Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Chapter 6


Sisters' Game

In the darkness, the woman stirred her tea.  The spoon made a satisfying sound, a gentle clinking of metal against ceramic.  Eve looked off into the middle distance, a serene smile on her face.

“I’d say this is going well.”

“Oh yeah, you’re doing great.”

Across the table a wooden match flared, illuminating the features of the other woman.  Prominent chin, generous lips, a round face framed by a luxurious blue mane of hair.  She puffed, smoke rising from the tip of her cigarette.   “So tell me your amazing accomplishments again?  You’ve managed to make an under-sexed college girl almost as tall as the human average.  You very nearly got her a date.  Then you got a pair of lesbians that already couldn’t keep their hands off each other to fuck in a locker room.  Definitely time to thank the academy.”

“This is just the beginning.  I’m happy with the way things are proceeding.”

“Right.  Next you’re going to tell me everything’s going according to plan.”

Eve sipped her tea.  “I have dozens of plans.  I don’t particularly care which one works.  No matter how this plays out, I’m going to get what I want.”

The other woman let out a short bark of a laugh.  “Yeah.  And we’ve both seen the consequences when you get your way.  You sure you want to go through that again?”

Eve narrowed her eyes, and said nothing.

“Look sis.  I respect you.  But your subtlety makes my teeth itch.  It’s way better to have a good, clean kill, and be done with it.  Kinder for everyone, really.  Like if it were me?  I would’ve squeezed these girls dry in the first thirty minutes.  Then I’d be on to the next.  And the next.”  The blue-haired woman took an exceptionally long drag from her cigarette, and flicked her freshly manicured thumbnail against the filter, ashing over the floor.

Eve frowned slightly.  The ash disappeared in mid-air with an almost embarrassed puff of smoke.  “Question.  Are orgasms all there is to sex?”

“Hmm.  Interesting.”  The other woman pursed her lips, considering.  “No.  But they’re definitely the best part.  If there’s a point you’re trying to make, I don’t see it.”

“Never mind, it would be a waste of time trying to explain it to you.”

“Fair.  I learn better by experience.”  The other woman leaned in, smoke swirling around her face in ghostly wisps.  “As a matter of fact, that’s the very reason I’m here.  Why I wanted to play this game with you.”

Eve smiled.  “Alright.  Tell me about this game.”

The blue-haired woman wrapped an arm around her chair, slouching dramatically.  “It’s not my job to interpret The Rules for you.  If you want to know so bad, look them up yourself.  Just know that if I win, you’re going to learn a lot about the way I do business.  And the consequences these boutiques of yours always cause?  Are going to seem trivial by comparison.”

“It’s a bad look for a witch, you know.  Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs.”  Eve was still smiling.

“There’s no gingerbread house where I’m leading you, sister.  Though mark my words.  One of us is going to get something sweet.”

The two stared at each other in the dimness.  A candle guttered on the table.  The tip of the cigarette glowed a ruddy red.  The eyes of both women seemed to glow as well.  Eve’s, an emerald green.  The other’s, the same cherry of her cigarette.

“Hey sis.  Want to make a side bet?”

Eve tilted her head.  “What do you have in mind?”

“By the time this is over, I’ll make you admit my way is better.”  She offered her hand.

Eve didn’t take it.  “What’re the stakes?”

“It’s a gentleman’s bet, Eve.  Chill out.  I’m sure we can find a gentleman to split.  Or a lady or whatever.”

Eve laughed, throwing back her head.  “You know the funny thing is, I know you’re up to no good.  But that’s part of the fun with you, isn’t it?  Alright.  You’re on, Lilith.”

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