Friday, May 24, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 16

 A Pact in Blue

The shop was a cozy little space, Mackenzie thought.  Elegant, almost to the point of decadence, and exactly what she imagined when she thought of the word ‘boutique.’  The walls were lined with expensive-looking earth tone tapestries – reds, browns, and blues.  They seemed religious in nature.  Depicting acts of worship to a central figure, who was most certainly feminine.

In the dead center of the room, beneath an almost blinding spotlight, was a small round table, and two simple chairs.  Upon the table sat an oval-shaped mirror.  The room was otherwise empty.

For just a moment, the scene gave Mackenzie pause.  Something about this shop felt wrong, and it wasn’t just the lack of merchandise.  It actually made her a bit nervous – but then, that was silly.  Fancy places like this didn’t want to spread their products out for just anyone to see.  You had to prove you were worthy first.  She could play that game.

Mackenzie affected her best I’m-planning-to-buy-something voice, and called out to the empty space.  “Hello there!  Is anyone around?  I’d like some service, please.”

There was a woman, sitting smartly behind the counter, chin balanced on the tips of her fingers.  It was odd – Mackenzie would’ve sworn she wasn’t there a moment ago.  The same for the counter.

“Well hello there.  Thanks for stepping into my parlor today.  Welcome, and well met.”

Mackenzie gave her a professional smile.  “I happened to find your business card, where one of my roommates must’ve left it.  I must say, your slogan caught my eye.   It’s catchy.  ‘Lotions, Potions, Notions, Desires.’”

“We offer all of those,” the woman admitted.  “Which one are you in the market for today?”

The woman was gorgeous, Mackenzie realized.  She had overly large eyes, full pouting lips, and a figure that seemed to almost pour out of her dress.  Her waist-length blue hair, done up in a pair of ponytails, was particularly striking.  It must’ve been professionally dyed, and quite recently too.  Color that vibrant tended to fade.

There was something predatory about her smile, too.  Something Mackenzie liked.

“My first thought was lotions,” she replied.  “But I’m more than willing to ah, shop around, before I make any decisions.  I take it you’re Eve?”

The shop woman let out a bark of a laugh.  “No.  I’m not Eve.  The shop is… under new management.  You can call me Lilith.”

The woman extended her hand.  Mackenzie was practiced enough to recognize an expert manicure job when she saw one – it didn’t look cheap.

They shook.

“I’m Mackenzie,” she said.  She turned, theatrically looking around the shop, then returned an ever-so-slightly seductive smile to the woman.  “I like what you’re selling so far.  I can’t help but wonder about your inventory, though.  Is there anything you’re willing to show off today?”

“I have a few things in mind.  You should understand that everything I sell is bespoke, and of the highest quality.  But despite that, I think I have exactly what you’re looking for today.”

Okay.  This girl was flirting with her.  It was subtle, but Mackenzie had a sixth sense about these things.

She smiled, and played the part of the pursued.

“Why Lilith, we’ve only just met.  How can you be so sure you’ll fill my needs?”

“When people find their way to me, it’s because they’re looking for a change.  Are you looking for a change, Mackenzie?”

“Now that you mention it, I am.  I had a particular encounter last night that left me… oh, but I won’t bore you with my personal life.”

“Please,” Lilith said, leaning in.  “I’m all ears.”

Mackenzie sighed.  “It’s my friends.  We used to be so close.  We even have this little club I made up – a joke really, and childish too, but it seemed like a fun game to play.  Lately they’ve….”

She struggled, trying to find the words.

“Out-grown you,” Lilith provided.

“Yes!  Exactly.  And a very apt choice of words.  Have you heard of Abigail Archer?  Or Chloe Davis?”

A shadow seemed to pass across Lilith’s eyes.  “I’ve heard of Abigail.”

“Of course you have – she’s the world’s tallest woman.  By a wide margin, and right here in our own town.  Chloe is no shortie either.  They’re my best friends, and we just got this apartment together.  Chloe recently started dating someone who… well, would you believe I actually look tiny by comparison to her, too?”

Mackenzie laughed awkwardly.  She was aware her poise was slipping, and did a quick mental three-count, re-centering herself.

“Anyway,” she went on.  “With friends like that–”

“Or more than friends.  Is what you’ve been hoping.  Right?”

Mackenzie felt herself blush.  Until that moment, she honestly hadn’t believed she was capable of it anymore.

“So you’re feeling a little down in the dumps.  Looking for a little retail therapy, something to shake things up.”  Lilith pressed her smallest finger against the corner of her mouth, and gave her a baby-doll look.  “Something to make you feel desired again.”

Mackenzie was suddenly at a loss for words.  Dumbly, she nodded.

“Well then,” Lilith purred.  “I know exactly what I’m going to do with you.”

The woman stood.  And Mackenzie got a shock as she realized how tall Lilith was.  An inch or two taller than Kayla, and far more generously proportioned.

She thought she might’ve had her fill of taller women by now.  Lilith put that notion to bed in an instant.

It was strange, though.  She didn’t look nearly that tall when she was sitting down.

Lilith pulled a black case from behind the counter.  She strolled over, hips swaying.  There was something animalistic about her gait.  It put Mackenzie in mind of a wolf, stalking a lost little lamb.

She took Mackenzie by the hand, and led her under the spotlight.  Then set the case on the table in front of her.

“So.  Here’s what’s going to happen, Mackenzie.”  Lilith popped open the case.  “You’re getting a make-over!”

Mackenzie laughed.  “Oh my gosh!  It’s been so long.  Why didn’t you tell me you were a cosmologist?  That should be all over your business cards – I would’ve come in sooner!  Okay!  I’m a summer type with combination skin, and I prefer ivory tones in my foundation.  Glitter is a definite no-go, but shimmer is fine, especially around the eyes.  I’m feeling high-femme today, maybe touches of pink….”

“How do you feel about blue instead?” Lilith asked.  She grabbed a lock of her own hair, shaking it gently.  “About this shade?”

“As long as it isn’t too avant-garde.”

“Trust me.  We’re going for eye-catching.  Glamour, not gauche.  When I’m finished with you, no one will ever refuse you again.  You’ll have the whole world at your feet.”

“You really know how to make a girl feel special,” Mackenzie said – intentionally allowing her voice to slip into full-on seduction now.

“Oh,” Lilith growled, reciprocating her tone.  “This is just the beginning, sweet one.”

Lilith began to work.  There was something incredibly sensual about the way the woman applied her foundation.  The brush she used was very soft, and the way she moved it in a slow circular pattern, tender yet firm, felt almost like the touch of a lover.  It was better than most foreplay she’d experienced.  She sat perfectly still, enjoying it, listening to the sound of brush strokes across her face, and of the breath of the woman beside her.

Lilith sat close as she worked, only a few inches away, and the proximity to someone so attractive was starting to have an effect.  Mackenzie actually found herself getting wet.  Rather than fighting the sensation, she squeezed her thighs together as Lilith worked.  Savoring it.

“Enjoying yourself?” the woman asked, her lips almost touching Mackenzie’s ear as she spoke.

“You have a gift.  I swear I don’t want this to end.”

“It’s only going to get better from here,” she whispered.  “By the way.  You smell really nice.”

Mackenzie smiled, her toes curling.  “You do, too.”

Eye liner came next.  It could be frightening, allowing someone to hold something sharp near such a vulnerable area.  This was usually Mackenzie’s least favorite part of a salon session.  Yet somehow, holding perfectly still for Lilith, putting her life in her hands this way, was exhilarating.

Sky-blue eye shadow.  Light-volume eyelash extensions.  An angel kiss of blush, so subtle it was almost not there.  Mackenzie stared at herself in the mirror as the look came together.  It was… wondrous.  She wouldn’t have believed it was possible for simple product and a skilled hand to make this much of a difference.  Mackenzie considered herself a fairly good make-up artist, and she had paid for the best professional services in the past.  But this?  There almost weren’t words.  She put every woman on every fashion magazine cover to shame.

“Lilith,” she breathed.  “How can I ever thank you?”

“Hmmph.”  The woman took her by both shoulders.  She bent, lowering herself like a lover, until the two were eye-to-eye.

“You haven’t even seen the lipstick.”

Mackenzie moaned.

“You want it?”

“Yes.  Please Lilith.”

Lilith grinned evilly.  She reached out, and playfully ran the sharp tip of her nail along the hollow of Mackenzie’s throat.  The gesture was precise, touching not a single part of the work she had finished.

“Let me demonstrate how this works.”

The taller woman opened a small metal tube, and twisted the bottom until an applicator tip showed.  True to her words, it was the exact color of Lilith’s hair.

She lifted it to her own lips.  Then paused.  “Hey.  Dropping the subtext.  I think you’re extremely sexy.  Would you be interested in, shall we say, a short-term partnership?”

Mackenzie nodded eagerly.  “I have an open spot in my calendar.  I’d love if you’d be the one to fill it.”

Lilith smirked.  In a quick, deft motion, she applied the lipstick to herself.  She did it in a single rounded stroke, without using the mirror.  Nonetheless, it was perfect.  Beyond perfect.


The thoughts in her head suddenly felt like a flock of birds, scattering into a warm summer sky.  The only thing left was Lilith.

“Take off your clothes.”

The spotlight dimmed.  Twenty feet behind, the shop door deadbolt snapped into place.

Mackenzie stripped.

“Get on your knees.”

Her body obeyed without her intervention.  That was good.  It left her mind free to contemplate Lilith.  Gorgeous Lilith.  Perfect Lilith.

Lilith unzipped her jeans.  Lowered them to her ankles, and roughly hop-kicked them across the room.

“This,” she said.  “Is why we’re saving your lipstick for later.”

Lilith’s blue-toned bush was precisely trimmed into a thin little rectangle.  She stepped forward, grasping Mackenzie by the hair, making her tilt her head into exactly the right position.  Mackenzie had time to think that even this part of Lilith was beautiful – her taut labia, her perfectly round and ripe clitoris – before she shoved it against Mackenzie’s mouth.

“Eat me out.  Lips and tongue only, don’t ruin my hard work.”

With all the enthusiasm in her body, she obeyed.  Lilith was delicious.  Sweet, and smelling faintly of cigarettes, and so so good.  It had been a while since Mackenzie had been with another woman, but her skill was hardly required.  Lilith moved her.  Pulling her to meet every momentary whim, her moans primal and wild.

It wasn’t hard to get her off.  The woman had a hair-trigger, and the question seemed not to be ‘how’ but ‘how many?”  Mackenzie was almost incidental to the process, which only left her grateful that she’d been given the chance to partake.  Each time Lilith came, she would pull her hips back an inch from Mackenzie’s face.  Close enough that the kneeling woman could see the intricate ballet of movement as Lilith flexed and pulsed through her release.  But far enough away that she didn’t risk smudging her make-up.

It was after the seventh such orgasm, that Lilith abruptly shoved her away.  She looked down at Mackenzie, sprawled out and panting on the floor, her expression savage.  She pointed one long, sculpted finger.


Mackenzie screamed.  Her entire body arched with molten pleasure, as the most powerful orgasm of her life all but tore her apart.

She’d hardly had time to process the sensation, to sink into the afterglow, before….


She felt herself writhing as an impossible wave of ecstasy crashed over her.  She coughed, drool exploding from her mouth into an undignified puddle on the floor.


Lilith was pacing around her now, clearly enjoying the show.  Mackenzie couldn’t lift her head, but even Lilith’s toes were beautiful.  Shapely and shiny and blue, and Mackenzie wanted to touch them, to lick them in supplication, but Lilith was still saying the word, and each time Mackenzie’s body spasmed as though she’d been touched by a cattle prod, and another orgasm would erupt from deep in her core.

Mackenzie was in no position to count.  But by the time Lilith relented, it seemed she had made her cum seven times.

“That’s settled, then.”

Lilith stepped over the girl’s spent body.  Humming softly to herself, she reached into Mackenzie’s discarded purse, and fished out her wallet.

“I’ll just ring you up.”

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