Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Eve's Boutique - Ch 33


Lily’s Lament

They were a happy little hive.  About twenty of them she reckoned, all buzzing about.  Each group had its own separate task.  Some swept away rubble, carrying it off in huge black contractor bags.  Others sculpted masonry, while still others installed a door in the newly-set frame.  That particular brood had to stop work now and then, as a long string of workers carried in furniture, placing it at her direction.

They were joyful in their work, but then, that was nothing new.  Worker bees always enjoyed buzzing around Lilith.  And she always made sure to reward them for their service, before it was inevitably time to swat them away.

“I really do appreciate you staying so late.  I know it’s an awful lot.  You’re doing such a good job.”

She watched the effect of her words.  The straightening of backs, the lightening of moods.  One of them even dared to catch her eye for a moment, smiling hopefully, before going back to his work.

That one.  The blonde, with the pretty eyes.  She’d marked him before.  She had something special up her sleeve for him.

All this cheerleading was getting exhausting, though.  She was getting bored, and that was rarely good news for anyone.  Lilith absently pulled out her phone again, and started scrolling.  Still nothing from Kayla – not surprising, the girl probably hadn’t found the note Lilith had left in her gym bag.  Mackenzie hadn’t texted either, but that was fine.  Her new size was a big responsibility.

What really stung was Eve.  Lilith despised being left on read.  The message Lilith had sent was only good-natured teasing, and trash talk was part of any good game.  Eve was such a cry-baby, though.  She probably took it too seriously.

Once again, Lilith considered dropping by the shop.  Just to say hello, alleviate tensions, get in a little friendly banter.  That, and to see if Eve had any food.  She could send one of her drones out to pick up something, but take-out got old after a while.

Though Lilith had the sneaking suspicion that if she went by the shop, she’d run into Abigail.  The new little duckling that was following Eve around.  That whole situation had a shelf-life – it always did.  Lilith was going to make sure their relationship ended up in the trash heap of history, before it had time to stink up the place.  In the meantime, she intended to keep as far away from it as possible.  If she had to watch those two making googly eyes at each other, she might as well save herself the trouble and puke right here.

She started typing.  Sketched out a rather witty taunt if she said so herself, something that would definitely make Eve respond.  She deleted it.  Wrote an apology instead, but it looked half-hearted and forced when she read it back.

Lilith sighed, and shut her phone.

Ugh, whatever.  She needed a smoke.  And a soak.

She spared a couple pleasantries for her work crew, told them where to find her.  That they should come get her when they finished, so she could reward each and every one of them.  Then she strolled down the long marble hallway, to visit her favorite feature of this house.

The spa.

It was a little ostentatious, but then, so was she.  A hyper-modern chamber of Earthly delights.  The sort of place a goddess of old might go to be worshiped, if they also happened to be a Vegas high-roller.  The underlighting around the hot tub was a bit much.  As were the neon signs behind the bar – fuck, this place had a lot of bars.  The fainting couches, the massage tables, the four-person sauna.  The previous occupants really knew how to live.

Pity about the accident.

She slipped into her bikini, fixed herself a drink, and climbed into the tub.  Then lay back, and let the jets work against her aching back.  God, what a day.  She deserved a treat after all her good behavior.

She was just about to light a cigarette, when she heard a tapping at the window.  A giant eye, peering in from the patio deck.

No rest for the wicked, apparently.

Lilith climbed dripping from the tub, and threw open the Tuscan doors.  There was Mackenzie, every last inch of her.  Looking gorgeous, and shy, and fucking enormous.

Not to mention naked as a jay bird.  Quite the view from down here.

“I was wondering if I’d see you tonight, ‘Zee.  I missed you.”

“Um.”  The giantess shifted, trying to protect her modesty.  “I had an incident.  About an hour ago.  Can you help me?”

“What sort of incident?”

“Promise you won’t get mad.”

Lilith curled her lips, walking the thin line between smile and snarl.


“Well.  Those clothes I was wearing today.  I guess they were a lot smaller when I woke up?  They grew with me because of something I got from that other witch.  And I guess it wore off at midnight.  Everybody saw.”

Lilith leaned against the door.  “Pity.  It was a cute outfit.  The skinny jeans really showed off your ass.  You’ve got a great ass, by the way.”

Mackenzie blushed.  “T-thanks, Lilith.  Only, now I don’t have anything to wear.  I don’t suppose you could….”  The giant girl made a vague motion with her hand.  The universal symbol for, ‘do a magic.’

“Why would you want to cover any of this magnificence, ‘Zee?  You’re a goddess now.  You don’t have to play by any rules but your own.  If you want to walk around butt-ass naked, that’s just another reason for the rest of the world to be grateful.”

Mackenzie’s nose had a cute way of scrunching up whenever Lilith tossed her a moral dilemma like this.  “It’s chilly out, though.  Especially.  Up there.”

The witch laughed.  “You better come inside then, and let me warm you up.”


Lilith grinned up at the girl.  She spread her arms wide, setting her hands at the edges of the doorframe.  Then she began to grow.  Her bikini went taut, elastic stretching, before it snapped like an overstressed rubber band.  And as she grew, she bludgeoned the room larger by sheer force of will.

It really was trivial magic.  The universe was supposed to obey her whims.  She just had to remind it sometimes.

Mackenzie watched in amazement as Lilith swelled bigger.  In only a few seconds the door was big enough to allow her giant guest to enter, but Lilith was in a mood.  She didn’t stop when the fifty-foot girl could crawl inside.  Or even when she could walk through, pretty as she pleased.

She’d been playing nice all day.  It was time someone was beneath her.

Lilith wasn’t good about measuring these things.  She guessed she was somewhere in the range of one hundred feet, when she decided Mackenzie’s look of worshipful awe had landed at the right tone.  She finally stepped back, and waved the smaller giant through the door, into her sanctum.

The change in Mackenzie’s body language was striking, as she stepped into the massive room.  Whatever confidence she’d gained during her day playing goddess drained away in an instant.  She looked… well, scared.

As dispositions for her playthings went, this was perhaps one of Lilith’s favorites.  She decided to lean into it.

Lilith grabbed ahold of her dazzled little protégé as the girl walked past, and easily scooped her up under one arm.  Mackenzie yelped and kicked as Lilith carried her unceremoniously across the room.  Without a word, she tossed the half-sized giantess into the foaming water, and grinned evilly as she went under.  She came up a moment later, coughing and sputtering.

Lilith leaned over the tub, smiling darkly.  “There.  You said you were cold.  Now you’re not.  Right, little pet?”

The diminutive term affected Mackenzie as though the girl was a finely tuned instrument.  Immediately her face went slack, and a doe-like look came into her eyes.  Becoming her ‘little pet,’ in every way.

“Thank you, Lilith.”

“And I hope you don’t mind feeling small for now.  You’re still big, I promise.  Just.  I’m a whole lot bigger.  See, I’ve got a couple things I need to work out – on the way to giving you that reward I promised.”

“Oh!  Not at all!  Whatever you like, Mistress.”  Mackenzie swam eagerly to the edge of the tub.  Lifted herself a little, spread out.  Making her body available for Lilith’s attention.

“I knew you’d see the appeal of being small for me.”  Lilith allowed her fingertip to stroke over the little woman.  Starting at her hairline.  Moving down.

Mackenzie cooed.  “It’s really nice, actually.  I almost forgot what it was like to look up at someone.  There aren’t many people who can make me do that anymore.”

Lilith pressed her finger against the soft indent of the tiny girl’s throat.  “Not many bigger folks at all.  Just your one and only Mistress.”

Mackenzie grinned stupidly as her eyes rolled back in her head.

“Just you,” the little thing panted.  “And Abigail.”

Something hot flared at Lilith’s temple.

“Beg pardon?” she asked sweetly.

The tiny girl blinked, looking confused.  “The only people bigger than me.  You of course, you can be however big you want.  And Abigail, well….”

“Is bigger.  Than you.”

“Is everything okay, Lily?”

Lilith’s hand whipped out reptile-quick, grabbing the woman.  Taking her by the underside of the chin, the way you’d hold a dog if you were about to force it to swallow something bitter.

“You don’t call me that name,” she snarled into the frightened woman’s face.  “You call me Lilith, or ma’am, or if you continue to be very lucky, Mistress.  You never, ever, call me Lily.  Do you understand?”

Mackenzie nodded in terror.

With a negligent shove, she pushed the half-sized woman back into deep water.  Watched her struggle in the current.

“Good girl.”

“Lilith… ma’am!  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

“Oh, I’m not angry.  I’m focused.  Tell you what.  Stay here for a minute.  Relax.  I’m going to go check on something.”

Lilith reminded the room that it belonged to her, that it better damn well not reshape itself just because she was leaving.  Then stepped into the marble hall beyond, changing herself to accommodate the tiny space as she went.

She stood for a moment in the dark, breathing hard.  When she punched the wall, the first thing she felt was disappointment.  It left a basketball-sized chunk missing, but the marble was only a two-inch veneer.  Beneath it there was just drywall, and the shattered fragments of the stud she’d pierced.

The falling stone made a satisfying sound on the tile, though.

Okay.  Abigail was bigger.  Big fucking deal, she could fix that.  The problem was, if Mackenzie could sense it, and Lilith couldn’t, with all her particular gifts… it said a lot about how she got bigger.  It said even more about how far Abigail’s infestation had been allowed to spread.

This was a fucking disaster.  Eve was in way over her head.  Again.  And when it all went wrong, where would that leave Lilith?  Picking up the pieces.  Again.  Just a shoulder to cry on, and before the tears were even dry, Eve would be off, throwing her fool heart at the next undeserving little sob story.

Only, Lilith had a suspicion this might be the worst one yet.

Abigail.  There wasn’t a curse strong enough for that name.  She’d have to invent one.

Fuck this.  Eve wanted to escalate?  Fine.  If there was one thing Lilith knew, it was retaliation in kind.   It required harsh action, and that was regrettable.  But make no mistake, when this was over, Eve would learn her lesson.

Lilith took a deep breath, centering herself.  This was a tomorrow-problem.  What did she need, right now?

She strode back to the main hall, exaggerating the swagger of her hips.  Her drones all stood at attention the moment they caught sight.

“You.”  She pointed at the cute one, the blonde.  “Follow me.”

“Miss,” one of the others said hesitantly.  “There’s a situation out front.”

“Handle it.”

The hive looked upset.

Lilith groaned at the top of her voice, and went outside.

There were rather a lot of them, gathered out in front of her gate.  Several hundred at least, screaming and waving like fans waiting for autographs after a concert.  Mackenzie had quite the enthusiastic following, it seemed.  

Well wasn’t this a nice surprise – Mackenzie she did listen when she talked.  And this many, in one day?  Maybe she’d underestimated the girl.  In addition to being a lovely tool, she might even make a decent apprentice.

Not only that.  It gave her an idea.

She approached the crowd, standing on her side of the iron fence as the throng pressed itself forward.  The gate wasn’t locked, but even in their frenzy they all knew better than to cross her threshold without permission.  She began to pick volunteers.  A tall skinny girl in her twenties.  A dad-type with a salt and pepper beard.  A busty woman with bubble-gum pink hair.  Not thinking much about her choices, sticking with intuition.

Her little entourage selected, she politely asked the rest to leave.

In moments, the street was deserted.

They followed her, single-file, back through the house.  Thirteen in total, with the blonde one closest at heel.  There were a few excited whispers between them, but most remained silent and respectful.

Lilith led the way to the spa.  The party followed her, as it always did.  As she passed through the door, she blinked back to her rightful immensity.  In an instant, going from one of the shortest in her little group, to the ten-story behemoth that was her chosen form for tonight.

Lilith allowed her control to slip, as she glared down from on high.  Letting them have free will, for the first time since they’ve laid eyes upon Mackenzie’s Glamour.  She was gratified to see she’d picked well.  Not one of them tried to run.

Not that there was anywhere to go.  Still.

“You’ve about to be granted an honor,” she told them.  “Strip.”

There was some hesitancy.  A little fear.  Especially from blondie-boy.  But these were good little toys.  Ultimately, even with the burden of choice, they all wanted to do her bidding.

They stripped.

She praised them, and told them to follow.

“Who are you talking to, Mistress?”  Mackenzie was clinging to the edge of the too-large hot tub, looking curious.

“Your reward.  Mine too.  Get out of the bath, girl.  Don’t bother drying off.”

She led them to the back of the room.  Mackenzie, naked and dripping on the floor.  The little ones, running to keeping up.

The sauna was already hot.  She held the door for them.  The threshold had a small lip, and her toys helped each other over it, none wanting to be left behind.

“They’ve been following you around all day,” Lilith explained.  “Hoping to be noticed, to have a chance to serve.  When the moment comes, always remember to acknowledge them.  It’s important they know they’re appreciated, before you take what they offer.”

The little giantess lowered herself to one knee, suddenly in her element.  Smiling like a prom queen, waving at the crowd below.  “Hey little folks!  I do so appreciate your devotion.  We’re going to spend a little quality time together, okay?  And… oh!  Lou!  Hi!  Good seeing you sweetie!  That’s Luis, he’s my Thursday evening.  And… Angela?  Or was it Angie?  Sorry I can’t remember your name, dear.  I do remember your tongue.”

Lilith smirked.  God, she loved a coincidence.

She strolled behind Mackenzie while the girl was still performing her duties.  Bent low.  And slipped her palm between the smaller woman’s legs.  The girl was already soaked.  Of course she was – adoration was the best fucking aphrodisiac she knew.

Mackenzie’s breath shuddered as Lilith touched her.  A low moan escaped from the smaller woman’s throat, as the crowd watched their goddess receive pleasure from a still greater power.

“I’m going to get you off, sweetie.  Just once.  And then, the rest of your reward for tonight is up to them.  I need to be worshiped too, you know.  All you little toys better pay attention.  I want you to watch how it’s done.”

She used magic for this.  Only a little.  Just enough to ensure the orgasm that ripped through Mackenzie would be the best of the evening.  Removing any doubt of who was on top.  And enough to guarantee the girl would squirt, really, really hard.  Pyrotechnics like that were impressive for an audience this size, especially when they were in the splash zone.  It was a good way to anoint them into their new life of service.

In the aftermath, she helped her wobbly-kneed partner onto the sauna bench, and picked out toys for her.  Lilith gave her almost half – wildly generous, considering she was twice her size – making sure to include Luis and what’s-her-name among their number.  For herself, she took the remaining six, and added her lucky number, the blonde one.

Lilith lay down with her head at the corner of the sauna bench, positioning herself shoulder-to-shoulder with her little goddess-in-training.  She snuggled close, and set the tiny ones to work.  Most of them, she allowed to explore as they pleased.  Blondie though?  Belonged between her thighs.  Her clit was bigger than his head, and very much in need of a good, diligent workman.

She took Mackenzie by the hand.  Squeezed.  And let all her worldly cares drift away.  The scent of two giant women being properly worshiped filled the room – sweat, and ecstasy, and relief.  It was a casual thing, this sort of worship.  Pleasant, but not Earth-shattering.  Even working together, none of them was big enough to accomplish a release that approached the spectacular one to which she’d treated Mackenzie.  But there were pleasures here other than the purely physical.

“They tickle,” Mackenzie whimpered.  Biting her lip, trying not to laugh.

“Take big deep breaths,” Lilith advised.  “It’s an acquired taste, but trust me – you better get used to it.  Big girls like me may not always be around.”

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