Monday, May 13, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 11


A mug of tea steamed on the countertop, as Kayla paced around the kitchen.

“It’s going to be okay, sweetie,” Chloe said.  “Nothing bad is going to happen.  And Eve’s potions actually taste really good.  You’ll like it if you try it.”

“But what if it turns me into a frog or something?  Or gives me warts, or….”

“It won’t.”

“It could,” Abigail said, as she casually leaned against the counter.  “Eve explicitly said it was going to do something, other than just put her to sleep.”

Chloe gave her an exasperated look.

“But she also said Kayla wouldn’t regret it.”  Abigail turned toward the taller woman.  “Look hun.  If anything happens that you don’t like, you can come with me tomorrow.  Eve will fix it.”

Kayla looked unconvinced.  She continued to pace.

Chloe lifted the mug, and stepped into her girlfriend’s path.  She offered it up with both hands.  “Please?  For me.”

The taller woman let out a long, drawn-out sigh.  She took the mug, lifted it to her lips, and gave it a tiny, suspicious sip.

Abigail and Chloe watched her expectantly.

“Well?” Abigail said.

Kayla made a face.  She took another sip, bigger this time.  “It’s really good.  Dammit.  But hey.  Why am I the only one drinking?  Aren’t you going to try your growth potion, Abby?”

“We’re planning to wait until after you go to bed,” Abigail said.  “Going to make a bit of a night of it.  Have a few drinks, watch me get taller, you know, like you do.”

“Aw, but I wanted to see a giant Abby!  Can’t you do it now?”

Chloe stepped behind her girlfriend, rubbing her shoulders soothingly.  “It’s almost eight o’clock.  And you have to be up at four.  You can see her big some other time.  Keep drinking.”

“Man, I hate being the only one with a job.  I miss college.”  Kayla finished her tea in two big gulps, and set the cup in the sink.  “Okay.  I expect a full report tomorrow, you two.”

Kayla winked, and headed off to bed.

“You’re a good girlfriend,” Abigail said.

Chloe dropped her face into her hands.  “You have no idea how hard that was.  This muscle potion drives my libido out of control.  I’m so horny I can hardly see straight.”

“That must be very hard for you,” Abigail deadpanned.

“Mm.  Speaking of, how’re things going with Elijah?”

“I’ll see him for my afternoon class tomorrow.  I’m hoping I’ll have some muscle tone, and that it’ll fill me out a little.  I could use, like, an ass.  Any kind of an ass.”

“What about the height?  Eve grew a lot when she took this stuff.  Do you think Elijah is into Amazons?”

For many seconds, Abigail stared off into the distance.  “She said I can reset my size, if I don’t like it.”

“Did you, um.  Think Eve looked good like that?”  Chloe’s voice was very soft.  “I kinda did.”

Abigail continued to stare at nothing.  Thinking felt hard all of a sudden.

“Hey.  I think I’m ready for a drink.  You want in on this?”

“Are you asking if I want some growth potion?” Chloe laughed – then seemed to seriously consider it.  “I better not.  I’ll have some alcohol though.  For moral support.  Just, don’t put anything from Eve’s shop in it, except the vodka.  We still have orange juice, right?”

“Hey guys?  I feel kind of funny.”

Kayla stood outside her bedroom, looking sheepish.

Chloe was at her side in an instant.  “What’s wrong sweetie?”

The taller woman shrugged.  “Nothing?  Maybe?  I don’t feel sleepy though.”

Kayla wore a pair of silky pajama bottoms, and nothing else.  Casual nudity wasn’t the norm around their apartment, and it was the first time Abigail had seen her friend in any state of undress.  Kayla was… beautiful.  Her body lacked Chloe’s generous curves – her hips flared hardly at all, and her large pectorals accounted for almost all the definition of her chest.  Yet she was gorgeously feminine, even with a non-traditional body type.  Her arms, at least as big around as Abigail’s legs, had all sorts of lovely little lines and crevices, drawing in the eye.  Her breasts were tiny and firm, her belly had no fat whatsoever.  Abigail could see every millimeter of the woman’s twelve pack abs.

Chloe put her hand on Kayla’s forehead, frowning.  “You do feel a little warm.  Your pulse is high.  And… you smell really good.”

“I smell good?” Kayla repeated dreamily.

“Yeah.”  Chloe wavered suddenly, unsteady on her feet.  Then abruptly, shoved her body against Kayla’s, and began to kiss the taller woman’s neck.

In full voice, Kayla moaned.

Abigail felt horribly embarrassed, watching her friends caught in such an intense level of intimacy.  Yet she found herself unable to look away.  Even as Chloe’s hands began to explore Kayla’s chest, and as she started to lick her way down the underside of her throat.

They deserved privacy.  She should go.

Abigail’s skin tingled.  She felt odd, as though her body was thirsty for something – like she had been lost too long in a place too dry.

She didn’t realize she was moving toward them until she was already by their side.

Abigail sniffed.  “She does smell good.  Wow.  It’s, I mean.  Amazing.”

Her friends looked at her briefly, their eyes unfocused.  Then returned their attention to each other.

Abigail put her hand on Kayla’s shoulder.  Realized what she’d done, pulled it away.  A moment later, she put it back again.  Kayla’s body felt so firm.  Strong, good.  When she tried yet again to return her arm to her side, Kayla reached out lightning-quick, grabbed her by the fingers, and made her press her palm against her abs.

Chloe nodded absently, groaning as her tongue lapped over Kayla’s chest.  Without looking up from her girlfriend, she gently took Abigail’s other hand, and helped guide it to Kayla’s inner thigh.

It happened in a haze.  Chloe and Abigail, leading Kayla to the bedroom.  Easing her onto the bed.  Stripping her.  Chloe parting the woman’s legs, sliding herself down, kissing along the ridge of her enormous quadriceps.  Abigail, sitting beside Kayla’s chest.  Lifting her head, pulling into her lap.  Stroking Kayla’s cheeks, and chin, and breasts.  Kissing her softly on the mouth.

Kayla lay still, accepting the adoration.  Allowing her friends to worship her.  The glorious scent of her, growing stronger.  Her voice loud and deep as she groaned with pleasure.

The shape of Chloe’s mouth, as she locked upon Kayla’s core.  The delightful tension in Kayla’s eyebrows.  The pattern of flex, squeeze, relax upon her cheeks, perfectly in time with Chloe’s movements.  It was a language without words, for a time when words were beyond them.  Yet it expressed every bit of the intimacy between her friends.  So vivid, that Abigail almost felt it too.

Kayla’s back arched.  Each and every one of her beautiful muscles going taut as she came.  She moaned, and Chloe and Abigail moaned along with her, the three of them one in this moment.  Her smell – sweat and honey and bitter herbs – was suddenly overpowering.  It was dripping from Chloe’s face as she came up for breath.

There was still something about Abigail that was holding back from this experience.  Her participation in this sacred moment was an accident, after all.  If a part of her had always wanted this, it was irrelevant.  She would never intrude between her friends, could never even bring herself to ask if it was welcome.  She was under the influence of magic, but somehow that excuse seemed insufficient.

Until Chloe looked at her.  Chloe, her best friend, wearing an expression of helpless need on her face, as Kayla’s nectar ran down her chin.  Her desire to serve, to be useful, spoken clear as day in that wordless language.  And just for a moment, her eyes met with Abigail’s.

Chloe needed her help.

It was the last coherent thought she had for many minutes, as she consciously gave herself over to the magic.

Abigail crawled down the bed to the place where her best friend was waiting, breathing hard all the way, inhaling as much of Kayla’s scent as possible, making herself drunk with it.  Chloe saw her coming, and delicately slipped out of her way, kissing her way toward Kayla’s toes.  Creating space, for Abigail to sink between Kayla’s thighs.

They performed their devotion together, there in the dark.  Abigail kneeling between Kayla’s legs, using fingers and tongue, marveling at the way the woman felt muscular even on the inside.  Until Chloe gave her a caress on the shoulder or a stroke on the hip, which meant it was time to trade off, before Abigail’s stamina gave out.  One of them, always attending to Kayla’s soaking wet quim, while the other would snuggle into Kayla’s arms, or massage her shoulders, or kiss her with an almost supernatural passion.

Sometimes Kayla rested upon her back.  Then for a time she moved to hands and knees, and later, stood with her legs spread wide so the girls could surround her and touch her from every angle at once.  Chloe and Abigail pleasured her in every way they could, with hands and mouths, thighs, arms, and tongues.  Two of the vibrators in Kayla’s beside table served time as well, until their batteries died.

And through it all, every bit of attention was focused on Kayla.  Abigail and Chloe touched each other only to coordinate their servitude.  Kayla would stroke each of them, giving encouragement, or directing them to a spot just an inch to the left that would feel better for her.  But while her touch was intimate and welcome, it was far from satisfying.

Chloe was on her knees, her entire fist thrusting rhythmically inside her girlfriend.  Abigail straddled Kayla, thighs squeezing her upper body as her tongue rapidly flicking over the woman’s swollen clitoris.  When Kayla came that last time, her cry was loud enough to rattle the windows, and set a dog to barking somewhere far across the apartment complex.

Abigail and Chloe carefully eased off of her.  Kayla lay gasping for breath, her whole body twitching violently.  Gradually her breathing slowed.  Within thirty seconds, she was snoring.

The two friends stared at each other.  Sweat, and Kayla’s love, dripped freely from them.  It was everywhere – on their faces, in their hair.  Amazingly, both women were still fully dressed.

“So,” Abigail drawled awkwardly.  “Do we… want to talk about that?  Or would you rather just spend the rest of our lives pretending it didn’t happen?”

“Let’s talk,” Chloe whispered.  She pointed to where Kayla was sleeping.  “But let’s do it somewhere else.”

In the kitchen, the two women leaned against opposite counters.  Both of them had their arms crossed, their shoulders slumped.  Neither met the other’s eye.

“It was the potion,” Chloe offered.

“Obviously it was the potion.”

“Because I never would have done that in front of you.  Just, she smelled so good….”

“Yeah she did.”

“And I couldn’t stop, and….”

“Chloe.”  Abigail looked her full in the face.  “I was there.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  It’s on me.  I’m really sorry I joined in like that.”

“It’s… okay.”  Chloe smiled thinly, and wiped some of Kayla from behind her ear.  “So what do you think that was?  A love potion?”

Abigail stared at the ceiling.  “No.  Definitely not.  Eve explicitly said she doesn’t make those.  It had something to do with pheromones though, that much is clear.”

“But we couldn’t control ourselves!  That potion forced us to make love to her!”  Chloe looked deeply disturbed.

“That’s not… entirely true.”  She struggled.  She knew the next part, and she had to say it to set Chloe at ease.  But speaking it was hard.  “I’m pretty sure it just lowered our inhibitions.  Is all.”

“Oh.”  Chloe’s eyes went wide.  “Oh!  So you.  And her.  And we.”

Abigail nodded.

“And you always…?”

“Yes, Chloe.  I secretly wanted to fuck your girlfriend.  I’m really sorry.”

“No!  I understand.  Like, I’ve had feelings for certain people that I wouldn’t… I mean I always kind of wanted….”  Her voice trailed off, her cheeks blooming bright crimson.

For at least a minute, neither of them said anything.

“Anyway,” Abigail said at last.  “It isn’t even nine o’clock.  Do you still want to have a drink with me?”


Abigail poured for both of them, making her own drink quite a bit stronger.  Chloe was a lightweight, after all.  She gathered their inventory of potions together, considering.

“It’s kind of brilliant – that a potion that lowers inhibitions is also a bed-time potion.  Imagine what would happen if Kayla took that stuff, then wandered out in public.”

Chloe laughed.  “Dozens of people, chasing her down.  Giving into their base instincts.”

“Exactly.”  She considered Chloe nervously.  “So, ah.  You could say this potion is dangerous, to just leave laying around.”

Chloe said nothing.

“And we’d be disrespecting Eve to just throw it away.  It’s kind of important that we… use it up.”

Abigail reached for the bottle of ‘sleeping potion.’  She uncorked it, hands shaking hard, and held it uncertainly above their glasses.

“It only causes you do something you always wanted to do.  But couldn’t let yourself.”

Chloe reached out, and took the bottle from Abigail’s hands.  She poured into each of their glasses.

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