Monday, June 24, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 29


“Caleb is a raven’s wood.  Big mansion.  Look for broken dork.”

It took Chloe five minutes to decode Mackenzie’s cryptic message.  Only the mansion part seemed clear.  That eventually helped her figure out that the first part probably meant Kayla was in Ravenswood.  It was a large neighborhood west of the bar.  She’d already explored most of it, except the upper-class area by the river, with the absurdly big houses.  The only reason she hadn’t was that foot traffic was light in a place like that – which meant fewer people to interrogate.

It had been a long, frustrating day.  She wasn’t tired – her muscles were good for that at least – and people had been very cooperative with her questions.  One of the advantages to being a muscle-bound amazon, she supposed.  But her feet hurt, and as the day wore on, it was getting harder to fight down her panic, and guilt.

Her fact-finding had yielded little, except that people around her clearly knew Kayla.  With her stature and physique, she was mildly famous as the super-jacked girl who worked at the Wooden Nickel.  But no one had any idea where she’d gone the night before, or what she did outside of barbacking for that matter.  People thought of her as a bit of an enigma.  A hard worker who kept to herself, and didn’t mind being eye candy for bar patrons.  As long as they kept their hands to themselves.

Eventually she was able to track down the bar owner, and get a little information.  He was reluctant to talk, but Chloe was in the mood to be persuasive.  Under only the faintest duress, he admitted Kayla had left around midnight with a short, blue-haired woman.  The two had been making eyes at each other all night, and apparently things got pretty hot and heavy toward the end.

Chloe wasn’t sure how to feel about that news.  She couldn’t access the ability to process it right now.  Her brain was a frantic cocktail of concern, exhaustion, and adrenaline.  She wanted to scream at Kayla for leaving, to beg forgiveness for driving her to leave, to hug her and cry until she couldn’t cry anymore.  But finding her, and getting her away from that blue-haired witch.  That was the important part.

The ritzy section of Ravenswood was all manicured lawns, designer dogs, and human isolation.  The sidewalks were narrow and empty.  She wandered at a brisk pace, keeping her head on a swivel from her nearly seven-foot perch.  What had Mackenzie meant by a ‘broken dork?’  Maybe a particularly silly lawn gnome?  Or one of those fountains where the water stream came from a urinating child?  God, rich people were tasteless.

She was almost overcome with relief when she finally saw it – a large mortar house, with its front door frame completely ruined.  Piles of bricks lay everywhere.  The yard was a mess.  In the grass, there were several large and very deep indentations, filled with water and mud in a very particular pattern.  Chloe wasn’t sure, but she had a nagging feeling she knew what made that shape.  Kitten heels.

Very, very big kitten heels.

The house had an intercom by the wrought iron gate.  The latch was open, the gate visibly unlocked.  Chloe slipped inside, trying to look like she was supposed to be there.  At her size, she felt capable of handling any physical threat.  At least normal-sized ones, and in her mood, she’d even take a swing at the owner of those heels if it meant saving Kayla.  She almost wanted a chance.

She stuck her head through the broken doorframe.  The place was a disaster area.  Half the furniture was destroyed, and there was broken wood everywhere.  Heavy dust floated in the afternoon air, swirling gently in the breeze.

It took her a few seconds to see the girl – lying beneath the window.  She lay upon a white leather daybed, a blanket pulled up to her chin.  In the sunlight, she looked like a sleeping princess from a fairy tale.

The very moment Chloe recognized her, she acted.  Chloe sprinted to her girlfriend’s side, vaulting the rubble on hot instinct, not attempting to be stealthy in the slightest.

“Kayla!  Kayla!  Oh my God sweetie!  I’m here, I’m here!”

Kayla wasn’t moving.  She lay naked under the blanket, eyes open, staring blankly into space.  For a moment Chloe feared the worst.  But her pulse felt okay, and she could see her chest rising and falling gently.

Kayla was even smiling.

And something else too.  Something her tunnel vision had caused her to miss in her mad rush to rescue the girl.  Kayla was tiny!  Much, much smaller than she’d been when Chloe had overpowered her the previous morning – God that felt like decades ago.  She couldn’t be much more than half Chloe’s height.  That was taller than Abigail’s reduced size after Mackenzie had finished with her, but a lot shorter than Abby’s natural height of four-seven, which put her a shade under four feet maybe….

High above, someone gently cleared their throat.

Chloe whirled, an animal part of her brain instantly kicking into gear to fight.

There was a short, blue-haired woman, at the top of the long opulent stair.  She wore a fluffy red bathrobe with the sash undone.  It looked like she’d just stepped out of the bath, and wasn’t expecting company.  Her hair hung in loose wet streaks, and it looked like she was only part-way through putting her bangs up in rollers.

“Oh.  An intruder.”

The woman gave her a blank look.  Slowly, she began to descend the stairs.

“I need you to stay back, miss.  This is my girlfriend, and I’m not trying to be the jealous lover or anything, like whatever you got up to is your own business.  But in case you haven’t noticed, Kayla is unresponsive.  I’m taking her to get medical attention.  If you try to stop me….”

The woman paused.  “I need to ask you one question.  It’s really important.”

Chloe stared.

“What do you think of Eve?” the woman asked.

“What?  Eve?”

The woman tilted her head innocently.  “You don’t know her?”

Chloe scowled, and remembered Abigail’s warning about lying to this sort of person.  “I know her.  And she’s… alright I guess?  I didn’t trust her at first.  But she’s helped me and my friends, and she gave me that really nice present.  And – sorry, did I say something wrong?”

“Oh!”  The woman had the air of someone who had stopped listening halfway through a sentence.  “No, not at all.  Just.  You’re one of them, aren’t you?”

“One of–”

The woman snapped her fingers, trying to jog her memory.  “Yeah, ah… Chloe!  You’re Chloe, right?”


“Yeah!  Sorry I didn’t recognize you.  To be fair, you’ve done a lot of remodeling lately.”  The woman pointed at her, bobbing her finger up and down.  “Love what you’ve done with the, you know.  You.”

“Look, can we stop playing games?  I know you’re that other witch.”

The woman brushed a wet lock of hair off her cheek, and nodded.  “Lilith, yeah.  Pleased ta meetcha.  Pardon how I’m dressed.  I didn’t expect company so soon – or that you’d be the one to show up, honestly.”

“Okay.  Lilith.  I appreciate the pleasantries.  You kinda kidnapped my girlfriend.  So you’re either going to break whatever enchantment you have her under, or I’m taking her to a hospital.  And I don’t give a damn how magic you are – I will kick the ever-living shit out of you if you get in my way.  Do you understand?”

Lilith draped herself playfully across the banister.  “Don’t be so dramatic.  And don’t take her to a hospital either.  You’d be wasting your time – and a lot of your money, given the state of medical care in your country.  She doesn’t need a doctor, or anything magic.  She needs some Gatorade, and a protein bar.  And probably about thirty more hours of sleep, but that’s a long-term problem.”

Chloe set her jaw, and stood to her full height, fists balled at her sides.  “Okay, you have about two seconds.  Lilith.  What did you do to her?”

“Nothing!  Well okay not nothing.  I rocked her goddamn world is what I did.  Don’t start any rumors, but turns out I’m pretty amazing in bed.”

“Are you trying to tell me you fucked my girlfriend into a coma?”

“God.  You’re being dumb!”

The blue-haired woman grabbed a chair from the dining table.  She spun it, and sat across it backward, spreading her legs wide and pressing her chest against the wooden support dowels.  Chloe was pretty sure if she looked closely, she’d be able to make out some details of anatomy that wouldn’t be appropriate for polite company.

Lilith gestured with the back of her hand.  “This is easy.  Just.  Wake her up.”

Chloe glared.  “How.”

“Fucking… I don’t care!  Shake her!  True Love’s Kiss.  Whatever!”

Chloe bent to her knees, and pulled her tiny girlfriend into her arms.

“Please let this work.  Kayla.  Wake up for me, sweetie.”

She pressed her lips over the smaller woman’s mouth.

Kayla groaned.  Sleepily, she kissed her back.

“Thank God.  Thank God you’re okay.”  She began to kiss her girlfriend all over.   She suddenly felt light-headed with relief.  Her whole body shook with it.  She grasped the tiny woman tighter, wanting to feel as much of her as was physically possible. 

“Chloe?  H-hey, easy now.”  Kayla giggled.  “Oh God, you’re really big.  I’m not saying I hate it.  But, damn girl, are you ever gonna let me catch up?”

“There, you see,” Lilith called.  “Plain old exhaustion, combined with some supernatural cunnilingus.”

Kayla flinched.  She sat up in Chloe’s arms, blinking in the fading light.  “Lily?”

“Hey, cutie.  I really wanted to thank you for last night.  It’s so rare I find someone who can keep up with me – much less keep me on the back foot once the clothes come off.  I can’t remember the last time someone made me feel so small.  If you ever want to do it again, I’m down.”

The tiny woman shot a guiltily look up at Chloe.  Then at Lily.  She frowned.   “Wait.  I was big last night.  How did I…?  Oh my God, how small am I?  What happened?”

“Long story,” the witch said, a sympathetic lilt to her voice.  “I’m afraid you were collateral damage in a feud I’m having with my sister.  I hope this doesn’t change our relationship.”

Kayla squeezed her eyes shut, hunching down into Chloe’s arms.

With no effort at all Chloe lifted her, and began to walk toward the door.  “We’re leaving.”

Lilith grunted in irritation, wrapping her arms around the back of the chair.  “I guess I can’t convince you to stay for drinks?  Get to know each other?  I make a mean Manhattan.”

“Don’t try to stop us.”

“God, I won’t!  It’s seriously better if you get her out of here – I’m racking up penalty shots by the minute.  The only consolation is that Eve’s free throw percentage is absolute trash.  Oh, and here!  Get the rest of your junk out of here, too.”

Lilith stood from her chair, her robe falling open.  She walked to the end of the long dining table.  There were three bottles, stacked in a neat row.  The blue-haired woman waved both hands at them emphatically.

Chloe paused.  “Are those Eve’s potions?”

“They’re your potions.  Take them, do what you want with them.  I’d suggest giving a bunch to Kayla.  She’s better big, take my word for it, best fucking Domme I’ve ever had.  I mean that, sweetie.”

“Thanks,” Kayla said in a tiny voice.  “You were great, too.”

Lilith took several steps back, making space for Chloe to come and gather up the potions.

“Look guys.  I like you, so I’ll give you some advice.  You’re playing the wrong side here.  Things are going to get rough.  I’ll try my best to keep you out of it, but if you’re working for Eve?  Or Abigail?  I can’t guarantee you won’t get smacked down again.”

“Thanks for the hospitality,” Chloe said coldly.  She stuffed all three potions into Kayla’s gym bag, and hoisted it over her shoulder while supporting her girlfriend.

“Stop by for that drink if you want,” Lilith called after them.  “When all this is over!  If you still can!”

Chloe carried her girlfriend onto the lawn, and out through the gate.  Her sense of direction was scrambled, and the neighborhood’s winding streets were no help.  For now, it was enough that they were headed, ‘away.’

“I’m really sorry,” Kayla said.

“I am too.  And I’m not mad you slept with her.”

“You could be.  If you wanted.”

Chloe thought about that.  She was feeling many things about what had just happened.  Anger was one – but not for Kayla.  There was a voice of jealousy, among the many that tried to speak.  But it was quiet, and self-aware enough to know it was being silly.

Chloe hugged the half-sized woman a little tighter.  “You’re safe now.  That’s what matters.”

“I love you.”

The words were electric.  A shock, that forced everything else into the background.  She stopped, and stared down into her girlfriend’s face.

Kayla was dirty.  Her hair was a mess.

Her eyes were very earnest.

“I love you, too.”

They walked together in the quiet.  The highway was a distant drone; the dusk birds were just beginning to take flight and sing of the impending evening.  She was carrying a tiny naked woman, who still smelled overwhelmingly of exertion and sex.  Still.  There was something intimate in how normal this felt.

She mistook the new sound for a lawnmower at first.  Another piece of suburban normalcy, low in the background.  The sound grew, became turbulent.  And then, just a few dozen feet over the treetops, a helicopter crested into view.

It flew toward them.  Braked in the air.  And began to circle directly overhead.

Chloe barely had time to wonder about this, when a second copter came into view.  And then, down the winding road, from behind a massive oak….


It was her friend, the way she’d always known her.  Even decked out in her anachronistic, conservative librarian garb.  Just a whole lot bigger.  So big that Chloe’s overtaxed brain got caught on scale and distance, tried to convince her that it wasn’t possible for Abigail to be this enormous, that she must actually be standing very close.  It wasn’t until her friend casually brushed aside a tree branch that must’ve been twenty feet above the ground that the reality of it snapped into place.

Abby was fucking huge!

The girl spied them.  Her face brightened, and with total disregard for her surroundings, the giantess began to run toward them.  The copters lifted, swooping out of her way.

Abigail skidded to a stop in front of them, kicking up dust and road gravel.  “You guys!  Holy shit, you have no idea how glad I am to see you, I’ve been searching for hours!”

“Abby?  I can’t help but notice there’s something different about you.”

“You like it?”  The twenty-five-foot girl struck a pose.  Folding a hand girlishly against her cheek, lifting one leg, shooting them a duck-faced smile.  “Big is the new look this season.”

“I can see that.  It seems like your chest is getting in on the act, too.”  Chloe pointed.  “Where’d you get those Double-D’s?”

“Never mind that for now.  Are you two alright?”

“Kayla’s not.”

Abigail frowned.  She put her hands on her knees, bringing herself down close.  Even with her butt by her ankles, the girl’s face was still five feet above Chloe’s head.

The giantess studied Kayla, her expression worried.  She reached out, and offered the tiny woman her smallest finger.  “God.  You really went through the wringer, huh?  You still look like you, though.  Just smaller.  Is everything in working order?  Can you talk?”

Chloe could feel her girlfriend stiffen in her grasp as Abigail loomed over them.  With a visible effort, Kayla made herself relax.  She took the giant girl’s finger with both hands.  “Yeah.  I can talk.”

“Mackenzie got you?”

“I don’t know what happened,” Kayla said, a faint tremor in her voice.  “I hooked up with some girl….”

“She hooked up with Lilith,” Chloe added.

“And things got out of hand.  When I fell asleep, I was too big for the room….”

“It was a big room.”

“And when I woke up, I was like this.”

“I can fill you in on some of the details,” Abigail said.  “But you slept with Lilith?  Wow.  I… kinda want the details on that.”

Kayla smiled shyly.  “Do we have the kind of relationship where we kiss and tell?”

Abigail was so big, her face so close, that the two smaller women could watch her blush rise with incredible fidelity.  A deep maroon darkened her olive-colored skin, spreading gradually from the base of her throat, along the massive expanse of her face, all the way to the top of her cheeks.

“I, um, want to talk about that, too.  Our relationship.”

“It seems like the three of us have a lot to discuss,” Chloe said.

“I have some business first.  Lilith is nearby, right?”  The giantess cracked her knuckles.  “I want to go introduce myself.”


The two women looked down at Kayla.  Her expression was suddenly firm.  If she was still nervous about being in the presence of her giant friends, she wasn’t showing it.

“Leave Lilith alone.”

“She’s got a lot to answer for,” Abigail reasoned.  “For what she did to you.  And to me.  I’m in a mood to make her pay for it.”

“And I’m asking you, as one of the people she hurt, to let it be.  Okay?  Let’s just get out of here for now.”

The giant girl sighed.  “I have the distinct feeling I’m going to regret this.  But… fine, we’ll go.  Sorry if this is awkward, but do you two mind if I carry you?  It really is the fastest way to travel.”

It took some doing, but Abigail was eventually able to slip Kayla into the front pocket of her frilly white button-up.  At least, well enough to conceal the tiny girl’s nudity.  She lifted Chloe – her grip powerful but delicate – and settled her against her stomach.  She made a cradle with both arms so Chloe could lounge, her head on Abigail’s giant shoulder.

“Hold onto Kayla for me?” Abigail rumbled.


Chloe put both hands on her little girlfriend.  Holding her secure, as she smiled softly into her eyes.  Kayla looked nervous, but excited.

It was a weird sensation, Chloe thought.  Being cared for by someone so much bigger, while at the same time having someone small to look after.

It made her feel oddly at peace.

Abigail waved down one of the helicopters.  She spoke loudly to it, giving it a street crossing in the north part of town.  Chloe recognized it as being near their favorite brunch place.  And likewise, near Eve’s shop.

The giantess’s stride was careful and measured, as she made her way up town.  The gentle rocking from side to side, almost enough to put Chloe to sleep.  She snuggled down, hugging both of her loves with the same two arms. 

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