Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 21

The Turn

She was uncomfortable.  Her back was bent in a slightly awkward way, and something hard and bony was pressing against her hip.  Abigail stirred, slowly rousing from a dreamless sleep.  The room was dark, except for the faint orange glow of street lamps half a block away.

She felt her way around her surroundings, found that it was still Chloe beneath her.  Her dozing friend felt smaller – a lot smaller – though it was clear Abigail still had a lot of growing to do if she was going to catch up.

It was interesting, though.  She’d gone to sleep with her head against Chloe’s chest, and now her cheek was against the ridge of her shoulder.  But her feet stretched lower down the woman’s body, too – she could just barely reach Chloe’s knee with the tips of her toes.  That implied growth happened in both directions.  It would hardly matter if she were standing.  But lying down was a different matter.  Did she grow outward, from her navel?  Her groin?

God, it felt good to be able to think again.

Speaking of feeling good….

In the darkness, Abigail lay chest-to-chest with Chloe, then pulled herself forward until she could find the woman’s lips.  Very softly, she kissed her.


Chloe stirred.  “You’re you again?”

“Mmhmm.  Thanks to you.”  She kissed her again, a bit more seriously.

The larger woman groaned.  “You grew a lot.  How much?”

Abigail slipped her tongue into Chloe’s mouth.  Then pulled back, lifting onto her hands and knees on top of Chloe’s body.

“I’m not sure.  Why don’t you help me find out – without turning on the lights, by the way.  We’ll make it a challenge.”

“God, I missed you.”

Giant hands began to explore Abigail.  Feeling her chin, her face – squeezing each of her breasts in turn, then trailing along her stomach.  It was an examination, but Chloe was far from scientific about it, and Abigail didn’t pretend to be an obedient subject.  She let Chloe know when she’d reached a place that needed further study.  She was very emphatic about it.

“Do you feel okay?” Chloe asked, as both her giant hands grasped Abigail’s hips, thumbs curling around her inner thighs.

“I feel amazing.”

“I mean, everything’s… working?  Can you say something clever?”

“I could.  But I was thinking I’d rather put my tongue to other uses.  I want to return the favor from earlier.”

Chloe moaned.

“First though,” Abby said.  “How big do you think I am?”

Chloe seemed to think about this.  “It’s… hard to do math right now.  About the same as Sunday?  I think?  As in, you’re back to Abby-Classic.”

“That sounds about right.  You promise you thought I was attractive back then?  When I was… little?”

“I thought you were absolutely adorable, and utterly gorgeous, and you’re even cuter when I’m big like this, and I’m really into you, and I love the way this relationship feels, and I really like touching you, and….”

Abigail put a fingertip to the larger woman’s lips.  “Thanks, Chloe.  Going down on you now.”

“What about Eve!  Weren’t we going to her shop today?”

She was already sliding down Chloe’s body.  “It’s late, we missed her, and I’m back to normal so it’s not pressing.  We’ll go first thing tomorrow.  Spread your legs.”

“Kayla never came home.”

Abigail stopped.  “She doesn’t always, between shifts.”

“But she said she would.  Plus she’s not texting me back.  And we had… a difficult conversation.”

“Oh.”  Abigail climbed off of Chloe’s body, and sat on the edge of the bed.  She was silent for a moment as she collected her thoughts.  “If it’s about us.  I mean, you and me sleeping together, or what we did with her last night.  I really don’t want to ruin your relationship.  If she’s jealous or uncomfortable, we can stop.”

“It’s not that,” Chloe said quickly.  She reached out, and playfully mussed the smaller woman’s hair.  “She’s super happy for us – and probably wants a chance to know you a little better, if you know what I mean.  It was… something else.”

“I’m picking up from context clues you’d rather not talk about it?”

“Not until I see her again.  But you don’t have anything to worry about.  What we’re doing is… good.”

“In that case,” Abigail said.  “I can give you something more pleasant to worry about.  If you still want.”

Chloe started to answer.  But then paused.  There was an odd sound in the building.  Something rhythmic, and heavy.  Growing closer.

“Do you hear that?”

Abigail didn’t answer.  She listened, to what sounded like massive footsteps, steadily getting louder.  They were coming from the stairwell outside the apartment door.  They stopped on the landing outside.  Keys jingled in the lock.  Then something slammed against the floor, hard enough to make the entire building vibrate.

“Maybe that’s Kayla,” Chloe whispered.  “Maybe she stole the growth potion because she wanted to surprise us?”

“I don’t think that’s Kayla.”

The front door swung open, banging against the wall.  Something very large slid against the living room carpet.  Wood snapped.

“Shoot.”  The voice was deep, booming, and powerfully feminine.

The apartment began to vibrate.  The sound of someone very large, crawling closer.

“Hello!” Mackenzie called.  “Anyone home?”

Abigail made a shushing gesture.  Chloe nodded.

“Oh, that’s too bad.  I was really hoping I’d have a chance to talk to my two favorite Besties.  Continue that conversation from last night.”

Furniture scraped along the floor.  Something fell.

“It’s weird, though.  I see little Miss Abigail’s backpack.  Chloe’s too.  And I happen to know she never leaves the house without it.”

She was right outside the bedroom now.

“I also can’t help but notice that the apartment smells like sex.  I mean, even more than usual.  I wonder if I haven’t caught my Besties in a very compromising position.  Sure would be a shame if I happened to accidentally walk in on them.  And offer to join.”

The door handle turned.

“Mackenzie,” Chloe yelled.  “Stop it, don’t come in!”

Outside, the giantess chuckled.  “It’s okay, you guys.  There’s nothing to be ashamed of.  I’ve seen you both naked before.  I’ve even seen you having sex.  I really, really want to see it right now.”

The door swung open.

Abigail had time to see a gigantic shape making its way into the room.  Mackenzie was almost too wide for the door, and she was pulling herself along the carpet toward them.  It was terrifying, to see something that large coming toward you in the dark.  And after today, Abigail knew Mackenzie’s size was the very least of the reasons to fear her.

Without thinking, she jumped onto the bed.  She positioned herself behind Chloe, putting the larger woman between her and the approaching threat.  Her whole body shook as she pulled herself into a fetal position.

“You guys,” Mackenzie purred.  “I’ve been having just the best day, and I want it to get even better.  I can’t stop thinking about last night.  Can I join you?  Please?  Pretty please?”

Outside a car drove by, briefly illuminating the room.  Abigail felt Chloe’s posture change behind her.  The tension leaving her body, all her muscles going slack.

Her friend started to stand….

Abigail squeezed her eyes shut.  Swallowing her fear, she jumped up, and clamped both hands over Chloe’s mouth.  Her friend struggled, trying to throw her off, trying to agree to Mackenzie’s request.  Abby held on for dear life, as the massive woman bucked like a wild bronco in her tiny arms.

The car turned a corner, and the room fell dark again.

Chloe suddenly became very still.  In the quiet, Abigail could hear her breathing.  The little quiver of terror in each exhalation.

“Mackenzie,” Abigail squeaked.  “You need to leave.”

Mackenzie was fully in the room now.  Even kneeling, her head reached the ceiling.  “Um.  Okay.  I don’t know what I did to make you this standoffish.  You seemed into this earlier today, Abby.  If you decided you don’t want to sleep with me that’s… that’s fine.  But come on, let’s talk this out.  Like Besties.  I’m turning on the lights.”

Abigail ducked down behind Chloe again, covering her eyes with both arms.  “Please don’t!”

“Abigail.  Are you… afraid of me?”  Mackenzie gave a confused little laugh.

“You hurt her today,” Chloe said.  “More than you can possibly know.  That conversation the two of you had, at school?  You don’t know what that did to her.”

“Oh, is that all?  Sweetie, I know how hard it is to accept compliments.  Especially from someone as big and beautiful as me.  I promise, I meant every word.  I like you.  I like both of you.  Let me make you believe that.  I can be very persuasive.”

Abigail took a deep breath.  With a great effort, she made herself stand.  In the darkness, she regarded the titanic woman.

“Mackenzie, you need to listen to me.  All those nice things you said.  Every complement you gave me.  Those were things you stole from me.  When you said you liked how tall I was….”

“How tall you-?”

“It made me shrink.  I was bigger than you earlier today, and you used to be even shorter than Kayla.  You said you liked my chest.  My charisma.  My voice.  And each time you mentioned something, you took it from me.  I couldn’t even talk after you were through with me.  And the worst part is, you didn’t even realize you were doing it.”

Mackenzie leaned toward the bed.  Even in the darkness, it was clear she was angry.  She suddenly felt terribly close.

“That isn’t a funny joke, Abigail.  I would be a monster if I’d done that to you.  I’d never, ever hurt you like that.”

“Have people been just giving you things today?  Valuable, precious things?  Things it seems like they would never want to give up?”

The giantess huffed.  “People always do that.  I’ve tried to make them stop.  You aren’t like me, so I know it’s hard for you to understand.  These people practically think of me as a goddess.  It’s a little pitiful.  And, sorry if this comes off as egotistical, but it’s hard to blame them.  My size?  My beauty?  It feels like a curse sometimes, to look this way.  But it’s a curse I’m quite certain I’ve lived with my whole life.  So please stop playing this foolish game and tell me what’s really going on.”

“Your clothes,” Chloe said suddenly.

“Why, yes.  They look nice, don’t you think?  All thanks to Abigail.  I don’t know what was in that little bottle, but I’ve never felt anything so amazing in my entire life.  Clothes that fit this well… it’s almost better than sex.”

Abigail snapped her fingers, picking up on Chloe’s gambit.  “But what about the clothes in your closet?  Where did you get them?”

“Oh!  Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s.  A few things from Extreme Restraints….”

“But you didn’t have to special order.  Did you.  You got them off the rack.”

Mackenzie was silent for a long time.

“If you went and looked in your closet,” Chloe said slowly.  “You’d have a bunch of outfits for a girl who is about five-foot-nine.  Why don’t you go check?”

“I don’t like this,” Mackenzie whispered.

“Me neither,” Abigail agreed.  “But you know we’re telling you the truth now.  Right?”

“I… I don’t know.  I’m sure I own a bunch of clothes that would never fit me, and I’m sure I remember wearing them and… I’m scared.  Please can I turn on the lights?  Help me figure this out.”

“If you turn on the lights,” Abigail said.  “It won’t be us in this room anymore.  It’ll look like us.  But we’ll be nothing but your puppets.  We’ll agree with whatever you say -- enthusiastically.  And if you happen to tell us how much you like us, you’ll take everything we are.  You won’t even know you’re doing it.”

Mackenzie swallowed.  “Then.  All those nice things I said to you?  When I was pouring my heart out, telling you how much I loved you…?”

The giantess was quiet for almost a minute.  In the dark room, the sound of her breathing was awfully loud.

The girl made a sudden, sharp noise, and both Abigail and Chloe flinched violently.  But then Mackenzie sniffed, and when she spoke, it was clear she was trying to hold back her tears.

“Oh God.  I still have so much of you.  Don’t I, Abby?  I’m so sorry!  I want to give it back.  Let me try.  Please.  I want to fix this.”

Chloe turned to look at Abigail in the dark.  She couldn’t see her friend’s expression, but clearly the giant girl was letting her make the decision on this.

Abigail sighed.  “No.  We can’t risk it.  You’d have to turn on the lights to make the attempt.  You might think it’s working.  We’d probably tell you it was, even if it was just making it worse.  And your memory would change, so you’d think it had always been that way.  I’m sorry, ‘Zee.  But you have to go away.”

Mackenzie roughly wiped at her eyes.  “I love you guys so much.  I can’t even see you anymore?”

“If you love us,” Chloe said gently.  “You need to give us some space.  We’ll figure something out.  We promise.”

“But… but why can’t I remember any of this?” Mackenzie asked in a tiny voice.  “Why do you two know this is happening, when I don’t?”

Chloe and Abigail looked at each other guiltily.

“We… found a magic shop on Sunday,” Abigail said, her words slow and awkward.  “There’s a witch, and she gave us these magic potions.  Part of the magic is that no one can tell anything is different, except us apparently.  Chloe used to be five-two, and she didn’t have all this muscle.  Kayla wasn’t near as strong, either.  So when you stole the height I got from that potion, I think that’s why you didn’t notice.  Every inch you stole… it was like we’d both always been those sizes.”

Mackenzie straightened.  “You found actual, real magic.  And you didn’t tell me?  I’m really hurt.  You even shared it with Kayla?  You hardly know her!”

Abigail and Chloe hung their heads, and said nothing.

“I met your witch today, too!  I told you about her as soon as we were alone!”

“Sorry,” Abigail said.

“I’m sorry too,” the giantess spat.  “And I’m going now.  But before I do, I want you to know something.  When I came up with that stupid club name, when I called you my Bestie, it meant I wanted to share with you – everything I have.  If you’re too jealous… fine.  Lots of people are jealous of me.  I guess I expected better from you two.”

Mackenzie dropped to her stomach, turned onto her side, and dragged herself out of the room.  As she went, her absurdly-proportioned backside brushed against the doorframe.  The wood split with a loud crack.


She pulled herself out of the bedroom.

Abigail sat, biting her lip.  She felt numb.  But there was something nagging at the back of her mind.  She suddenly realized what it was, and sprinted out of the room after the giantess.


On hands and knees now, Mackenzie turned.  She almost filled the darkened living room, utterly towering over Abigail.

“Nothing you have is going to fit tomorrow.  Not even what you’re wearing.  That magic wears off at midnight.”

Mackenzie sighed hard enough to ruffle Abigail’s hair.  “Great.”

Unconcerned with her nakedness, Abigail strode across the room.  She opened her backpack, and withdrew Eve’s gift.  She held it up so Mackenzie could see, then set it purposely on the coffee table.

“You can use this.  Whenever you want.  We’ll share it.”

In the dim, Mackenzie’s expression was impossible to read.


The giant woman crawled down the hallway toward her bedroom.

Alone now, Abigail went into the kitchen.  It was difficult to navigate, with its tall shelves and high countertops.  But it was a familiar difficulty.  She fixed herself a strong drink, and started to put away the vodka.  After a moment of consideration, she poured in an extra shot.

She sat with Chloe on the bed, sipping her drink.

It was a long time before Abigail spoke.  “Eve didn’t do this.  Mackenzie’s magic came from somewhere else.”

Chloe shrugged.

Another long silence followed, as Abigail drank, and Chloe stared at her phone.

“Any word from Kayla?”

Chloe shook her head.  “Her barback shift ended an hour ago.”

Abigail took her friend’s hand.  They sat that way.

“Hey,” Abigail said.  “Do you mind if I sleep in here with you tonight?”

“Kayla might come back.”

“Yeah.  But… I really don’t want to be alone.”

“Me neither.”

Abigail finished her drink, and settled in beside Chloe.

It took her a long time to fall asleep.

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