Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 39

Three Giantesses Have a Boundary Conversation Then Fuck in the Woods, Pt. 1

Kayla and Chloe were both enormous – taller than the majority of campus buildings, and so big that none of their normal-sized classmates came much past their shins.  Abigail had once thought the two of them made a good pair, back when Kayla was more than a head taller, and far more athletic than Chloe.  They were almost exactly the same height now, and there was less juxtaposition in their body types – except that Kayla’s muscularity was more lean, and Chloe’s dramatic and bulky like an Olympic powerlifter.

As far as Abby was concerned, they were still made for each other.  Though even as big as they were, neither was even a third of her height.

“Afternoon, ladies,” she called, still lounging between her two little boy toys.  “I see you’ve both done some growing.  Hope you don’t mind that I did the same.”

Kayla sighed, and shook her head.  “I should’ve known.  God damn it, and I was really looking forward to making some short jokes.”

“Not today, I’m afraid.  Oh, I wanted to introduce you.  Kayla, Chloe.  This is Dylan – the junior-petite in the baggy clothes.  And Elijah.  Elijah, I think you’ve met Chloe before.”

“Hm,” he said.  “I’m pretty sure I’d remember that.  I have a good memory for muscle-people.  I would totally have asked about your routine, your rest day schedule, where you source your protein.  Like, you’re an absolute beast.  In a good way.  I mean.  Uh.  Sorry.  I ramble when I’m intimidated.”

Chloe shifted uncomfortably.  “Um.  Thanks.  It’s a recent lifestyle choice.”

Elijah snapped his fingers.  “No yeah I totally remember you.  Brunch, right?  You were the shy girl.”

Dylan poked him in the ribs.  “I’m sure there’s more to her than that.”

“Oh yeah, she’s also huge!”

“That’s not better.”

“How is it not better?  It’s three things!”

“And how would you like it if I said you were just, ‘that cute himbo who’s always talking about animals?’”

“Oh geez.  You think I’m cute?”

“You’re both cute,” Abigail said.  She turned to her giant friends.  “Still want to have that conversation?”

“Yes please,” Chloe said.  “There’s a forest preserve, out on the west end of town.  It’s a really nice one.  I know a place we can get a little privacy.”

“Amen to that.  It’s fun being such a big deal, but I don’t need the details of our love life to make national news.”

Kayla harrumphed.  “If you didn’t want the attention, how come you got so big?”

Abigail put the back of her hand to her forehead, sighing dramatically.  “Oh my!  It’s a modern-day parable of hubris and ironic consequences.  Next thing you know, everything I touch will be turning to gold, and my wings will melt in the sun.  Speaking of things I want to touch, and make melt….”

Chloe laughed at this – hard enough that she needed to put her hands on her knees, gasping and wheezing as tears streamed down her face.  The whole campus stopped to stare.

“It wasn’t that funny,” Kayla said.

Her giant friend was still chuckling as they made their way to the nearest plaza.

The street was wide enough that her two smaller friends could walk shoulder to shoulder in front of her.  It was nice, having a flying wing of valkyries announcing her presence.  Neither of them was much taller than her knee.  Yet if any normal-sized person felt bold enough to cause trouble, the two girls would be all the muscle she needed.

Though it didn’t seem likely they’d meet resistance on that front.  On the contrary, people were running from their houses, hurrying in from side streets, leaning out of office windows to watch as the three giant women passed.

Chloe seemed to enjoy this.  She returned waves, paused here and there to curtsy.  She even blew the occasional kiss.  Kayla, on the other hand, was much more reserved.  She might’ve come off as cold, even arrogant, but that wasn’t right.  It was closer to say that she looked comfortable in her own skin – and perhaps that she had other things on her mind.

Chloe led them to a large park, and to a quiet place beside the river.  A low-lying flood plain was barely visible from the main trail, covered in reedy grasses.  Kayla signaled one of the copters, and gave the pilot very explicit instructions: to make sure any hikers who wanted to join them should mind their own damn business.

The ground was a little muddy.  But the grass was soft, and sprung up again the moment they lifted their feet.  There was a ripple of movement off in the distance.  A herd of deer had spooked as the giant women approached.  The tiny things bounded into the nearby forest, their flight poetry in motion.  A surly-looking coyote trotted after them, on its way to find a less noisy place to sleep.

Abigail sat in the grass.  Her friends elected to stand.  If she leaned down a little, the three of them were all on the same level.  Equals.

“Thing one,” Kayla began.  “I met with Lilith this morning.”

Chloe and Abigail shared a look.

“Isn’t that a bit dangerous?” Abigail asked.

“It was a good risk.  I’m not a critical piece in this game – if she took me out, it wouldn’t matter that much.”


“Besides, I’m pretty sure she’s no threat to me, what with those rules.  She mostly just wanted to convince me to Dom her again.  She’s so thirsty for it, she leaked information like a sponge.  This game they’re playing?  The stakes are crazy-high.  And I found out how they keep score, too.  Lilith said it’s, ‘hearts and minds.’”

“Interesting,” Chloe mused.  “But not very specific.  Do you have any idea what it means?”

Abigail cleared her throat.  “Hey guys?”

The smaller women turned.

“This is incredibly important, and I want to hear it all.  But I want to point out, we were supposed to talk about relationship stuff yesterday – and instead we discussed our two favorite witch-sisters, until we ran out of time.  We could’ve talked about it on Wednesday too, if magic stuff hadn’t complicated things.  I don’t want to keep putting this off.  If I’m the team captain, I’m deciding you two are my highest priority.”

Kayla gave her a proud smile.  “Alright, I can accept that.  Let’s start here then.  I’ve been involved in a few polyamorous dynamics.  How about you two?”

They shook their heads.

“That’s what I thought.  So, there are a lot of different models we could try.  I don’t think we’re talking about an exclusive triad – Abigail, you’re sleeping with Eve.  Right?”

“Right?” Chloe echoed excitedly.

“Um.  Yeah.”  The giantess hugged herself uncomfortably.  “And… also Dylan.  And I’m pursuing Elijah.  And kinda-maybe Mackenzie, once we figure out the whole mind control thing?  Is that too many people?”

“Hm.”  Kayla scratched her chin.  “You were single last week.  In the polyamory circles I used to run with, we called that, ‘being in frenzy.’”

“That’s bad.  Right?”

“It’s not necessarily bad.  It happens when people explore poly for the first time.  Everything feels good, so you want to do everything.  It puts a heavy burden on you to be extra-considerate of all your partners.  Otherwise, people get hurt.”

Abigail sat up a little straighter.  “Okay.  Yeah.  That’s valid.”

“Abby’s my best friend,” Chloe said.  “She wouldn’t hurt us.”

“This is all new to me,” Abigail confessed.  “But I promise, I’m not going to let these other relationships be a problem.  I’m not looking to break any hearts here.  Not yours, or Eve’s, or anyone’s.  Okay?”

Kayla was silent for a very long time.  Her expression was hard to read, but Abigail got the impression she was struggling with whether to bring up a difficult topic.  Finally, she sighed.  “I’m checking with my feelings, and I think it’s worth the risk – provided we carve out explicit time, just for us.  I don’t want to feel like you’re too busy for me.  And everyone involved needs regular STI testing.”

“I’m fine with that,” Abigail said.  “Though it makes me wonder if witches can even get those kinds of diseases.”

“I wonder if we can at this size,” Chloe added.  “I also have doubts about whether traditional lab tests would work on us.  And for the record, I’m not considering dating anyone other than you two.”

Kayla nodded.  “That’s fine, Klo.  If you change your mind, we can always discuss it later.  Next problem though, and this might be a deal-breaker.  I’m strongly considering having Lilith as a play partner.”

“Wow,” Abigail said.  “That’s a… strong choice.  You do remember she kidnapped you, right?”

“She didn’t.  I went willingly.”

“She tricked Mackenzie into shrinking you.”

“Which saved me from being stuck in her front room, and you’re bigger than Mackenzie now, so what’s it matter?”

Abigail began to tick items off on her fingers.  “She hypnotized our friend, made her do awful stuff to me, is even now actively trying to harm Eve….”

Chloe stepped between them, holding up her hands.  Damn, her arms were fucking huge when she flexed.  It worked wonders getting their attention.

When silence had fallen, Chloe turned to Kayla.  “You know everything Abby is saying is true.  Can you tell us why you still want to play with Lilith?”

“Because she needs a friend.”

Abigail snorted.

Chloe shushed her.

“I think she was honest with me,” Kayla said.  “Earlier today.  Like.  More than she planned.  What she’s done to you, and is planning to do to Eve, is deeply fucked.  But I think it’s because she’s backed into a corner.  People don’t fight that way when they feel strong.  They do it when they’re afraid.  I’ve been there.”

“Are you saying you can fix her?”

“Absolutely not.  I’m saying I can do more good if I stay close.  That – and apologies in advance for the overshare?  Holy shit, you have no idea how fun it is to get rough with her.  Chloe, I love you dearly, but I’ve been sorely missing having an impact bottom in my life.”

“I know,” Chloe said quietly.  “I wish I could, I’m a baby about pain.”

“And don’t look at me,” Abigail said.  “Letting you Dom me sounds intriguing, what with Lilith’s ringing endorsement and all, but I’m not trying to get beat up for fun.  Besides, I haven’t been able to stop feeling top energy since I got big enough for anyone to take me seriously.”

Kayla gave her a weak smile.  “Does that mean we’re still negotiating a relationship?”

Abigail indulged in the most drawn out, overly dramatic sigh to pass her lips since her sixteenth birthday.  “Yes.  We’re still negotiating.  There’s a Machiavellian logic to you being with Lilith.  Keep your enemies close, and all that.  Just know, if she hurts you?  Like, non-consensually?  I’m coming for her.”

“Abigail would be the least of her worries,” Chloe added.  “All the magic in the world won’t save her from me.  I’ll break her in half like a Kit Kat Bar.”

Abigail whistled.  “Damn Klo, what’s got into you?”

Chloe blushed slightly, but her expression didn’t change.

“Anyway,” Abby said.  “I respect you enough to trust your instincts on this.  Just be careful.”

Her muscular little friend grinned.  “Say more.”

“About how we’d hurt her?”

“No.”  Kayla smirked.  “About how you respect me.”

Abigail reached out, and rested her fingertip on the tiny woman’s shoulder.  “I’ve always respected you.  How good you are for Chloe.  How caring you are, how hard you work for her.  The way you own your damage, and a little of everyone else’s, too.  Plus you’re really fucking hot, Kayla.  The mega-fit look was always amazing on you.  It’s somehow even better when you’re tiny like this – relatively, I mean.  It makes me want to just… squeeze you all over.  Feel up your biceps, those hard little thighs.  It’s all I can do to keep my hands off you right now.”

“Who said you have to?”

Abigail gave her smaller friends a significant look.  “Is there anything left to decide?  Everyone feel comfortable?”

Chloe raised her hand.  “A question.  Not that I mind you being this much bigger than us.  It’s… the opposite, at least right now.  But are you planning to stay this big forever?  It might make some, um, physical things… a little challenging.”

“What things, Chloe?” Abigail said.  Leaning in over the little woman.  “Be specific.”

Chloe smiled sheepishly, and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.  God.  She was unfairly adorable when she got shy like that.  It made her want to snuggle her like a stuffed animal.

“I’m kind of living in the moment,” Abigail said.  “Where my size is concerned.  But I do have news.  I asked Eve to make more growth potion.  So if the two of you want to get bigger?  I guess even… bigger than me?  You can.”

The little ladies exchanged a surprised look.

“I have to admit, I’m missing Abby-classic,” Kayla said.  “I liked a lot of stuff about you before?  But there was something hot about just like.  Towering over you.”

“Yeah,” Chloe breathed.

Her friends stared at her thoughtfully.  There was something dangerous, and smoldering in that look.  And – oh hey – the butterflies were back.

“Hey, Abby?” Kayla purred.  “You said you haven’t been able to stop feeling top energy.  Can I interpret that as a challenge?”

Abigail blinked.  “I mean….”

“I think we can take her, Klo.  Both of us, how strong we are?  Want to give it a shot?”

Chloe grinned.  It was a surprisingly evil expression, on her otherwise innocent face.

“Yeah.  Let’s fricking do this.”

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