Monday, May 20, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 14

Author's Note: This chapter contains a dubious consensual sex scene.  Sensitive readers should read with caution.  A brief summary will be provided at the end of the chapter if you'd rather skip this one.

Chloe's Care

Kayla couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept through the night.  She’d struggled with insomnia her whole life, and sleeping beside Chloe didn’t make it any easier.  For some reasons more pleasant than others.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, with her brain in liminal space, she’d become aware that Chloe wasn’t in bed with her.  If she was worried, the feeling was outweighed by her ability to actually stretch out for once.  At her height, it was hard sharing a bed with anyone, and Chloe was a snuggler.

And a cover-hog.

She dozed now.  Lying diagonally, taking up as much space as she damn well pleased, slowly drifting toward wakefulness.

The room suddenly filled with a searing light.  Kayla whimpered, reflexively covering her eyes.

“Oh, sorry.”

Chloe was there, standing before the window.  Sunlight filtered in, silhouetting her body.  A black shape, outlined in the lush green of her menagerie of plants.

“Lay back,” her girlfriend said.  “And keep your eyes closed for now.  Okay?”

“Ha.  Yes ma’am.”

Oh, this would be fun.  Chloe often wanted to fool around when the two of them could share a slow morning together.  And if her lover wanted her to navigate just by touch for now?  Well, that was more than alright by her.  But as soon as Kayla started to settle in, a thought occurred.

“Shit, it’s so bright out.  I’m late for work!  What time is it?”

“About ten thirty.  Don’t get up.  I called your landscaping gig and told them you were sick.  You don’t have to be anywhere until one.”

Kayla smirked, and obediently kept her eyes closed.  “Well aren’t you Little Miss In-Charge.  I suppose you’re going to pay my bills when I get fired?”

“You won’t get fired.  You’re the hardest worker they have.  Besides, we have to talk about last night.”

Last night.  Fuck.  The memories came flooding back.

“God dammit,” Kayla groaned.  “I have to apologize to Abby.”

“No you don’t,” her girlfriend said.  “Unless you’re upset about what happened.”

“I mean.  I’m not.  But… that potion!  I forced her to….”

“Everything she did, was something she always wanted to do.”  Chloe placed a reassuring hand on Kayla’s shoulder.  “We talked about it after you fell asleep.  She likes you a lot, and you don’t have to say you’re sorry, and if you want to talk about some kind of arrangement with her, I’m open to it.”

“Wow.  Chloe, I don’t know what to say.  You aren’t jealous?”

“No.  But there’s more.  Abby and I… I mean, one thing led to another last night.  And we kind of… hooked up.”

Kayla laughed.  She pressed her head back against the pillow, pounding the mattress excitedly with both fists.  “Chloe!  You did it!  I’m so proud of you!”

“You really feel that way?”

“Of course I do!  Anyone within a hundred yards could see you two were crazy about each other.  I was worried I was coming between you, no pun intended.  But hey.  We should do something to celebrate.  To this new life we maybe have together.”

“Speaking of a new life.  You’ve been working yourself to death lately.  I know money is tight.  But you’re not going to do that anymore.  You’re going to quit at least two of your jobs.”

She started to object, but Chloe was still talking.  It was weird, but her voice sounded kind of different.  More authoritative.

“I’m graduating in the spring, and I’ve already got some internship offers.  The pay won’t be amazing, but I have some savings we can live on.  So, just let me take care of you for a while.  Okay?”

Kayla pulled herself into a sitting position, hugging her knees to her chest.  The eyes-closed game didn’t feel fun anymore.  She blinked, trying to focus in the overly bright room.  “Klo.  We’ve talked about this.  I refuse to be a free-loader.  I want to be able to afford to take you to nice dinners sometimes, or buy you the things you deserve.  I don’t want you to carry the weight all the time.”

“What if I want to carry it?”  Chloe stepped closer, stopping with her tree-trunk thigh pressed against the edge of the bed.  “I’m pretty good at carrying things lately.”

Kayla’s mouth fell open.

“So, there were some other developments last night.”

“Chloe.  What the hell happened to you?”

Chloe looked embarrassed.  “Don’t be mad.”

“You’re fucking huge!”

“You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that, but….”

“If it makes you feel better, Abigail’s a lot bigger than I am.”

“I don’t care how big Abigail is!  What I want to know is, why?”

Chloe gave her a mysterious smile.  “It was the heat of the moment, at first.  And knowing Eve could put me back to normal.  But then I got to thinking and… I don’t want to go back.  I like being taller, and stronger than you.”

Kayla bit her lip.

“Stand up, baby.”

Hesitantly, she did.  Standing toe to toe with Chloe, she had to strain her neck just to look her girlfriend in the eye.  She was enormous.  Even taller than Eve had been yesterday, and that had made her feel… funny.  Kayla wasn’t used to looking up at people.  Especially not women.

But it wasn’t just her height.  Chloe was more, in every way.  Her chest, her ass, her arms and shoulders – everything about her was bigger, more muscular.  Even if they’d been the same height, Kayla wouldn’t have liked her chances in a physical altercation.  Considering her girlfriend had to be damn near seven feet tall?  Kayla felt utterly outclassed.

“I grew this big,” Chloe was saying.  “Because I think you need a reminder that you don’t have to do everything in this relationship.  I think you can stand to be… small.  For a while at least.  Here.  Let’s practice.”

Chloe moved suddenly.  She was fast, despite her size.  She grabbed Kayla, one arm slipping behind her knees, the other around her back.  Without even a grunt of effort, Chloe lifted her, and cradled her to her chest.

The giant girl smirked.  “Don’t move unless I tell you.  Got it?”

Kayla couldn’t even make herself nod.  Her body had completely frozen.

“Good girl.”

Chloe laid Kayla back on the bed, face-down, and made her separate her arms and legs into a spread-eagle position.  “Right now, your only responsibility is to lie perfectly still, and feel good.  Later, if you ask permission, I’ll let you touch me.  But even then I’m going to decide how that happens.”

The taller woman placed her hands on Kayla.  Large palms, strong fingers, lifting and squeezing her shoulders, and upper back.  She began to work Kayla over.  It was a therapeutic massage – the sort Kayla was sorely due for.  A few weeks ago, when Chloe had attempted to give her one, Kayla had playfully teased her about how her hands were too small and weak to do a proper job.

It didn’t hurt exactly, but Chloe clearly wasn’t being gentle either.  Sometimes she pressed hard enough against a knot or particular area of tightness to make Kayla’s breath catch in her throat.  And once, when she found a knot in Kayla’s lower back, she pressed against it so hard that little sparks flew in front of her eyes.

Gradually the pressure eased.  Her touch became more sensual.  By then Kayla’s whole body was vibrating, with a mix of ache and relief.  Her larger girlfriend spent a time running her fingertips around each of Kayla’s muscles, tracing gently as she worked her way up and down her body.

When Chloe finally slipped two fingers across her slit, Kayla was surprised to realize how wet she’d become.  This was confusing, and scary.  But it felt good, and at least that made sense.  She groaned, lifting her hips to meet Chloe’s finger.

A very large hand pressed against Kayla’s back, pinning her.  “Ah-ah-ah.  I said no moving.  Just breathe.  Let me do all the work.”

“But it feels better if I move with you,” Kayla whimpered into her pillow.

“I know sweetie.  It’ll still feel good.  Remember, this is a lesson for you.”

Chloe went back to touching her.  Sliding in first one finger.  Then two.  Going extremely, almost agonizingly slow.  And all the while, that powerful hand continued to pin her to the bed.

When Chloe wanted Kayla to move, she moved her.  Abruptly lifting the lower half of her body with one arm, so she could flick her tongue against Kayla’s clit.  Or shoving her higher up the bed so she could thrust with a better angle.

Kayla didn’t dare to even twitch.  She felt a raw, defenseless need for Chloe, and that need was frankly terrifying.  Even so, it didn’t stop her from wanting more.

She had no idea how long it took.  Without being allowed to flex to help things along, the orgasm had to just build, and build.  And build.  She felt herself on the cusp of it, millimeters away from release, and even then it was an eternity before she began to cum.  The orgasm felt torn from her – stolen, rather than a thing her body was doing itself.

Afterward she lay face down on the pillow.  Shuddering, and still afraid to move.

“Do you want to touch me now, sweetie?”

Kayla couldn’t even nod.  “Please,” she grunted.

Chloe took hold of her hips.  Pulled her further down the bed, spun her onto her back.  The room was dimmer now, the sun too high in the sky to shine directly into the room.  Chloe looked down at her for a moment, smiling serenely.  Then crawled onto the bed.

Chloe seemed to tower all the way to the ceiling, as she positioned her dark, muscular thighs on either side of Kayla’s face.  The giant woman completely filled her vision – her chiseled stomach.  The undersides of teardrop breasts, each larger than Kayla’s head.  And almost hidden, high above, Chloe’s beautiful, smiling face.

“I promise I’ll be gentle,” she whispered.  And lowered herself until her sex completely covered Kayla’s mouth.

She could only lie still, as Chloe rubbed herself back and forth across her face.  Her giant girlfriend let out a long, guttural moan, as she painted Kayla with her excitement.  Almost as if she was marking her, asserting ownership.

She began to thrust.  True to her word she was gentle – Kayla was comfortable, and she could breathe easily.  Yet there was something overwhelming, about being surrounded and trapped by someone so much larger.

Kayla still hadn’t found the will to move by the time Chloe reached her first orgasm.  The dark and familiar scent of her grew stronger, filling her mouth and nose, making her head swim.  It was the same flavor, the same scent.  Just.  A lot more of it.  This part of Chloe, at least, was unchanged.  And that, at last, gave Kayla the will to move.

She timidly parted her lips.  And begin to lick.

Chloe moaned her approval.  Spread her legs further, grasped the headboard.  Then bent backward, bowing herself dramatically, to plunge her hand directly between Kayla’s thighs.  It was such a display of power.  The muscular arching of Chloe’s body, her shoulders, arms, and abs popping as the woman flexed above her.

Kayla came.

She had two more orgasms in quick succession, before she was able to get Chloe off again.  Even then the giantess never slowed in her efforts – only continued to flick her enormous palm against Kayla’s sex.

She managed to push her much larger girlfriend over the edge once more.  But by then, Kayla had succumbed at least a half dozen times.  It was clear Chloe was the victor.

The two lay together afterward.  For the first time ever, Kayla was the little spoon.  Chloe cradled her, stroked her, told her how proud she was.  That she knew this was hard, but she was doing the right thing.  Kayla nodded submissively.  She felt utterly spent, wrung out.  It wasn’t a bad feeling.  But there was something about her that felt like a rabbit caught in a snare.

It was late morning by then.  Kayla dressed, as Chloe lounged in bed, watching her.

“Have you figured out which jobs you’re going to quit?”

“Um.  Probably the landscaping company.  It’s hard and dirty, and I have to wake up at butt in the morning.”

Chloe nodded her approval.  “And which else?”

“I don’t know.  Can I have some time to think about this?  It’s all… really sudden.”

“Of course, sweetie.”  The giant woman yawned, stretching all the way out across their queen-sized bed.  Completely covering its surface, with her feet hanging off the edge.  “What time are you going to be home tonight?  I’d like to talk with Abigail about this… thing we have.  You should be there.”

“Um.  I think I’ll stop in for a bit around five?  But after that I’m not sure.  Barbacking is a, do it until it’s done kind of job.  Maybe late.”

“With your physique, I bet you’ll get it done in record time.  Big girl.”

As Kayla left the bedroom, she couldn’t help but think there was something sarcastic about Chloe’s last words.

The kitchen was a mess.  Kayla grabbed a protein bar, and checked the time.  It was still too early to leave for work.  But something in her needed to not be here right now.  It was getting harder to hold down her irrational, animal panic.

Just before she stepped out of the kitchen, something caught her eye.  Four bottles – one of them empty now, the pink one that had started all this mess.  She wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing, as she unzipped her gym bag.  Her brain wasn’t working, and there weren’t words for her thoughts.  There was just emotion, and even that she couldn’t explain right now.

She grabbed each of the bottles, zipped her bag shut, and fled out the door.

Summary: Kayla is happy that Chloe finally slept with Abigail, and contemplates having a relationship with her as well.  Chloe is much bigger and stronger than Kayla, and orders her to quit some of her jobs.  Chloe will support her.  Chloe initiates sex, telling Kayla to hold still, not realizing how alarmed Kayla is by her new size, strength, and authority.  Kayla doesn't know how to feel and goes along with it.  Afterward, Chloe lays down for a nap.  Kayla steals all the potions in a panic and runs out the door.

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