Friday, May 10, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Chapter 10

 Back to the Boutique

Abigail was just in time to meet Chloe and Kayla as they came up the sidewalk.  “Damn!  You two look awesome.”

Kayla smirked.

Chloe blushed.  “I’m still getting used to the height.  I keep feeling like I’m going to bonk my head on something.  And Mackenzie’s leggings are definitely not made for someone with my, um, carriage.  They keep riding up in inappropriate places.”

“I’d be happy to help with that,” Kayla growled.

Chloe hid her face, smiling.

“That bulk looks super good on you, Kayla,” Abigail said.

Kayla flexed.  “Yeah.  I never could make myself stick to a powerlifting routine, what with working fourteen hours a day, and having like zero natural body fat.  It’s nice to not be so skinny.  This has to be like twenty pounds of pure muscle.”

“But Chloe hardly looks any different.  I mean she’s taller but… did she chicken out on taking a second dose of muscle potion?”

“Oh no.  She took it.”

“Kayla calls it a ‘Stealth Build.”  Chloe extended her forearm, looking embarrassed.  There was some obvious tone where there had been none two days earlier, though it was nothing compared to Kayla.  But when the woman flexed, everything changed.  Her bicep bulged almost cartoonishly large.

“Hot damn!”  Abigail reached out, squeezing it with both hands.  “That is sexy as hell, Klo.”

“T-thanks.  You look really sexy at this height, too.  Like.  I never noticed how long your legs are.”

“You’re welcome to look any time.  Or even touch if you want.”

Chloe looked suddenly flustered.  And Abigail realized she’d accidentally let her voice slip into the same tone she’d used with Dylan.

“So,” Abigail drawled.  “I’ve had kind of a morning.  I think I’m ready to see Eve.  Why don’t we go inside and thank our benefactor?”

Chloe nodded, and glanced up at the sign above their heads.  “‘Eve’s Boutique.  Potions, Lotions, Notions, Desires.  Walk-Ins Welcome.’”

“The witch hat shape is a nice touch,” Kayla said.

The shop was pleasantly warm and humid, like stepping onto a tropical island.  There were even more plants than last time, and Abigail thought many of them looked bigger.  Eve lounged behind the counter.  “Hey, there’s my two favorite customers.  I saw your reviews – thanks for the appreciation.  Deftly worded, too.”

Kayla frowned.  “This is Eve?  She’s… tiny.”

“Not tiny,” Chloe corrected.  “Remember, the average height of our friend group is a little exceptional these days.  But she was way taller last time, I swear.  And stronger, too”

“Sorry,” Abigail said to Eve.  “I don’t suppose we can blame this on a ‘no-inner-monologue’ side effect of your potions?”

“No such luck.  But if they want that version of me, not to worry.  This will just take a second.”

Eve stood.  She was still tall for a woman – as tall as Dylan at least – but definitely the shortest person in the room.  She pulled a cup from behind the counter, withdrew a simple glass vial from a drawer, and let three drops fall into it.  She downed it in a single gulp, making a face, then calmly began to undress.

“What are you doing?” Kayla squeaked.  She attempted to cover Chloe’s eyes.

“You wanted to see me big,” Eve said.  “So that’s what you’re getting.  And relax – this’ll be PG.  Well.  Maybe PG-13.”

The witch removed her vest, tossing it to the floor.  Then undid the top two buttons of her shirt, and the first button of her skirt.  By the time this was accomplished, she was already growing.

Chloe and Kayla watched in amazement.

Abigail merely grinned, and leaned against the counter.  “That’s ah.  Happening pretty fast.  Isn’t it?”

“My metabolism is a little different than yours.  Plus this potion is experimental.  It’s a lot stronger than the one I gave you – though I’m still working on the taste.”

Eve was already taller than Chloe, and after a few seconds, passed Abigail as well.  And still, she continued to grow.  Her white button-up grew taut, the hem rising up her belly.  Her skirt became shorter, more risqué.  The woman grunted low, and casually bent to slip out of her shoes before they burst around her feet.  By the time it finished, perhaps thirty seconds had passed, and Eve was over six-foot-six.  Her outfit was almost comically small, and doing a terrible job of concealing her modesty.

“I don’t think I’m going to sit back down after that,” she said.  “I like this outfit, and my ass would rip it to shreds if I tried.  I don’t mind tearing out of my clothes now and again – but I at least want a good reason.”

“That’s quite alright,” Abigail said.  “Honestly?  I’m enjoying looking up at you again.”

Eve gave her a coy smile, and came around the counter to stand among the three smaller women.

“So,” she said.  “What brings you in today?  You didn’t only come for the pleasure of my company.”

“What if I had?” Abigail challenged.

“You didn’t.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

The two grinned wolfishly at each other.  It was a different feeling, Abigail thought, than with Dylan.  It was still a game played with words – and it was still exhilarating.  But Eve made a better opponent.

“Kayla wanted to meet you.  This is Kayla by the way.”

“Hi,” Kayla squeaked.

Eve turned, a sly look on her face.  “Hello there dear.  That potion looks wonderful on you.  Though of course, you could’ve put on all that muscle yourself.  If you only had the time.”

Kayla’s eyes looked like saucers.

“I don’t intimidate you, do I?”

Kayla shook her head too hard.  “Just.  That was a lot.  Seeing you.  Grow.”

“I’m sure that’s all it is,” Eve said.  “Were you hoping for anything today?  Something I can help you with?”

Kayla only stared, a deer caught in the headlights.

“She has insomnia,” Chloe said.  She took her girlfriend’s hand, steadying her.

“Is that true, Kayla?”  Eve’s voice was suddenly very soft.  “Is that what you desire from me?”

Kayla hesitated.  Then nodded, her eyes downcast.  Abigail had never seen her friend look so at a loss for words.

“Don’t worry, dear,” Eve purred.  “That’s incredibly easy.”

She strode across the room, her legs bare almost to the hip under her now mostly ornamental skirt.  She took a small bottle decorated with pink metal filigree from the shelf.

“A third of this, thirty minutes before bed.  You’ll get a full night of the most restful sleep you’ve ever had.”

“And that’s all it does?” Abigail called cheerfully.

“Nope!” Eve replied in the same tone.  “But she won’t regret it, and the other effects wear off by morning, so what’s the harm?”

“She’ll take it!” Chloe cried.

Eve pursed her lips.  She set the bottle on the counter, and came to stand very close to Kayla.  Even as tall as her friend was, Eve utterly dwarfed her.

“Your girlfriend means well,” the witch breathed.  “But she isn’t permitted to make this choice for you.  So Kayla.  Is this what you want from me?

Kayla trembled.

“I promise Kayla.  This will be good for you.  You need your sleep.”  Eve reached out, and stroked the frightened woman’s well-muscled arm.  “How else will you stay strong for everyone?”

Kayla swallowed.  “I would like that potion please, Eve.”

The witch sighed happily, turning in a short pirouette.  It was an adorably girlish maneuver for someone so large.

“Now then,” Eve went on.  “Chloe.  I happen to know what you want.  I’ll just give it to you.  We’ve already put Kayla through enough torment, and I wouldn’t want her to feel she has to protect you.”

The giant witch walked to the display window, and picked up a small potted plant.  She presented it to Chloe in a reverent manner.  “From my trumpet tree.  It’s just a sprout, but the roots are strong.  I’ll even give you a discount – I know you’ll take good care of it.”

Chloe looked like a little girl getting a pony for her sixth birthday.  She took it, obviously struggling not to jump up and down with glee.  “Oh my goodness Eve.  I don’t know what to say!”

“You don’t have to say anything dear.  I’m glad you like it.”

Again, Eve gave a happy sigh.  Then very slowly, she began to turn.  Her green eyes locked on Abigail, and though she was smiling, Abigail felt a sudden tightness in her chest.

“Well, dear,” Eve whispered.  “What wish of yours am I granting today?”

Abigail spoke precisely, a shrewd smile on her face.  “One bottle of green potion.  The exact same formula you gave Chloe last Sunday.”

Eve considered her for a long moment, narrowing her eyes.  Then shrugged.  As she went to fetch the bottle, she looked faintly disappointed.

The four women gathered by Eve’s new cash register.  It was an old-fashioned type, the buttons crunching loudly beneath Eve’s fingers as she rang up their order.

“Let’s see.  Sleeping draught, Muscle Growth Potion, the trumpet tree – I’ll give that to you fifty percent off, and throw a twenty percent discount on the whole order for those nice reviews.  All told, with tax, we’re looking at… six-thousand three hundred fifty-four dollars, seventy-six cents.”  She pulled a lever on the cash register, causing it to make a loud cha-ching sound.  “I really do love that part.”

The three girls stared blankly at each other.

“So… we can’t afford that,” Chloe said.

“Oh no?  I’m terribly sorry to hear that.  You did know you were buying magic potions, right?  Did you expect them to be cheap?”

Chloe and Kayla looked crestfallen.

Abigail smiled, and polished her fingernails on her dress.  “Gosh, this is such a tragedy.  Three poor girls, in need of your help.  Wishes ready to be granted.  And a little thing like money, getting in the way.  Sure is a shame.”

“Sure is.”

Abigail looked up, as if an idea had just occurred to her.  “Hey.  Speaking hypothetically.  What if there were another way for us to afford your potions?  Like… pay with something other than money?”

The witch pressed her hands together, looking joyful.  “Oh, that would be wonderful!  If only it were true.”

Abigail put her hands on the counter, pushing up on her tiptoes until she was almost nose to nose with the witch.  She pitched her voice high, pleading, seductive.  Playing the damsel in distress.  “Eve.  Please?  Isn’t there something you can do?  We need you.”

The enormous woman leaned in closer, her eyes dark.  Abigail could feel the heat of her breath against her cheek.

“Say you’ll do anything.  Whatever I ask, without restrictions.  Say you’ll do it in my name.”

Abigail’s lips parted.  “Do I look stupid to you?” she breathed.

“Ha!”  Eve doubled over, laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes.  It took her many seconds to regain her composure.  “Ah well, it was worth a shot.  Anyway.  It just happens I’ve got an idea.  How’d you like to be my guinea pig?”

“Not literally.”

“Oh of course not.  And just to head off objections, per our previous conversation, I’d never give you something I wouldn’t take myself, and I swear upon pain of death to undo anything you don’t like.”

Abigail’s heart pounded in her chest.  “I’m listening.”

Eve’s gaze dropped to the simple vial, still sitting on the counter.  The one she’d taken, that made her grow so quickly and dramatically.  “Tonight.  One of you takes this.  It will do, mmm, more or less what it did to me.  It’ll just take a bit longer.”

“Woah, hold on,” Abigail said.  “I already had a terrible time with my height today!  I almost got kicked out of class.  It turns out people do have questions if you suddenly grow like a foot and a half in two days.”

“I’ll reset it,” Eve said, waving her hand dismissively.  “Anyway.  I wasn’t finished.”

The witch grabbed another vial from beneath the counter – this one just as simple, but its contents looked like liquid silver.  “Something else I’m working on.  Mix in a single drop of this.  It will keep people from noticing anything is amiss.  They’ll think you’ve always been that height.  It’ll work that way on all my potions, too.  In case you wanted biceps to rival Kayla’s.”

Abigail frowned.  “If no one notices anything is different, then what’s the point?”

Eve met her gaze.  Something seeming to spark behind her eyes.  “They’ll still notice you, Abby.  They’ll still think you’re exceptional.”

That fluttering in Abigail’s chest had suddenly moved up to her throat, and seemed to have a friend moving in just beneath her navel.

“We formally agree to your terms, Eve.”

“Then we just need to decide which of you is going to take those two potions – and meet me tomorrow morning to report the results.”



It was the first Kayla or Chloe had spoken in many minutes.  The two had stepped far back to watch the woman and the witch.  There was something in their expressions that Abigail couldn’t place.

“It’s settled.  Nine a.m. tomorrow.”  Eve withdrew a business card advertising the shop, with the same slogan and logo as the sign outside.  In a neat hand, Eve wrote an address.  “Meet me there.”

The three women gathered their treasures, preparing to leave.


Eve was holding another bottle.  This one much larger.  She set it down on the counter with a loud thump.  “Pour this in.  It’ll make all the potions work faster.”

Chloe lifted the bottle, reading the ingredients.

“Distilled water, ethanol, extract of solanum tuberosum.”  She looked up.  “This is just vodka.”

Eve winked.  “Yup.  Have a good night, ladies.”

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