Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 36

 Author's Note: This chapter contains consensual BDSM activity.  No characters sustain serious injury.

Kayla’s Knockout

“I’d kill for one of those right now.”

The blue-haired woman beside her took a drag.  “No need.  If you phrase it as an order, I’ll be happy to share.  Mistress.”

“Nah.  I kicked the habit years ago.  Anyway, at my size?  I’d have to smoke your whole pack to feel anything.”

Kayla reclined against the wall of the Nickel.  The loading dock area was semi-private, shaded by surrounding buildings.  They built them tight in the old part of the city, and all the buildings seemed to be looming around like gossipy onlookers trying to overhear.  It was cozy.  She was the perfect height to sit on the service ramp, relax, and rest her head just beneath the rain gutter.

Lily sat on an elevated concrete walkway beside her, feet dangling above the pavement.  From the small collection of half-smoked cigarettes at her feet, she’d clearly been here a while.

“I was serious yesterday,” the witch said.  “When I called you the best Domme I can remember.”

Kayla looked at her blankly, letting the silence play out.

“So can we do that again?” Lily asked.

She grinned down at the smaller woman.  “Say please.  No.  How about, pretty please, with sugar on top.”

“God.  Is this all you want here?  To humiliate me?”

“Not just that,” Kayla admitted.  “But you don’t hate it, do you, Lily?”

The witch rubbed the side of her face, the blush rising in her cheeks.  For a woman with a reputation as a well-practiced liar, she had a marvelously expressive face.  Kayla watched the delicate interplay of emotions, as Lily wrestled with how to respond.

“No, ma’am,” she said, in a very small voice.

Kayla wasn’t quite as big as she’d been two nights ago – only in the thirty-foot range, she guessed.  But if she wanted, that was large enough to pick the little witch up in a single hand.  It would be so easy.  To lay the tiny thing across a thigh twice as thick as Lily’s hip, and give her the kind of punishment she so clearly desired.

She was sorely tempted.  The witch had made herself even smaller than the day they’d met – probably not more than four feet tall.  Besides that, her ass looked quite a bit rounder and fuller.  Grade-A spanking material if she’d ever seen it.  There was some serious bear-baiting going on here.  The sundress practically qualified as entrapment.

“Let me lay my cards on the table,” Kayla said at last.  “You make a fun toy.  And you’re a lot tougher than you look.  I like that.  It’d be entertaining to test the limits of what I can do, before you’d break for me.”

Lily looked up, her expression defenseless, and hopeful.  “You’d have to be a lot bigger and stronger than you are now.  To break me.  I can help with that, ma’am.  If you’ll let me.”

“You know, I just might be into that.  But we have to settle something first.   Because there are people in my romantic life who aren’t too happy with you right now.”

“I’ll make it up to Chloe,” Lily said at once.  “I can’t stop this game now, but it’s going to be over in like two days.  After that I’m happy to pay my penance, and in the meantime I’ll… fuck!  I’ll guarantee her safety.  Okay?  Yours, too.  It’s going to give me a huge handicap, but–”

“I wasn’t talking about Chloe,” Kayla interrupted.  “I meant my other partner.”

She watched the smaller woman work through the implications.  Eagerness, melting to indignation.

“You’re fucking Abigail.”

“Not yet,” Kayla said.  “But I want to, and so does she.  The three of us are meeting after her biology class to iron out the specifics.  But no matter what, Abigail is a friend of mine.  I think a reasonable thing to ask of a potential play partner is, don’t murder my friends.”

“I wasn’t going to murder her.”  Lily huffed, exhaling smoke through her nose.   “I mean she might wish I had but, holy shit Kayla, what do you think I am?”

“Very, very bad.  And in need of a punishment.”

The tiny woman looked conflicted.  Her expression flicked several times between flattered, and distressed.  Apparently unsure what to do with her hands, she fumbled another cigarette from her pack, and used the cherry from the previous to light the next.

“You’ve loved someone before,” the witch said, taking a drag.  “Right?”

“A few people.”

“And what do you do when someone hurts a person you love?  Or no.  When someone is about to hurt that person, so bad it’s going to bring their entire world crashing down?”

Kayla considered.  Lily’s cigarette smoke was really making her feel nostalgic.  The girl even smoked her old brand.

“Ask me a year ago and I would’ve said you hurt that person first.  Now?  I don’t know.  I’ve been lucky to have a good influence or two.  So I guess, be there for your friend when they’re hurt.  You ever think of trying that?”

Lily whirled, her face contorted with rage.  Ooh, Kayla had struck a nerve.

“I fucking well have,” the woman snarled.  “I’ve seen it happen to Eve fifty, or closer to a hundred times!  I’ve been there for her after each and every one.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to stand by and let her do this to herself?  This is killing her, Kayla!  It’s killing me!  So at what point does a pre-emptive strike become my only option?  At what point do I fight a war with her to end all wars?”

The blue-haired woman paused.  With a visible effort, she made herself relax.  “Look.  I get I’m the asshole.”

“Oh good, you’re self-aware.”

“But believe me when I say, I can’t back down.  Not when it’s this important.  This is for me, for Eve, for every member of my sisterhood.  I’ve got nothing against Abigail, personally.  I’m sure she’s a perfectly nice girl or whatever.  But she’s collateral damage.  If I have to hurt her to win this game, even ruin her life, sorry, not sorry.”

“And what the hell does winning this game even get you?”  Kayla was beginning to lose patience.  This meeting had been a bad idea.  “What could you possibly win that would be important enough to make me look the other way while you hurt Abby?”

The girl was silent for a long time.  Clearly debating whether, and how to answer.  When she finally replied, the words were almost too low to hear.

“Eve’s heart.”

Kayla lowered herself onto the concrete, and lay flat on her stomach.  She slid as close as she could to Lily, her chin almost touching the woman’s knees as she looked her in the eye.

“Eve’s heart.  I’m going to have to ask you to explain that one to me.”

“It’s complicated.  You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.”

Lily shifted uncomfortably as the giantess stared her in the face.  Kayla had her trapped now – both in the conversation, and physically.  Her giant body blocked the woman’s escape.

“Eve’s insanely powerful.  Okay?  But having that much power is dangerous.  Existentially dangerous, like an unsecured nuclear weapon.  Eve uses her power to break off a piece of herself and give it to everyone she meets – no matter how undeserving.  It’s reaching the point where soon, there aren’t going to be any pieces left.”

“And you fix that by putting Abigail through hell?  That’s stupid.  How is that supposed to change Eve’s mind?”

The woman’s expression hardened.  “Not her mind.  Her heart.  There are consequences to careless love, Kayla.  I’m going to make her understand that.  Even if I have to be those consequences.”

“Okay, now you lost me.  Your friend is about to get hurt – so you’re going to hurt her worse?

Lily scowled, turning away.  “I knew you wouldn’t understand.”

“Hmph.  Let me try.  Is it something like… ‘lie there, let me fix this for you?’  Because someone tried that on me recently?  It doesn’t work.”

The world seemed to darken.  “Oh no.  That’s how Eve solves problems.  What I’m talking about is taking her to boot camp.  She’s going to suffer.  But with my help, she’ll come out stronger on the other side.  A different, better person.”

“And I’ll say it again – that is a stupid plan.  I’ve met an ornery bitch or two in my time.  Eve isn’t going to submit to be trained by you.  She’ll fight you with everything she has.”

A look of anguish came over the smaller woman’s face.  “She’s not going to have anything.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning, when I’ve won this game, and her heart… she won’t have her powers.  Not until I give them back.  She’ll be compelled to do whatever I say.  What I have planned for her… it’s monstrous.  I didn’t want to play this rough – I thought I could smack a little sense into her and be done with it.  But things have changed in the last twenty-four hours.  And The Rules are in agreement with me on this.  Until she learns her lesson, and for her own good… she’ll be mine.”

“You’re talking about a twenty-four-seven power exchange dynamic, with a non-consenting partner, and no safe word?  Yeah.  We’re not going to be play partners.”

Lily leaned in, glaring savagely.  “I could make you.  You know that right?  If I decide to stop playing nice with you?  One word and I could have you on your knees.  You’d beg to do anything I asked.  It would be so, so easy.  At this point, it’s taking more effort to not do it.”

Kayla smirked.  “See I don’t think your rules would let you do that.  Or even if they did, Abby would fix it.  Eve made something – but that’s beside the point.  You’d manipulate me into Domming you?  You’ve said some stupid things in this conversation, but that’s the dumbest one yet.  That wouldn’t be power exchange.  You’d still be in control.  And you don’t strike me as the kind of woman who likes anything fake.”

The smaller woman massaged her temples.

“But I might agree to shove you against that wall and slap the shit out of you, for exactly one minute.  Use you like a tiny little stress toy, because after putting up with this, I fucking deserve it.  If.  You’ll tell me one more thing.”

Lily’s lips turned up in a crocodile smile.  “What do you want to know.  Mistress Kayla?”

Kayla gently took Lily by the arms – lifted her to her feet, made her walk backward, until she hit the brick wall behind.

The haughtiness instantly drained from the little witch.  She whimpered.

“How is your little game scored?  The one you’re playing with Eve.  How do you know who’s winning?”

Lily’s jaw dropped.  “Do you seriously not know that?  Like it’s not a secret.  Seriously.  I know Eve and The Rules don’t always get along, but she didn’t bother to find out something that basic?  I mean, what are you people even doing?”

Kayla reached out, and pressed her smallest finger against Lily’s breastbone.  With a gentle flick of her wrist, she shoved her against the wall, hard enough to make the mortar crack.

The tiny woman’s face twisted with pleasure.

“I’ll press harder,” Kayla purred.  “If you talk.  Otherwise….”

“It’s a popularity contest!” Lilith squealed.  “Hearts and minds!  Whoever can convince the most people their way is best, wins.  It’s totally not fair, Mackenzie’s already got an army of worshippers, and I can have a bigger one whenever I want, but I don’t make the rules, and I… no no no please!”

Kayla slowly relaxed her finger.

Lily looked up at her, desperate, panting.  Mascara ran from the corners of her eyes.  “You said you’d press harder.”

“Say that again.”

“Which part?  I’ll say whatever you want, just don’t stop.”


The tiny woman bit her lip.

When she spoke, it was softer than the breeze, lost beneath the low rumble of traffic out on the city street.  But Kayla read it on her lips, as clear and crisp as if she’d screamed it.

It took longer than sixty seconds before Kayla was satisfied.  She didn’t bother holding back.  Using open palms, then her fists, and finally the heel of her boot.  The tiny woman showed not the smallest sign of upset or injury as Kayla slammed her into the wall, down against the pavement.  The harder Kayla went, the more emphatically Lily screamed her approval.  She couldn’t tell, for certain.  But she guessed the witch got off three or four times, before Kayla had enough.

Lily lay on the concrete, gasping for breath.  Her sundress torn to shreds, a look of bliss on her face.

“Don’t stop,” she breathed.  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop Mistress, please….”

Kayla rolled her into a spread-eagle position, and stared down into her eyes.

“If you’re planning to dedicate yourself to training Eve.  Like, all day, every day, controlling everything about her.  Then how do you expect to find time to get your ass beat?  When do you get to have a Mistress of your own, Lily?”

The woman squeezed her eyes shut, her head turning away.  

“I don’t,” she husked.  “I’m giving this up, for her.  So just ten more seconds.  Please.”

Kayla stood, and dusted off her jeans.  She had to turn sideways to fit through the alley and out onto the street.  It was almost noon, and the sunlight was dazzling after her time in the dark.

She felt dirty.  Just a little.  But fuck, that was really fun, and now her panties were soaked.  She suddenly wished Chloe had left her a change of underwear.  But a little discomfort was well worth the price.  She couldn’t wait to tell Abby what she’d learned.

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