Friday, July 5, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 34

 Chapter art credit to @Soft_Paints~

Abigail’s Addiction

For the life of her, Abigail wasn’t sure if she’d slept at all.  Everything about this night felt like a lucid dream, drifting seamlessly from one vignette to the next.  She may have dozed a few times as Eve lay beside her, taking comfort in the woman’s presence, and the sound of her breathing.

Sometimes they talked low about nothing in particular, the way you did after lights out at summer camp when you’d made a new friend.  Abigail thought she might have dreamed some of these conversations.  It was hard to tell which.

Other times they moved together, hot and frenetic.  Screaming, howling, as they experimented with all the ways they fit together.

There were always new possibilities – as Abigail slowly outgrew her lover.

It was getting mighty easy to throw the little witch around.  Abigail tried to be respectful and not abuse her size.  But Eve’s head didn’t even come up to her navel anymore, and it was terribly easy to overpower her, even accidentally.

And when she remembered Eve was still fifty feet tall, the same size as Mackenzie?  Mackenzie, who had been so big the previous day that Abigail was completely insignificant in her shadow?  Well.  It was no wonder she couldn’t keep her hands off the woman.  The power trip was such a fucking turn-on.

She had Eve laying on top of her now, as the early light of morning streamed in around the blackout curtain.  Abigail supposed you called this a sixty-nine, but that implied a certain amount of symmetry, and Eve was really too small for that.  Not unless Abby wanted to risk some serious neck strain.  So she let the fifty foot giantess lap away between her legs, and contented herself to lazily fingering her little love.  Even after all these hours, the woman was absurdly wet.  She could feel Eve dripping freely onto her chest.  Abigail’s first two fingers felt like they might be permanently pruned.

Would it be rude to ask if Eve was keeping herself magically lubricated?  It seemed like it would be rude.

The pint-sized witch was well-versed in Abigail’s rhythms and preferences by now.  She clearly knew the exact sequence of sensation to get her off whenever she pleased, no matter her size, with or without empathy powers.  It was exquisite.  The way she followed the flow of Abigail’s desire, waited for the ideal moment.  And caught her between breaths at the precise instant Abby needed her most.

She cried out, her voice raspy from a long night of love-making.  She arched.  Then lay back.

And once again, the witch appeared to dwindle in the aftermath.  Their mutual desire feeding Abigail another spurt of growth.

Abigail grinned, still fingering the ever-smaller woman toward her own release.

“And how big am I now, Eve?”

Eve laughed weakly, and mumbled something too low to hear.

“Say again, sweetie?”

The witch lifted her head.  Eyes closed, smiling.  “I never meant to make such an addict of you.”

Abigail watched the play of sensations across the woman’s face.  The tension at her forehead.  The round shape of her mouth, as she drew closer.  You had to be quiet to catch it, but Eve had a tell.  She always exhaled in a lovely staccato, just before she came.  A mouse’s sigh, played in break-beat.  Abigail intensified her efforts, then worked the tiny woman through her release.

Once again, they passed together into quiescence.

Eve clung to her.  Her face, a portrait of contentment.

“Do you really think I’m addicted?” Abigail asked, after a time.

The witch stirred.  “I was teasing.  Sorry.”

Abigail stared at the ceiling.  Someone else had accused her of being an addict, just recently.  She thought about it, her dopamine-saturated brain reluctant to consider anything unpleasant.

Oh.  It was Mackenzie.  She’d called her an addict – to growth, or was it to Eve?  It was a vague accusation, and bullshit besides.  A lie Lilith had told her.  But there was a little hurt at the core of it, that warned her Mackenzie wasn’t entirely wrong.

Eve lifted her head.  “You’re upset.  Was it something I said?”

“No.  Just.  Well.  Are you sure your powers aren’t actually addictive?  You have the ability to give people whatever they want.  Doesn’t that like… go to people’s heads?”

The witch sat up beside her.  Just over half her size now, she pulled her knees to her chest, and stared off into the distance.  Her long black hair pooled on the bed, curling prettily around her waist.  Her expression was calm, but thoughtful.  The dim light of the coming morning shone on part of her face, leaving the rest in darkness.

Later, Abigail would always remember her like this.

“People are happier, after they meet me.  They need me, and they call, and I come into their lives.  I remind them that they are good, and worthy.  I prove it to them – not just by giving them what they need.  Sometimes by being what they need.”

“And what about what you need?”

Eve laughed, shaking her head.  “You’re the first person outside my sisterhood who’s ever asked me that.”

“That’s terrible!  Eve, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.  Really.  Before I met you, I always said I didn’t need anything.  That I was happy just to give, to be a light for someone else.  The fact that you care enough to give me some of your light, in turn?  I can’t say how much it means to me.”

“But as to your question,” Eve went on.  “Whether it’s addictive, to keep getting what you want?  I can’t say.  I’ve never given someone this much before, or been with someone this long.  It’s always been a touch, a nudge in the right direction.  A single bottle of potion.  A quick taste of my magic.  A night together, if the spirit moves us.  But once that’s over, well… the world is full of people who need me.  I can hear them calling even now.”

Abigail suddenly felt sick to her stomach.  “Are you saying you’re going to leave me when this is over?  To help those other people?”

Eve chewed her fingernail.  “You make me so happy I can hardly believe I deserve it.  But they need me too, and I can’t ignore that.”

Abigail took Eve by the shoulders, turning the smaller woman to face her.  “But I need you!  And I think you need me, too.  You don’t have to belong to the world, Eve.  It’s big enough to take care of itself.  You’re allowed to be selfish, to make a choice for your own needs.”

“Am I the one being selfish?  What if you’re just addicted?”

It took Abigail a moment to respond.  It felt like the woman had punched her in the gut.

“Maybe I am,” she said.  “Maybe I’m drunk on your magic, addicted to all this size you’re giving me, and not thinking straight.  But I know how I feel about you.  What I’m saying… Eve, I mean, I….”

The witch gave her a shy look.  “I know what you’re about to say.”

Abigail slapped herself in the forehead.  “God damn it, that isn’t fair!”

“I love you, too.”

“Fucking… Eve!”

“But I’m not the only one you love,” the witch said.  “Would you give them up?  For me?”

The question took her aback.  Depending on how you defined ‘love,’ there really were a lot of people Eve could mean.  It was weird to think she’d been single just a week ago.

There was Chloe – she didn’t even have to think whether ‘love’ applied, she was head-over-heels for the girl.  Kayla.  That was new, but promising.  She felt terrible she hadn’t even had a chance to talk out their relationship yet, things kept getting in the way.  Then there was Dylan.  He was incredibly special to her.  He made her feel powerful in a way nothing else had, not even growing to tower over the city.  She cherished him, she really did, but holy shit he was so young, that was going to be complicated.  And Mackenzie – damn it, she had to figure out how she felt about her, too.  The girl had propositioned her a couple times now, and it definitely stirred something.  And she’d licked Abigail’s ear, right in front of all those people!  Fuck!  It should’ve been awkward, but she didn’t hate it, didn’t hate it at all.  And how had she forgotten about Elijah!?  She hadn’t thought about him all day.  He’d been so sweet to her when she was lost and small.  Who knew where she would be if he hadn’t been so perfectly him, right when she needed him most.  Even with everything else going on, her feelings for him hadn’t diminished in the slightest.

She didn’t want to choose.  She wanted them all.  And Eve too, but there were only so many hours in the day.

It occurred to her: if she was an addict, it wasn’t to Eve’s magic.  She was addicted to something else.  It was tempting to think she could satisfy that addiction by getting bigger, that if there were simply more of her, that she would be enough for everyone.  She was smart enough to know better.

Eve was looking at her sadly.  “You’re doing what makes you happy.  Even if, deep down, it hurts.  Abigail.  I wouldn’t ask you to give up any of them.  Not a single one.  But please don’t ask me to give up what makes me happy, either.  Satisfying the wants, of all the people who need me?  It hurts, sometimes.  But it’s who I am.”

“I just don’t want to lose you.  Or see you suffer.”

Eve slid closer, and took Abigail’s hand in both her smaller ones.  “I don’t want to lose you, either.  I’ve lost so many people.  But it’s okay.  They’re happier because they knew me.  I’m happy for them, too.  Maybe that’s enough.”

“You don’t miss them?”

Eve sniffed.  Tears began to stream down the smaller woman’s face.

“I miss all of them.”

They sat together like that.  On the street far below, the city was waking up.  When Abigail went out there, all of it would be at her feet.  She didn’t care about that now.  How big she was, the friend she had to rescue.  She just wanted to stay here with Eve.  But the sky was getting brighter by the minute, and the woman beside her couldn’t stop time, no matter how much they desired it.

“One day more,” Abigail sighed.  “Another day, another destiny.”

The tiny giantess gave her a curious look.

“It’s from a musical.  A really melodramatic one.”

“Do you want to tell me about it?”

“Not really.”

Eve cuddled, cat-like, into her lap.

Abigail pet her hair, running the tips of her fingers along the line of Eve’s scalp.  Stroking over her shoulders, down her back.

“Maybe you’d like it, though,” Abigail said.  “It’s practically designed to make emo kids cry.  All, ‘how do I live when we are parted,’ and ‘tomorrow you’ll be worlds away.’”

“It doesn’t have to be tomorrow yet.”

They lay down together.  Abigail pulled the smaller woman in close.  Her eyes suddenly felt so heavy.  Sleep would mean less time with the woman she loved.  But even if the world outside would consider her a goddess, in truth, she was still a human, with human needs.

A goddess, though.  That was an enticing thought.  How tall was she, anyway?  She’d never got an answer.

“I’ll tell you if you want,” Eve said, picking up on the emotion.

“That’s okay.  I do have a request though.”


“Would you be bigger than me again?”

Eve kissed her.  Slowly, the woman grew.  Embracing her as she did, closing the space between them, pushing herself in closer.  When she was large enough, she settled in.  Wrapping her arms protectively around as she prepared for sleep, resting her chin on the top of Abigail’s head.

Eve’s breath tickled her neck.  And the witch badly needed a shower.  After a long night of sex, her body had the vaguely unpleasant, earthy smell of fresh mulch after a spring rain.

Abigail smiled, and made herself bear it.  She wanted to get used to casual discomforts like this, for Eve.  She hoped she’d have the chance.

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