Monday, June 10, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 23



(Author's Note: the first half of this chapter contains consensual BDSM, specifically impact play.  Sensitive readers may wish to skim to the second half.)

“This.  Is your place?  Seriously?”

Kayla stepped into the entryway, looking around in amazement.  This was a literal mansion.  Directly in front of her, an elegant staircase twisted up to the second-floor landing, appointed by a polished bronze banister etched with delicate filigree.  To the left was a living room – though she supposed in a house this fancy you’d call it a ‘parlor.’  It was all done up in fine wood and leather, with long sectional couches arranged around the largest fireplace she’d ever seen.  On the other side of the stairs was a dining space.  The massive table looked like it could serve twenty, and to top it off there was a full bar along the back wall.  The ceilings were high – twenty-five feet at least – and there were several crystal chandeliers hanging at regular intervals.

“Hey Lily?  I don’t mean to pry, but how are you affording this?”

The girl looked embarrassed.  “It’s a short-term rental.  I’m not the one paying for it.”

“And you’re the only one staying here?”

The smaller woman blushed.  She seemed to do that a lot.  Kayla found it incredibly appealing.

“Yes,” she said quietly.  “We’re all alone.  So um.  Tell me a little more.  About this… growth potion?”

“Hmmph.  Why don’t I just show you?”

Kayla set her gym bag on the dining table, and pulled out three glass bottles.  She arranged them in front of Lily.

“This,” she said.  “Is muscle potion.  A little bit of this will have me swelling up in all the right places.”

Lily wrapped both her hands around Kayla’s bicep.  She squeezed, clearly fascinated.  “Is that how you got so strong?”

“I was already strong,” Kayla said.  It sounded a tad defensive, even to her own ears.  “But I did take some of it.  Anyway.  This one here is growth potion – as in, it makes you big all over.  And this, the silver one?  Makes it so no one thinks it’s weird how big you’re growing.”

The blue-haired girl nodded thoughtfully.  “This is roleplay, right?  We’re doing a roleplay?”

Kayla turned, and draped her long, muscular arm around Lily’s shoulders.  “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t.  You’re going to find out, aren’t you?  Little girl.”

Lily blushed even brighter.  She bit her lip and looked timidly down at her feet.

God.  This girl was so hot.  She was as curvy as Chloe, and only a couple inches taller than Abigail had been before her growth spurt.  The long blue hair, the little baby-doll face.  It felt like everything about her was designed to get Kayla as wet as possible.

There was something in this experience she’d been sorely lacking.  Chloe could be submissive at times, and she was absolute dynamite between the sheets.  But there was such an undeniable sweetness about her girlfriend.  It made it hard for Kayla to push some of her darker impulses, even if she knew Chloe was game.

And lately, Chloe hadn’t been submissive at all.  Far from it.  That whole situation was complicated, and Kayla didn’t know what to think about it yet.

But Lily wasn’t complicated.  She was bashful, and eager, and teetering on the edge of something dangerous, and Kayla felt so clearly that she only needed to give her a little push.

She tightened her grip on the girl.  And leaned far, far down.  Allowing her teeth to brush against the smaller woman’s neck.  Letting her feel the danger in the situation.

Lily stood perfectly still.  Hardly daring to breathe.

“I’m going to make myself a drink,” Kayla purred.  “I assume the bar over there is fair game?”

“Please.  Anything you like.”

Kayla bit her.  Not hard.   But hard enough to make the tiny thing gasp in surprise.  Then abruptly she pushed Lily away, and strolled across the dining hall to grab herself a drink.

The selection really was incredible.  Even the stock at the Nickel couldn’t compete with this.  There were a few bottles that Kayla recognized as more than a little expensive.  She picked out the priciest bottle of Scotch she could find, and grabbed two glasses from a serving tray.

She turned back, ready with a quip.  But what she saw made her pause.

Lily was poised at the other end of the table, a pained expression on her face.  She had her purse unzipped, and was peering into it with a look of frustration, perhaps even anger.  Her hand hovered above the bag.  It shook, as though she was fighting to move a tremendous weight.

Clutched in her little hand, were the three bottles of potion.

“Hey sweet thing.  Tell me you’re not trying to steal those.”

Lily looked up.  “What?  No!  I was looking for my birth control.  I can’t remember if I took it today, but I think I might have left it in my other bag.”

“Uh-huh.”  Kayla glared at her.  She made her way down the long table.

“Oh gosh.  You believe me, don’t you?  I’d never steal from you.  I promise.”

Kayla closed the distance between them.  Staring angrily down into the woman’s eyes.  Then playfully cuffed her on the shoulder.

“I believe you.  Anyway, it’d be stupid to steal from me.  I’d give you some if you wanted, but something tells me you don’t have any interest in being taller than you already are.  Not around me, at least.”

“Yes, exactly!  They’re just pretty bottles, and I was holding them, and I got distracted, and….”

“Shhh.”  Kayla bent down, until she was almost nose-to-nose with Lily.  “I kinda scare you.  Don’t I?”

“You’re just… um… really… pretty.  And… big, and strong.”  Lily covered her face with both hands, peeking out from between her fingers.

Kayla smirked.  She poured out Scotch for each of them, going easy with Lilith’s glass, and quite generous with her own.  “Now let’s see.  We’ll start with the muscle potion.  I’m strong enough already, don’t you think?”

“Um, y-yes I’d say so.”

She deftly plucked the silver bottle from Lily’s hand.  With a dramatic flair she uncorked it, and allowed a single drop to fall into the glass.  “So nobody thinks it’s weird when I’m a giant tomorrow.  Now that just leaves the main event.”

She grabbed the bottle of growth potion, screwed it open.  Then stared at it, frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Lily asked.

“It’s the dosage.  I’m trying to remember how much.  The witch told us, but I was a little nervous at the time.”

“The witch made you nervous?”  Lily sounded fascinated.


“Yes ma’am.  Um, so like.  Do you know how much of the other potions you’re supposed to take?  With that silver stuff it was just a drop, right?”

“Yeah,” Kayla said, mixing in that single drop to demonstrate.  “But it isn’t always the same.  With the muscle stuff, it was a third of the bottle.  And it was a third with the, ah, sleeping potion I took.”

Lily watched her, patient and innocent.

To hell with it.  Thinking was hard tonight, and she didn’t want to wait any longer with this girl.  She couldn’t remember when she’d felt this thirsty for someone.

Well.  Probably that first night with Chloe.

She poured a third of the growth potion into her drink.

The two of them clinked glasses.  Kayla downed hers in a single gulp.  Then retched, and grabbed the bottle of Scotch, taking several big gulps to wash away the flavor.

The blue-haired woman covered her mouth, giggling girlishly.

“Seriously.  You have no idea how gross that tasted.”

Lily continued to laugh.

“Get it out of your system while you can, little girl.”

“S-sorry ma’am.”  The smaller woman held her breath, folding her hands demurely in front of her mouth.  She snorted.  Then laughed even harder.

Kayla reached out suddenly, sinking her fist into the fabric of Lily’s dress.  She yanked her forward until she collided with Kayla’s chest.

Lily stopped laughing.

Kayla tightened her grip, and pulled the woman up onto her tiptoes.  “We better discuss boundaries fast.  Because with the alcohol, that stuff is going to work fast.”

“Okay,” Lily breathed.

“I promise not to hurt you.  But I’m in the mood to be a little rough.  Okay?”

The girl’s eyes were blue, and very large.

“You can hurt me.”

Kayla inhaled sharply.  It was a few seconds before she found words to continue.

“Hm.  Then we better talk safe words.  Let’s keep it simple.  ‘No.’  ‘Stop.’  Anything like that, and we’ll take a pause.” Kayla closed her eyes, taking in a long breath through her nose.  She suddenly felt really, really nice.  “Are you a good girl, Lily?”

The woman cast her eyes down, the corner of her mouth turning up ever so slightly.

“No,” Lily whispered.  “I’ve been bad.  Very, very bad.”

“Then I’ll have to punish you,” Kayla growled.  “Won’t I?”

“I deserve it.  Please punish me, Miss Kayla.”

Kayla groaned.  There was a deep, yawning sensation, emanating out from her core.  In a sudden pulse, her entire body swelled bigger.

“That’s Mistress Kayla.  Understand?”

Lily’s eyes went wide.  In them was a mix of emotions – surprise, and alarm, but above it a fervent sort of lust.  “You just grew!”

Kayla pulsed again.  Her shirt ripped.  “You weren’t supposed to be able to tell.  The silver stuff.”

The smaller woman looked annoyed, but the expression was gone before Kayla could process it.  “Maybe it doesn’t work if I see it happen?  But who cares.  You really are going to get bigger?  It’s not a game?”

Kayla gave the woman a hard shove, and stepped back.  She folded her arms behind her head, arching her back, groaning as she luxuriated in the sensation of getting bigger.  Yeah, she’d taken way too much of that potion.  Oh well, too late to worry about it now.  In only a few seconds she passed the height Chloe had been that morning – and her growth was still accelerating.  Her shirt tore like tissue paper.  Her shoes expanded then burst, the old threadbare laces coming undone as her feet grew out of them.  Her work jeans held on a surprisingly long time, but finally succumbed as well, her muscular thighs ripping them from the inside out.

“So,” Kayla purred.  “You’ve been bad, huh?”

Lily looked up from beneath the level of her navel, still wearing that expression of mingled fear and desire.  “Yes, Mistress Kayla.”

Kayla was on her in an instant.  Dropping to her knees, grabbing the girl around her tiny little arm.  Lily didn’t try to resist.  It was a struggle to undress the smaller woman.  She was still growing, and the zipper felt so tiny she could hardly get her fingers around it.  Kayla groaned with impatience, and simply shredded Lily’s pretty red dress off her body with nothing but her thumbs and forefingers.

She was really strong at this size.  Something to consider.

“You know something, Lily?  You’re really cute.  But I especially, especially like that little ass of yours.  Even since the moment I saw you, I wanted to spank it.  Anyone tell you you’ve got a very spankable ass, Lily?”

“Yes, Mistress Kayla,” she squeaked.


With one hand, she pushed Lily against the side of the opulent staircase.  The handrail was supported by a series of sculpted bronze pylons.  Lily took hold of two, bracing herself, glancing submissively over her shoulder.  She bent her head, and raised her backside for Kayla’s attention.

The girl was actually shaking with excitement.  God, her whole fucking body was blushing, throat to thighs.  It was driving Kayla into an absolute frenzy.

“Count for me, you bad little girl.”

“Yes, Mistress Kayla.”

Kayla drew back her hand, grinning wickedly.  And slapped.

With the first stroke, she tried to be gentle.  Using only a fraction of her strength, letting gravity do most of the work.  The sound of her palm as it fell on both of Lily’s cheeks was explosive, a sharp resonant crack that echoed through the cavernous room.  The woman’s hips cocked forward, and her body slammed against the side of the stairs.

Kayla flinched, about to apologize….

But Lily only moaned in pleasure.  “One!”

The girl was tough, for such a little thing.  Oh, this was going to be fun.

For the second slap, Kayla went harder – just a bit.  She had to be careful, she was growing faster than ever now, had to be three times the girl’s size.  But Lily didn’t seem anywhere near her limit.  Her eyebrows scrunched as Kayla struck her, mouth forming into an ‘o’ as a long groan escaped from her lips.


Three.  Four.  Five.  Using more of her strength each time, testing the girl, and never feeling she came close to her breaking point.  It was becoming a struggle to swing low enough to reach her little backside, even from her knees.  Red outlines of her hand bloomed in each place she smacked, each handprint bigger than the last.

By ten, Lily was a pathetic, sweating little mess.  Gasping for breath, hands locked in a death-grip on the staircase.  Kayla was about to relent – the girl was going to struggle to sit down for a week – but to her surprise Lily bent forward, and looked pleadingly over her shoulder.

“Mistress Kayla, please.  I’m really close, and I’ve been so bad, so bad!  One more, please, as hard as you can, please, please….”

Kayla hauled back, and gave the miniature girl the hardest slap yet.  Hard enough to slam her bodily onto the floor.  Lily howled in approval.  And came.  Still holding onto the banister, the rest of her body going slack.  Whimpering and twitching in ecstasy.

“Thank you,” she whispered.  “Thank you, Mistress Kayla.  Thank you.”

She kept saying it, as Kayla lifted her into her arms.  The girl was incredibly tiny, barely knee-height to her, and seemed to be getting smaller every second.  When Kayla stood, her head reached past the second story landing.

“You did good, little girl,” Kayla rumbled.

“Thank you… thank you Mistress Kayla….”

She turned Lily in her grasp, and began to kiss her all over.  Her face, and stomach, and thighs, but most of all her red little ass.  She licked her gently, soothing her with lips and tongue as she continued to outgrow the girl.

Soon Lily was small enough to sit in her palms, if she cupped them both together, and balanced her carefully.  Kayla helped the tiny girl settle, and continued to explore with her mouth.  Lily’s breasts were the size and shape of ripe little strawberries, and Kayla sucked each of them in turn, moaning and nibbling and swirling her tongue around.

Lily moaned.  She leaned back against Kayla’s cupped fingers, and spread her legs.

Kayla took the invitation.

Her tongue was so big that she could just barely fit it between Lily’s thighs.  She let the large, warm muscle press against the tiny woman’s vulva, felt her squeeze it eagerly with her quad muscles.  Kayla supported the woman’s back with her fingertips, giving her leverage, and Lily thrust herself forward.  Twisting her body back and forth, so that the the hard ridges of Kayla’s tongue pressed exactly where she wanted.

The girl was insatiable, her voice a constant howl of need and lust.

And all the while Kayla could feel the girl getting smaller, and smaller in her hands.

The ceiling, absurdly high at maybe thirty feet when she’d first seen the room, was rapidly getting too close for comfort.  But it wasn’t until Kayla’s head actually bumped into it that she decided to take action.  She cradled Lily to her as she lay herself down in the parlor.  Furniture burst beneath her as she got comfortable, so fragile at her size that it might as well have been made of matchsticks.  With her head near the fireplace, her feet stretched clear into the dining room.

Lily rested on her chest, looking gratefully up at Kayla.  Her red eyes were as bright and shiny as a pair of rubies.

“Hey, little bug,” Kayla purred.  “I think it’s time you gave Mistress a little attention.  I’m really fucking horny.  It’s a big job though.  You think you’re up for it?”

“Yes Mistress Kayla.  I promise I won’t disappoint you.”

There was something just a little menacing in the girl’s tone.  She decided she’d imagined it.

Kayla spent time getting her ready.  Licking her from head to toe, soaking every last inch of her in saliva.  She was so tiny that Kayla could almost wrap her fingers all the way around the narrowest part of her waist, and her body was about half the length of Kayla’s forearm.  A bit on the large side for what Kayla had in mind, but she’d make this work.  She owned one dildo bigger than this – though to be fair, it only came out on special occasions.

She set the woman between her thighs.  Broke more furniture as she parted her titanic, muscular legs.  And let Lily go to work.

The girl wasn’t shy.  She threw herself into her task with total abandon, using both hands, and her face, her entire upper body to massage her sex.  Kayla lay back, smirking, enjoying the attention.  For a moment she thought of Chloe – the way her girlfriend had ordered her to lie still.  She lay still now.  But this time it was her own choice.  It was for Lily’s protection, and not because she was forced to it.  The same action could have an entirely different experience.

She was still idly dreaming about the difference between the encounters, when Lily snapped her back into the moment.  She felt the woman’s shoulders forcing her open, as the girl tried to climb fully inside her.  It was tough going – Kayla guessed she was around thirty-five feet at that point – but even so she was fairly tight for someone Lily’s size.

Without thinking, she grasped Lily’s lower half in her fist, and forced her the rest of the way inside.  She took a deep breath, and began to fuck herself with the tiny thing.  Lily’s moans resonated through her body, quavering against her sex like a living vibrator.  She felt the woman turning inside her, taking up more space, pressing herself hard against Kayla’s g-spot.

She lost it.  Screaming at the top of her voice, she came.

Kayla sank back on the floor, going limp.  But now Lily felt small enough to move around inside without help.  The woman began to explore.  To experiment.  The giantess breathed, hands balling into fists, doing everything she could to remain still.  Until a tiny little hand reached out from inside her slit.  Grabbed hold of her grapefruit-sized clit, and squeezed.

Once, Kayla had let a partner use a taser on her.  It had been an ill-advised experiment with electro-play, and she hadn’t enjoyed the experience.  That was the only thing comparable to the feeling when Lily laid a hand on her.  It was electric.  More than that.  It was like the woman had created a short circuit directly to the pleasure center of her brain, and was feeding her more sensation than Kayla would have dreamed possible.  It was almost magic.

She came, and came, and came again.  It felt like a dozen, or a hundred times, in the space of each breath.  The sound of wood breaking, glass shattering.  Lily was her world, the only thing that mattered.  And even as she shrieked and thrashed, Lily never relented.

Until at last, every ounce of her was spent.  Her body, overstimulated and exhausted, simply shut down.  Kayla stared at the ceiling, a vacant grin on her face.  As she felt herself losing consciousness, she had time to be amused.  It was the second day in a row she’d been fucked to sleep.  What a lovely cure for insomnia.


Lilith crawled out from between Kayla’s legs, naked as the day she was born, soaked in giantess cum from head to toe.  She made her way to the table – a short journey, the big girl’s cunt was all the way in the dining room now – and poured herself another drink.  She leaned against the table, grinning at her handiwork.

For a moment, she considered trying to steal Eve’s potions again.  But the sense of being rebuffed that hard was really quite unpleasant, and anyway, she had a new plan.  She took her time finishing her drink.  Then ducked under the crook of Kayla’s knee, leaving sticky wet footprints behind her, and mounted the staircase.  With each step she grew, until she had regained her natural height.

Playing small was fun.  She’d have to do this more often.

A nice hot bath would feel absolutely grand after all that fucking.  And she’d also have to pick out a new set of clothes.  A shame, she’d really liked that dress.  But in any game, you had to make a few sacrifices.

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