Monday, July 1, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 32

Alone, Together

It had taken Kayla years to get used to living in the city.  You were just never alone.  There were always people out walking the streets with you, and though they usually minded their business, you couldn’t escape the fact that they were aware of you, and you of them.  It weighed on you, even in your own bed – the knowledge that maybe a half-dozen people were also trying to sleep, just a few feet away.

There was an art to forgetting.  To being alone in a crowd.  On a deep level, it was how you kept your sanity in a place like this.

Chloe was good at it.  She knew how to disappear into herself, become… well, not invisible.  But, apart from the world.  Kayla suspected it was a response to the way people always gawked at her.  Chloe was a breathtakingly beautiful, out-spoken Black woman.  She was the smartest person in her pre-med program, and not willing to hide it.  And of course, there were her giant tits to consider.

So yeah, people stared.

She had better control of those stares, now that she’d put on a little muscle.  But she was never going to completely avoid attention.  Chloe had always known how to let it bounce off her, though.  Remain unaffected, if not unbothered.

When the two of them were together, Kayla could feel herself entering a bubble of Chloe’s protection.  Like her girlfriend was taking her inside.  The world just dropped away when she was beside her.  Nobody, and nothing else, seemed to matter.

She held Chloe’s hand as they made their way home.  Even in a world with Abigail and Mackenzie – a pair of giants so big they defined reality as they moved through it – the lovers attracted attention.  People as tall as them were exceedingly rare, after all.  Chloe, nearly seven feet, and Kayla by this point in excess of nine.  Heads turned to follow, but they might’ve been on the far side of Mars for all it mattered.

To be fair, maybe it was less their height, and more that Kayla’s towel had long since served to be any sort of cover.  She wondered if there were exceptions to public decency laws when you were this big.  There was a good chance she was going to find out tonight – she’d been growing for over an hour now, and it hadn’t slowed down in the slightest.

“Do you want this to be a permanent thing?” Chloe asked.  It was the first either had spoken in many minutes.

“Do you mean our height?” Kayla asked.  “Or like.  Us?”

Her girlfriend gave her hand a little squeeze.  Kayla could actually feel Chloe getting smaller in her grasp as she continued to outgrow her.

They sidestepped a group of men on the corner, all talking at once, yelling in some foreign language.  The argument stopped while the women walked past.

“I didn’t plan it,” Kayla said.  “The thing with Lily – Lilith.”

“You don’t have to apologize.”

“Thanks.  But I don’t mean hooking up with her.  I’m talking about the part where I got so freaking huge.  I wanted a couple extra feet, to compete with you, and I went way overboard, but God!  You should’ve seen me, Klo!  You think Abigail was big?  Last night, I was bigger.  Like a whole lot bigger.”

“And it felt good,” her girlfriend said.  “Right?”

A commuter train sped by.  Both women turned their heads away, shielding themselves from the racket.

“It felt good,” Kayla admitted, when it had passed.  “And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“It’s going to be hard to give you a backrub when you’re that much bigger than me.”

“If you don’t want me that big then I won’t do it.  I’ll be small for you.  Or at least I’ll try.”

They walked on in silence.  The moon was close to full tonight.  You almost never noticed the moon in the city.

“Would you want to be big like that too?” Kayla asked suddenly.  “Like what if we both grew?”

Chloe looked up at her.  Beautiful, and adoring, but there was something about her smile she couldn’t place.  “But what if I ended up bigger than you?”

Kayla thought about it – really thought.

“It would be okay,” she said at last.  “Or maybe we could take turns being the bigger one.”


“Come on, Klo!  Tell me the idea doesn’t appeal to you!  The two of us!  And Abigail, and even Mackenzie maybe.  Towering over everything!  Lover-Goddesses of the city!”

Chloe laughed.  “But someone has to fit into the apartment.”

They’d arrived outside their building.  Kayla had lost track of just how much she’d been growing.  She peered suspiciously at the tiny door.  The crawl up the stairwell was going to suck.

“Hey, Klo?  How much of that growth stuff did you give me anyway?”

“Enough that you shouldn’t sleep indoors.  It’s okay.  Wait here a minute.”

Chloe went inside.  Kayla leaned against the side of the building, staring up at the sky.  The towel was absolutely useless now.  She let it fall, and enjoyed the sensation of rough brick sliding against her back as she continued to grow.  It felt nice.  Though as massages went, she’d have preferred Chloe and her bottle of baby oil any day of the week.

The moon was there, smiling at her kindly.  She smiled back.  She grew toward it, yet it didn’t seem any closer.

Her girlfriend returned, arms laden with blankets and pillows.  She offered Kayla a pair of pajamas.

The giantess pulled them on, only faintly surprised when they adjusted to fit.

“What’s the matter, sweet thing?” Kayla teased, as she got dressed.  “You decided you didn’t want to see me naked?”

“It’s cold out.”

It was.

The two of them walked together, Chloe leading the way toward a small city park.  She had Kayla lay out the blankets – which multiplied in size the moment the larger girl touched them.

They lay down together.  Kayla cradled her girlfriend against her chest, arm draped around her midsection.  Even at seven feet Chloe was less than half her height now, and Kayla was still growing.  By tomorrow, who knew how much bigger she’d be?  It was an exciting thought, but something about it made her worry, too.

“I care what you want,” Kayla whispered.

Chloe stirred.  She wrapped both arms around the Kayla’s giant forearm.  Hugged her.

“Is everything okay?  You seem really distant.”

“Sorry,” Chloe said.  “I’m thinking about a lot of things.  Did you mean it earlier?  When you said you loved me?”

Kayla smiled.  “Yeah.”

The tiny woman snuggled a little closer.  “I meant it too.”

A handful of frogs sang their nightsong from the copse of trees by the road.  A car drove by.  From off in the distance, someone laughed.

“I don’t know what you’re feeling right now,” Kayla whispered.  “But I like this.”

Chloe kissed her wrist.  It was a long time before she spoke.  “I’m sorry.  About the other morning.  I didn’t mean to scare you.  You’ve been having a hard time lately, and I wanted to help.  But I didn’t mean to make you feel weak.”

“I shouldn’t have run off like that.  You deserved an explanation.”

High overheard, a nighthawk screeched.  It flew in circles for a while, calling out to them, before it drifted off into the darkness.

Chloe sighed.  “But I don’t want to feel weak either.  Or useless.”

“Do I make you feel that way?”

“No.  Never.  I love being your little Klo-Bear.  And I would, no matter how big you got.  It’s… everything else.”

Kayla pulled the blanket up a little higher, shielding her increasingly small girlfriend from the city around them.

“Just because you’re strong,” Kayla whispered.  “That doesn’t mean I’m weak.  I’m sorry I forgot that.”

“Thanks.  That means a lot.”

Kayla swallowed.  “Hey.  Are we okay?”

Chloe rolled over, and wrapped her arms around the larger woman’s neck.  “Don’t run away again?”


They kissed.  Chloe was only about the length of her arm now, and Kayla had to be careful – but not because Chloe was delicate.  At her size, the bigger concern was kissing too hard, and pushing her away.

Yet even when she did, Chloe would just laugh, and climb back onto her chest for more.

“Hey,” Kayla breathed, when this had gone on for several minutes.  “I’m really glad we’re not fighting anymore.  And… if it would feel good, I’d like to touch you.  To be honest, it would make me feel better, too.”

Chloe grinned, and stroked Kayla’s cheek.  “Yeah.”

The giantess held the blanket while Chloe undressed, then helped her snuggle beneath, finding privacy down by her hip.

It was slow, and very quiet.  The noises Chloe made, tiny chirps and sighs as Kayla fingered her, became part of the city night.  She was gentle with her, right up until the end.  It was a pleasant reminder how much Chloe could take.  But by now, Kayla was far from surprised.

Kayla thought Chloe might return the favor when she’d finished.  But her girlfriend simply rolled over, gave her a tiny kiss on the stomach, and promptly went to sleep.

That was okay, Kayla thought.  Chloe had done so much for her today.  It felt good to give her something in return.

Besides – it wasn’t a gift if it had to be repaid.


~Height Update~


61’3”, 194,524 lbs; +35’8”, 180,349 lbs

BP: 90,690 lbs; + 84,081 lbs

"And the night is still young...."


"Sigh, still six-foot-nine."


16’3”, 4075 lbs; +12’4”, 4018 lbs

BP: 5442 lbs; +5366 lbs.

“Ask again tomorrow, sweet thing.”


50’0”, 123,660 lbs; + 39ft, 122,343 lbs

BP: 108,640 lbs, + 107,483 lbs

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