going to be a big goddess, tomorrow.  The biggest thing the world has ever seen.  Won’t that be nice?”


“I still have faith in you, Mackenzie.  I want you to know that.  Tomorrow’s going to be the hardest day yet, but I’ll be there to support you.  We can do it together.  That’ll be easier for you.  You won’t let me down when I’m there with you.  Because I know you want what’s best for me, too.”

Mackenzie didn’t trust herself to form words.  Everything Mistress did felt so good.  Helplessly, she nodded.

Lilith’s giant hands slipped lower.  Each place Mistress touched flared with pleasure.  It was a wonder she wasn’t glowing.  It felt like she was about to burst into flames, and she wanted more than anything to be consumed.

“I’ve decided,” Lilith whispered.  “That you deserve a reward after all.”

Mackenzie groaned.

She was out of control.  She knew it.  She could sense the magic in what Lilith was doing, feel her strings being pulled.  But it was good to at least have someone holding those strings for once.  Every part of her wanted this.

Except for a small, dark coal.  Deep down, that she couldn’t quite extinguish.  Thankfully, in Mistress’ lap, that part of her mattered not at all.

She swallowed, and gave in.

The moment she did, there was a knock at the window.

Lilith sighed, looking at the ceiling in irritation.  “Really?  We’re doing this now?  Fine.  Mackenzie.  Be a dear and see who that is.”

She obeyed, her movements sluggish.  Still vibrating like the plucked string of a harp.

“Oh wait.  Before you go?”

Mackenzie paused at the water’s edge.


She screamed in acquiescence.  Going limp, falling back into the tub.  The pleasure of Lilith’s command, pushing out everything that was wrong with her.  Making her perfect and pure.  At least for the eight little seconds of her orgasm.

It was much harder, getting out of the tub after that.  She fell twice on the cold tile floor.  Whoever was knocking was getting impatient.

Mackenzie balanced shakily on the back of a giant easy chair.  Opened the latch, and threw the window wide.

A giant eye stared down at her.  Blinking.  Focusing.  It was a familiar eye.  And as it looked at her, she could see the pupil grow wider, as whomever it belonged to was overcome with joy.

“Kayla?  Is that you?”

“Mackenzie?” the giantess boomed.  “Oh my gosh!  You look so tiny in there!  And you’re so pretty too.  Did I get a chance to tell you how lovely your make-up looks?”

“Oh.  Um, thank you.  I know it’s just the room that’s doing this.  But I really like the way you look, you’re so b–”

“No!” Lilith screamed.  Splashing her way out of the hot tub.  “No, no, no, no!”

The room was rapidly shrinking as Lilith reduced herself.  Losing height, and muscle with every step.  By the time she reached the door, Mackenzie was by far the tallest person in the room.  Mistress’s head didn’t even reach her navel.

Mackenzie watched, head spinning from the sudden shift in perspective, as Lilith opened the door.

“Kayla!  Um, hey there.  I’m really glad you stopped by.  Won’t you come in?”

Kayla did.  Zipping in an instant, from so enormous that her body was all Mackenzie could see out the window, to head and shoulders taller than her diminutive Mistress – bigger than earlier that afternoon, but still quite a bit smaller than Mackenzie.

“So,” Lilith purred, leaning against the doorframe.  “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

The muscular woman smiled vapidly at Mackenzie.  “I wanted to come and admire your beauty.  Tell you how amazing I think you are.  Offer myself in tribute.”

Lilith shot Mackenzie an annoyed look, and waved her hand dismissively.  “Okay.  As long as you’re on the premises, I’m granting you temporary immunity from the Glamour.  Why are you really here?”

Kayla’s posture relaxed at once.  “It’s a diplomatic visit.  I wanted to make sure the two of you are okay.  Things got heavy today.”

Mackenzie cleared her throat.  “Is Eve–”

Lilith cut her off.

“We’re fine.”  She flashed Kayla a puppy dog look.  “Abigail hit me.  It really, really hurt.”

“If I hit you that hard, would you be complaining?”

The corner of Lilith’s lip turned up in a smile.  “It was a lot, all at once.  You’d have to build up to it slowly.  I can demonstrate how it might go.”

“Some other time.  Besides, Abby tells me you gave as good as you got.  You threw her through a building?”

“She did?” Mackenzie squeaked.  “Oh my gosh!  Is Abby okay?”

“She’s fine,” Kayla assured her.  “It was a clean throw, but I think Lilith’s aim was a bit off.”

“The assholes across the street have a peace garden.  I wanted her to land in that.  For the poetic justice of it, and it would’ve been a softer landing.  She hurried me.”

“Your friend here is apparently a pretty good fighter, Mackenzie.  Abigail was impressed.”

The witch let out a short laugh.  “Of course she was.  So.  Why don’t you join us for a little while?  We could have that drink I promised you.  The three of us, all hang out in the tub, see where things go….”

“I’m tempted,” Kayla said.  “Really.  But I need to get back to the shop.  I just wanted to come by and offer you two a present.”

Lilith perked up at once.

The muscular woman reached into her pocket.  She withdrew a doll-sized duffle bag, and a teensy little spray bottle.  The very instant the two objects were in her hand, they shifted through reality, becoming the proper size for the woman that held them.

Kayla offered them to Lilith.

“And what, pray tell, is this?”

“Abigail felt bad she destroyed your dress.  And Eve… I mean, we all thought Mackenzie would rather go to the party wearing something pretty.  Not that we’re complaining about her birthday suit.”

Mackenzie rushed over, and tore open the bag.

“My emergency dresses!  My favorite stilettos!  Oh my gosh, Kayla!  I never thought I’d see them again!  And they’re the right size?”

“We spared half of the fitting spray for you.  Just soak down anything you want to wear before you put it on tomorrow.  We picked our outfits already, so everything in there is yours.”

Lilith bent, browsing through the duffle.  “Hm.  A lot of these are just my style.  They’re yours, Mackenzie?  I always knew you had excellent taste.”

Mackenzie flushed, her whole body warmed by the compliment.

“Anyway,” Kayla said.  “That’s all I wanted.  I’m gonna head out.  See you both tomorrow.”

Lilith sauntered forward, and draped herself on the larger woman’s arm.  Mackenzie was certain her Mistress had never looked at her like that.  Not that she wanted it – not really.  As far as she was concerned, Mackenzie liked Lilith’s evil smirks much better.


“The offer still stands,” Lilith whispered.  “You can join my team.  The benefits package is amazing.  I mean, just look at our locker room.”

“I’m not the sort of girl who switches sides the night before the big game.  Win or lose, I’m Team Eve.”

Lilith looked disappointed, but not surprised.

“However.  I’ve thought about your other offer.  To play with you.”

The witch glanced up suddenly.

“Let’s just say I’ll consider being on your team, next season.  But I want to see how you play once you’re on the field.”

“Hmph.  They used to call me The Goat.  And not just because of the sacrifices.  As in, Greatest Of All Time.  I’ll make sure to bring my A-game for you.”

Kayla turned, walked out the door, and blinked back to titanic size as she stepped onto the lawn.

For a moment she was gone.  But then, a giant eye looked in through the window.

“Hey.  Mackenzie.”

She looked up from her clothes.  “Yeah?”

“Trust me, she likes you a lot.”

The giantess stood, and disappeared into the night.

“Wait!  She – who do you mean?”  Mackenzie swallowed, and turned to her Mistress.  “Was she still immune to my lipstick when she said that?”

Lilith seemed not to hear the question.  “Well.  That was a nice surprise.  I always appreciate receiving tribute the night before a battle.  It’s a good omen.”

The witch had regained some of her lost size – she was approximately Mackenzie’s own height now.  It also looked as if she’d decided to eschew her excess muscle mass, and gone back to the soft curves that Mackenzie preferred.

“You don’t mind, right?” Mackenzie asked uncertainly.  “If I wear clothes?  You said a goddess should be naked, and we got these from the um, enemy….”

“Hm?  No, it’s fine.  Are you going for these awesome wedge heels, or can I call dibs?”

“Whatever you want, Mistress.”

“Man, I’m in a good mood.  I’d say this is cause to celebrate.  What do you think?  Manhattans?”

Lilith broke out her cocktail shaker.  Crushed ice, measured out vermouth.  She pinched a single cherry for each of them from a tiny jar, and licked her fingers clean.

“It’s a gesture of submission, of course,” the witch explained.  “They’re hoping we’ll go easy on them tomorrow.  But we’re not going to fall for it, are we?  It’s you and me, Mackenzie.  No mercy, no matter what.”

Mackenzie nodded sadly.

“Hey.  None of that.  All of this is for you.  You’re going to be a true Goddess tomorrow, in a monotheistic religion.  So give me a smile.”

She made herself obey.

“There.  That’s my girl.  Come on.  Let’s get back in the tub.  We were interrupted last time.  And I think you’ve earned yourself the biggest reward yet.”

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