Friday, August 9, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 49

How We Fit Together

With her eyes closed, Abigail’s other senses were alight.  Her hands were guided by the texture of Chloe and Kayla, sliding along beneath her fingertips.  There were soft places to explore, and firm.  She could smell them, feel them, and on occasion even taste them.  But beyond the mundane and physical, she felt herself driven by Eve’s gaze – fueled by it, directed.  When she reached for them, she felt a gentle nudge, to the left or to the right, that told her just where to touch.

For their part, Kayla and Chloe seemed imbued by a magic of their own.  When Kayla kissed her way down Abigail’s neck, it felt far better than she expected.  The same was true when Chloe lightly sucked on her earlobe.  Perhaps it was something Eve was doing, but somehow, Abigail didn’t think so.  It was just that there were so many things here that made her body say ‘yes.’  Rarely had she felt this uninhibited, this free.

High above them, Eve took a long, deep breath, letting it out with a gentle moan.  “Dylan, there’s something you should know at this point.  Did Abigail get a chance to tell you about me?”

“I know you’re a witch,” he said, from his seat beside her collar.  “And that you’re really pretty, and really, um, big.”

Abigail sucked one of Chloe’s thumb-sized nipples into her mouth, and tugged at it softly with her lips.  Kayla’s rough, calloused hands stroked the small of her back, gradually working lower.

“Do you remember,” Eve purred.  “When Abigail made you drink that potion?  How you felt the emotions she experienced, as if they were happening to you?  That’s what it’s like for me all the time.  But especially with those three.  With all of them together, doing what they’re doing, and so close to me, it’s… utterly intoxicating.”

Dylan didn’t say anything to this.  Abigail swore she could feel his excitement – a tiny hummingbird-flutter in the center of her chest.  She drifted with it, letting her emotion mingle with his, losing herself in what he was experiencing as he watched them….

Kayla playfully bit her on the shoulder, snapping her back to her own body.  She moaned as the gentle pulse of pain melted to pleasure, and clung tight to Chloe.

“So for example: I felt Abigail feel that.  I don’t need to tell you she liked it.  But there are more subtle things going on in her heart.  She’s never had anyone take charge of her the way Kayla has, for one thing.  She isn’t sure how she feels about that, except that she enjoys it.  But here’s something that’s far easier to understand – Abby adores that I’m talking about her right now.  And that you’re here too, Dylan.  Being watched is maybe her number one turn-on.”

“Fuck,” Abigail moaned.  “Call me out, why don’t you?”

Chloe smiled through their kiss, and turned slightly to help Abigail present a better angle for their audience.

“Chloe,” Eve went on.  “Is enjoying being doted upon.  She doesn’t like being the center of attention the way Abigail does.  But feeling soft, and cherished, and using her body to help her friends feel good?  That’s what’s driving her wild right now.”

Abigail and Kayla shared a smile at this, then helped Chloe settle onto her back.  The smaller woman mewed happily as the two of them kissed and caressed her, letting her be simultaneously nothing more than a plaything, and a source of joy for the women who loved her.

“And Kayla?” Dylan squeaked.

“Kayla… is feeling strong, and giving.  That’s important for her.  But she’s also curious, and embarrassed about that curiosity, and I’m not sure why.”

Abigail tapped her muscular friend on the arm.  “Does it feel okay to tell us what that’s about?  If not, we can save it for later.”

Kayla glanced up from between Chloe’s legs, looking sheepish.  “Um.  You’re sure you like being watched?”

“Yeah.  A lot.  I can’t believe I didn’t tell you sooner.”

Chloe sat up half-way, grinning.  “You want to see me and Abby make out.  Is that it?”

Kayla made a face, and sighed.  “Not exactly?  It’s… okay.  From the day I met you both, it was obvious you were really into each other.  And it was like, these girls need to figure it out and fuck already, because they'd be perfect together.  I've been rooting for you guys, okay?  And I'm proud I had a part in bringing you together, and don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that you're letting me share it with you, but….”

“But,” Abigail said.  “You want to make space for the two of us.  And you want to watch, because you want to appreciate something wonderful you did for your friends.  A job well done.”

Kayla bit her lip, and nodded.

Chloe and Abigail shared a smile – no words necessary.

Abigail sat down, and helped guide Chloe into her lap.  She glanced up, and made sure Kayla was in a good position to see, before turning her attention fully to her best friend.  For a long time, she merely held her – gazing into her face, petting her hair.  Chloe lay still, looking back with soft, trusting eyes.

“Mm,” Eve sighed.  “I’m getting some major kitten-feels from Chloe.  What a delight.”

Abigail slowly ran her hands over Chloe’s body.  It was one of the few chances she’d had to be delicate with her friend, where she didn't feel pressured to reach a goal.  She realized there was still so much she didn’t know about what Chloe liked – and the woman was an open book for her now.  She seemed to anticipate each way Abigail might touch her, and subtly moved to help.  All the while Chloe maintained eye contact, her beautifully expressive face clearly displaying everything she felt.  The pleasure, the trust, the overwhelming gratitude for the way Abigail cared for her.

As if by gravity, her hand was inevitably pulled down between Chloe’s thighs.  The woman’s brows narrowed.  Tension appeared in her jaw.  Yet still, her gaze never wandered.  Abigail smiled down at her adoringly, as the tip of her thumb lightly danced over Chloe’s clitoris.  The little noises her friend made in response were decidedly cat-like – little squeaks and mews, building into a low yowl as Abigail increased her pace.  She might have been mistaken, but underneath it all, she thought the girl might actually be purring.  One thing was certain though: if she kept this up, Chloe wasn't going to last long.

As Chloe moaned out in her perfect agony, Eve moaned right along with her.

“There’s one person whose desires we have yet to explore,” Eve managed, her voice thick with urgency.  “Dylan.  Can I say what you’re feeling right now?”

If he responded, Abigail couldn’t hear him over the sounds of Chloe’s pleasure.

“You’re sitting terribly close to my mouth,” Eve told him, breathing hard.  “You’ve been watching it very intently.  I think you have a desire to be… mm, overcome, shall we say?  Surrounded, subsumed, completely engulfed by someone much more powerful.  You’re about the size of a Nerd to me at the moment – the candy, I mean.  I happen to like Nerds, Dylan.  If you trust me, I’ll show you how I suck on them.”

A complex wave of sensation hit Abigail, as Eve slipped Dylan into her mouth.  She sensed both of them, their feelings and experiences weighing down upon her like oppressive humidity on a summer’s day.  Abigail forced herself not to understand it, and simply let it wash over her.  It was good, but it was so much.  Was this what it was like for Eve – was this what she felt all the time?

She didn’t think her friends could feel it, at least not the way she could.  But the sight of what Eve was doing to Dylan was effective on its own.  Chloe whimpered.  She rocked her hips as her release overtook her, and even before afterglow had a chance to set in, she was already beginning to attend to Abigail.  Kayla seemed no longer content to just watch, and the two friends welcomed her with open arms as she joined them.

The three of them drifted, there on the bed.  Fitting together fluidly, however the currents of desire took them.  Abigail straddled Chloe’s face.  Kayla lowered herself to hands and knees, letting Abby use her mouth on her from behind.  Chloe cleaned Kayla’s essence from the base of Abigail’s chin, grooming her cat-like as Kayla fingered them both.  Her friends were far stronger, and could easily have taken charge of the encounter.  Yet if one of them expressed the slightest want, with the mere raising of an eyebrow or shift in their gaze, the other two were more than happy to oblige. 

Abigail could still feel Eve and Dylan, high above.  The witch’s delight; the little man’s passion, as he was thrashed back and forth by a giant tongue.  But with Chloe and Kayla’s hands upon her, the outside sensations were far more pleasant, far easier to manage.

A shadow suddenly passed over the three friends, the shape of it alarming in the candlelight.  They instantly froze in place, responding to an animal instinct as something very large swooped overhead.

Eve let out a full-throated moan.  Her gargantuan hand pressed between her thighs, and the giantess began to finger herself so violently that the entire bed shook beneath them.

The girls could only watch in awe.  The massive woman rested the heel of her hand on her pubic bone, expertly peeling back her clitoral hood.  Her first two fingers, each as thick as Kayla’s thighs, were absolutely attacking her clit in a practiced, circular motion.  The scale was utterly staggering – never mind the almost superhuman quantity of Eve’s wetness.  In just seconds she had soaked her thighs, and a sweet-smelling puddle was beginning to form on the already-stained sheets beneath.

“Holy shit,” Kayla breathed.

Abigail smirked proudly.  If she concentrated just right, she found she could feel this part, too.

Eve’s hand slowed, and came to a stop.  She lifted her head, peeking down at them from the pillow.  Even in the low light, her blush was terribly obvious.

“Why’s everyone staring?” the witch asked, slurring her speech as she held Dylan between her lips.

“We’re just enjoying the show,” Abigail told her.  “Please, continue.”

The thousand-foot-tall witch hid her face in embarrassment.

Chloe laughed.  “Oh my gosh, do I ever know that feeling.  But um, Eve.  I’ve learned it’s really fun sometimes, to let people watch you.”

“Chloe!” Eve whined.  “I’m supposed to be doing nice things for you!”

“You are,” Chloe assured her.  “I was enjoying it.  I was even thinking how nice it would be to….”

Chloe trailed off, shooting Kayla a flustered look.

“Do you remember how I said you were free to renegotiate?” Kayla asked, resting a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder.  “If you wanted another partner?  I’m cool with it, Klo.”

Abby was nodding in agreement.

Chloe’s eyes went wide.  “Um, so, Eve.  You can just close your eyes and relax.  If you want.  We can handle it for you.”

Eve’s ring finger twitched.  A drop of dew ran down her labia.  The giantess said nothing, looking conflicted.

“You can feel how much we want this,” Abigail told her.  “Right?”

The giant witch nodded.

“Then the only question left is what you want, Eve.  We’re going to use this as an opportunity to practice.  Take a deep breath – careful with Dylan – and put us out of your mind.  Concentrate on your own desire, okay?”

Eve did as she was told.  The woman closed her eyes, the tension leaving her body.  Abigail thought it might take Eve a while to center herself, but it took less than a second before her eyes fluttered open again.  She grinned.

“Yeah.  I want this.”

Chloe approached her first.  She knelt before Eve’s giant sex, applying patient, firm attention to her labia, letting her open like a flower.  Kayla and Abigail simply watched, holding hands, as Chloe tended to the massive woman.  The way she touched Eve was almost like a gardener, nurturing a flower to turn toward the sun.  The response was dramatic.  After several minutes Chloe was soaked from neck to knees, and Eve’s already-impressive flow had worked itself into a torrent.

“You’re really amazing, Eve.  I’ve never seen anyone get this wet before.”

The titaness whimpered.  “It’s not my fault.  I’m just like that.”

“There goes my theory,” Abigail told Kayla.  “I thought it was lube-magic.”

“Hmph.  Well whatever it is, I want a turn.  Move over, Klo-Bear.”

Chloe made space for her girlfriend.  From the first touch, it was obvious Kayla had no interest in taking her time with the witch.  The giant woman’s clitoris was the size and color of an over-ripened strawberry.  Kayla shoved her palm against it, and began to roughly flick her calloused hand over its surface.

Eve gasped, grimaced, and quickly spit Dylan into the palm of her hand just before Kayla pushed her into a screaming earthquake of an orgasm.

“Better give the little guy to me,” Abigail said, laughing.  “I think she’s just getting started with you.”

Hand shaking, the giant witch passed Dylan into Abby’s waiting arms.  He was barely a speck on the tip of Eve’s index finger, and hardly bigger in Abigail’s palm – perhaps two inches tall, to her reckoning.

“Hey, little man.  You miss me?”

He blinked up at her, his eyes taking a long time to focus.  When at last he realized who was holding him, he grinned.  “Abby… I… that was….”

“So you like mouths, huh?”  Abigail held him higher, letting her lips fill his vision as she smirked.  “You up for another ride?”

“Oh God, oh God, Abby!”

She hadn’t waited for him to answer.  Dylan’s miniscule body was the perfect size to wrap around her tongue, as she lolled him back and forth from one cheek to the other.  His moans reverberated down her throat, tickled her jaw.  The sense of power – throwing him helplessly around with just the tip of her tongue – was enough to make her hair stand on end.  But the longer it went on, the harder it was becoming to suppress her swallow reflex.  

She decided to play it safe.  She turned him in her mouth until the upper half of his body stuck out between her lips, and allowed him grab to hold of her cupid’s bow for support.  It was a good position.  She could taste the sweetest part of him, run her tongue over him more firmly without worry of her teeth.  And he could watch the proceedings, as Chloe and Kayla attended to Eve.

The girls were watching Dylan, too – pausing on occasion to look over at him, as they took turns getting the giant witch off.  Neither woman seemed very interested in actually playing with him, but both seemed to enjoy being part of his entertainment.  They kissed each other, moaning theatrically, as Abigail’s tongue danced over his tiny groin.

She could feel his whole body starting to twitch in her mouth, knew his orgasm was close.  Abigail smiled wickedly.  She timed it, waited until just before the point of no return, then grasped him between her thumb and forefinger and tugged him out of her mouth.

In her palm, Dylan groaned in frustration.

“Oh I’m sorry,” she told him, flicking one of her bangs away from her eyes.  “I just thought you’d rather finish between a different pair of my lips.”

He brightened at once.

“Listen to me, though: I’m not going to be able to hear you down there.  I want you to bite me if there’s a problem.  Hard.”

“I’d never–”

“That’s an order, little man.”

Dylan swallowed, and gave a single nod.

He was slick with her saliva, and smaller than her thumb.  He went inside her with remarkable ease.  Abigail smiled owlishly, and relaxed into the sensation – then cupped her hands around her mouth, and called up to Eve.

“Hey, big girl.  You feel what I just did?”

“From… both… sides,” Eve panted.  “Fuck, Abigail.  I’m him, inside you.  I’m you, getting filled, I’m–”

“You remember the difference between feeling it with your mind and feeling it with your body?  You’re not going to lose yourself?”

Eve shook her head, sweat-dappled hair clinging to her forehead.

“Good.  Then, do you want me to help you feel this in your body, too?”

The giantess nodded frantically.  Each of her legs was the size of a three-story building.  She spread them wider.

“You want this, right?  On your own account, not just because I do?”

“Abigail!” Eve snapped.  “Stop talking for once, and get inside me.”

Kayla and Chloe were already making way for her.  She could feel Dylan working to pleasure her with each step she took.  God, even at this size he was really skilled.

“Please tell me you’re letting us help with this,” Kayla said, wiping some of Eve off her chin.

“Definitely.  This calls for the assistance of my biggest, strongest friends.”

Chloe grinned.  “Finally, these muscles are good for something.”

Kayla and Chloe held Eve’s lips open for her, and Abigail climbed inside slowly, inserting herself feet first, tummy-down.  The witch held perfectly still, her breath coming in little shudders and gasps, giant goosebumps breaking out over her inner thighs.  It wasn’t nearly as tight a fit as she had worried.  It was actually kind of comfy – like a warm bath and a gentle hug all rolled into one.

She managed to slide in hip-deep on her own.  Then Kayla and Chloe each took one of her shoulders, and helped push her all the way inside.

“Alright, Klo,” Kayla said, wrapping both her hands around Abigail’s arm.  “Ready?  On my count.  Pull, two, three, four.  And, push, two, three, four.”

“Holy shit,” Eve whimpered.  “Holy shit….”

Abigail kicked her feet gently, as she felt herself caressed by Eve’s softness.  Inside her, Dylan was moving faster.  The word ‘matryoshka’ suddenly popped into her mind, and it took her a moment to remember that it was what you called those Russian dolls that stacked.

“Holy shit!”

“A little faster, Klo.  Two, three, four…”

“Oh Eve, my love,” Abigail called sweetly.  “Did you notice I’m not quite filling you up?  Such a shame, this could feel even better for you, if only I was a little–”

Abigail’s words died in a moan as she felt the witch’s magic pulse through her, entering her all at once through every part that Eve touched.  She felt herself grow inside the woman, legs stretching deeper into her, inner muscles squeezing her tighter as her body swelled.  Dylan slipped, and grabbed hold of something sensitive as the space he occupied grew around him.  She felt him orient himself to his new confines, before finding a still better way to please her.

Abigail took inspiration – inside Eve, she did the same.

“Abby, holy shit, holy shit!”

At her new size, head and shoulders taller than Kayla, the job of moving her was much harder for her friends.  Sweat poured down their faces as they thrust her in and out of the giant witch.  Both girls wore matching expressions of savage glee.

“Let me go,” Abigail ordered them.  “Grab her clit.”

Her smaller friends obeyed.  Abigail braced herself on hands and knees, and shoved her hundred-and-fifty-foot body as hard as she could against the rough texture of Eve’s g-spot.  Her thighs ached with effort, as she began to rock herself back and forth.

Eve shrieked.  And came.

Abigail had half-expected to have the breath squeezed out of her, to feel herself pressed into crushing immobility, but the experience of Eve cumming around her was far more gentle than that.  It helped give her a sense of relief, as her own orgasm arrived.  Dylan was surely getting a wild ride, but no matter how intense the experience, he was still safe with her.

It was that thought – the protective concern for him – that pushed him over the edge.  She wasn’t sure how she knew this, or how she could even sense his orgasm when he was so small.  But there was no doubt in her mind it was true.

Another bath was in order, but not one of them had the energy to suggest it.  Abby and her two smaller friends lay panting on the sheets, Eve’s excitement slowly drying on their skin.  Dylan rested in her palm, his hair slicked down, his face a mess.  All five of them stared at the ceiling, overcome by the enormity of what they’d just done together.

Just as it was getting cold, one by one, Eve began to pick them up.  She set them on her belly, in the soft space above her navel, below the swell of her chest.  The giant witch helped position them so Abigail could wrap her arms around both her friends, and Dylan could snuggle just beside her heart.

Her little friends were whispering softly to each other.  Kayla growled something low, and Chloe giggled.  As the two began to move together, it was clear they weren’t finished with the evening.  Abigail was aware she could join them if she wished, and they’d welcome her participation.  She smiled, and decided to simply let her body warm them, and allow them to have this moment to themselves.

As Eve pulled the covers up, a thought occurred to Abigail.  She was finally with all of them at once.  She could at last accommodate everyone she loved, whether they were big or small, without anyone being left out.

Only, that wasn’t quite true.  There were still others out there.  Ones she wanted to reach, ones she wanted to save.  That thought had an odd feeling to it –  like it came in stereo, as though someone else was thinking it right alone with her.  So did the one that followed.

For tonight, this was enough.

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