Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 30

The Council of the Boutique

Eve was roughly normal-sized, and waiting for them outside her shop.  She looked tired but satisfied, as though she’d spent the whole day on hard, important work.

Abigail waved away her support copters, then set her friends on the sidewalk beside her.

“I think it’s time we had a chat,” Eve told them.  “Come inside.”

“Um,” Chloe said.  “I’m sensing some logistical problems.  Abby is, well.  Huge.  Can we do this out here?  Or maybe there’s a loading dock out back?”

“No need.  Abby just has to open the door.”

Somehow, Abigail understood.  She was already bending, reaching her giant hand toward the doorknob.  The moment before she touched it, the brass handle was smaller than the tip of her finger.  Then it fit perfectly in her hand.  She pulled the door open, and led her three tiny friends into the room beyond.

It was exactly the shop she remembered.  Potted plants on every free surface, discarded empty bottles strewn about, the scent of incense in the air.

The room was the perfect size for her.

Chloe, Kayla, and Eve, however, looked absolutely miniscule in the cavernous shop.

“Something else you got up to today?” Abigail asked the tiny witch.

“Nope!  It’s always been like this.  You just haven’t had the occasion to find out.  Alright you three.  Spill.  I need details about today.”

Abigail went first, sitting cross-legged on the floor, leaning over the three smaller women.  She skimmed over some of the finer details of her sexual encounter with Dylan, providing just enough to make Eve smile proudly, and for both Chloe and Kayla to fidget and blush.  She spent more time describing her run-in with Mackenzie – the woman’s size, her new philosophy, her rabid fan club.  She warmed to that part of the tale, spinning out the way she’d kept herself out of danger, while tricking the much larger girl into telling her what she needed to know.

“So Mackenzie stole my size,” Kayla mused.  “Because she was trying to rescue me?”

“That’s what she believed, yeah.”

Chloe grunted.  “And now there’s this weird traffic service that’s dedicated to helping the two of you get around town.  Copters and hard-hats and everything.”

“Yeah, I’ve been calling them the Giantess Squad.  They sprang into existence after I went kaiju-sized, as far as I can tell.  It seems like they mostly give Mackenzie and I carte blanche to do as we please, and just do damage control.”

Chloe went next.  She had to pause twice in her monologue to reprimand Abigail.  “You’re looming again, sweetie.”

“Sorry.  It’s hard to avoid – the three of you are so small, I have to lean in just to hear you.  And then that creates its own issues, what with my chest getting in the way, and….”

“Oh, so you’re saying big boobs can be a problem?”  Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Don’t act like I can’t see you staring, Klo.  Anyway, can you blame me for wanting to get closer?  You’re all so freaking cute at this size!”

“Abigail, sweetie.  I’m trying to concentrate, and if I start thinking about hot it is having you this big, I’m never going to get through my story.  Give me space just a little longer, okay?”

Chloe took a deep, steadying breath, and went on.  She described her frustrating scavenger hunt of a day, and her strange encounter with Lilith.

“I really don’t know what to make of her.  It seemed like she was legitimately trying to be friends.  I mean, she was swanning around like a super villain and flashing her tits at us, but still.”

“That sounds like Lilith,” Eve said.

“I doubt you can trust anything she says,” Abigail put in.  “From what Eve told me, she kinda gets off on lying to people.”

Eve said nothing.  Only peered thoughtfully off into the dark corner of the giant shop.

Kayla’s tale was by far the longest, and most salacious.  By then the girl was over five feet tall, and rapidly outgrowing the towel Eve had loaned her to conceal her modesty.  Chloe had insisted she take her growth potion right away, and had poured the girl an extra-large dose.  It apparently made Kayla a bit more talkative.

Eve interrupted just once.  “You spanked Lilith?  Like.  On the butt.”

Ohh yeah I did.  She seriously couldn’t get enough of it.  I mean I’ve made a few girls scream in my time….”

“Can confirm,” Chloe and Abby said in unison.

“But I’ve never seen anyone have an orgasm from being spanked like that.  Sorry if this is TMI – but she was a really awesome sub.  I haven’t felt powerful like that since… well, since the two of you started growing.  I guess it was exactly what I needed.”

“She knew what you wanted,” Abigail explained, forcing herself to de-loom again.  “It’s something witches can do.  If you were desiring that sense of control, Lilith could smell it on you from a mile away.”

“Respectfully,” Eve said.  “That’s not true.  I can do that.  Lilith can’t.”

The witch had said little through all this.  The friends turned to look at her.

“It has to do with our respective domains.  I describe myself as a Desire Witch.  By that I mean, the desires of others.  But Lilith’s domain doesn’t fit into a neat little package like mine.  ‘Desire Witch’ is a convenient term that just happens to be good shorthand – the words fit the shape, but don’t define it.  As for Lilith?  I guess you could call her a Hedonism Witch.  That’s not quite right, but what I mean to say is, she does exactly what she wants.  Always.”

Kayla considered this, as she grew.  “I hope you don’t judge me for this.  But that makes what I did with Lilith even more hot – knowing she actually wanted it, and wasn’t just playing me.  I mean, she’s our opponent, I know I shouldn’t like her….”

Eve laughed gently.  “I don’t blame you.  She’s incredibly attractive, and she has this sensual confidence that makes her difficult to resist.  She can be very charming when she wants.”

“Plus she was short and chesty,” Chloe teased.  “Which I hear is your type.”


Chloe gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.  “There’s a lot we need to discuss.  Some of it should wait ‘til we’re alone.  But I’m happy someone was able to give you something you needed.”

Abigail looked down at Kayla, narrowing her eyes at her smaller friend.  “I still don’t get why you aren’t more upset with Lilith.  I mean sure the sex was great.  But she used you – and let Mackenzie steal all that height you’d gained.  You’re just forgiving that?”

Kayla considered this.  “I guess I’m okay with it… because I was using her, too.  We both got what we wanted out of the exchange.  It sucks that Mackenzie got so big, I know it’s a problem for us.  But Lilith was just looking out for her side.  I can’t blame her for that.  Like, did any of you play team sports when you were growing up?”

The other three shook their heads.

“It was kinda unavoidable – where I grew up, with my height.  Anyway.  You can play hard against the girl on the other team.  Even play dirty, and not lose respect for them.  Then maybe you go over and share your orange slices after the game.  I’ve actually had my fair share of relationships start that way.  And look – Lilith could’ve made it a lot worse for me.  I ended up back with my friends, with a way to get that height back if I wanted.”

“It’s very judicious of you,” Eve said quietly.  “I don’t know if I can be that forgiving.  She’s made this personal in a way that’s hard to ignore.  I had to think about that a lot today, while I was working.”

“On that subject.  Your turn, Eve.”  Abigail leaned as far down as she could, executing maximum loom, until she was close enough to ruffle the tiny witch’s hair with her breath.  “You’ve been busy, I take it.”

Eve gazed up, smiling softly.  “If you’d been checking your texts, you’d already know how it came out.  I took quite a few pictures.  They’re in the vein of the one I sent you before class.  By the end they got a bit… evocative.  Incidentally, that fitting spray I gave you?  Next time use it on your phone.”

“Right, good.”  Abigail tried to casually adjust her skirt, so it wouldn’t be completely obvious how wet she was getting to her smaller friends below.  “Anyway.  Spill.”

Eve spilled.  Most of it, Abigail already knew – Mackenzie’s Glamour, Lilith’s curious animosity for Abby, Eve’s ability to sense their feelings at a distance.  The game, and how Eve knew almost nothing about it except that it would culminate at their party on Saturday night.

Chloe and Kayla seemed fascinated.

“Okay,” Abigail said, after the little witch had danced around the subject long enough.  “But were you able to find a way to counter Mackenzie’s make-up or not?”

Eve brushed a long black strand of hair from her eyes.  “I was.”

“Oh, thank God!”


Abigail groaned.

Eve reached up to her neck, and withdrew a small emerald jewel on a long silver chain.  She held it up for all of them to see, then handed it to Kayla – who by now was almost back to her natural height.

“Pass it around.”

Kayla held it up to the light, examining it with a look of reverence.  When she gave it to Chloe, the jewel seemed to grow slightly in the taller woman’s grasp.  And when Abigail took it, the emerald rapidly multiplied in size, until it was roughly as big as the giantess’s thumb.

“It works in two modes,” Eve explained.  “Wear it, and you’ll be immune to Mackenzie’s Glamour.  You can talk to her face-to-face, and she won’t be able to compel you to do anything.”

“Perfect,” Abigail said.  “But let me guess.  There’s only one of these.  Not enough to go around?”

“Sorry.  It was the best I could do.  If you gave me a week, I could probably make another….”

“You did amazing, Eve.”

The witch smiled proudly.

“So what’s the other mode?”

“Pinch near the tip, where the chain is mounted.  Twist, counter-clockwise.”

Abigail did.  The top unscrewed in her hand.  It was hollow inside, and filled with a small amount of liquid.  “Oh neat!  It’s like the kind of flask you can sneak into a concert.”

“Drink that and you’ll be immune to the Glamour, permanently.  You won’t have to worry about whether you’re wearing the jewel, or if someone steals it from you.  Now, if you want my advice–”

“It’s obvious,” Abigail said.  “We’re splitting it three ways.”

Eve looked pained.  “Abby, I know you want to be egalitarian about this.  But that’s a bad idea.  I don’t know if that would give any of you even a little protection.  It could be a total waste.  This is all experimental magic.”

Chloe reached up, and pressed her tiny hand on Abigail’s knee.  “Lilith isn’t out to get us.  You’re the only one she’s after.  You should drink it.”

“So she can use you against me?  Forget it, Klo.  And the same goes for Kayla.  We’re in this together.”

Kayla stepped forward.  She put her hands on her hips, and craned her neck to meet Abigail’s gaze.  “No.”

“Not this again.”

“Yes, this again.  We’re in this together.  But we’re not equals.  You’re the captain of this team.”

Instinctively, the giantess jerked her gaze down to Eve.

The witch was shaking her head.  “This is all a game for Lilith.  But even if I’m her opponent, you’re the one that has a head for strategy.  You saw what a wreck I was this morning.  I’d probably still be pacing around feeling sorry for myself if you hadn’t come in.  I hate to put you in this position, but if we’re working together, you need to be the one calling the shots.”

Kayla nodded.  “And it isn’t the captain’s job to keep everyone on the team safe.  Our role here is to protect you, not the other way around.”

Abigail slammed her first on the ground – harder than she’d intended.  The smaller women jumped back in alarm.  “Sorry.  But look.  I can’t play that way.  If something happened to you – any of you….”

“I’m not worried,” Chloe said, smiling.  “If we’re in danger, you’ll think of something.  You always do.”

Abigail glared at her friends – looming as hard as she could.  At almost five times their size, she almost expected them to cave in to her intimidation.

But of course, they didn’t.

“Then this is what I thought of,” Abigail said.  “I’ll wear the jewel.  But Kayla and Chloe are going to drink the potion first.  One drop, each.  It won’t be much.  But at least you’ll have some resistance, and it’ll give me more time to plan if – when – something goes wrong.  Deal?”

“I repeat my objections to plans that involve splitting this potion,” Eve said.  But then she smiled.  “We’re all making it up as we go along.  I’ll get a dropper.”

The witch had Chloe and Kayla open their mouths for her, while she let a single droplet of potion fall on their tongues.  By this point, both women were quite a bit taller than Eve.

Abigail took the necklace back from the witch.  With some effort she opened the clasp, and slipped it around her neck.  The chain felt light, hardly even there.  She moved experimentally, and found the jewel remained snug, just below her sternum.

“So now what?” Kayla asked.  “We’ve got protection.  Want to get our game faces on?  Go find Mackenzie and tell her what’s what?”

“I think I’ve had enough of her for today.  Besides, getting in an argument in public is still a bad idea.  If I tried that, her little studio audience would boo me off the stage.  And I’m not in a position to confront her physically either.  Besides her size advantage, I bet she’s the kind of girl who’d use her nails in a fight.”

“Definitely,” Chloe agreed.  “So if we’re waiting until tomorrow, have you given any thought to where you’ll spend the night?  I don’t think you’re fitting in your old bedroom.”

Abigail gave her little friend a significant smile.  “I think Eve and I need to discuss that.  Privately.”

“Oh.  Oh!”  Chloe whirled, and grabbed Kayla by the wrist.  “Come on, sweetie.”

“But our relationship conversation!” Kayla objected, as she was dragged away.  “We never got to the fun stuff!”


“Hey guys?” Abigail called after them.

They turned.

“Fun stuff conversation.  Tomorrow.  After my biology class.  That is, if Kayla’s okay dating taller girls?”

Kayla smirked.  “Who says you’ll be taller tomorrow?”

They left.

“So,” Abigail purred, grinning down at the doll-sized witch.  “Just the two of us, huh?  I have to admit, I’m really curious about those pictures.  What a shame I’ll have to wait for tomorrow to see them.”

Eve laughed.  The sound was high-pitched, and went on just a little too long.  “If you want, I can… uh, reenact some of them for you.”

This wasn’t the first time Abigail had seen the witch suddenly become shy around her.  If she didn’t know better, she might’ve guessed it was her size that was making Eve nervous.  But now, she thought she understood.  If Eve’s domain was the desire of others, she might not know how to handle her own.

Abigail had a plan for that.

She smiled, and reached out to the woman, offering her giant hand.

“You know what I want,” Abigail said softly.  “Do you want it, too?”

“Yes.”  Eve laughed again.  Made herself stop.  Swallowed.

“We’ll take things slow.  Okay?  Can I start by holding you?”

“Um.  I have something to show you.  First.”

Abigail raised an eyebrow.  “Oh?  You’re full of surprises today.”

Eve pointed toward the back of the shop.  “Do you see that door?  Was it always there?”

“Hmm.  Now that you mention it, I didn’t notice it the last time I was in the shop.  It’s new, then.  Where does it go?”

The miniature girl lifted both her arms over her head.  Her pupils looked very large, and Abby could see a hot color rising on her throat.

“It’s a portal to my bedroom.  Carry me?”

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