Friday, May 3, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Chapter 7

 Plots and Plans

Chloe and Kayla were even more affectionate than usual tonight.  They sat together on the other end of the couch, Chloe snuggled up on Kayla’s lap.  Abigail was grateful she couldn’t hear their sweet nothings over the sound of the movie.  If there was a question about whether Kayla would be comfortable with a more muscular Chloe, it was answered.  She seemed fascinated – squeezing the smaller woman’s shoulders, and biceps, and when she thought Abigail wasn’t paying attention, her thighs as well.

It wasn’t that she was jealous, Abigail thought.  She was happy for her friends.  She didn’t generally have a problem with public displays of affection, either.  It was just that the day had been frustrating.  It was never likely that Elijah was going to jump in the sack with her the moment she grew a few inches.  He seemed the type to take things slow.  But try explaining that to her libido.  She hadn’t dated anyone in months, and far longer than that since she’d been with someone who knew what they were doing in the bedroom.  Plus, with their new living arrangement, finding time to self-pleasure was a serious logistical challenge.  She was so hard up, even that Dylan kid got her motor running – a little.

When you found yourself lusting after a freshman, you had problems.

It was around the time that Chloe started giggling, and Kayla’s voice dipped into that seductive growl of hers, that Abigail pointed out they should post reviews for Eve’s shop.  They’d made a pact after all, and it was a bad idea not to keep a promise with a witch.

Chloe dutifully got out her phone.  “How do you write a review for a store that sells magic potions?  We can’t exactly tell the truth here.  ‘Five out of five, my friend grew eight inches overnight and I got big sexy muscles.’”

Abigail was already typing.  “You remember how Eve talks?  No lies, but her words have broad interpretations.  You play it like that.  Okay, here’s mine.  ‘Products are a joy to use.  Better results than expected.  Would recommend, would try again.’”

Chloe gave her an inquisitive look.  Her thumbs began to move.  “’I sampled Eve’s green formula.  I’ve tried other supplements, but I was amazed at how quickly this worked.  My girlfriend loves the results.  I’m a true believer, definitely want to keep using this.”

Kayla squeezed her from behind.  “I certainly do love the results.  Abby might want to wear earplugs tonight, because I intend to show you just how much.”

Chloe and Abigail were staring at each other.

“So,” Abigail said casually.  “Is that part at the end true?  Where you said you want to keep using?”

“It might be.”  Chloe gave an innocent shrug.  “Didn’t you say you’d try yours again, too?”

“I already submitted my review, and there’s no way I’m lying to a witch.  So it has to be true, doesn’t it?”

“I guess it does.”  Chloe tapped on her phone.  “Okay.  So we’re doing this.”

“Woah, hold on,” Kayla said.  “Are you serious?  The two of you got really lucky.  Nobody thinks anything weird is going on yet.  How on Earth do you think you can get away with another dose?”

“I’ll just say I had a growth spurt.  Who’s going to argue with me?  And if they don’t believe me, what are they going to do?  Throw me in magic jail?”

“For all you know that’s a real thing!  And Chloe.  I love your muscles, don’t get me wrong….”

“But you don’t want the competition.”  She smirked, and gently booped Kayla on the tip of the nose.  “Would it be scary if I was actually stronger than you, cutie?”

Something passed between Kayla and Chloe on a wavelength that Abigail couldn’t quite follow.

Kayla sighed again – though this time she was smiling.  “I guess I can’t stop you, can I?”

“You sure can’t.  And speaking of unstoppable….”  She turned to Abigail, an apologetic look on her face.  “Hey, um.  You’ll still have a third of your growth potion left over after you take a second dose, right?  Could I possibly… have it?”

“Ha!  Yeah, I suppose.  I can’t imagine wanting to be taller than five-eleven.  Don’t want to be the shortest one in our friend group, huh?”

Kayla looked on the verge of panic.  “You’re not only going to get stronger, but taller too?  How am I going to keep up with you?  I’m already going to the gym as much as my body and work schedule will allow.  You’re seriously going to leave me in the dust, after I’ve worked so hard.  That’s not fair!”

Chloe’s expression immediately became sympathetic.  “Oh sweetie!  I’m not doing this to hurt you!  I thought you liked it when I could push you around a little?”

“I did,” Kayla said.  “But I like pushing you around, too.  It’s going to be all one-sided if you grow that much.”

“Kay… there’s an easy solution to this.  I’ll have a dose of green potion left over.  You can have it.  That way you’ll still be stronger than me, and taller too.  Maybe then you can go to the gym a little less.  Spend more time sleeping.”  She grinned sheepishly, and ran her fingertip along Kayla’s sternum.  “Or, more time in bed, anyway.”

“You’re sure it’s not steroids?” she asked, in a tiny voice.

Chloe stood on tiptoes, and kissed her.  “Positive.”

“Ah damn,” Abigail said.  “I was going to ask to trade.  Since I’m giving you my growth potion.  I thought it’d be nice to put on a little muscle tone myself.”

“Oh.  Sorry.  I guess I could….”

“No, Kayla comes first.  She hasn’t had a chance to try any of these potions yet, and anyway, she’s your girlfriend.”

“But you’re my best friend.”

Kayla stepped between them, a mischievous expression on her face.  “You know there’s an easy solution to this.  We could go see Eve tomorrow, and get more muscle potion.  I’m honestly interested in meeting her.  You said she’s six-foot-four, and gorgeous?  I want to see this girl that Abby’s got a crush on.”

“I don’t have a crush….”

“Plus maybe she has other things we can try!” Chloe said excitedly.  “Like, we could do something about Abigail’s flat little butt.”

“My flat little…!”

“It’s decided then,” Kayla said.  “I’m free around noon.  How does that work for the two of you?”

Noon worked.

“I can’t help but feel this is the part of the story where things start to come unhinged,” Abigail said.

“You read too many fantasy novels,” Chloe replied.

“One other hitch, while we’re at it.  Remember this morning, when neither of us had anything to wear?  That’s going to be a huge problem if we’re both taller.  If you’re five-ten, and I’m five-eleven….”

“Maybe we can fit in Kayla’s clothes?”

Kayla shook her head.  “I’m a total beanpole.  I doubt even Abby’s hips would fit in my jeans if she has another growth spurt.  And no offense Klo, but with your curves, you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Abigail smiled slyly.  “We do have another option.  Did Mackenzie’s Monday night guy leave yet?”

“Yeah.  He snuck out the back stairs about an hour ago.”

Five minutes later, the two of them were in front of Mackenzie’s door.  Chloe had put on an oversized hoodie to hide the changes to her physique.  Abigail affected a slouch against the doorframe.

Mackenzie answered their knock, wearing a fuzzy blue onesie with a knit picture of a rabbit on the chest.  It looked appropriate for a child of around six, and on her most decidedly adult frame, extremely suggestive.  “Hey you two.  Everything okay?”

“Oh yeah, totally okay.” Abigail laughed nervously.

“The two of us were just talking,” Chloe added.

“Remember how I borrowed Chloe’s dress today?  And you said it looked good?”

“And you were saying how nice it is when people notice you….”

“And you have such amazing fashion sense….”

“And we were thinking it might be nice….”

“Totally okay if not…”

Mackenzie blinked.  “Wait.  Are you asking if you can borrow my clothes?”

Abigail and Chloe exchanged a sheepish look.

“Oh my gosh!” Mackenzie broke out in a giant smile.  “You guys!  You have no idea how happy this makes me!  Come in, come in!”

Mackenzie had the largest bedroom in the apartment by far.  It was immaculately decorated, with soft pastel-toned furniture and numerous fluffy throw rugs.  There was a lot of furniture that looked like it wouldn’t be comfortable to sit on – more like it was built to lounge upon while someone fed you grapes.  There were also an alarming number of mirrors.

She led them to the back of the room, and dramatically threw open the door to her walk-in closet.  “Here we are.  Don’t be shy, poke around.  Formal attire is in the back, lingerie and activewear on the left.  On the right are my more conservative outfits, like the stuff you’d wear to meet someone’s parents.  It goes from slutty to proper if you follow it clockwise, and everyday to special occasion from front to back.  The exception is that rack close to the door – see how it’s labeled by day?  Don’t take anything from there unless you warn me.  And see the red hangers?  Those are my emergency outfits.  Definitely tell me if you want to take one of those, especially with the party coming up.”

“You’re really okay if we pick something out?” Abigail said.

Mackenzie looked hurt.  “You guys are my friends.  My Besties.  You can take anything.  Any time!  You don’t even have to ask.”

Chloe and Abigail made their way back to the living room, each carrying an outfit.  “I feel kind of bad that she’s going to be the shortest girl in the house tomorrow.”

“Yeah.”  Chloe opened her mouth as if to suggest something.

She shut it again.

“Anyway,” Abigail said.  “We’re on for noon tomorrow, right?  Let's mix up our potions and hit the hay.”

“Okay.  I’ll get Kayla.”  She began to walk away.  Then suddenly stopped.  “Did Mackenzie say something about a party?”

~Size Update~


5’4”, 122lbs; +8 inches and 41 lbs. 

Bench Press: 60 lbs.; +20 lbs.

“And growing!”


Watching the game unfold. Liking what she sees.


5’2”, 175 lbs.  +11 lbs

Bench Press: 155 lbs. +70 lbs. 

“Knowledge is power!”


6’1”, 196 lbs

Bench Press: 200 lbs.  

Seems less cool now.


5’9”, 160 lbs

Bench Press: 90 lbs.  

“Why do you keep asking?”


“You’re only getting this much because I like you. Don’t push your luck.”

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