Monday, May 27, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 17

Author's Note: sensitive readers may want to check the list of chapter-specific tags for Chapter 17 here. (Non-con implies transformations a person does not want, not non-con sex.) A summary is provided at the end of the chapter if you'd rather skip this.

Trivia - the chapter title is a reference to a song, that frames a conversation I was having with Abigail. Asking her permission, before I wrote this.

Bury Your Friends

Two underclassmen held the double doors for Abigail as she approached the ancient building where her biology class was held. 

“You’d think they would’ve had the entry widened for you by now,” one of them said, as the eight-foot woman crawled past in her pre-stressed jeans.

She laughed.  “You think this is bad?  The ceilings in the basement rooms aren’t even seven feet tall!”

She made her way down the hallway, her strides long and confident.  At five-eleven, people had noticed her.  At eight-foot-two, she was a celebrity.  People waved, and shouted greetings at her.

“Hey Abby?  How’s the barometric pressure?”

“Oh my God that outfit is amazing!  Where’d you get it?”

“Hey settle a bet, how much can you bench?”

She grinned at her admirers as she passed.  Her mere attention seemed to brighten their days, put smiles on their faces.  The feeling was more than mutual.

The lecture hall was large enough to accommodate at least a hundred students.  The individual desks, however, were far too small for her.  She looked for a place to sit, and saw her professor standing next to a large purple bean bag chair.  She’d seen the type on sale at a novelty store at a mall.  It was meant to fit a family of four.

“The university ponied up for some specialized seating,” the man explained, giving her a knowing smile.  “They decided it was bad press to have our most famous student sitting on the floor all the time.”

“Looks comfy.”  Abigail bent, testing its firmness, then allowed herself to sink down into the chair.  It poofed alarmingly, then slowly deflated until it conformed to the shape of her body.

She pulled out her notebook and pen – laughably tiny in her hands – and moved until she found a good position to write.  “Yeah, this’ll work great.  Thank you.  The only problem is, I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this damn thing.”

The professor winked.  “I’m sure you can find a few volunteers to haul you out.”

You know, she thought, as she relaxed into the chair.  This was turning out to be a pretty good day.

Then it occurred to her.  She and Elijah usually sat together, near the front row.  She was just starting to strategize an alternative way to get near him, when she heard someone loudly scraping a free-standing desk into place beside her.

“Hey, Abigail.  Nice bean bag.”

Even tiny, she still found him incredibly attractive.  She’d been worried about that.  “Hey Elijah.  I notice the bandages came off.  No more animal-related injuries?”

“Nope.  Doctor says I’ve got a clean bill of health.  Even up to date on my shots now.”

“I’m glad.  That seems pretty important with your lifestyle.”

“Uh-huh.  Anyway I got a ferret.”

Abigail’s jaw dropped.  “You didn’t.”

“I totally did.  Want to see pictures?”

“Oh my God yes!”

Elijah passed her his phone.  It was far too small in her hands, and she could hardly work the interface.  She lowered it and let him help her, flipping through pictures.

“His name is Mister Mistoffelees.  Here he is on my shoulder.  This is the playpen I’m building for him.  Here he is wearing a tiny hat.  Here’s him trying to flush my keys down the toilet….”

Abigail swooned.  “Isn’t that name from the musical Cats, though?  Why’d you give it to a ferret?”

“It’s because he’s magic.  He’s super good at disappearing, and showing up in places you don’t expect.  I need to duct tape all the cabinets shut tonight.”

Class started.  It was a lecture on Mendel again – why did this class always come back to those damn peas?  This time it was about how certain traits were more directly heritable than others.

“For example,” the professor said.  “Things like skin tone, susceptibility to certain medical conditions, and height have multiple genetic factors each.  Expression therefore exists across a continuum.  Two tall parents aren’t necessarily going to create a tall child.”

“Yeah, you should see my mom and dad,” Abigail called.  “They’re practically specks.”

The whole class – including the professor – laughed.

She kept glancing over at Elijah, as the lecture went on.  Sometimes he’d return her smile, his manner easy and relaxed.  From her high vantage, she could see his notebook.  He was drawing ferrets.

It took her a while to pick out Dylan, in the crowded lecture hall.  He sat in the middle section, difficult to see with the taller students around him.  She watched him, expecting him to turn back to catch a glimpse of her.  She must be pure fetish-fuel, given his size kink and her new height.  He was probably hoping they would hook up again.  She wondered what his memory of that event looked like, since he presumably thought she was always this tall.

But throughout the lecture, he didn’t look at her once.  When class ended, he grabbed his things, and practically ran out the door.

“Welp, nice seeing you Abby,” Elijah said, stuffing his notebook under his arm.  “I gotta go pick up ferret food.  Did you know they’re carnivores?”

Abigail reached down, and smoothly took his little hand in hers.  “Hey.  Would you maybe want to get a cup of coffee?  Like.  Now?”

“Oh, no can do.  Coffee is terrible for my IBS.  I could tell you stories… oh wait, those aren’t the kind of stories you’re supposed to share.”

She laughed gently.  “Okay, Elijah.  Let me be more clear.  I’m asking if you want to hang out with me, for no practical reason whatsoever.  Because I like you, and I want to spend time with you.”

“That sounds good.  I like you too, Abby.”  He continued to hold her hand.  It suddenly felt like the two of them were the only ones in the room.  “So uh.  There’s a neat little diner a couple blocks off campus.  They do an awesome milkshake – or so I hear, haven’t tried ‘em, I’m lactose-intolerant.  But the fries are super crispy, and Doreen always throws a few tater tots in with them, just for variety, and….”

“I’d love to,” Abigail said.  “Now?”


They walked together.  With the two feet of height difference between them, it was awkward to keep holding hands.  They held them anyway.  People stared, but Abigail was used to that by now.  Over it, in fact.  She was with Elijah, and that was the only thing that mattered.

Across the quad, there was a large group of people gathered together.  They all clamored, shouting for attention, like someone was giving away free beer and supplies were running out.  Abigail peered at them curiously as they passed.  Her new height was perfect for gawking.

In the center of the mob was a figure she recognized at once.  Even with her back turned, Mackenzie Nole was unmistakable.

Abigail let out a long sigh.  “Hey Elijah?  Would you mind heading over to the diner and grabbing us a table?  There’s something I need to deal with.”

Elijah looked confused.  “Uh, I guess.  What’s up?”

She gave him a thin smile that didn’t quite touch her eyes.  “My roommate’s causing trouble.  I need to nip this in the bud.”

“Oh yeah, I know all about bud-nipping.  There was this time I started keeping Venus Fly Traps, and one thing led to another….”

She bent until they were almost the same height, and put a finger to his lips.  “I want to hear all about it.  Really.  I’ll see you soon.”

Abigail strode off toward the gathering throng, fists balled at her sides.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this angry.  Mackenzie definitely had class halfway across town today.  She was obviously skipping just to show up and try to snipe Elijah from her again.  It was time she set her straight, once and for all.

“No really, you’re too kind,” Mackenzie was saying.  “I would love to keep doing this, but there’s somewhere I need to be.  You’re all so lovely, though.  It just happens I’m throwing a party on Saturday….”

There was general commotion from the crowd.

“And you’re all welcome to come!”

They erupted in cheers.

“It’s BYOB,” Mackenzie added quickly.  “And if some of you would like to bring snacks?”


The smaller woman froze.  She turned guiltily, and looked up into Abigail’s face.

And the instant she met her eyes, every thought of being angry at Mackenzie was gone from her mind.  Her muscles went slack, and a massive smile practically split her face in two.

“Oh Abby!  I’m so glad you found me.  I don’t know where all these people came from.  Everyone wants to talk to me today it seems.”

“Yeah,” Abigail agreed vacantly.

“As long as you’re here, let me introduce you to some folks!  This is John, and this is Luis.  And Lou’s partner Kate.  John and Luis and I have been going out for months – separately, to be clear – but I just found out Lou was keeping me secret from Kate.  Thankfully she understands.”

“Yeah,” Kate moaned.  “Mackenzie is amazing.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of you to say dear!  Can I just say, I absolutely love that handbag.  Is that a Bottega Veneta?  Very sharp.”

Kate held up the bag.  “Take it.  It’s yours.”

“What?  Oh no I couldn’t!”

Kate looked as if she was going to cry.  She urgently pressed the bag into Mackenzie’s arms.

“I… suppose I can take it as a peace offering?  No hard feelings about Lou?  Oh, but at least take your wallet out, dear.”

Mackenzie returned her attention to Abigail.  “Sorry to show up unannounced like this.  But after last night, I really wanted to talk.  You don’t mind, do you?”

Abigail shook her head, grinning like an idiot.  Something was wrong.  Something was very wrong.

“Anyway,” Mackenzie went on.  “I’d like to find someplace private.  Maybe there’s somewhere around here?  I really feel like getting out of the sun – it’s going to ruin my make-up.”

“I know a place,” Abigail felt herself say.  She immediately spun on her heels, and began to walk off down campus.  Yet even as she did, she continued to look over her shoulder at Mackenzie.  The girl was so gorgeous, she just couldn’t tear her eyes away.

“Oh – slow down Abby!  There’s no hurry.”  Mackenzie paused.  The entire crowd was following them.  “Ahh, I’m afraid this is a private conversation, friends.  Would you mind giving us a little space?”

They scattered.

Abigail led the way, fighting herself with every step.  It was something about Mackenzie.  The way she looked, the way she talked.  Every time she made a suggestion, Abigail found herself compelled by it.  Mackenzie had told her to find someplace private, and she was going to do that, and if anything got in her way, she would knock it down.  She knew she was being controlled.  It didn’t matter in the slightest.

There was an empty classroom in the art building.  The giantess held the door for Mackenzie, then crawled in after her.  They stood facing each other.  Abigail’s breath came shallow, her eyes wide with terror.  But she could still feel that eager smile plastered on her face.

“I wanted to talk to you,” Mackenzie began.  “Because lately I feel like we’ve been drifting apart.  I hardly get to see you anymore–”

“We should spend a lot more time together,” Abigail said instantly.

“Abby, wait.  I appreciate you want to fix this.  But I have to say some things to you – even though they’re going to be hard to hear.”  Mackenzie took a deep breath.  “Abigail.  You’re my friend.  My Bestie.  And don’t get me wrong, I’ve always said Chloe is my very best friend but… I came up with that name for our club, because I want you to be my best friend, too.”

Abigail felt the woman’s words creeping into her mind.  Even as she recognized the inherent alienness of the thought, she felt it becoming true.  She watched her best friend’s pretty blue lips as she continued to speak.

“It hurt, that the two of you had a romantic fling without me.  These people I date… well, I love them all, in their own way.  But I love you two most of all.  And, I don’t want to make this all about your height, but you know how it makes me feel, and… if you could find it in your heart, or you know, your… other places, to fool around with me sometime….”

Horrified, Abigail began to reach for the smaller woman.  Her hand brushed against the strap of Mackenzie’s sun dress – started to pull it down.

Mackenzie giggled, and pushed her giant hand away.  “Wow, over-eager much?  Not here – I have a strict no-sex-in-public rule.  At least while the sun is up.  I’m really glad you feel so strongly about it though.  I should’ve brought this up months ago.”

“That would’ve been amazing.”

“We can discuss it with Chloe tonight.  If you want.  Gosh, I’m really into her, too!  She’s lovely.  But Abigail… you’re just so much bigger than her!  I have to admit, I’m kind of intimidated by your height.”

“Take it.”

Mackenzie laughed out loud.  “Abigail, what are you talking about?”

But Abigail could already see her friend starting to grow.  Inching taller, her dress growing taut around her chest.  As Abigail felt herself sinking lower.

“Now I’m worried you really are going to think it’s all about your height.”  The growing woman chuckled.  “I had this whole speech planned – about why I like you so much.  I’m glad you’re so agreeable, but it’s got me a little flustered.  Before today I hadn’t felt out of control around romantic matters in years.  But oh, on that subject!  I met the most lovely woman today, who absolutely swept me off my feet.  She has this cute little shop, and the products she sells!  This is going to sound weird, but I think she’s magic, and she did this thing where….”

The woman trailed off, looking down at herself, puzzled.  The moment she looked away, Abigail blessedly felt herself stop shrinking.

“My dress isn’t supposed to be this tight,” she said.  “And oh no.  There’s a little rip right there, do you see it?  Along my chest.”

Abigail opened her mouth to say something, but whatever it was died in her throat as Mackenzie looked up at her again.

“I’ll fix it,” she replied, instead.

Feeling disoriented, Abigail began to rummage in her backpack.  She’d lost maybe nine inches of height in just a few seconds, and everything felt a little off.  Deep inside, a part of her was in full-on panic.  She had to get away, had to find a cure for this.  There was magic at work here, powerful magic, and she was too scared to figure out how it worked.  She needed time, a quiet place to figure out the trick.

Mackenzie looked on curiously as Abigail pulled out the bottle of Eve’s fitting spray.  Her best friend had become quite tall – six and a half feet at least – but thankfully Abigail still towered over her by almost a foot.  Before the woman could react, she spritzed Mackenzie’s dress, and each of her summer sandals.  Like an optical illusion, the garments suddenly fit -- shaping to reform around the woman after her sudden growth spurt.  The tear in her dress didn’t mend itself.  It simply ceased to be, leaving the outfit better than it had ever been before.

“Abigail,” Mackenzie breathed, looking at her in wonder.  “That was.  Amazing!  What is that stuff?  It’s an absolute miracle.”

She handed the bottle to Mackenzie, as a voice began to scream inside her.  That was Eve’s present!  She couldn’t have it, it was supposed to be for her!  No, no…!

“It’s yours.”

Mackenzie gave her a stunned smile.  She looked down at the bottle in her hands, then back at Abigail.  “You used that on your outfit, too?  Didn’t you?”

Abigail nodded.  Despite losing so much height, everything she wore still fit like a second skin.

“I think we both found some magic.  Didn’t we?”  Mackenzie gave her a knowing look – then carefully tucked the bottle into Abigail’s backpack for her.  “It’s lovely.  But you keep it, okay?”

Abigail breathed an inner sigh of relief.  A part of her wanted to weep with gratitude.  Still, she could only smile, vapid and eager, at the still-smaller woman.

“Anyway,” Mackenzie said.  “I feel like there was something I wanted to tell you.  What was I saying?”

“‘What was I saying?’” Abigail parroted.  The words were only barely under her control, but she’d managed to nudge the conversation a little by literally repeating the last thing Mackenzie had said.  She felt proud at this tiny act of damage control.

Mackenzie laughed.  “Oh Abby.  I can never get enough of you.  Thanks for the talk.  I’ll see you at home, okay?  And maybe we can discuss a new… arrangement?”

“I’d love that.”

Her best friend winked, and walked out of the classroom.

The moment she was gone, Abigail felt her will return to her in a sudden rush.  She sank to her knees, and let out a long, shuddering sigh.  What the hell was that?  Whenever Mackenzie spoke – and especially when she made eye contact – there was a kind of power emanating from her.  It felt like Eve’s magic, but that didn’t feel right.  It wasn’t at all like the previous evening, where she was still in control of her actions.  With Kayla and Chloe, it felt like it was simply easier to do what she actually wanted.

This, though?  Was entirely different.  She was being coerced – forced to give Mackenzie anything she wanted, to obey her slightest whim.

Okay.  She was through being scared.  First order of business: Eve could help.  She’d probably be at her shop by now….

“Oh!  I remembered!”

Mackenzie was standing in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear.  Abigail immediately felt her own expression snap into place, mirroring that smile.

“This is what I wanted to say.  See, there was this little game we used to play at my elementary school, when someone was shy, and needed to know everyone in class really liked them.”

The smaller woman took her by the hands.

“It’s called ‘Bury Your Friends in Love.’  I’m going to tell you all the things I like about you.  All you have to do is listen.  Okay?”

Abigail tried to pull away.  With all her will, everything she had.

She managed to jerk her left wrist a fraction of an inch.

“There’s no need to be nervous, Abigail.”

“You’re right, Mackenzie.  Please tell me, I want to hear whatever you have to say.”

Mackenzie sparkled, her expression filled with adoration.  “So.  I don’t want to keep harping on this – you’re going to think I’m such trash – but I love how beautifully tall you are.”

“Take it.”

“And I’m glad it’s something that we have in common.  It’s such a joy to finally get to express my attraction to a woman who’s actually taller than me.  It’s hard, you know?  As big as I am.  And even if it’s only a few inches….”  Mackenzie paused.  “Even if we’re about the same height.  I’m really attracted to you.  And it doesn’t matter that I’m taller.  I used to have this thing where I’d only sleep with people I could look up to, but that’s silly for someone as big as me, isn’t it?”

“Really silly.”  Abigail could only grin back, as inch after inch of her height flowed into Mackenzie.  She was shrinking so fast, and it wasn’t stopping, it wasn’t stopping….

“And you have such an amazing figure!  You’ve got a great ass and… well maybe this is crude to say, but I find the shape of your breasts really attractive.  Plus I don’t know when you started going to the gym, but damn girl!  That’s some very nice tone you’ve got going!”

“It’s yours.”

“Oh, I’ll make it mine tonight.  Believe me.”  The giantess gave her a seductive smirk, as her body grew more curvy and fit.  Abigail suddenly felt so incredibly weak that she could hardly stand.

“Anyway.  You’re also really attractive!  Like.  Cute.  I promise.  Or ah, even if people wouldn’t call you conventionally pretty, you’ve got this kind of glow about you.”

Her head wasn’t even level with Mackenzie’s chest anymore.  She could see the woman stealing everything from her.  She was losing her figure, her muscle, her beauty.  All of it fueling her roommate’s ascension.

“But it isn’t just the way you look,” Mackenzie was saying.  “You have other good qualities.  You’re smart.  Charismatic.  Persuasive.  Always the center of attention.  And you have such a lovely speaking voice.”

“Take….” Abigail managed to squeak.  But even as her mouth continued to work, no sound came out.

“I know this is hard for you.  I’m sure you’ve always felt like you’re beneath me.  As short as you are, maybe you’ve even worried you were beneath everyone?  Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn into your therapist.  At any rate, I’d understand if you feel you’re not worthy of my attention.  But Abigail.  Everyone feels that way around me.  I mean – just look at me!  I promise you though, I can’t wait to pursue this… thing we have between us.”

Mackenzie was bent double now just to maintain eye contact with Abigail.  When she stood to her full, gargantuan height, Abigail’s head was well beneath the woman’s knee.

“I’m really glad we had this chat, Abby.  I’ll leave you for now.  But remember.  If you ever need a little more affirmation, I’ll be here for you.”

Even lying flat, turned on her side, Mackenzie could barely fit out the door.

Abigail collapsed to the floor – tiny, and helpless, and alone.  She tried to wail in misery, but even that was denied to her.  When she cried, her tears were silent, and bitter.


Summary: Abigail is having a great day. She's a college celebrity at her new height. Elijah sits next to her, and announces he has a new pet ferret. After class, Abigail succeeds in asking him on a date to a local diner. On the way, they meet Mackenzie, who is surrounded by a crowd of admirers. Abigail is angry, believing Mackenzie cut class to try to steal Elijah. As soon as Mackenzie makes eye contact, Abigail finds herself compelled to agree with everything Mackenzie says, and to give her anything she says she likes. In private, Mackenzie tells Abigail that she met a witch, and wants to share the experience with her. She then begins to confess her romantic feelings for Abigail, and how important Abigail is to her as a friend. She tells her all the things she admires about her. Mackenzie is unaware she is stealing these things from Abby. Abigail ends up 2'11", without the ability to think clearly, speak, or be noticed. Mackenzie is eleven feet tall.

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