Friday, July 19, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 40

Three Giantesses Have a Boundary Conversation Then Fuck in the Woods, Pt. 2

“Chloe.  Do like me.  Lift with your legs.”


“What are you two–”

Kayla rushed forward, and grabbed one of Abigail’s thighs.  An instant later, Chloe took the other.  Each of Abigail’s legs was far thicker than Chloe’s hips, and weighed as much as both girls combined.  But these weren’t your average ladies.  With shocking strength, they hoisted her legs onto their shoulders and lifted – forcing Abigail off-balancing, making her fall onto her back.

“You guys!” Abigail giggled.  “What the hell?”

Kayla tugged up Abigail floral sundress.  “Hey Chloe, look.  She’s wearing my panties.”

“Oh wow, that’s p-pretty naughty.  Did you, um, do that on purpose Abigail?”

“No?  No!  Eve picked them out!”

Abigail started to rise.  But Chloe was there.  Blushing brilliantly, the smaller woman put her foot on the center of Abigail’s chest.  Her quads flexed explosively as she stomped Abigail back to the ground.

Both her miniature friends were standing over her now.  Chloe, grinning with almost hysteric glee.  Kayla’s smile, playfully malevolent.

“Yeah,” Kayla said.  “It’s damn good, looking down on you again.  You’re gonna be a good girl and do what we say now, okay?  Oh!  I should’ve asked – are you okay being called a good girl?”

Abigail bit her lip, and nodded emphatically.  “Just don’t add ‘little.’”

“Deal.  Chloe.  Hold her down.”

Chirping excitedly, Chloe obeyed.  She climbed aboard, kneeling with all her weight on Abigail’s chest.  Her little hands shook with excitement as they pressed down against Abigail’s shoulders.

Chloe leaned in, until her lips brushed against Abigail’s ear.  “Please don’t move.”

Kayla was between her thighs now.  The woman twisted her fist in the elastic of Abigail’s panties.  “Lift your hips.”

Abigail did, and Kayla skillfully stripped her undies down to her ankles.  She inspected them for a moment, a bemused expression on her face – Abby could only imagine what she was thinking, looking at someone else wearing a pair of her own underpants that had swelled up to the size of a canvas shopping bag.  But then Kayla tossed them over her shoulder, and turned her attention to the place where Abigail’s legs came together instead.

“Hey what a surprise – you’re soaking wet.”

“I’ve been wet since I first saw you two,” Abigail grumbled.  “Back on campus.”

“Quit with the back-talk.”

Kayla’s bare foot came down against Abigail’s inner thigh, as though the woman was claiming her.  “This is my first time seeing you like this.  I’m gonna take a moment to appreciate it.  You’re really pretty down here, Abby.”

Abigail whimpered.

“Oh and yep, you just got even wetter.  Looks like someone’s got a praise kink.  Plus you clearly enjoy being watched.  Neat thing, about having a giant pussy?  It makes it really easy for me to tell when you’re excited.  Right now, your labia’s tightening up, and your clit’s getting a lot bigger.  You’re also turning a really gorgeous shade of red.  And you smell really nice, too.  Mind if I take a closer look?”

Abigail shook her head, and opened her legs wider.

She sensed, more than felt Kayla draw in.  Bringing her face down, near enough that she could feel the warmth of her breath against her pubic hair.

“How’s she doing up there ‘Klo?”

“She’s breathing hard.  Her pupils are really big, there’s goosebumps on her arms, and….”

“Perfect.  What happens when I do this?”

Something small and smooth tugged against her clitoral hood.  She felt a wisp of cool air, just before warm, wet lips pressed against the tiny bundle of nerves between her thighs.

“She squeezed her eyes shut.  I think she’s embarrassed that I’m watching her this close.  But she moaned really loud.”

“I heard that part.  If she keeps doing that, it’s going to attract an audience.  Chloe, keep her quiet.”

Chloe looked flustered.  She put her hand experimentally over Abigail’s mouth, found it was too small to cover her completely.  She shot a nervous look over her shoulder, clearly considering asking for help – but instead, took initiative to solve the problem on her own.

She put one hand on each side of Abigail's mouth, closed her eyes, and planted her tiny lips firmly over Abigail’s.  Quieting her moans with a kiss.

“Now,” Kayla said.  “I’m going to have a little fun down here.  I want to see all the ways you react when I touch you, and learn all about what my big new girlfriend enjoys.  Only, as much as I enjoy the sounds you make, you’re way too loud at this size.  We’re going to try non-verbal feedback.  If you like what’s happening, give me a thumbs up.  Thumbs down if I should do something different.  And if there’s a problem, I want you to tap the ground hard, three times.  Got it?”

Abigail gave her a thumbs up.

“Good girl.”

The words made her feel incredible.  Warm, and full, and somehow safe.  It felt almost as good as what Kayla did next.  It was hard to tell, but she thought the woman had slipped her entire hand inside Abigail’s sex.  It wasn’t quite big enough to fill her, but even so, Kayla went very, very slowly with her.  Giving her labia, hood, and clit gentle, random stimulation.  Planting tiny little kisses as she eased her way inside.

“You’re moaning,” Kayla snapped.  “Stop it.”

Abigail whimpered an apology.

“It’s okay.  Now.  I’m going to move, and I want you to track the motion of my hand.  What you’re going to do is, plant your feet on the ground.  Lift your hips using your lower abs, and engage your pelvic floor.  But don’t move Chloe – keep your chest completely still.  Got all that?”

Abigail considered, feeling overstimulated.  After a moment, she gave a tentative thumbs up.

“Just follow my hand.”

Kayla started to pull out.  Abigail followed, lifting her vulva toward the sky, trying to keep the woman as deep inside her as possible.  Higher and higher she went, until she could go no further.  Kayla gave her a few rewarding kisses, made her hold the position until Abigail began to shake with the effort.  Then very slowly, the tiny Dom led her down again.

Her ass had barely touched ground, before the woman made her raise again.

She could feel herself starting to sweat.  The muscles of her abs strained, her thighs trembled.  This was so hard, especially with Chloe to consider.  But Kayla kept rewarding her efforts, touching her more firmly when she succeeded, praising her this way.  It felt so fucking good.

“These are hip raises,” Kayla explained.  “Chloe drank the last of the muscle potion, so there’s none left for you.  You’re fucking beautiful Abby, don’t get me wrong.  But you’ve got a lot of work to do if you’re going to catch up with us in the bodybuilding department.  Everything still feeling good?”

Abigail gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.  Fighting for height again as Kayla pulled away.

“There’s another benefit, too.  I bet you’re feeling it already.  There’s a pressure inside, right?  Just beneath your belly button, getting stronger the more we do this?  Feel where that is, and keep pushing against it.”

Kayla led her through a half dozen more hip raises, massaging her clit all the while.  And the longer it went on, the more that pressure in her core continued to build.

Finally, at the top of an arc, Kayla’s hand stopped.  She gave her clitoris a final stroke, then thrust both hands inside her.  The smaller woman’s fingertips began to roughly massage Abigail’s g-spot.

It was so much.  The effort, the sensation.  It felt like she was going to explode.

“Here’s what you’re going to do,” Kayla growled.  “I’m going to count backward from ten.  As I do, you’re going to slowly, slowly, relax your way to the ground.  Don’t let your butt touch the dirt until we get to zero.”

“I can’t keep her quiet!” Chloe cried.

“Abigail!  You listen to me.  At zero?  I want to relax.  Let everything go.  Especially that pressure you’ve been squeezing against.  It’s going to release, and it’s going to feel strange, but you’re going to let it do what it wants.  Understood?”

Abigail grit her teeth, pumping her thumb over and over toward the sky.

“Ten.  Nine.  Eight.”

Chloe kissed her, staring into her open eyes.  Abigail’s whole body was shaking now.  Her abs were practically on fire.

“Seven.  Six.  Five.  Stay with me Abby, slow down.  Four.  …Three.”

She was already starting to relax.  That pressure inside felt like a wild animal, struggling to be free.

“Two.  One.  And.  Zero.  Relax, sweetie.  Don’t move a muscle, let everything go.”

For a moment, she felt nothing but exquisite relief.  Then the pressure overtook her.  Her orgasm was close – only a hair’s breadth away, as Kayla continued to aggressively stroke her g-spot.  But without being able to flex and push herself over the edge, she could only float in that state.  The desperate need to cum built, and built, until it became so great that it felt like an out-of-body experience.

At long last, the pressure burst like an exploding dam.  Abigail screamed, every muscle in her body involuntarily flexing.  A torrent of her excitement sprayed out, soaking the flood plain like a summer cloudburst.  It was unlike any orgasm she’d ever had.

It ebbed finally.  Feeling completely wrung out, her body went slack, and she lay panting in the mud she’d helped to create.  She had never squirted before, didn’t believe she was capable of it.  She was learning all sorts of things about herself this week.

Kayla stood over her, smirking.  “Good girl.”

The woman was soaked from head to toe.  With a playful grin, she wiped one hand over Chloe’s face and neck, spreading Abigail’s essence on her skin.  Then Kayla leaned down, and did the same to Abigail.  Without thinking, Abby opened her mouth, and took the woman’s whole hand inside, sucking her clean.  Tasting herself was another new experience.  It had always felt off-limits before, but the flavor was quite enjoyable.  The good-girl look on Kayla’s face practically made her swoon all over.

“So,” Kayla drawled.  “That was a warm-up.  Don’t worry, I won’t make you do anything so, ah, strenuous for the next part.  But you got way too loud there, sweet thing.  A big girl like you?  Your voice… carries.  So this time, we’re going to make it a training opportunity.  You’re going to learn to be completely, utterly silent.  Got it?”

Abigail thought about it.  Then tapped her hand on the ground three times in quick succession.

Kayla straightened, her theatrically dominant demeanor falling away at once.  “What’s up?”

“The speech restriction thing,” Abigail said.  “I had a bad experience with it lately.”

“Got it, I’ll remember that.  What would feel good instead?”

“Hm.  I said earlier I’ve been feeling exclusively top energy lately.  You’re a fucking amazing Domme, and I seriously want to take notes from you later.  But I’m tired of just lying on my back.  Is everyone okay if we change things up?”

“Absolutely,” Chloe said at once.  “Though please don’t ask me to co-top Kayla with you.  I think I’m at my limit for that today.”

“Got it.  Are you okay taking my orders instead?”

Chloe grinned.  “I’d like that.”

Abigail looked to Kayla.  “How are you feeling about this?  I have a couple thoughts about how it might go.  I don’t need to be in charge, if that feels bad to you.”

The muscular woman stroked her chin.  “I… have to admit I’m curious.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to being taller than you again – but it seems silly not to find out what you’re capable of at this size.”

Abigail raised an eyebrow.  “Meaning...?”

Kayla shook her head, and laughed.  “Meaning, I’m okay with letting you take the reins, and doing what you tell me.  As long as you don’t make me lie down and not do anything.  And it might take me a minute to feel submissive, after what I just did to you.  Can you help me make the transition?”

“Sure.  I have an idea for that.”

Abigail reached down, and lifted Chloe off her chest.  She was so small that her fingers could wrap most of the way around her waist, and she seemed to weigh about as much as an overstuffed pillow.  If Abigail had resisted her tiny friend’s attempts to hold her down, Chloe wouldn’t have stood a chance.  Seeing that realization dawn on the woman’s face was priceless.

She put Chloe down beside Kayla, and lifted herself onto her knees.  In this position, she utterly towered over her friends.  Neither girl’s head came much past her navel.  It was hard to remember that her two little friends were enormous in their own right.  But then, the signs were everywhere.  Both girls were taller than many of the trees that ringed the flood plains – though Abigail towered over all but the tallest ones in the forest.

Far off in the distance, she could see tiny city workers, trying to keep would-be oglers off the trail.  It was a Sisyphean task, and ultimately pointless.  There were towering condos all around the edges of the park, and many of the balconies were full of itty-bitty voyeurs, drinking in every detail of this encounter between goddesses.

It gave her such a thrill.  Being watched like this.  She imagined this was what it felt like in the moments before you were struck by lightning.  The potential.  The charge.

She inhaled deeply, accepting the energy – then looked full into Kayla’s face, channeling everything she felt into her gaze.  Saying with her eyes, the curl of her lips, the set of her shoulders, that Kayla belonged to her now.

“Hmmph,” Kayla said.  “Not bad.”

“Chloe, strip her for me.  Take your time about it.  And do not keep your hands to yourself.”

The two women looked at each other uncertainly.  A huge amount of information clearly passed between them without a word being spoken.  After a moment, Kayla gave the tiniest of nods.  Only then did Chloe obey.

She slipped behind her girlfriend and helped her remove her t-shirt.  The muscular woman wasn’t wearing a bra today, and Chloe immediately began to stroke her fingers over Kayla’s breasts.  Her hands moved in a very particular way – drawing a slow circle with the flat of her palm around Kayla’s pectorals, followed by a little pinch of her nipple, and three gentle tugs.  Kayla’s face softened, her eyes losing a bit of focus.  She didn’t make a sound, but it was clear Chloe had done something that immediately put her girlfriend into a much more submissive headspace.

She’d have to remember that move for later.

“Her jeans now,” Abigail ordered.

Chloe had to get on her knees to accomplish this.  Kayla obligingly stepped out of them, all the while maintaining eye contact with Abigail.

“I like watching you work, Chloe.  While you’re down on your knees, I want you to keep touching her.  Show me something else she likes.”

Chloe nodded, and thought for a moment.  Then she grinned, and softly planted her lips along the curve of Kayla’s waist, just below her ribs.

The woman flinched, giggling.

“Klo!  I’m ticklish!”

“I know.”  Chloe did it again.

“H-hey!  Come on now!”

“But you like it.”

Kayla twisted her hips, trying to get away.  “It’s… ha!  It’s embarrassing, though!”

Abigail laughed.  “Think of it as a test of endurance, Kayla.  Hold still, as long as you can.”

Kayla grimaced, then held her breath as Chloe continued to tickle her.  Little gasps and snorts escaped from between her tightened lips.

The sounds grew more intense, as Chloe’s touch became more intimate.

Chloe ran her mouth over the muscular woman’s thigh.  She wrapped an arm around Kayla’s waist, stroking her fingernails through the coarse length of her pubic hair.  Not quite touching her groin, but defining an area around it with her attention, tickling her all the while.  It was unorthodox, but Kayla was obviously enjoying every second of it.

Chloe seemed more certain of herself in this role.  Perhaps it was the familiarity with Kayla’s body, but Abigail had the sense there was more to it.  The exhibition Chloe put on felt like an initiation.  Or maybe it was closer to say, an invitation.  ‘This is someone I care for.  Here’s how she likes to be touched.  Would you like to touch her, too?’

Abigail allowed the show to go on for a while, enjoying the display, feeding off the energy of her two little friends.  But soon impatience got the best of her.

“Okay, my turn.”

Abigail pinched Chloe’s tiny wrist between her thumb and forefinger, helped her to her feet.  The girl yelped, and then giggled, as Abigail spun her around.  She pinned the smaller woman’s back against her groin, and made her face toward Kayla.

Carefully, Abigail began to strip her.

Kayla watched, her jaw set, hands clenching and unclenching as she waited for Abigail’s instruction.

“Um, can I like… help with that?” she said at last.

Abigail smirked down at the tiny woman.  She had Chloe down to her white cotton bra and panties now, and was idly running her enormous finger over the woman’s prodigious breasts.  From the sounds she made, Chloe was feeling sensitive today.

“For now,” Abigail purred.  “I want you to watch.  But I don’t expect you to be idle.  Chloe showed me a few ways you like to receive pleasure.  I want to see more.  Touch yourself for me, Kayla.  In whatever way feels best.”

Kayla blushed, but didn’t hesitate.  The naked woman bent at the knees, spreading her legs, flexing her thighs.  With one hand, she opened her lips.  Slowly at first, she allowed her first two fingers to stroke back and forth against her clit.  Pausing every so often to massage in rapid little ovals, getting rougher with herself all the time.

All the while, watching, as Abigail played with Chloe.

She had her friend’s panties down by her ankles now, but she was still struggling with her bra.  It was under a whole lot of tension, and the hooks were so tiny.  When at last she managed, the bra practically exploded from her chest.  Abigail massaged both the woman’s breasts with a single hand for a moment, then gently urged Chloe to the ground.  She helped her lay on her back in front of her, with her naked groin facing her girlfriend.

“Can I touch her?” Kayla panted.  “Like.  Please?”


Abigail lifted her sundress, and crawled forward on her knees, until Chloe lay perfectly between her thighs.  She gave her smaller friend a reassuring pat.  “I’m going to sit on your face, Klo.  Tap my leg if there’s a problem.”

Chloe nodded.  She was smiling so, so big, just before Abigail lowered herself onto the tiny woman.

Chloe didn’t waste any time.

And Abigail didn’t bother to stay quiet.  She leaned into the urge to be loud, made her voice theatrically sensual and over-the-top.  The sound echoed across the forest.  Chloe was moaning too.  Her tiny hips thrust in the air in an inviting arc, giving Kayla something to watch.  It was clear Chloe understood that part of the goal here was to get her girlfriend hot and bothered, and she was playing her part marvelously.

Kayla was almost at a fever pitch now.  Her hand blurred as she attacked her clit, her mouth open, her teeth showing.  Her hips subtly moved in time with Chloe’s.

“Am I allowed to cum?” she husked.

“No,” Abigail grunted.  “Go down on her.  Now.”

Kayla rushed forward to obey.

“But,” she added.  “Make sure you keep a good grip on her thighs.  I want you to hold on as if your life depended on it.”

The muscular little woman hesitated at these ominous words – but only for a fraction of a second.  Then she was between Chloe’s legs, kissing and lapping at her eagerly.  Her powerful arms tucked around Chloe’s quads, gripping them tight, like a frightened amusement park patron holding the safety bar on a roller coaster.

Abigail made her wait a little, before the ride began.  Chloe had her right at the precipice of another release, and now that Kayla was pleasuring Chloe too, the girl was extra-inspired.  Just before the orgasm took her, she looked to one of the condos across the street, and picked out one of the tiny folk watching her at random – a cute guy maybe in his thirties – and locked her gaze with him.  She shared the experience, just with him, as she came.

His expression of hopeless want gave her energy for what came next.

She bent forward and wrapped her fists around each of Kayla’s ankles – then effortlessly lifted the entire lower half of her body, spreading her legs.  Kayla held on desperately to Chloe, keeping her mouth locked between her girlfriend’s muscular thighs.  Abigail continued to lift her, until she could reach the tiny girl’s sex with her tongue.

There was an immediate chain reaction.  Kayla screamed, her face still buried in Chloe’s quim, and in turn Chloe howled with pleasure.  Abigail tightened her grip, flicking her tongue over the pea-sized bump of Kayla’s clitoris.  The girl struggled, instinctively trying to kick free, but really, she had no chance.  Abigail was relentless, showing no mercy, raining passion down upon her with an unbridled ferocity worthy of her size.  She didn’t pause for an instant, even as she felt Kayla’s body stiffen, and tasted the change in her as she climaxed.

She continued her assault for two full minutes.  By then Kayla’s cries had grown decidedly shrill, and Chloe seemed to be reaching the point of exhaustion as well.  Abigail was only partially satisfied – but then, her friends were a lot more delicate.

She relented.  She carefully lowered Kayla back to the ground, and set the two red-faced, spent little women side-by-side in the grass.  She lay down with them.

From the floor of the flood plain, only people in the tallest buildings could see them.  Abigail made a crescent shape with her body.  She shielded the two of them from view, letting the smaller women snuggle close as she protected them with her size.

“Everyone okay?” she asked softly.

Neither answered with words.  Kayla gave a satisfied little groan, and pressed herself against Abigail’s chest.  Chloe lifted her head, and gave Abby’s knee a weak little kiss.

They lay like that, as the afternoon wore on, and the sun sank toward the trees.  There was the low hum of insect life, and Abigail thanked her lucky stars that the three of them were too big for the mosquitos to bother.

There was another species of bug though, and its whine was annoying.  She was near to dozing by the time she heard it, and felt a deep resentment for whatever was making it.  It was clearly getting louder, too.

She blinked, recognizing it for what it was.  Helicopters.  Four at least.  And approaching fast.

“Get dressed.  Quick.”

They stirred, looking irritated, until they heard it too.

“Remember to stay behind me,” Abigail said, closing her hand around Eve’s charm.  “Don’t look at her.”

“Aye aye, captain.”  Kayla began to pull on her jeans.

“But we’re in this together,” Chloe added.  “Let us help.”

“I will.”

Mackenzie stepped past the tree line, heading right for them.

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