Friday, July 12, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 37

Mackenzie’s Mansion

Most of the little ones were still asleep.  Mackenzie could feel several of them on her body, each one about seven or eight inches tall to her way of thinking.  Two were curled up at the base of her ribs, and one in the snug valley between her breasts.  There was another resting beside her hip.  A lot of trust that one placed in her – or perhaps you called it faith – that she wouldn’t roll over in the night.

And then there was Luis.  Still dozing with his head on her inner thigh, the palm of her hand covering the lower half of him protectively.  It was hard to pick out individual features at his size, but Mackenzie was about ninety percent sure the little bump against her index finger was his cock.

She smiled to herself.  Lou always had the most magnificent morning wood.  He was great sleepover material, if you didn’t mind a little lost shut-eye.  In her book, he was always worth it.

Or, she supposed he was.  Back when the two of them were closer in height.  It was a little disconcerting – her lack of specific memories about a time when she was small.  But she had a strong feeling this had happened.  Of Luis waking her with a hand on her thigh, rolling her over.  Stroking her into eagerness as he climbed atop her.  His morning breath was practically Pavlovian, making her salivate for him as surely as the ringing of a bell.

She really did like Luis.

By her count, four other little ones on her body were already awake, and diligently trying to please her.  She wondered if they’d been at it all night.  One was standing behind her neck, massaging with both hands just beneath her ear.  One worked her right shoulder.  And two others attempted what felt like a shiatsu against her inner thigh, but of course the effect was somewhat diminished considering she was fifty feet tall.  She blessed them for their efforts all the same.

She assessed her situation carefully, hesitant to move with all the little ones balanced upon her naked body.  She’d been sleeping on an oversized futon, tucked in the corner of the massive spa room.  Mackenzie supposed Lilith had carried her here, after she’d fallen asleep in the sauna.  She remembered the little dears doing their best to please her for quite some time before she passed out.

Her Mistress had thought to provide her with a light blanket.  But not, apparently, to set the room to a more appropriate size for Mackenzie – or to turn off the overhead lights, and the harsh neon signs behind the bar.  She felt a childhood aversion to the waste of energy, but then, this was Lilith’s house.  For all she knew, everything here ran on magic.

Mackenzie roused herself slowly.  Making sure all the little ones knew it was time to wake up, that the ground was about to move beneath them.  She plucked them up one by one, and set them on the giant futon beside her.  She hadn’t had a chance to learn most of their names yet.  But it turned out the one massaging her neck was Angie.  The poor girl looked exhausted, as though she’d put in an extra bit of effort in the hopes Mackenzie would remember her.

“You’ve all done a wonderful job,” Mackenzie told them, remembering Lilith’s advice to appreciate those who worshiped you.  “That’s all I need from you for now.”

Most of them looked grateful, even relieved.  A few seemed disappointed, as though they wanted to go on pleasing her until they collapsed.  Angie was one of those.

“Really now.  It’s time to let me provide for you.  You all must be hungry, and thirsty.  Let me see if I can find something.”

Food was the easy part.  There was a pre-made charcuterie board that looked like it had come from an upscale grocery chain, sitting on a nearby table where Mackenzie was sure to notice it.  Like everything else in the room, it appeared double its normal size to her – an absolute feast of crackers, cheese, and artisanal lunch meat.

This had to be a gift from Lilith.  Mistress was so thoughtful.

It took her a few minutes to unwrap the plastic.  The enormous tray was heavily shrink-wrapped, and nearly the size of a manhole cover.  Working with it made her feel disconcertingly small.  Such a strange feeling, being in this room.  Towering over the little ones, knowing intellectually she was gigantic.  But this space was meant for Lilith, and Lilith was so much bigger.

She spread the somewhat melted cheese on a palm-sized cracker, added a bit of meat.  She fed herself quickly, then delivered the remainder of the bounty to the little ones.  They greedily attacked the massive tray.

While they ate, she went to find something for them to drink.  She was too small to reach the sink behind the bar, but there was a mini-fridge on the floor, and it opened easily enough.  There were a few cans of sparkling water.  She gathered them in her arms.  On her way back, she passed the door to the main house.  She was gratified to see the knob wasn’t too high – just above the level of her shoulder.  She could probably open it if she needed.  At least she wasn’t trapped here.

Best to wait for her Mistress, though.

Mackenzie struggled with how to provide drink to her little ones – it wasn’t like there were cups small enough.  She ended up inverting the plastic tray cover from the charcuterie board and dumping a whole can inside, making a lake for them.  It was interesting to see their various strategies.  Some dropped to their knees to drink.  Others dipped in hands, brought cupped palms to their mouths, and lapped in a decidedly animal fashion.  However they did it, they were getting sticky.  She’d have to give them a bath before she let them touch her again.

It wasn’t easy, providing for the little ones in a house so big.  But they were her responsibility, and there was no one here to help.  It was satisfying, on a deep level.  There was something about it that felt familiar, too.  Fending for herself in a place that was far too large for her, while waiting for someone big to come home.  It felt like a game she might’ve played, a long time ago.

This new version had a decidedly adult flavor though.  She liked it that way.  She wasn’t dressed, and neither were any of the little ones.  They paused occasionally in nourishing themselves to look up at her, desire and longing practically dripping from them.  And her body responded to that kind of attention in the way it always had.

Hm.  She could probably rinse them in the hot tub.  Get them clean and ready for her.  If Lilith didn’t come home for a while, she’d get to have some fun with them.  And if her Mistress did return?  All the better.

She started to plan, deciding where and how she’d let them resume their worship.  There were twelve of them gathered around Lake La Croix, each about the length of her hand.  That allowed for some rather delightful possibilities.  Especially if she told them how to coordinate.  Last night, she’d allowed them to do as they pleased.  After Lilith’s instruction on how a proper goddess should behave, Mackenzie felt confident she could provide a little divine instruction.

But, only twelve?  That meant one was missing.  She searched, not wanting to leave any of her flock behind.  And spied him.  The blonde one, that Mistress had favored.  Sitting by himself, little legs dangling off the edge of the futon.

“What’s the matter, little guy?  Not hungry?  You really should eat something.  You need your strength.”

It startled her when he responded.  She’d almost forgotten they could talk.

“Do you know why she chose me?”

Mackenzie padded over, and sat on the floor in front of him, bringing herself to his level.

“What’s your name, sweetie?”

The tiny man met her eye for a moment.  Then shyly looked away.  “Sam.”

“Well, Sam.  I don’t pretend to understand my Mistress.  But she knows what she wants, better than anyone I’ve ever met.  If Lilith picked you, it’s because she saw something special in you.”

He looked at her dreamily.  “Lilith.  Is that her name?”

“You’re really crazy about her, aren’t you?”

Sam nodded sheepishly.

Mackenzie reached out.  Very carefully, she slipped her smallest finger under his chin.  Lifted, and made her look him in the eye.

“Sam.  You’re special.”

She watched the effect her words had on him.  The look of joy, the shining wet of his eyes.

“Not everyone can be special the way I am.  Or the way Lilith is.  Believe me, it’s a burden.  But you can be special, too.  Even as small as you are.  Maybe last night was all you’ll ever get from her.  One moment of favor.  But that… that can be enough.”

Mackenzie had to pause for a moment.  Forming words was suddenly hard, and she had to fight to keep her happy smile.

“When someone like that chooses you, even for a moment, it’s a gift.  Carry it with you always.  Okay?”

He nodded.  And kissed the tip of her finger.

“But what was it?” Sam asked.  More emphatically this time.  “What makes me special?  Specifically?”

The others were gathering.  The naked little crowd, congregating around them.

One of them cleared his throat.  Luis.  “Um.  Goddess Mackenzie.  You think I’m special too, right?”

There was a general murmur.  All of them wanting an answer to that question, now.

“Of course!  Of course I do!”  Mackenzie panicked briefly as they all stared up at her.  “Sam, I promise you’re special.  I don’t know what Lilith saw in you – she works in mysterious ways.  But Luis!  I know why you’re special.  You were always such a generous lover.  And I adored how tall you were back when, I mean before I… oh never mind.  And you – sorry sweetie, I don’t know your name – but you’ve got such an amazing ass, I swear on everything holy it makes even me jealous.  And you there, I felt you on my toe last night, you did something amazing, and um, Cheryl was it, you… um, what’s everyone staring at?”

They were all looking at her with wonder – as though their goddess had performed a miracle.  The crowd circled, gathered around a handful of members.

The ones Mackenzie had called out, and praised.

The giantess reached out, shoved them aside so she could see.  And gasped.

Luis, formerly among the tallest of the group, was a head shorter than the little ones around him.  And the girl with the awesome ass was suddenly flat as a washboard.  Both looked up at her with the same expression of vacant awe.

Intellectually, Mackenzie knew she had this power.  She had stolen height from Kayla, and far more than that from Abigail.  Or at least, people had told her so.  It was easy to overlook, when her memories reshaped themselves each time it happened.  So hard to face what she had done to her friends.

But this time, no one’s memories had changed.  Everyone – including Mackenzie herself – knew what she had done.

It was Angie who stepped forward.  Approaching her bravely, fists balled at her side.

“I saw you grow,” the little woman said.  “You stole that height from Luis.  I bet your ass got rounder too, when you made Eliza look like that.  Is this… what it means, when you say we’re special?  Are we only here so you can take something from us, to make yourself even greater?”

Mackenzie opened her mouth.  She had no words.

Angie slowly lifted her arms above her head.  In a sinuous flow, she dropped to her knees, and prostrated herself before her goddess.

“What makes me special?” she groaned.  “Mackenzie.  Please tell me.  Take whatever you want!”

There was a clamor as the crowd rushed forward.  Jumping, waving their arms.  Begging for Mackenzie to accept their offerings.

What could she do?  The burden of a goddess was heavy.  But she was destined to carry it.

One had really nice shoulders.  Another, some absolutely spectacular tits.  Almost all were on the tall side, and she told them so.  Now that she was attuned to it, she could feel the changes.  Each added so very little to her magnificence.  At her scale, a few inches, or even feet, hardly mattered.  But it added up quickly.  She could actually see the room shrinking around her.

Shrinking… really really fast.  In moments it was nearly the right size for her again.

Wait, there was no way she was growing that fast.  Her little throng of worshipers couldn’t have given her more than a dozen feet, collectively.  It wasn’t just that she was growing.  The room was shifting, reorganizing itself around her.

She understood, when she saw the woman in the doorway.  The same size as her, and giving her the proudest look she’d ever seen on her beautiful face.

“And that,” Lilith said.  “Is why I chose you.  Mackenzie.  You’re worthy.”

Mackenzie ran to her.  She threw herself into Lilith’s arms, hugged her with all her might.  Rained kisses all over the gorgeous woman’s face.

Lilith allowed it to go on for a time – then gently disengaged herself.

“I’m a little sore at the moment,” she confessed.  “Maybe go easy on me, yeah?”

“Oh.  Sorry.”  For the first time Mackenzie noticed the state of the woman.  Her dress was absolutely torn to shreds.  She was covered in dirt, and her hair was a mess.  “What happened, Mistress?”

Lilith smiled serenely.  “Something wonderful.  But the important part is, I got some extremely valuable intel.  You have an appointment with your friends later this afternoon.  We can put that other witch in her place, once and for all.”

“Oh!  That’s wonderful news, Mistress!  What do you need from me?”

Lilith pointed to the tinies.  “Finish with them first.  They still have more to give, and you should never turn down devotion when it’s offered so freely.  Then join me in the hot tub.  Bring the blonde one when you come.  I have a hell of a kink in my neck.”

Mackenzie did as she was told.  Praising her little worshipers, until each in turn collapsed under the weight of her attention, minuscule and spent.  Only Sam was spared.  His devotion, reserved for Lilith.

She delivered him to his Mistress, and climbed into the hot tub.  It was a little cramped now - her knees stuck out of the water.  And Mistress looked downright petite.

The woman relaxed beside her, as Sam began his worship.  Throwing his naked body against Mistress’s neck and shoulders, moaning in ecstasy.

“Now listen carefully,” Lilith said – slurring her speech slightly, as Sam massaged her.  “This will be your last trial, and it will be a hard one.  A Goddess must learn to make sacrifices, as well as accept them.  But I believe in you now, Mackenzie.  You’ve proven your worth, and you won’t let me down.  To show you how much faith I have in you?  I’m going to give you your reward in advance.  As soon as he’s done with me?  Mistress is going to give you the biggest reward of your entire life.”

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