Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 12


Commissioned Art Credit: @/inkgirls


They split the remainder of Kayla’s potion evenly between them.  Abigail lifted her drink, and made a toasting gesture.  “Well, here’s to us.  No going back after this.”


Abigail froze.

“You have to use the growth potion Eve gave you.”  Chloe gave an embarrassed smile.  “Wouldn’t want to break a promise to a witch.”

“Oh yeah.”  Abigail unscrewed the vial, and withdrew the dropper.  “And I’m sure you remembering that has nothing to do with wanting to get fucked by me when I’m a lot taller.  We both know big girls are your type.”

“Oh sure,” Chloe retorted, her voice cracking slightly.  “Like you don’t see the appeal of having a tiny little Chloe in your lap, completely helpless, to do with as you please!”

Both women were speaking angrily, blushing furiously.  Their eyes were locked, neither daring to look away.

“You’re right,” Abigail chirped.  “That idea is very appealing.  But I wanted you even when you were a head taller than me!  And I want you right now when we’re the same height!”

“Good!  You should’ve told me!  I’ve been attracted to you, too!  For a long time!”

The two finally broke eye contact.  They both looked at the floor, embarrassed.

Abigail sighed.  She filled the dropper with growth potion, and held it above her glass.

Drip.  Drip.  Drip.

After a moment’s consideration, she reached out, and placed the dropper over Chloe’s drink as well.

“Maybe I don’t want to be the only one growing tonight.  Maybe we can do it together.  What do you think Klo?”

Chloe only watched, her eyes wide and doe-like.

Drip.  Drip.

Chloe’s hand closed over Abigail’s.  Gently but firmly, she directed it back over Abigail’s drink.


“But maybe you were right, and I like the idea of you being bigger than me.”

Abigail smiled.  “Okay.”

“Don’t forget that other stuff Eve gave us.  So people won’t notice we’re different.”

Abigail added one drop from the silver vial into each of their drinks.  “Okay.  Am I forgetting anything?”

“The muscle potion,” Chloe said, in a tiny voice.

“Oh.  That.”  Abigail lifted the green bottle, swirling it in front of her eyes.  “I don’t think I want a full dose.  Okay?  You and Kayla look amazing, crazy-fit and all.  But I just want a little tone.”

“That’s fine,” Chloe said.  “Um.  Can I have some more, too?”

Abigail whistled.  “You’re going to be taller and stronger than Kayla tomorrow?  Damn Klo.  Shots fired.”

Chloe insecurely folded her massive arms.

“Hey now, no judgment.  I just want to see the look on her face tomorrow.”  Abigail poured a small amount of the green potion into each of their glasses.  “Are we done?  Or do you want to raise the stakes even more?”

“Let’s just do this before I chicken out.”

“Chloe.  I want to do this.  I mean it.  It’s scary, but….”

“Me too.  Drink.”

They drank.

Then both had to wash their mouths out.  Eve was right – the potion tasted disgusting.

Afterward, they sat together on the couch, side by side, staring straight ahead.  Almost, but not quite touching.

On the wall, a clock ticked.

“We should take our clothes off,” Abigail whispered.


“Because we’re going to grow.”


They stood.  Abigail helped her friend undress.  Chloe’s tank top was absurdly tight, given the dimensions of her newly enlarged arms and shoulders.  True to Abigail’s predictions, the woman didn’t strictly speaking need a bra to support her chest anymore, and that was good because none of her old ones would have fit.  Her skirt came easily, though her panties required some serious attention, with the extreme shape of her thighs.

“Here,” Chloe said, when it was finished.  “Let me do you, too.”

Abigail nodded.  She held her breath as her friend stripped her.

When she finished, the two stood chest to chest, regarding each other shyly.

“Are you feeling something?” Abigail asked.

“Yeah.”  Chloe swallowed.  “You’re definitely growing.”

“So are you.”

“But um.  You’re growing faster.  It even looks like your chest is bigger.  Your pectorals look really nice.”  Chloe smiled dreamily, and put her fingertip on Abigail’s sternum.  She drew her finger in a slow figure-eight pattern around the outsides of Abigail’s breasts, tracing.  

“God Chloe,” Abby breathed.  “I can actually see you growing.  Your arms, look how fucking big they’re getting!  But what’s even more impressive is this butt of yours.  All hail Chloe, Squat Queen of Planet Earth.”  She grabbed the smaller woman by the hip, smirking.

Chloe yelped, then smiled.  “What are we going to do?  Nothing is going to fit tomorrow.”

“Worry about it tomorrow.”  She leaned down – already several inches taller than her friend – and kissed her on the temple.  “Hey.  Smell me.”

Chloe did, eagerly.


The smaller woman grinned sheepishly.  “You smell good.  But it isn’t driving me crazy, the way it did with Kayla.  Like I want you, but….”

“Hmm, interesting.  I’m for sure turned on, but there’s nothing supernatural about it, at least not yet.  Whatever activates the potion, I bet it’ll be something apropos, something specific to us in a way that’s….”

Chloe moaned deeply.  She began to kiss Abigail on the throat, wrapping her arms around her taller friend as if she suddenly couldn’t bear to be apart.

“Did it just kick in?” Abigail husked.

“Yeah,” Chloe said, in between kisses.  “It’s when you talk.  Your voice.  I just can’t… it just… you sound so fucking good.

Abigail gasped, a sudden wave of arousal almost forcing her to her knees.  She grabbed Chloe, shoving as much of her bare skin against the smaller woman as she could.  Hands exploring her with wild abandon.

“What happened?” Chloe purred.

Abigail grasped the smaller woman by the chin, made her lift to meet her – their height difference was increasing by the second – and kissed her firmly on the mouth.  It wasn’t until they were forced to come up for air that Abigail found words again.  “It was when you said I was good.”

Chloe’s pupils dilated as she listened.  She smiled mischievously.  “Abigail.  You are incredible.  You’re the smartest, most devious, most delightful person I’ve ever met.  I’ve wanted to do this with you for months.  Years.  I….”

Abigail roughly grabbed her by the shoulders, hauled her across the room, and shoved her chest-first against the wall.  Chloe was far stronger, could’ve fought back at any moment, but resistance seemed to be the last thing on her mind.

“You’re in for it now,” Abigail panted.  “Little lady.”

Her teeth sank hard into Chloe’s earlobe, as her hand reached down between the smaller woman’s legs.  Her friend was probably around six-three by now, but Abigail was quite a bit taller.  Even better, the effects of the muscle potion were really starting to ramp up.  As she felt her own body growing stronger, it was incredibly easy to manipulate the compliant little woman, positioning her however she liked.

She held Chloe pinned against the wall with the weight of her body.  Hands free, she reached down, forcing the woman’s legs apart.  Chloe nodded, arching her hips in welcome.  Abigail stroked along her labia, coating herself in Chloe’s excitement.  Then abruptly shoved two fingers deep inside her.

It took less than ten seconds for Chloe to have her first orgasm.

“I saw this position in some video once,” Abigail whispered, hardly slowing as Chloe’s entire body responded to her voice.  “Pinned, while someone fingers you from behind.  It always made me think of you.  Of course, when I thought about it, I imagined I’d be the short one, the one getting pinned.  Tiny, and needy.  Moaning and gasping while you thrust into me.  I’m so, so happy that it worked out this way.”

Chloe’s breath was coming in short gasps.  Every inhale a whimper, every exhale a howl.  It wasn’t possible to count the number of times her friend came, and regardless, Abigail wasn’t interested in counting.

“Chloe.  Delightful little Chloe.  I’m going to keep doing this.  I’m not going to stop until you pass out.  Do you understand me?”

Chloe grimaced.  With an almost Herculean effort, she pulled out of Abigail’s grasp.  She turned around, and met her eye.

The two were nearly the same height.

“Holy shit Klo!  How come you grew so much?  I took so much more potion than you!”

With a visible effort, Chloe shook off the power of Abigail’s words.

“I don’t know,” she managed.

“It’s probably all the orgasms,” Abigail went on.  “Maybe because we got your heart-rate up, or….”

Chloe abruptly put her hand over Abigail’s mouth.

“Please listen.  Stop thinking about this like a riddle to solve, okay?  And stop making it all about me.  That felt amazing, but I want to make you feel amazing, too.  You’re worthy of feeling good.  You’re good.”

Abigail’s eyes suddenly refused to focus.

“Open your legs for me, sweetie.”

Abigail obeyed.

Chloe braced herself against the wall.  She cupped both hands, reaching down between Abigail’s increasingly muscular thighs.  And began to very gently massage her lips with both hands.

“Fuck!” Abigail spat.  “Chloe that’s so good.”

“It’s good,” Chloe whispered.  “And you’re good.  You’re a wonderful person, Abby.  You’re my best friend.”

Abigail grabbed her, fingernails digging deep into Chloe’s shoulders.  Her cry came out in a long shuddering shriek.  As she came, she could feel herself grow in a sudden burst.

Chloe giggled.  “That was a big one, huh?”

“First time… in weeks,” Abigail panted.  “You and Kayla were so loud, I couldn’t… didn’t want to touch myself while you were….”

“Then let me make up for lost time.  You looked so beautiful like that, by the way.  Letting yourself go.  And you got a lot bigger.  It was really hot.  You’re hot.”

Abigail nodded frantically.

“I want to see you grow again.  Let me make you grow.”

It had been so long, so very long, and now it felt like a dam had burst.  Chloe looked up at her, smiling beatifically.  The woman seemed to know every impulse, every slightest whim of her body, and those fingers of hers were there to satisfy it.  Tender, and loving, and practiced.  Even as she swelled bigger, fully a head taller than her friend, Chloe had no trouble finding every place she was needed.  She could feel another orgasm building, coming on strong.  Abigail breathed deep, relaxing into it, letting it overtake her….

Down the hall, a door creaked open.  “Wow.  What’s up guys?”

Mackenzie was standing just outside her bedroom, staring at the two of them, her eyebrows arched.

“Looks like you’ve been keeping some pretty big secrets from me, huh?”

Abigail and Chloe froze – caught in the act, completely exposed.  There was nowhere to hide, as their roommate approached.  Yet even in this moment, Abigail could feel her friend’s fingertips moving against her, not quite able to stop.  And she couldn’t quite keep herself from enjoying it.

Mackenzie stopped a few steps away, and put her hands on her hips.  The woman looked so tiny now.  It was surreal to think she was more than a foot taller than Abigail just a day before.  Now, she didn’t even come up to her armpits.

“So,” Mackenzie drawled.  “Apparently we live in a house where roommate hook-ups are allowed.  I assumed we were all off-limits to each other, what with the drama potential and all.”

The two giant women shared a quick look, understanding passing between them.  Eve’s potion worked – Mackenzie thought they’d always been this tall.

“Well, you know how it gets,” Abigail said, rolling with it.  “The mood strikes when you least expect it.  And it’s not like we planned it or anything.  Sorry if we woke you up”

The moment the words were out of her mouth, Abigail realized her mistake.

Mackenzie stiffened.  Every bit of playful haughtiness went out of her expression.  She began to move towards them, almost as if she were sleep-walking.

“You should’ve invited me,” the smaller woman mumbled.  “I don’t like being left out.”

Moaning, she reached for the two of them.

“Stop,” Chloe snapped.

Mackenzie stopped.  She looked conflicted, and confused.

“We’ll discuss it another time,” Abigail said.  Pitching her voice low, brooking no argument.  “Right now, this is just between Chloe and me.”

Their roommate looked like she was going to cry.  “But… I… you….”

“We still like you,” Chloe added, her voice compassionate.  “You’re our friend.”

Mackenzie relaxed a little, but the lust on her face visibly intensified.  She wavered where she stood, punch-drunk.

“I know how difficult this is for you,” Abigail said.  “It’s hard to find taller women to date.  And you’ve got the two tallest women on campus, living right here under your own roof.”

“Yeah, and… please can I….

“We can discuss it,” Abigail said patiently.  “Another time.”

The smaller woman nodded sadly.  “I want that.  I want you.  Both of you.  Sorry.  I just can’t ever remember being this turned on.”

Chloe smirked at Abigail.  “It’s good that you feel this way, Mackenzie.  You’re good, and you’re allowed to feel turned on.  It would be best of all, if you went back to bed.  You can touch yourself as much as you want.  You don’t have to be quiet either.  But don’t come back out here again tonight.”

Without another word, Mackenzie went back toward her bedroom.  Stripping even as she went.

Her door slammed.  Even muffled from down the hall, her moan was almost comically loud.

The giant women looked at each other, as the sounds of Mackenzie’s pleasure echoed through the apartment.  Chloe snorted.  And then the two of them began to laugh.

“And apparently now I have an exhibitionist kink,” Abigail said, wiping her eye.  “Thanks Pavlov.”

Chloe kissed her.  “I don’t know about you, but I’m not close to done.  Bossing Mackenzie around is like a natural aphrodisiac.”


Chloe took her by the hand, and helped her lay down on the living room floor.  Her trusty bottle of baby oil was still on the coffee table.  Chloe spread it on Abigail’s chest, stomach, and thighs.  Then spent an exquisitely long time, treating Abigail to the best massage of her life.

Her touch was slow, and gentle.  Building Abigail’s libido, feeding her desire.  There was an element of teasing, but if Abigail thought Chloe was going to edge her, she was mistaken.  The woman paused in her work at least once a minute, to rapidly flick her thumb over Abigail’s clit.  Chloe was too good, and Abigail had no defense against her.  She came in seconds each time.

And each time she came, she could feel herself getting bigger.  Stronger.  And just as she’d wished, curvier in all the right places.

Toward the end, Abigail was so much bigger that her nearly seven-foot-tall friend had no trouble fitting her entire hand inside her.  Chloe wrapped her lips around the thumb-sized jewel of Abigail’s clitoris.  Clenched down.  And hummed.

Aftercare consisted of pulling Chloe into her lap like a teddy bear.  Cradling the woman, well over a foot shorter than her now, and quietly working her through several gentle thank-you orgasms.  Chloe clung to her with both arms, breathing deep and slow, accepting her touch.  Yet she no longer grew with each release.  It was almost as if she had waited for the potion to fully run its course before allowing Abigail to touch her again.

The blanket was too small to cover them.  Abigail did her best, and snuggled close beside her best friend, there on the carpet.  Chloe felt so warm.  With or without the blanket, she didn’t think she’d be cold tonight.

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