Monday, June 3, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 20


 Her giant friend made her a cup of tea, and the two of them sat together at the kitchen table.  The mug was so big it took both Abigail’s hands to hold it, and so heavy she had to strain to lift it.  She really was incredibly weak at this size, especially after Mackenzie had stolen her muscle.

Chloe helped her take the first sip.

“Okay.  Tell me what happened.”

Abigail pointed to her throat, and shook her head.

“You can’t talk.”

The tiny woman sighed with satisfaction.  This was so much easier than with Elijah.

“There has to be some kind of magic at work here.”  Chloe’s face darkened with anger.  “Did Eve do this?”

Abigail shook her head, making the tea slosh in her cup.

“Okay.  Who, then?”

She carefully mouthed each syllable, letting Chloe read her lips.  Mack.  Ken.  Zee.

“Mackenzie?”  Chloe gave her a confused look – then brightened.  She scurried off into her bedroom, and came back with a pad of paper and a pen.  “Here.  This will be a lot easier.”

Abigail set her tea aside, and held the gigantic writing implements in her lap.  She started off into the distance, trying to piece together how best to put this into words.  That was hard.  But the longer she tried, the more she came to grips with something even worse.  There was a trick, to taking words from your head, and putting them onto paper.  And Abigail had completely forgotten it.

She hung her head, the pen dropping from her hand, as tears once more welled up in her eyes.

“You lost a lot more than the ability to talk.  Didn’t you?”

Chloe didn’t wait for an answer.  She bent, and pulled the smaller woman in for a hug.

Abigail clung to her gratefully.

“Let’s do it this way, then.  I’ll ask you a yes or no question.  You give me a thumbs up, or thumbs down.  Got it?”

It was an incredibly frustrating fifteen minutes.  Chloe’s inquiry went down numerous dead ends and blind alleys, most of them coming back to whether Eve was somehow responsible for this.  She eventually got the gist – Mackenzie had stolen her size, and Abigail didn’t know how, except that it had something to do with eye contact.  By the time that was finished, the tiny woman felt mentally wrung out.  It was like she’d just finished a nine-hour cram session on two hours sleep.

“Okay.  There’s still a lot I don’t understand.  But it’s pretty clear we need to go see Eve.”

Abigail nodded.

“Do you want some of her potions first?  We might not be able to get you talking again, but you can at least have some height and strength.”

She nodded harder.

“Plus we can mix in some vodka.  I bet you need a drink.”

She added a double thumbs up.

Chloe gave her a knowing smile, and disappeared into the kitchen.  Abigail heard her rummaging around.  She returned a moment later, looking concerned.

“Hey Abby?  Did you put Eve’s potions away last night?”

Thumbs down.

“Huh.  You think Mackenzie stole them?  Would that make sense with what happened?”

Abigail strained her over-taxed brain.  She shrugged.  Then gave a tentative thumbs down.

The giantess began to pace back and forth.  “So the potions are missing.  If it wasn’t you… hm.  Kayla and I had a conversation this morning.  I wonder if she….”

Chloe pulled out her phone, and typed something quickly.  Then sighed.  “She hasn’t been answering texts all day.  But she should be back soon.  After her shift at the body shop, and before barbacking.  Should we wait for her?  Or go see Eve right now?”

Abigail tried to think.  Slowly, she felt herself slump back into her chair.  The mug began to slip from her exhausted hands, as she stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Her giant friend rushed forward, knelt, and caught her tea before it could fall.

“Sorry,” Chloe whispered.  “I guess I’m used to letting you do all the scheming.  Um.  Kayla should be home in an hour.  It’s only four, and the review site said Eve’s shop is open until eight.  I really want to make sure Kayla is alright.  And I bet you’d rather not see Eve like this?”

Abigail gave a weak thumbs up.

Chloe smiled at her with such sympathy that it was almost more than she could bear.  The giant woman leaned in, and kissed her on the corner of the mouth.  Then hoisted her into her arms.

Abigail let herself go limp.  Chloe was so much bigger, so much stronger, so much smarter.  And Abigail was too weak to go on, no matter how hard she tried.

She allowed herself to be helpless.

“We’ve got some time before Kayla gets home.  I want to take really good care of you until then.  You deserve it.”

Chloe carried her into the bathroom, and set her down on the floor as she began to fill the tub.  Abigail was thankful she was too short to see herself in the mirror.  After everything Mackenzie had stolen, her strength and charisma and even her beauty, she really didn’t want to see what she looked like right now.

Her giant friend patiently stripped her, folding each article as it came off.  The moment each garment left her body, it immediately grew back to its natural size - much too large for someone as tiny as Abigail.

Chloe’s eyes widened, but she made no comment.

Her friend checked the temperature of the bath, then lifted Abigail into the tub, pulling the neck pillow down until it was the right height for the smaller woman to relax against.

“Do you want some privacy?  Or should I stay?”

Abigail didn’t know how to express it.  She looked at her giant friend pleadingly.

“Okay.  I’ll stay.”

Chloe helped her wash herself.  She squeezed some soft soap onto a loofah, and very gently scrubbed it onto Abigail’s bare skin.  It was less an act of cleanliness – more a form of care and affection.

As her friend worked, Abigail looked down at her own naked body.  She had lost so much.  Her breasts were visibly smaller even than when she’d been her original size, and the shape of her body was less defined.  Mackenzie had stolen almost everything from her.

But she took comfort in one thing: even at her size, there were still things about herself she recognized.  The curve of her hip was faint, as was the swell of her chest.  But it was still there.  Less developed, but definitely hers.  So was her pubic hair, and the stubble on her legs.  She could specifically remember shaving about two weeks ago.  She had done that.  It was odd, to feel comfort from such a thing.

She couldn’t have explained it if she tried.  Especially not now.  Maybe it was a reminder, that this was still her body, even if so much about it felt wrong.  She was still her.

Chloe rinsed her, cupping both hands in the warm water.  Her gigantic palms dumped what felt like bucketfuls over her head.  Abigail giggled soundless, wiping her eyes dry and grinning up at her friend.  This was actually kind of nice.

Chloe dried her with a soft towel, while Abigail dutifully stood for her, arms outstretched.  The tiny woman found herself staring, as Chloe straightened to put the towel on the rack.  Her bedsheet was wet in places, and it was starting to come loose from her body in a rather alluring way.  But more, what caught her eye was Chloe’s size.  The woman was just enormous.  The woman hadn’t even come up to her shoulder last night, and now the top of Abigail’s head was well beneath the place where Chloe’s legs came together.  She imagined trying to reach it with her mouth, and realized she wouldn’t be able to, even on tiptoes.

There were appealing things, about being this small.

When she was dry, Chloe lifted her again.  It seemed as if her friend had decided to never let her walk anywhere on her own again.

“I really can’t get over how light you are,” Chloe said, her voice almost a purr as she carried Abby to the bedroom.  “I know I’m really strong.  But gosh, I swear I can barely feel your weight at all.  You’re so delicate like this.  It’s cute.”

Abigail clung a little tighter, and nuzzled the top of her head against Chloe’s chest.

The giant woman sat down on her bed.  Late afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, as Chloe lay her face down across her lap.  Each of her friend’s thighs was bigger around than her entire body.  She remembered distantly, last night, forcing those power thighs apart with her bare hands.  The fact that she’d been able to do that was astounding.

Abigail grinned to herself.  And squeezed herself against Chloe’s legs a little more tightly.

The giantess pet her.  At first, it was almost as if she were a cherished cat, snuggling with her owner.  But soon Chloe’s skill with massage took over, and the connection became much more human, and intimate.  Chloe needed just two fingers to stroke both of her shoulders at once.  She worked Abigail over carefully, clearly aware of how fragile the smaller woman had become.  Trailing up and down the length of her spine, along the base of her back.  Her touch soft, and sensual.

Abigail’s moans of appreciation were silent.  But her enjoyment was obvious, as she arched her body to meet Chloe’s touch.

It was a surprise when, after a few minutes of this treatment, she began to notice the scent of her own excitement.

“We still haven’t talked about last night,” Chloe whispered, as her finger followed the curve of Abigail’s hip.  “But I liked taking care of you last night.  And even if this is scary for you right now, touching you feels… good.”

Abigail nodded, and gave Chloe’s thigh a tiny kiss.

“I keep thinking about this time when I was in high school.  My parents were out of town, and I had a bad cold.  My girlfriend at the time came over, and she took care of me all night.  Kind of like how I’m taking care of you now.  The funny thing was, even though I didn’t feel good at all, being completely dependent on someone else… someone that I trusted?  It felt kind of sexy.”

Chloe’s finger was trailing down the back of her leg now.

“It’s okay, if it doesn’t feel that way for you.  But somehow, I think you understand what I’m talking about.”

Abigail turned her hip to meet Chloe’s finger as she stroked further up her thigh.  She nodded.

“I would really like to touch you, Abigail.  In a sexy way.  Do you want that?”

Abigail managed to lift a hand off Chloe’s knee, and gave the giant woman a thumbs up.  She snuggled closer, burying herself face down in Chloe’s lap.

She spread her legs.

Chloe was incredibly gentle with her.  She never stopped petting, stroking her back and her hair, as her index finger began to explore the cleft of Abigail’s thighs.  Chloe felt enormous.  Easily bigger than any cock she’d ever experienced, and bigger than most of her toys as well.

Chloe went slow, taking the time to let Abigail’s excitement run, to let it coat her giant finger completely.  Teasing against her tiny clitoris, running up and down her slit.  By the time she began to gradually slip her way inside, Abigail was ready.

Each time the giant thrust, she went the tiniest bit deeper.  Sliding in millimeters at a time, then pulling all the way out again just as slow.  It was a long time before Chloe was all the way inside her, and by then Abigail was so wet it wasn’t a struggle at all.  She let herself go slack, feeling as if her whole body was melting as Chloe fingered her there on her lap.

Perhaps the best part of all was the total lack of thought.  Abigail rarely succeeded in turning her brain off, and never during sex.  But thinking was such a burden now, and Chloe made it so easy to give it up entirely – to become a mote, lost on a sea of pleasure, without a care in the world.  When the orgasm finally came, Abigail hardly noticed.  It was only a slight increase in pleasure, like standing at the water’s edge while warm ocean waves constantly lapped at her feet, until one washed up to her knees.

Chloe eased her through it, accentuated the experience, pressing down ever so slightly against her little g-spot as her orgasm crested.  Then pulled back the smallest amount as it began to ebb.

Abigail luxuriated in the afterglow.  Her breath came deep and slow.  Everything about her, at peace.

“I love you, Abigail,” Chloe said softly.

“Love you too.”

Her voice was hoarse, a cracked whisper.  But it was her voice.

“Oh my God.  Oh my God Abby, you can talk!  I’m so glad.  I’m so glad!”  There were tears of relief in Chloe’s voice.  “Was it the sex?  I can keep going….”

Abigail shook her head.  Weakly, she pointed toward the window.


“Tree?  Oh!  You mean the one Eve gave me?  I’ll go get it!”

Chloe set Abigail aside and dashed across the room.  She grabbed the potted trumpet tree, moving like a sprinter in a relay race.  She brought it back to the bed, and held it eagerly to the tiny woman.

“Here.  Pull off a couple leaves.  Maybe if you chew them….”

“Don’t hurt your tree,” Abigail croaked.  “Closer.”

Chloe knelt, holding it out to her.  And Abigail buried her face in its branches, breathing in its scent.

It took an agonizingly long time, but Abigail could feel herself changing.  Her intellect returning, her body beginning to reshape itself.  But even after five long minutes, her growth was just barely discernible to the naked eye.

“It must have her magic in it,” Abigail said, her voice a bit louder now.  “But this is going to take forever without her help.  Go find Eve?”

“I’m not going to leave you alone right now.”

She gave her giant friend a grateful smile.  “Okay.”

Chloe undressed – mostly moot, since her bedsheet had fallen away to the point that it hardly covered anything.  She lay face up on the bed, then lifted Abigail, placing her on her chest.  She waited while the smaller woman got comfortable, with her head resting on the giant pillow of her bust.  Chloe was so big that her calves dangled off the edge of the queen-sized bed.  Abigail, so small that her feet barely stretched past Chloe’s groin.

The giantess tucked the trumpet tree under her arm, and turned herself until Abigail was as close to it as possible.

The room was warm, and seemed to glow a friendly purple as the sun sank toward the horizon.  She could feel her body continuing to grow with each inhalation of the plant’s fragrance.

She could be a plant, too, she thought.  Right now, she was a seedling.  But she had time and space to grow.  It just took patience.

Chloe was comfy beneath her, and despite the firmness of her muscles, it felt like she was lying on a cloud.  Abigail rose and fell in time to each of her breaths.  The smell of her body was everywhere, the lingering scent of Chloe’s arousal even stronger than that of the plant.

Fertile soil, Abigail thought, and had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing.  Instead, she tilted her head, and gave the dark ochre curve of Chloe’s breast a tiny kiss.

Chloe cooed gently.  She shrugged her shoulder just a little, so that her chest plushed against Abigail’s cheek.  Like it was kissing her back.

It was the last thing she remembered before sleep took her.

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