Friday, June 7, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 22

Quenching the Thirst

The Wooden Nickel was an old bar.  It had existed since pre-Prohibition days, with only superficial changes.  As such, it had a few quirks.  The supply room, with its big steel door for deliveries, was in the basement.  To get to the barroom from there, you had to travel up a narrow service staircase.  It would’ve been nice, if one of the bar’s many owners over the years had installed an elevator or a dumbwaiter.

No one thought long-term at the Nickel.

Kayla grabbed another keg, and prepared to make the trek up the stairs again.  Ordinarily this job required lifting straps, and at least two people.  She’d long since sent her partner home.  It felt good, to work this hard.  It kept her from thinking too much.

She was falling into old patterns.  She knew that.  She needed to use her words.  But she wanted to get her head straight before she talked, and each time a new text message arrived from the Chloe, clarity got further away.

Fuck.  Why was she like this?

She dropped the keg in the tap cooler behind the bar.  By now the walk-in fridge was nearly full.  It would be weeks before the bar could go through all this beer.

She didn’t feel like stopping yet.

Kayla paused in the customer area, wiping sweat from her brow.  The cute girl at the end of the bar was still there.  Kayla had noticed her about an hour ago.  She was really, really attractive.  Alarmingly so.  And she didn’t seem interested in the dozen or so other people laughing and joking around the bar.  Wherever Kayla went, the girl followed with her eyes.

And now, they had caught each other staring.

Tentatively, the girl lifted her hand.  She waved.

Kayla waved back.

She decided she could use a drink.  Get her stamina back.  She sat down near the girl, a single barstool between them.

The girl looked at her, for what felt like a very long time.

“You’re really strong,” she said, her voice quivering nervously.

Kayla grinned at her, and flexed.  “Strong as an ox, and almost as smart as one.”

The girl laughed.  “I’m sure that’s not true.  I’ve um, been watching you tonight.”

“I know.”

The woman blushed.  “Sorry.  It’s just really impressive, what you’re doing.  Um, hey.  I promise I don’t usually come on this strong.  I was wondering… do you have a boyfriend?”

Kayla laughed hard.  The woman laughed uncertainly with her.

“I haven’t had a boyfriend since I was nine.  I have a girlfriend.  Possibly even two.”

“Oh.  Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It’s okay.  I think the three of us have what you’d call, an understanding.”

“Oh.”  The girl looked hopeful.

“Now you’re supposed to ask when I get off.”

The girl smiled shyly.  She was even more attractive up close.  Kayla did have a type, after all.  Short and shy, with big tits.  The blue hair was also a plus.

“When do you get off?”

Kayla slid into the unoccupied barstool between them.  She casually put her arm around the girl’s shoulder.  “My shift was up two hours ago.  I’m just having fun at this point.  I’m thinking I’ll call it quits… now-ish.”

The woman looked elated.  “Can I just say?  This is really hot.  I’ve never picked anyone up at a bar.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m the one doing the picking.”

“That’s true.  I’m not in control of what’s happening, am I?”  The woman stared into her eyes for a moment, smiling mysteriously.  “You’re really pretty.  And tall.”

She leaned down so she could growl in the woman’s ear.  “You like tall girls.  Huh?”

The girl nodded eagerly.

“What if I were even taller?”

“What do you mean?” she breathed.

Kayla looked her dead in the eye.  “If I were taller than I am now.  Say, a lot taller.  How would that make you feel?”

The girl squeezed her legs together.  She put her hand on Kayla’s hip.  “Turned on.”

“Hmmph.  Well.  I was thinking about having a drink after my shift.  I was going to drink alone but… now, I think I could use a little company.  How does your place sound?”

“It sounds amazing.  But um.  I don’t even know your name?”

She stood up from the bar, offering the smaller woman her hand.  “I’m Kayla.  What about you, short stuff?”

The woman let Kayla help her to her feet.  It was funny.  She knew the girl was short.  But when she stood up, it was almost as if the woman lost a few inches.  Like a magic trick.

The woman brushed a stray lock of blue hair from her eyes.  “You can call me Lily.”

End of Wednesday

We'll have to leave Kayla in the clutches of "Lily" for now (or is it the other way around?)  We'll find out what happens on Monday.  But if you're impatient, or want to support me, or want to see some height character pictures of the inevitable aftermath, you can get the complete novel here: 

Though please note - the Amazon version doesn't include NSFW pictures.  They have "policies" about that stuff.

Height Update


8’2” -> 2’11” -> 4’7”
501 lbs -> 17 lbs -> 81 lbs
Bench Press: 415 lbs - > 3 lbs -> 40 lbs


439 lbs
Bench Press: 716 lbs


214 lbs
Bench Press: 286 lbs


5’9”-> 11’0”
160 lbs -> 1317 lbs
Bench Press: 90 lbs -> 1157 lbs

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